Happy Holidays to all of you - my wonderful students. Be safe, and take care of one another!
Block A: We have finished reading 3 acts of the play - which means that you should be finished 3 character responses.
Block C: You know you should not have left all of your work to the last minute - but if you did... Make sure you know what you're doing! Novel study parts 2&3 due when we get back, and The Tempest package due on Wed. Jan 9.
Block D: We have read 2 acts of the play so that means you need to have 2 character responses finished!
See you all in the New Year!!!
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Friday, December 21, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
That's all for Thursday!
Block A: Nice work on the progression of Macbeth and his changing attitudes and behaviours today. You should have 3 character responses finished for tomorrow - so that you don't have any homework over the break!
Block C: Loved the debates today! Due dates: novel study Jan 7 and Tempest package Jan 9. Be organized - don't leave it all to the last minute.
Block D: We've done 2 acts of the play, that means you should have 2 character responses finished for tomorrow! Don't lose track or else you will have to complete it over the break!
Block C: Loved the debates today! Due dates: novel study Jan 7 and Tempest package Jan 9. Be organized - don't leave it all to the last minute.
Block D: We've done 2 acts of the play, that means you should have 2 character responses finished for tomorrow! Don't lose track or else you will have to complete it over the break!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Wintery Wednesday!!
Block A: We read up to and including 3.4 today. Here is the activity:
Discuss what Macbeth finds so terrifying in:
A) The Ghost's appearance? B) the Ghost's behaviour?
Now imagine that YOU are directing this scene, and answer the following questions:
-Would you let the audience see the ghost, or play it as something in Macbeth's mind?
-What are the advantages and disadvantages if we are not allowed to see the ghost?
-Does it change the meaning of the play or our attitude to Macbeth if the ghost is an hallucination?
-If we ARE allowed to see the ghost, how should it look? Should it be the murdered stabbed version of Banquo or a version of how he looked prior to his death? (Look back at the murderer's description - lines 26-28).
Block C: No homework tonight senior food drive points winners!!! SO PROUD OF YOU AND ALL OF YOUR GENEROSITY!!!
Block D: Complete your Act 2 study guide in preparation for the quiz tomorrow!
Discuss what Macbeth finds so terrifying in:
A) The Ghost's appearance? B) the Ghost's behaviour?
Now imagine that YOU are directing this scene, and answer the following questions:
-Would you let the audience see the ghost, or play it as something in Macbeth's mind?
-What are the advantages and disadvantages if we are not allowed to see the ghost?
-Does it change the meaning of the play or our attitude to Macbeth if the ghost is an hallucination?
-If we ARE allowed to see the ghost, how should it look? Should it be the murdered stabbed version of Banquo or a version of how he looked prior to his death? (Look back at the murderer's description - lines 26-28).
Block C: No homework tonight senior food drive points winners!!! SO PROUD OF YOU AND ALL OF YOUR GENEROSITY!!!
Block D: Complete your Act 2 study guide in preparation for the quiz tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Talking about Tuesday:
Block A: Act 2 is done! We read, we discussed, we marveled at the murders... Work on your character response for Act 2, in addition to these questions. The questions need to be completed for tomorrow, the character response... not so much. There will also be a little quiz just to see if we are all on track.
Scene 1: When Banquo and Macbeth meet in the courtyard of the castle, they engage in a brief, but significant, dialogue. Paraphrase their discussion and explain the significance.
Scene 2: How does Macbeth react after the murder of Duncan? Use direct quotations to support your answer.
Scene 3: Malcolm and Donalbain reveal their distrust of those around them at the close of this scene. Discuss with direct reference to the play.
Scene 4: One of the sub-themes of Shakespeare's play is that of disorder or the disruption of the natural order. Discuss the numerous references to this theme during this brief scene.
Scene 1: When Banquo and Macbeth meet in the courtyard of the castle, they engage in a brief, but significant, dialogue. Paraphrase their discussion and explain the significance.
Scene 2: How does Macbeth react after the murder of Duncan? Use direct quotations to support your answer.
Scene 3: Malcolm and Donalbain reveal their distrust of those around them at the close of this scene. Discuss with direct reference to the play.
