To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Terrific Tuesday!

Block A: Last work block for your final novel study "experience" presentation tomorrow. Make sure you utilize your time well!! Presentations start on Thursday!

Block B: Interesting discussion on stereotypes today - hopefully you were able to evaluate some of your own thoughts around what stereotypes are and how we can combat them.

Block D: Today was all about generating ideas and discussions around the central theme of our novel study exploration: What is the individual's place in society? For homework tonight, please complete a journal reflection on the lesson today. In your half a page minimum response please answer the following questions:

  • Who are you as an individual?
  • What societies do you believe you are a part of?
  • What responsibilities do you, the individual, owe to your societies?

Your response does not have to be in three separate paragraphs, rather use the unit theme as a jumping off point for your reflection. You may include discussion of the videos or characters we discussed in class today.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Mega Monday!

Block A: Today we started our final novel "experience" presentation project in our novel study groups. You will get 2 more days for work blocks, and presentations will start on Thursday!

Block B: If you didn't finish your deconstructing Disney handout for Aladdin today in class - please make sure that it is finished for tomorrow - we are going to debrief it together in class.

Block D: Great work to all presenters! In class today you made your top 3 novel choices - we shall start the intro to this unit tomorrow in class. Tonight: No homework!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Fabulous Friday!

Block A: Today was your opportunity to finish up any group work not done yesterday, in addition I asked you to complete a reflection on your experience in literature circles this term. If you finished up the questions in class then you are free and clear of homework this weekend :)

Block B: Deconstructing stereotypes in a Disney movie will continue on Monday - great discussions once again! There are a few of you who have STILL not handed in your final project for the novel study - let's do that ok? Thanks.

Block D: Very much enjoying the visual poetry presentations so far! We continue on Monday - but this weekend has no homework :)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thoughts on Thursday:

Block A: There will be extra time tomorrow for groups who didn't finish their discussions. Don't forget that your last set of journals is due tomorrow!!

Block B: Wonderful discussion today on propaganda - no homework :)

Block D: Critiques are done! Presentations start tomorrow - I am so excited to see what you have created!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday:

Block A: Today you got some extra time to finish up the central conflict discussion from yesterday. Also you were given time to talk about your personal responses in your journals. Make sure that you summarize the discussion and demonstrate how the discussion has extended your thinking beyond your original response. Journals will be handed in on Friday - but make sure to finish your novel for tomorrow's meeting!!

Block B: Thanks for handing in your three paragraphs on target audience - no homework tonight! Unless.... You haven't handed in your finals Last Sam's Cage project!!!

Block D: Extra time tomorrow to finish your poetry critique. Done already? You will get a work block for your visual poetry project. Presentations start on Friday!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Take-away Tuesday:

Block A: Good work on your second last group discussions today. You'll get extra time in class to finish up. Make sure you have your 2 quotes, and 2 personal responses done for group discussion tomorrow.

Block B: If you were unhappy with the choice of magazines and ads today in class - feel free to bring your own from home tonight. We will be working on the three target audience paragraphs in class tomorrow.

Block D: Keep working on your visual poetry projects! Presentations start on Friday. We write our poetry critiques in class tomorrow. Bring your point-form outline and annotated poem to class tomorrow. Make sure it is all within the expectations of the assignment sheet! Make sure you understand the theme!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Wonderfully Sunny Monday!

Block A: Fabulous class today - great levels of concentration! Please make sure your reading and sticky notes are complete for the meeting tomorrow. Your 2 quotes and 2 personal responses are due on Wednesday for group discussion.

Block B: Awesome start to our media unit today - lots of very intriguing discussion on our lives and how media impacts us. We didn't get a chance to finish our look at all of the ads - so we'll do that tomorrow.

Block D: Continue working on your visual poetry project - presentations start on Friday. Today you chose your poem to annotate and write your poetry critique on. Resist the temptation to look up your poem online and read interpretations already written. I am not interested in the words of others - just yours! You will have all class tomorrow to work on your annotation and critique outline. Remember that the outline MUST be in point form. You may use a full sentence for your thesis and that is it.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thoughts on Thursday:

Block A: Great work on symbolism today in your group discussions! If you need extra time to complete your tasks - you can have some time on Monday. Start thinking about your next set of journals. You need to have 2 quotes and 2 personal responses done for group discussion on Wednesday. But no official homework this weekend!

Block B: If you didn't complete your Last Sam's Cage final project - please make sure to hand it in on Monday. We'll be starting a new unit - so get ready to switch things up!

Block D: Now that the quiz is out of the way - it is time to focus on the Poetry Visual Project. Presentations start on Thursday - make sure you are prepared!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tasks on Tuesday:

Block A: Your journals are due tomorrow! Make sure you have your 2 quotes, 2 personal responses and 2 group responses ready to hand in at the beginning of class.

Block B: Work on final projects continues tomorrow!

Block D: We will continue working on our visual poetry projects in class tomorrow - come prepared to research your poem/poet.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mega Monday:

Block A: There should be zero confusion about what is due for tomorrow: you must read and complete your sticky notes, and you may or may not get time to complete your group discussions for journals.

Block B: Part 2 - creative task - you should have your idea set and your plan for completion done. Approval pending!

Block D: Mull over the lesson today - no homework :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

First-rate Friday!

Block A: I was SO impressed by the level of focus and concentration in your first lit circle meeting!!! Way to go everyone!!! On Monday please have your 2 quotes, and 2 personal responses (150-200 words each) ready to share with your group.

