Block B: A lot interesting insights into Murderball thank you for all of your contributions. We will wrap up this discussion on Monday - there is no homework this weekend!
Block C: I will be checking the outline of the "Harrison Bergeron" paragraph on Monday - focus and clarity! Here is the paragraph topic - just in case you left your outline at school:
Block D: If you did not finish your chart on Connotation, Symbolism and Stereotypes - it should look something like this:
Also due on Monday is the opinion paragraph - not too long just 8-12 sentences - focus on all the good things about writing. Because I am interested in your personal opinion on this topic, you do not need to follow the literary analysis guidelines. Here are the topics to choose from:
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Work on a Wednesday:
Block B: Great work on making inferences today - we will continue and hopefully finish Murderball tomorrow.
Block C: I hope that the questions and small group discussion helped you to formulate some new understanding of the story - for homework tonight complete the character attribute web and the story elements chart if not done yesterday. Here is the slide explaining the parts of the web.
Block D: Today we had some time in class to complete the plot summary for "Boys and Girls" if you did not finish up in class - please do so for homework. We also had a chance to talk in small groups about the story and answer some discussion questions. We'll share our responses tomorrow. Here is the link to the full text version of "Boys and Girls"
Block C: I hope that the questions and small group discussion helped you to formulate some new understanding of the story - for homework tonight complete the character attribute web and the story elements chart if not done yesterday. Here is the slide explaining the parts of the web.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
As the Snow Melts Tuesday!
Block B: We started watching the documentary Murderball in class today - do the best that you can to fill out the chart as we watch. Viewing continues tomorrow.
Block C: We read "Harrison Bergeron" in class today - I know it is kind of a confusing story - hopefully our discussion over the next couple of days will help to clarify things... You should have completed the story elements chart in class today - if not - then please do so tonight. The double-spaced good copy of your conflict paragraph is due tomorrow. Make sure you hand in the rough draft, peer editing sheet, and outline.
Block D: I know it was a long one - but we read "Boys and Girls" in class today - I will give you some time in class tomorrow to work on the plot summary for this story. The double-spaced good copy of your "A&P" character paragraph is due tomorrow. Make sure you hand in the rough draft, peer editing sheet, and outline.
Block C: We read "Harrison Bergeron" in class today - I know it is kind of a confusing story - hopefully our discussion over the next couple of days will help to clarify things... You should have completed the story elements chart in class today - if not - then please do so tonight. The double-spaced good copy of your conflict paragraph is due tomorrow. Make sure you hand in the rough draft, peer editing sheet, and outline.
Block D: I know it was a long one - but we read "Boys and Girls" in class today - I will give you some time in class tomorrow to work on the plot summary for this story. The double-spaced good copy of your "A&P" character paragraph is due tomorrow. Make sure you hand in the rough draft, peer editing sheet, and outline.
Monday, February 24, 2014
More Snow on a Monday?!
Block B: Thank you to all who handed in your Visual essays today - those need to get in ASAP! We will continue with our discussion of "normal" tomorrow - a lot of interesting, critical thinking in class today!
Block C: Excellent discussion on equality today! Hopefully you were able to receive some good feedback on the rough draft of your "Brother Dear" paragraph. The double-spaced good copy is due on Wednesday - make sure it is typed or written in pen please!
Block D: There was time today in class that allowed you to work with a peer editor on your "A&P" paragraph. Use the feedback provided to improve your paragraph and hand it in on Wednesday - with all components - of the the outline, rough draft peer editing and double-spaced good copy typed or written in pen. Think this evening about defying gender stereotypes - how do you defy stereotypes or someone you know?
Block C: Excellent discussion on equality today! Hopefully you were able to receive some good feedback on the rough draft of your "Brother Dear" paragraph. The double-spaced good copy is due on Wednesday - make sure it is typed or written in pen please!
Block D: There was time today in class that allowed you to work with a peer editor on your "A&P" paragraph. Use the feedback provided to improve your paragraph and hand it in on Wednesday - with all components - of the the outline, rough draft peer editing and double-spaced good copy typed or written in pen. Think this evening about defying gender stereotypes - how do you defy stereotypes or someone you know?
Friday, February 21, 2014
Frankly, it's Friday!
Block B: Today we watched our Canadian men's hockey team beat the USA in a tense semi-final. We also worked on our visual essays. If you were unable to complete yours in class today - we will be collecting them on Monday!
Block C: A great working environment in class today. Homework this weekend is to turn your outline into a double-spaced rough draft. This is a formal paragraph - so no "I"s or "you"s allowed!
Block D: If you did not finish up the rough draft of your "A&P" paragraph please do so for Monday - we will be peer editing so make sure it is double-spaced.
Go Canada Go!!!!
Block C: A great working environment in class today. Homework this weekend is to turn your outline into a double-spaced rough draft. This is a formal paragraph - so no "I"s or "you"s allowed!