Scene 4: One of the sub-themes of Shakespeare's play is that of disorder or the disruption of the natural order. Discuss the numerous references to this theme during this brief scene.
- Define Symbolism
- What does the blood on their hands symbolize?
- Why is sleep a symbol of innocence?
- What is the significance of the words Macbeth hears when he kills Duncan?
Block C: We finished the play! Hooray! If you are reading this blog and didn't happen to listen in class - as all were a bit distracted at the end - the Act 5 questions are NOT for homework. I will give you time in class tomorrow to finish them. We will however have a quiz.
Block D: Nice work on the balcony scene today! Make a list or a chart of the similes and metaphors that you can find in 2.2
Monday, December 17, 2012
Magical Monday!
Block A: Fabulous work on the reading! Got to love that Lady Macbeth!!! There are 3 things to complete for tomorrow: The character sketch of Lady Macbeth, based on what she says, the T-chart of reasons for and against killing Duncan, use examples where appropriate and the third assignment is your Act 1 character response. See your assignment sheet for explanation.
Block C: Today I did a check of your 3 character responses so far - and then we read act 4. Here are the discussion questions for act 4:
1. Based on act 4 scene 1, how old would you guess Ferdinand to be? We know that Miranda is fifteen years old. Based on this, do you think Prospero is acting justly when he lectures them on chastity?
2. With a partner discuss and write your response. "We are such stuff / As dreams are made on," says Prospero in act 4, scene 1. What does he mean? What is he referring to? Is this soliloquy consistent with Prospero's character thus far?
3. Do you think that Prospero will take revenge on the men who wronged him? Why or why not?
4. What does Caliban begin to realize about Stephano at the end of Act 4? What did Caliban think of Stephano earlier in the play?
5. The beginning of this act, along with parts of the masque, concerns two of the plays key themes: the importance of self-control, and the conflict between reason and passion. In what ways has Prospero himself not always shown the complete self-control he praises? How might one achieve a balance between self-control and passion?
Block D: Great reading today! Please make sure that you are completing your responsibilities as a student and completing homework on time... Finish up the Act 1 study guide in preparation for the quiz tomorrow. In addition I will be doing a homework check on your first character response.
Block C: Today I did a check of your 3 character responses so far - and then we read act 4. Here are the discussion questions for act 4:
1. Based on act 4 scene 1, how old would you guess Ferdinand to be? We know that Miranda is fifteen years old. Based on this, do you think Prospero is acting justly when he lectures them on chastity?
2. With a partner discuss and write your response. "We are such stuff / As dreams are made on," says Prospero in act 4, scene 1. What does he mean? What is he referring to? Is this soliloquy consistent with Prospero's character thus far?
3. Do you think that Prospero will take revenge on the men who wronged him? Why or why not?
4. What does Caliban begin to realize about Stephano at the end of Act 4? What did Caliban think of Stephano earlier in the play?
5. The beginning of this act, along with parts of the masque, concerns two of the plays key themes: the importance of self-control, and the conflict between reason and passion. In what ways has Prospero himself not always shown the complete self-control he praises? How might one achieve a balance between self-control and passion?
Block D: Great reading today! Please make sure that you are completing your responsibilities as a student and completing homework on time... Finish up the Act 1 study guide in preparation for the quiz tomorrow. In addition I will be doing a homework check on your first character response.
Friday, December 14, 2012
The Friday before the last Friday...
Block A: Today we started reading Macbeth and I was very pleased with your participation! Keep it up! As review - make a list of the examples of paradox and allusions found in Act 1 scene 1 and Act 1 scene 2. For scene 2 create a written character sketch of Macbeth based on what others say of him - indirect characterization. And for scene 3 tell me what differs between how Banquo and Macbeth react to the vision and prophecies of the witches?
Block C: Sorry about the technical glitches today everyone!! Hopefully next week... In the mean time - please review Acts 1-3 and make sure all 3 character responses are done for Monday.
Block D: Great job with the reading today! Well done all!! Homework this weekend is to complete the vocabulary and the study guide up to and including Act 1 scene 4.
