To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses

Monday, December 12, 2011

Last Monday before Winter Break!

Block A: Today we discussed the questions for 1.1-1.5 of Macbeth and we finished reading the rest of the act. Then we began watching the first act of the movie version - which we will finish up tomorrow.

Block C:  Today we had a quiz on Act 2 of The Tempest, we read Act 3 and started the discussion questions from the overhead.  Here are the questions:

1.  What is Prospero's goal in letting Miranda and Ferdinand get to know each other? What will Prospero gain by the arrangement?

2.  What plan does Caliban suggest for killing Prospero? What earlier scene does this echo?

3.  What terrible realization does Alonso have at the end of Act 3 about his conduct toward Prospero and what he believes to be Ferdinand's fate? What does he decide to do? How is nature involved in his realization?

4.  Caliban's speech that begins, "Be not afeared..." (3.2.130-138) is one of the best known in the play. Paraphrase the speech. Then evaluate it for what it reveals about Caliban as a character in the play and as poetry.

Block D:  Today we wrote a quiz on Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet, then we continued reading Act 2. We will finish it up tomorrow and start working on the Act 2 study guide.

1 comment:

Wallowing Wednesday!

Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...