Block D: If you did not finish up the rough draft of your "A&P" paragraph please do so for Monday - we will be peer editing so make sure it is double-spaced.
Go Canada Go!!!!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block B: I know we were all a little distracted today - and it might be the same way tomorrow - but we must push on! We are going to collect your visual essays at the end of class tomorrow - so if you need or want to bring pictures from home, please do so tonight.
Block C: I hope you found the feedback on your thesis statements helpful today - please complete the rest of the outline for tomorrow's class - I'll be checking to make sure it is done!
Block D: Today I assigned a literary analysis paragraph for "A&P" if you did not finish the outline in class today - please do so for homework tonight.
Block C: I hope you found the feedback on your thesis statements helpful today - please complete the rest of the outline for tomorrow's class - I'll be checking to make sure it is done!
Block D: Today I assigned a literary analysis paragraph for "A&P" if you did not finish the outline in class today - please do so for homework tonight.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
What about Wednesday?!
Block B: After further discussion of healthy relationships we are going to move on to the assignment - a visual essay. We will start finding or drawing our images in class tomorrow - no homework tonight!
Block C: I know that was a lot of information today about literary analysis - but it is one of the fundamental skills of English - so we need to push through. Your homework tonight is to complete the hook, TAG and thesis for the "Brother Dear" conflict paragraph. I will discuss these with you tomorrow.
Block D: Today we presented our group discussion questions for "A&P" and did some work on characterization. If you did not complete the chart on 2 points of direct characterization and 6 points of indirect characterization please do so for homework tonight.
Block C: I know that was a lot of information today about literary analysis - but it is one of the fundamental skills of English - so we need to push through. Your homework tonight is to complete the hook, TAG and thesis for the "Brother Dear" conflict paragraph. I will discuss these with you tomorrow.
Block D: Today we presented our group discussion questions for "A&P" and did some work on characterization. If you did not complete the chart on 2 points of direct characterization and 6 points of indirect characterization please do so for homework tonight.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Take-Away Tuesday:
Block B: Great job on the healthy relationship statements! We will wrap up our discussion tomorrow - and start our assignment. No homework tonight!
Block C: Today we read the story "Brother Dear" and worked on the first story elements chart. You will need to photocopy or scan 2 more copies of the sheet so that you have enough for our unit. You may also copy them out by hand as well. If you didn't finish the story elements chart in class today - then please do so for homework tonight I will be doing a homework check tomorrow.
Block D: I gave you some time in class today to work on the plot summary for "A&P" if you didn't finish it in class - please do so tonight. A couple of groups are not quite done their 3 questions - there may be a little time tomorrow to complete that work before we share.
Block C: Today we read the story "Brother Dear" and worked on the first story elements chart. You will need to photocopy or scan 2 more copies of the sheet so that you have enough for our unit. You may also copy them out by hand as well. If you didn't finish the story elements chart in class today - then please do so for homework tonight I will be doing a homework check tomorrow.
Block D: I gave you some time in class today to work on the plot summary for "A&P" if you didn't finish it in class - please do so tonight. A couple of groups are not quite done their 3 questions - there may be a little time tomorrow to complete that work before we share.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Block B: The reading strategy reminder today was on making connections - 3 types: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world. We will be practicing this strategy again tomorrow. We then moved further into our identity unit: What is normal? We all know and can quickly identify what is weird - but it is much harder to define normal... We will continue our work with healthy relationships tomorrow. No homework tonight!
Block C: We transitioned from good writing to good reading in class today. Once you had set your 3 goals for writing - we moved on to short stories with some reminders about terminology. The handout that I gave you has A LOT of vocabulary terms on it. You will need to do some work to memorize/understand what those terms are - some may be on the Provincial exam. We then viewed a couple of short films and completed the graphic organizer. If you did not finish up "For the Birds" that is your homework tonight.
Block D: Thank you for completing your writing goals over the weekend. We can now move on to short fiction - I gave you an extensive handout of terminology - you will need to put in the work to memorize those terms. We did not get a chance to finish reading "A&P" in class today - please do so for homework tonight.
Block C: We transitioned from good writing to good reading in class today. Once you had set your 3 goals for writing - we moved on to short stories with some reminders about terminology. The handout that I gave you has A LOT of vocabulary terms on it. You will need to do some work to memorize/understand what those terms are - some may be on the Provincial exam. We then viewed a couple of short films and completed the graphic organizer. If you did not finish up "For the Birds" that is your homework tonight.
Block D: Thank you for completing your writing goals over the weekend. We can now move on to short fiction - I gave you an extensive handout of terminology - you will need to put in the work to memorize those terms. We did not get a chance to finish reading "A&P" in class today - please do so for homework tonight.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Fun-times Friday!