Block C: Sorry about the technical glitches today everyone!! Hopefully next week... In the mean time - please review Acts 1-3 and make sure all 3 character responses are done for Monday.
Block D: Great job with the reading today! Well done all!! Homework this weekend is to complete the vocabulary and the study guide up to and including Act 1 scene 4.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Great start to Macbeth today! Can't wait to start reading tomorrow. No homework :)
Block C: We read Act 3 today and there will be a quiz on Acts 2-3 tomorrow. Here are the questions form Act 3:
Block C: We read Act 3 today and there will be a quiz on Acts 2-3 tomorrow. Here are the questions form Act 3:
- What is Prospero's goal in letting Miranda and Ferdinand get to know each other? What will Prospero gain by the arrangement?
- What plan does Caliban suggest for killing Prospero? What earlier scene does this echo?
- What terrible realization does Alonso have at the end of Act 3 about his conduct toward Prospero and what he believes to be Ferdinand's fate? What does he decide to do? How is nature involved in his realization?
- Caliban's speech that begins, "Be not afeared..." (3.2.130-138) is one of the best known in the play. Paraphrase the speech. Then evaluate it for what it reveals about Caliban as a character in the play and poetry.
Block D: Awesome choral reading today - you are all doing wonderfully with the play!! No homework tonight :)
Don't forget to hand in the good copy double-spaced of your multi-paragraph composition with all of the components tomorrow!!!
Don't forget to hand in the good copy double-spaced of your multi-paragraph composition with all of the components tomorrow!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: Phew! Great work on your essays today - take the evening off - and get ready for Macbeth tomorrow!
Block C: We finished up Act 2 today of The Tempest you could start on your character response or work on the discussion questions. Here are the questions from the overhead:
1. How would you describe the moods of Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio, and Sebastian during 2.1?
2. Where were the castaways going when they were shipwrecked? Why is Alonso Alonso especially unhappy?
3. What character speaks in verse in 2.2? Which characters in prose? Why might Shakespeare have made this distinction?
4. Based on what you learned in this act, which character would you call the villain of the play? Why? Support your answer with examples from the text.
5. As The Tempest begins, Antonio has overthrown Prospero, the legitimate ruler of Milan. Prospero himself admits early in the play that hew was an inattentive ruler. Is the overthrow of a legitimately chosen government ever acceptable? Refer back to the chosen 2-column chart you made, to remind yourself of what role a government plays in society.
Block D: Don't forget that all components of the composition are due on Friday. Today we were introduced to the world of Romeo and Juliet. Can't wait to get started with the reading!!! :)
Block C: We finished up Act 2 today of The Tempest you could start on your character response or work on the discussion questions. Here are the questions from the overhead:
1. How would you describe the moods of Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio, and Sebastian during 2.1?
2. Where were the castaways going when they were shipwrecked? Why is Alonso Alonso especially unhappy?
3. What character speaks in verse in 2.2? Which characters in prose? Why might Shakespeare have made this distinction?
4. Based on what you learned in this act, which character would you call the villain of the play? Why? Support your answer with examples from the text.
5. As The Tempest begins, Antonio has overthrown Prospero, the legitimate ruler of Milan. Prospero himself admits early in the play that hew was an inattentive ruler. Is the overthrow of a legitimately chosen government ever acceptable? Refer back to the chosen 2-column chart you made, to remind yourself of what role a government plays in society.
Block D: Don't forget that all components of the composition are due on Friday. Today we were introduced to the world of Romeo and Juliet. Can't wait to get started with the reading!!! :)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Tempestuous Tuesday!
See what I did there12s?
Block A: In-class essay tomorrow. Please come prepared to write. If you want extra time - you may start at lunch - there will be no extra time after school.
Block C: Today we continued with The Tempest I showed an example of what a character response might look like. In addition there were 5 questions from Act 1 that we will discuss tomorrow. Here are the questions:
1. How does Gonzalo behave during the storm? Antonio and Sebastian? What clues to their character do you get in this scene?
2. How did Ariel and Caliban come to be Prospero's servant? How do they feel about their status?
3. What is Prospero's emotional state at the end of Act 1? What might be the reason for it?
4. In what way are Miranda and Ferdinand like characters in a fairy tale? Why might Shakespeare have chosen to portray them in this way?