Block B: Keep working on those rough drafts!

Block D: So much fun with poetry already!!! Don't forget that the double-spaced good copy of your essay is due on Monday!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Think Sunny Thoughts Thursday:

Block A: Wow - you could hear a pin-drop in our class today!!! What amazing focus on your novels. For homework tonight make sure you have completed the reading and your minimum of 4 sticky notes per chapter to prepare for the group meeting tomorrow. You should be thinking about your first set of journals as well - they are not due until the 17th - but it is important to get a head start so you don't fall behind.

Block B: We are working our way through this final writing assignment. Lots of good questions today about your outlines and drafts. We expect that you have at least a start on your rough draft for class tomorrow as we are going be in the library typing up the good copy.

Block D: The double-spaced good copy of your essay is due on Monday. Please take into consideration the thoughtful feedback from your editor in class today. Complete the yellow self-evaluation before you hand in your essay on Monday. We start poetry tomorrow - and I hope you are as excited as I am - because I LOVE POETRY!!!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Work for Wednesday:

Block A: Today was the first day of our novel study - you were assigned your book - and together with your group you made your reading goals. You will be responsible for completing your reading plus 4 sticky notes per chapter by the meeting dates outlined on the schedule.

Block B: If you didn't get your outline approved by myself or Ms. White today - make sure it is completed for homework tonight.

Block D: Work continues on the essay. Tonight is self-editing (if you didn't finish in class) tomorrow we peer edit!

MLA In-text Citation Guide

Use this handout to help you format your citations within your essay.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tasks on Tuesday:

Block A: Great work on the reading strategies! Today I introduced the 7 different novels for our Identity, Isolation and Survival novel study. You made your top 3 choices and I will reveal your group tomorrow. We started practicing the reading strategies using sticky notes and the short story "The Sniper" we didn't have a chance to finish in class - but we will do so together tomorrow. No homework tonight :)

Block B: The final project was assigned today. There are 2 parts, but we are only working on the first right now. By the end of class tomorrow it is expected that you will have had your outline complete and have shared it with either myself or Ms. White for approval.

Block D: Not everyone is going to be finished their rough draft for class tomorrow. I will give you some time in class to complete it - and we will move on to self-editing as well.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Mostly Monday!

Block A: Thank you all very much for completing and handing in your short stories, I look forward to reading them! Today in class we started thinking about three big ideas: identity, isolation and survival. These will be the big topics that encompass our novel study. I will give you your novel choices tomorrow, for tonight - no homework :)

Block B: We finished the novel! There was certainly a great level of concentration in today's class, as you worked on your final reflections for the novel. If you didn't get a chance to finish the questions in class - you will get time at the beginning of class tomorrow to finish them up.

Block D: Today we got started on the rough draft of your essays. The draft must be double-spaced and written by hand. No typed drafts will be accepted. Make sure you are following the rules of integrating your quotations as smoothly as possible, use signal phrases and parenthetical citations. The rough draft is due on class on Wednesday for self editing.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Fun-times Friday!

Block A: Today was peer editing today - your double-spaced good copy is due on Monday - make sure you have ALL components in class and ready to hand in.

Block B: We are almost done! Today was a work block to get the questions done for chapters 17&18 - we will finish the book on Monday.

Block D: Phew - busy class today! Great work attempting to pull together your outline. Today we focused on smoothly integrating quotes into our work following the MLA format. Keep that pink sheet handy - and use it as a reference going forward. Outlines are due on Monday!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thoughts on Thursday:

A note to ALL classes marks cut off is tomorrow - so make sure to get in any and all missing work!

Block A: Great work on the self-editing today - re-reading with a critical eye on one's own writing is a very important skill to have. We will complete the peer editing process tomorrow.

Block B: A lot of great discussion today about Eddie's choices so far. Really loved the diversity of opinions and the critical thinking taking place! There will be time in class tomorrow to complete the questions for chapters 17 and 18.

Block D: Why are thesis statements so hard to write?! Enjoyed reading your essay proposals in class today. Tonight: print off and bring your 3 reputable sources that you intend to use in your essay. Make sure that you have all publication information recorded as per the green handout. Also, if you didn't get your thesis approved, I will do so first thing tomorrow. The completed outline is due on Monday.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday:

Block A: Great work on your rough drafts today! A double-spaced copy is due tomorrow :)

Block B: We didn't get through all of the reading today - so we will finish up the 2 chapters and work on the questions in class tomorrow.

Block D: Our essay unit just keeps rolling along! Today we completed thesis practice, and started to design our own essay topics. Due for homework tonight is the brainstorm (follow the instructions on the overhead) and the proposal (dito).

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Together Again Tuesday!

Welcome back everyone! I know it was a bit of a shock to the system this morning, but here we are back at it again!

Block A: I will give you time tomorrow to continue your rough draft - make sure it is double-spaced - the draft will tentatively be due on Thursday - but we will see how tomorrow goes, and what your progress is.

Block B: Today we completed the first classification journal of the week, and read chapters 15&16 of our novel. There was some time in class to complete the questions, but if you didn't finish, you will get time in class tomorrow.

Block D: Today we started the essay writing unit - and dove right in with some sentence and transition practice. For tomorrow you need to design THREE different essay topics - they should follow the 4S's from the notes today: Single, Specific, Supportable, and Significant. Make them interesting and original - no over used topics acceptable.

Wallowing Wednesday!

Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...