Love was in the air today! Hope you all enjoy a weekend with the ones you love!
Block B: Today we started our journey to become better readers. We worked on the significance of background knowledge - and how using what we already know helps us understand text. There is no homework this weekend!
Block C: I hope that after today's lesson you have a better understanding of the expectations of grade 10 writing. We looked the at the performance standards and assessed some samples of student writing. We will look at your own work on Monday - and set some goals. But for this weekend: no homework!
Block D: Great job on the writing assessment today! For homework this weekend you need to assess your own writing - just like you did on the samples today - and provide 3 specific goals that you want to work on to improve this semester.
Block B: Today we started our journey to become better readers. We worked on the significance of background knowledge - and how using what we already know helps us understand text. There is no homework this weekend!
Block C: I hope that after today's lesson you have a better understanding of the expectations of grade 10 writing. We looked the at the performance standards and assessed some samples of student writing. We will look at your own work on Monday - and set some goals. But for this weekend: no homework!
Block D: Great job on the writing assessment today! For homework this weekend you need to assess your own writing - just like you did on the samples today - and provide 3 specific goals that you want to work on to improve this semester.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Thoughtfully Thursday:
Block B: Today we split the class - the 11s worked on some writing fundamentals and the 12s went through a practice Provincial Exam. Not to scare you - but just to think ahead. No homework tonight!
Block C: Great job on the story sharing!!! We will discuss expectations of grade 10 writing tomorrow. No homework tonight!
Block D: We will continue sharing our inferential stories tomorrow in class and work on the expectations of grade 11 writing. There is no homework tonight!
Block C: Great job on the story sharing!!! We will discuss expectations of grade 10 writing tomorrow. No homework tonight!
Block D: We will continue sharing our inferential stories tomorrow in class and work on the expectations of grade 11 writing. There is no homework tonight!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Wonderfully Sunny Wednesday!
Block B: Fantastic work today with your reading and viewing skills! Those movie shorts were great - and your interpretations were fantastic! Most coat of arms have been handed in - but not all - so get those done ASAP!!!
Block C: You need to have chosen your silent reading novel by the end of the month - but you must bring a novel to class tomorrow - even if it is not the one you want to read. Each novel must be approved by me - and be at the grade 10 reading level.
Block D: Today I reviewed the book talk assignment. Please bring a novel to class tomorrow - you will have until the end of the month to choose the book that is appropriate for grade 11. If you didn't finish your own non-conventional story in class today - there will be time to work on it tomorrow - but only about 15-20 minutes... so budget your time.
Block C: You need to have chosen your silent reading novel by the end of the month - but you must bring a novel to class tomorrow - even if it is not the one you want to read. Each novel must be approved by me - and be at the grade 10 reading level.
Block D: Today I reviewed the book talk assignment. Please bring a novel to class tomorrow - you will have until the end of the month to choose the book that is appropriate for grade 11. If you didn't finish your own non-conventional story in class today - there will be time to work on it tomorrow - but only about 15-20 minutes... so budget your time.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Fabulous Friday!
Block B: Thanks for your hard work today on your coat of arms! We got most of them handed in - but if yours wasn't one of them - please do so for homework over the weekend - we'll collect them on Tuesday.
Block C: Your powers of inferential thinking certainly increased today! I was VERY impressed with your ability to read between the lines of the story today. We'll continue this next week - I know some groups didn't get a chance to present. No homework this weekend!
Block D: I know it was hard last block before a long weekend - but your ability to make inferences was impressive! We didn't get a chance to finish all the work today - so there will be time next week. No homework for the weekend!
Block C: Your powers of inferential thinking certainly increased today! I was VERY impressed with your ability to read between the lines of the story today. We'll continue this next week - I know some groups didn't get a chance to present. No homework this weekend!
Block D: I know it was hard last block before a long weekend - but your ability to make inferences was impressive! We didn't get a chance to finish all the work today - so there will be time next week. No homework for the weekend!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Work our Way Through Wednesday!
Block B: Today we continued to work on our identity webs. Make sure that each point in your web matches the criteria set forth on the "If you Really Knew Me" handout. There will be some time in class tomorrow to continue working on your web or coat of arms if you are at that stage.
Block C: A lot of great work today on the story of your name! I am looking forward to reading these over the weekend. For tomorrow - you will have time in class to edit or continue drafting or to work on visual component to the project - the decorations if you will. Final product with the rough draft and criteria are due on Friday.
Block D: When inspiration hits - go with it! A lot of great ideas for your metaphors today in class! Tomorrow you will have time to complete the draft get some feedback from an editor and work on the accompanying visual design. The good copy, rough draft and criteria are due on Friday.
Block C: A lot of great work today on the story of your name! I am looking forward to reading these over the weekend. For tomorrow - you will have time in class to edit or continue drafting or to work on visual component to the project - the decorations if you will. Final product with the rough draft and criteria are due on Friday.