5. In the play, Miranda and Ferdinand fall in love immediately. Do you believe in "love at first sight" in real life? What are som dangers of falling in love so fast?
We started to read Act 2 as well - and we will continue tomorrow. Beware of those lions everyone!
Block D: Today was editing day! Self and peer editing of your multi-paragraph composition. The good copy (double-spaced) along with all other aspects of this assignment (see the criteria sheet if you're not sure what that means) are due on Friday.
Block A: In-class essay tomorrow. Please come prepared to write. If you want extra time - you may start at lunch - there will be no extra time after school.
Block C: Today we continued with The Tempest I showed an example of what a character response might look like. In addition there were 5 questions from Act 1 that we will discuss tomorrow. Here are the questions:
1. How does Gonzalo behave during the storm? Antonio and Sebastian? What clues to their character do you get in this scene?
2. How did Ariel and Caliban come to be Prospero's servant? How do they feel about their status?
3. What is Prospero's emotional state at the end of Act 1? What might be the reason for it?
4. In what way are Miranda and Ferdinand like characters in a fairy tale? Why might Shakespeare have chosen to portray them in this way?
5. In the play, Miranda and Ferdinand fall in love immediately. Do you believe in "love at first sight" in real life? What are som dangers of falling in love so fast?
We started to read Act 2 as well - and we will continue tomorrow. Beware of those lions everyone!
Block D: Today was editing day! Self and peer editing of your multi-paragraph composition. The good copy (double-spaced) along with all other aspects of this assignment (see the criteria sheet if you're not sure what that means) are due on Friday.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Marvelous Monday!
Block A: We will continue to prepare for our in-class essay on Wednesday. Point-form outline and novel are your only resources.
Block C: Great work reading Act 1 today - get started on your 1st character response.
Block D: Rough draft (double-spaced) is due tomorrow for peer editing!
Block C: Great work reading Act 1 today - get started on your 1st character response.
Block D: Rough draft (double-spaced) is due tomorrow for peer editing!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Well done all on your last survivor challenge! Congratulations to team Element Tree on your victory to be the ultimate LOTF challenge winners!!! There is no homework this weekend - we will start working on the essay on Monday.
Block C: Fun times today with the start of The Tempest your interpretations were awesome and I can't wait to read this play with you! Take the weekend to rest and relax and come ready to work on Monday!
Block D: Keep up the good work on your compositions 9s! Most of you got a great start on your double-spaced rough draft. If you didn't finish in class, please have the introduction and 1st body paragraph completed for Monday's class - you will have another writing block on Monday - so the entire rough draft will be due for peer editing on Tuesday.
Block C: Fun times today with the start of The Tempest your interpretations were awesome and I can't wait to read this play with you! Take the weekend to rest and relax and come ready to work on Monday!
Block D: Keep up the good work on your compositions 9s! Most of you got a great start on your double-spaced rough draft. If you didn't finish in class, please have the introduction and 1st body paragraph completed for Monday's class - you will have another writing block on Monday - so the entire rough draft will be due for peer editing on Tuesday.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: The downfall of Ralph's tribe, and the increase of Roger's cruelty... Lots of things to consider for the LAST chapter of our novel. Finish the book tonight and we will compete for all the marbles in the our last survivor challenge.
Block C: Phew!!! Deep breaths 12s! You did it - synthesis essay is DONE!! Enjoy the evening free of English homework - fun with Shakespeare starts tomorrow :)
Block D: Keep up the good work on your outlines - finish off the 2nd body paragraph and the conclusion for tomorrow.
Block C: Phew!!! Deep breaths 12s! You did it - synthesis essay is DONE!! Enjoy the evening free of English homework - fun with Shakespeare starts tomorrow :)
Block D: Keep up the good work on your outlines - finish off the 2nd body paragraph and the conclusion for tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: We are almost done!! Almost done the novel and almost done our Survivor Challenges!!! Great work on the symbolic glasses today - read chapter 11 for homework tonight.
