To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Take That, Tuesday!

Block B: We continued practicing parts of a paragraph today - with a paragraph in strips, then putting together sample paragraphs from the worksheet. Almost everyone completed their practice paragraph - so there should be no homework! Have a great time at camp - and see you on Monday!

Block C: Finish your reading and sticky notes for tomorrow. You should be thinking and planning your verbal visual essays - I know it seems like they are not due for awhile - but time flies!

Block D: The deadline is here - hand in all three parts of your final project - plot line, creative task, and literary analysis. Make sure you have an outline, rough draft and a double-spaced good copy along with the criteria sheet tomorrow.

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Wallowing Wednesday!

Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...