To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thoroughly Thursday!

Blocks A&D: We will continue working on the poetic devices scavenger hunt in class tomorrow. Consider this the review for the quiz on Monday!

Block B: The assisted notes on the plot section of your duo-tang is due on Monday. We'll continue our intro to short stories tomorrow - no homework tonight!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Windup Wednesday

Blocks A&D: If you did not finish the 4 poetry charts and the theme statements for each poem - please do so for homework tonight!

Block B: Great job on the presentations this week! I'm so looking forward to reading your poetry projects as well! There is no homework tonight!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

School Spirit Tuesday!

Blocks A&D: For homework tonight, please read, annotate, and clearly label figurative or poetic devices in the 4 poems I handed out in class. Please do not go on to step 3 or 4, just complete steps 1 and 2 tonight.

Block B: We will finish up the last of the presentations tomorrow. I will be collecting the poetry project first thing - so please make sure it is all complete and ready to hand in.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Melodious Monday!

Blocks A&D: Keep working on your fear poems!!! The good copy (typed or in pen) is due tomorrow - check the criteria sheet to make sure that you have included all aspects of the assignment.

Block B: Presentations continue tomorrow!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Think about Thursday:

Blocks A&D: The rough draft of your fear poem is due on Monday. You must follow the structure of your chosen form - and try to incorporate a beat as well. Make sure you have a hard copy in class as you will need to workshop your poem with classmates.

Block B: Poetry presentations start Monday! Please email me a copy of your presentation on Monday - as there will be a lottery draw for the order of presentations. Good luck!

MLA Info

Sorry grade 12s! I forgot to include the slides yesterday - so here they are.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Washed-Out Wednesday!

Blocks A&D: Great work on at the poetry stations today! It was great to see you working so hard to pick apart this poem. No homework tonight!

Block B: Eye on the prize! You've got a lot of work to do - I hope that you are focused and organized!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Torrential Tuesday!

Blocks A&D: A lot of great discussion and insight from the documentary today! If you didn't finish the post-movie reflection, please hand that in tomorrow. We will continue watching and judging some clips of performers at the start of class.

Block B: There will be another work block tomorrow for your projects - presentations start on Monday, your duo-tang (Love That Dog) projects are due on Wednesday.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Meteoritical Monday!

Blocks A&D: I hope that you are enjoying the documentary! We will finish up tomorrow and then discuss the qualities of what makes a great performance. There is no homework tonight.

Block B: You have now signed up for your oral analysis presentation - you will have this week to prepare. Keep in mind the guidelines I set up for you today when starting to organize your presentations, which start on Monday November 27th.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Fabulous Friday!

Blocks A&D: GREAT WORK ON YOUR PROJECTS!!!! I'm so very proud of your hard work and creative thinking. A lot of very interesting interpretations of the case - and a nice variety of presentation formats. There is no homework this weekend!

Block B: I hope you enjoyed Grad Skate today! If you have not yet finished annotating your poem and your TP-CASTT please complete that for homework for Monday.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thoughts on Thursday:

Blocks A&D: Presentations are tomorrow! Make sure you have back ups to your back up plan! Read through all components to make sure that you have everything on the criteria checked off.

Block B: You got a good start on the practice TP-CASTT today in class - because many of you will have a shortened block due to grade skate - you can have some extra time in class to complete your practice and then hand it in on Monday with your fully annotated poem. Bring your duo-tang poetry project to class tomorrow to continue working on it.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Walkabout Wednesday!

Blocks A&D: Tomorrow is your LAST day to work on your "Serial" media projects! Presentations start on Friday!

Block B: If you received some feedback today on your anonymous poem - please make some adjustments and talk to me about it tomorrow before it goes up in the school.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tell us about Tuesday:

Blocks A&D: Keep up the momentum! Hopefully your projects are starting to take shape now! We'll keep working on these tomorrow in class.

Block B: I will be checking your anonymous and concrete poems in class tomorrow - concrete poems will go up on the wall and your anonymous poem's will be posted somewhere in the school.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Lest We Forget

Blocks A&D: Some interesting proposals for project ideas out there! Keep working hard and I will check back in with you on Tuesday!

Block B: You will have extra time this weekend to finish your contrast tasks I & II. You will also get until Wednesday to hand in your concrete and anonymous poems for approval. Keep up the great work poets!

Thermic Thursday!

Blocks A&D: Keep working to finish the episodes and complete your Listening Checks! Your presentation plan is due to me for approval before the end of class tomorrow - so you should be working together to formulate the basics of your case.

Block B: There will be time in class tomorrow to continue working on the contrast tasks if you did not finish them in class today. Don't forget to study for the quiz on figurative comparison tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wavering Wednesday!

Blocks A&D: Keep listening to the remaining episodes of "Serial" the Listening Checks are not due until the end of the project - but you absolutely need them to complete your case - so try and get those done fairly quickly!

Block B: In class today we looked at figurative comparison and the role it plays to enrich our understanding of the literal meaning of the text. Make sure you are keeping track of your terminology as there will be a quiz on the terms presented on Friday!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Trusty Tuesday!

Blocks A&D: We'll continue working on your final "Serial" project in class tomorrow - where you can start to listen to the rest of the episodes!

Block B: In class today you wrote a quiz on sound devices and spent the rest of the block working on your poetry project. Keep in mind that you need to hand in your anonymous poem and concrete poems to me by Nov. 14th.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Mammoth Monday!

Blocks A&D: If you did not finish the double-sided "Media Text" research sheet - please do so for homework tonight - I will be collecting it.

Block B: Study the sound terminology from class on Friday - as there will be a quiz tomorrow!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Formidable Friday!

Blocks A&D: Thank you for handing in your sociograms today - they look great! If you did not finish the Evaluating Evidence worksheet in class today - please complete it for homework over the weekend - we'll discuss on Monday.

Block B: There is no official homework this weekend - if you need to finish up the glossary terms for sound - you may want to spend some time on that - as there will be a quiz on Tuesday!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thematic Thursday!

Blocks A&D: The good copy of your Sociogram is due tomorrow!

Block B: Please complete your form and meaning task tonight for homework. Choose two poems - one happy and one sad - and write a response to the relationship between the form and meaning. I'll be collecting this at the start of class. We will also have a quiz on the types of poems - so study those terms from class yesterday.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Winsome Wednesday!

Blocks A&D: Good work today on your ongoing Sociogram projects! You worked so hard, and were so focused that I am going to give you an extra work block tomorrow and your project will now be due on Friday. Use the extra time well!

Block B: There is going to be a quiz on Friday based on the types of poems that we learned about today. Here are the slides from today's lesson for review. If you did not finish your elegy, ode or sonnet in class today - please complete your minimum 14 line poem for homework tonight!

Wallowing Wednesday!

Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...