Block C: Think synthesis people - some great progress made on your thesis statements today. Writing starts tomorrow - if you have a spare in block B you may come in 40 minutes before the end of class and start writing. If you don't have a spare - you can keep writing through lunch. Bring your point form outline, poem, short story and transitional words and phrases sheet. Good luck!
Block D: Wow I'm really impressed with the deep levels of thinking around the great poetry composition. Tonight - if not finished in class - complete the introduction and 1st body paragraph of your outline.
Block C: Think synthesis people - some great progress made on your thesis statements today. Writing starts tomorrow - if you have a spare in block B you may come in 40 minutes before the end of class and start writing. If you don't have a spare - you can keep writing through lunch. Bring your point form outline, poem, short story and transitional words and phrases sheet. Good luck!
Block D: Wow I'm really impressed with the deep levels of thinking around the great poetry composition. Tonight - if not finished in class - complete the introduction and 1st body paragraph of your outline.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Terrific Tuesday!
Block A: Some interesting menu choices today... Some more than others for sure... For homework tonight please read chapter 10 for tomorrow.
Block C: Today we started the synthesis essay process - work block tomorrow to prepare for the in-class essay on Thursday!
Block D: The multi-paragraph composition writing process continues tomorrow. The green S.I.F.T.T. sheet is due for class tomorrow.
Block C: Today we started the synthesis essay process - work block tomorrow to prepare for the in-class essay on Thursday!
Block D: The multi-paragraph composition writing process continues tomorrow. The green S.I.F.T.T. sheet is due for class tomorrow.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Monday Musings:
Block A: Great work on the power and control challenge today! Read chapter 9 for homework tonight.
Block C: Characterization poem and theme document need to be completed for tomorrow.
Block D: Today we started the process for the Great Poetry Writing Assignment. Here is where you are going to demonstrate all of your learning of poetry over these last few weeks. You will be attempting to explain what great poetry is, through the close examination of a poem that you think is great. For class tomorrow, you need to come prepared with a chosen poem. Copied or printed out. The poem needs to be at least 14 lines long.
Block C: Characterization poem and theme document need to be completed for tomorrow.
Block D: Today we started the process for the Great Poetry Writing Assignment. Here is where you are going to demonstrate all of your learning of poetry over these last few weeks. You will be attempting to explain what great poetry is, through the close examination of a poem that you think is great. For class tomorrow, you need to come prepared with a chosen poem. Copied or printed out. The poem needs to be at least 14 lines long.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday!
Early Dismissal Day today and tomorrow!
Block A: Awesome work on the challenge today!!! So much fun! Read chapter 7 and complete your sticky notes for HW tonight.
Block C: Read the document on "characterization" and read the LONG short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find." for tomorrow.
Block D: The found poem and visual are due on Monday.
Block A: Awesome work on the challenge today!!! So much fun! Read chapter 7 and complete your sticky notes for HW tonight.
Block C: Read the document on "characterization" and read the LONG short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find." for tomorrow.
Block D: The found poem and visual are due on Monday.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Mega-Sunny Monday!
Block A: great work with the painted faces today!! Challenge #4 is done. Read chapter 5 for the work to be assigned tomorrow.
Block C: Tonight you need to read the document on Point of View and use the assisted notes as a guide. Also read the super short story "Barbie-Q" in preparation for tomorrow's class.
Block D: Today we looked at form - and if form is what makes great poetry. You were given a found poem assignment on blue paper. Tomorrow you will continue working on the poem and the visual. The poem and visual should be united. Not two separate parts.
Block C: Tonight you need to read the document on Point of View and use the assisted notes as a guide. Also read the super short story "Barbie-Q" in preparation for tomorrow's class.
Block D: Today we looked at form - and if form is what makes great poetry. You were given a found poem assignment on blue paper. Tomorrow you will continue working on the poem and the visual. The poem and visual should be united. Not two separate parts.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Fun-times Friday!
Block A: Things are sometimes more complicated than they seem! Good work on the challenge today - read chapter 4 and complete your sticky notes in preparation for challenge #4 on Monday. The doing the challenge must be ready to get a little messy!