Block D: When inspiration hits - go with it! A lot of great ideas for your metaphors today in class! Tomorrow you will have time to complete the draft get some feedback from an editor and work on the accompanying visual design. The good copy, rough draft and criteria are due on Friday.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Totally Tuesday!
Block B: Would you rather... just kidding! But it was a great way to start the class! We've started to talk IDENTITY. What does your identity say about you? We got started on the Identity web in class today - but it is not homework - there will be time at the beginning of class to work on it tomorrow. If you didn't hand in your salmon coloured letter - please do so tomorrow.
Block C: What's in a name? That is what you are going to tell me. What is the story of your name? Ask some questions at home tonight to see if you can add on to what you already know. We will continue working on this tomorrow - the good copy with the visual is due on Friday. If you didn't get a chance to get your yellow letter signed - then you can do that while asking about your name! Multitasking!!!
Block D: What is your metaphor? What object represents you? This is the challenge of your first writing assignment. Write an extended metaphor that reveals who you are in the description of your metaphor. Paragraph and visual due on Friday. Any green letters not signed need to get in ASAP!
Block C: What's in a name? That is what you are going to tell me. What is the story of your name? Ask some questions at home tonight to see if you can add on to what you already know. We will continue working on this tomorrow - the good copy with the visual is due on Friday. If you didn't get a chance to get your yellow letter signed - then you can do that while asking about your name! Multitasking!!!
Block D: What is your metaphor? What object represents you? This is the challenge of your first writing assignment. Write an extended metaphor that reveals who you are in the description of your metaphor. Paragraph and visual due on Friday. Any green letters not signed need to get in ASAP!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Marvelous Way to Start Second Semester Monday!
Block B: I can feel the community taking form and starting to build! Great job today on the two difficult group tasks. If you did not finish the reflection on the cup stacking activity please do so for homework tonight. Also you need to return your salmon coloured sheet by Thursday - sooner is better!!!
Block C: Love your keen attitude in class today - you did a great job sharing and learning about each other in your people search today. Thank you for your letters - I look forward to reading them tonight. Please return your yellow letters as soon as possible. Latest on Friday.
Block D: A lot of interesting ideas and connections made during the people search today. Glad there was so much mixing and mingling! Thanks for the letters - I'm going to read them tonight - to learn more about you all. Please bring your green letters back to class as soon as possible - Friday by the latest!
Here is the letter criteria off the overhead if you didn't finish in class:
Part A: Explain to me a little bit about you. What kinds of things do you like doing outside of school? Do you belong to clubs or sports teams? Anything that will help to give me a better picture of who you are.
Part B: What do you expect to get out of my class? What makes a good teacher? What expectations do you have of me as your teacher?
Part C: Tell me about the kind of student you are. Do you hate to be called on in front of class? Do you sometimes need extra help? Do you need help keeping your work organized? Extra reminders about homework and due dates?
Part D: Think seriously about who would be a good person for you to sit near in order to benefit your learning. I'll take your reasons into consideration when I make my seating plan tonight. You must provide a good reason - s/he's my bff is not a good reason! You may also tell me who you think you might need some space from - with a good reason, for example: I am easily distracted by......... and I want to do better academically this semester. I'm not making any promises - but I'll do the best I can.
In your letter feel free to include anything else you think might be helpful for me to know about you.
Block C: Love your keen attitude in class today - you did a great job sharing and learning about each other in your people search today. Thank you for your letters - I look forward to reading them tonight. Please return your yellow letters as soon as possible. Latest on Friday.
Block D: A lot of interesting ideas and connections made during the people search today. Glad there was so much mixing and mingling! Thanks for the letters - I'm going to read them tonight - to learn more about you all. Please bring your green letters back to class as soon as possible - Friday by the latest!
Here is the letter criteria off the overhead if you didn't finish in class:
Part A: Explain to me a little bit about you. What kinds of things do you like doing outside of school? Do you belong to clubs or sports teams? Anything that will help to give me a better picture of who you are.
Part B: What do you expect to get out of my class? What makes a good teacher? What expectations do you have of me as your teacher?
Part C: Tell me about the kind of student you are. Do you hate to be called on in front of class? Do you sometimes need extra help? Do you need help keeping your work organized? Extra reminders about homework and due dates?
Part D: Think seriously about who would be a good person for you to sit near in order to benefit your learning. I'll take your reasons into consideration when I make my seating plan tonight. You must provide a good reason - s/he's my bff is not a good reason! You may also tell me who you think you might need some space from - with a good reason, for example: I am easily distracted by......... and I want to do better academically this semester. I'm not making any promises - but I'll do the best I can.
In your letter feel free to include anything else you think might be helpful for me to know about you.
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...