Block C: I know that "The Yellow Wallpaper" is a tricky story - but you're doing great! This weekend, finish up the discussion questions for the story and write your paragraph. Here is what was written on the board in case you missed it:
In a well-constructed paragraph of at least 150 words, discuss the role that setting plays in "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Yellow Wallpaper" (make note of how long this takes you as the Provincial exam allows for 25 mins)
Block D: Depth of Meaning library task today. We looked through a variety of art and photography books in order to see beyond the surface and explore the layers of interpretation underneath. Your poem should be at least 12 lines and utilize the poetic devices that we've been learning about where possible. After your poem is finished, write a paragraph reflecting on the experience. See the pink sheet for the questions to answer. Please hand in your poem and your reflection on Monday.
Block C: I know that "The Yellow Wallpaper" is a tricky story - but you're doing great! This weekend, finish up the discussion questions for the story and write your paragraph. Here is what was written on the board in case you missed it:
In a well-constructed paragraph of at least 150 words, discuss the role that setting plays in "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Yellow Wallpaper" (make note of how long this takes you as the Provincial exam allows for 25 mins)
Block D: Depth of Meaning library task today. We looked through a variety of art and photography books in order to see beyond the surface and explore the layers of interpretation underneath. Your poem should be at least 12 lines and utilize the poetic devices that we've been learning about where possible. After your poem is finished, write a paragraph reflecting on the experience. See the pink sheet for the questions to answer. Please hand in your poem and your reflection on Monday.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thunderous Thursday!
Block A: Great work on your group discussions today! I am very pleased with the high level of engagement with this novel so far - well done! Read chapter 3 tonight in preparation for the challenge tomorrow!
Block C: Today's lesson was on the importance of setting in a short story. We learned some background information on our author Charlotte Perkins Gilman and explored the gothic genre of literature. Tonight for homework read the story - we will tackle the questions tomorrow.
Block D: GREAT class today!!! Sound poems are off and running, and then the last part of class was around a rousing discussion of the depth of meaning in poetry. Who will you be an explorer or a conqueror? Assignment tomorrow around the depth of meaning, but for tonight, if you didn't finish your sound poem - 10 lines using a rhyme scheme, onomatopoeia, and alliteration it is due tomorrow.
Block C: Today's lesson was on the importance of setting in a short story. We learned some background information on our author Charlotte Perkins Gilman and explored the gothic genre of literature. Tonight for homework read the story - we will tackle the questions tomorrow.
Block D: GREAT class today!!! Sound poems are off and running, and then the last part of class was around a rousing discussion of the depth of meaning in poetry. Who will you be an explorer or a conqueror? Assignment tomorrow around the depth of meaning, but for tonight, if you didn't finish your sound poem - 10 lines using a rhyme scheme, onomatopoeia, and alliteration it is due tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: Great work on your LOTF survivor challenge #2! Your islands look great!!! Check twitter for pictures. Homework tonight is to read chapter 2 and complete your sticky notes. Refer to yesterday's blog post to recall the types of reading strategies to use on your notes.
Block C: And so the plot thickens... homework tonight is to finish the plot line for Tell Tale Heart if not done in class, and to complete the creative writing exercise on plot points.
Block D: Today we made an inquiry into the sound that poetry makes - we listened to a collection of poets read their poems and then wrote about our reactions to the process. If you did not complete the response, here are the questions:
1. Name 2 things you found interesting - what did you think was cool or good about hearing the poets? You must explain why and be specific!
2. Name something specific you thought was weird or not good about hearing the poets. And please explain why.
3. What did you think of hearing the poets read their own work? Explain what the experience was like for you.
4. Which poem or poet was your favourite? Explain why.
Block C: And so the plot thickens... homework tonight is to finish the plot line for Tell Tale Heart if not done in class, and to complete the creative writing exercise on plot points.
Block D: Today we made an inquiry into the sound that poetry makes - we listened to a collection of poets read their poems and then wrote about our reactions to the process. If you did not complete the response, here are the questions:
1. Name 2 things you found interesting - what did you think was cool or good about hearing the poets? You must explain why and be specific!
2. Name something specific you thought was weird or not good about hearing the poets. And please explain why.
3. What did you think of hearing the poets read their own work? Explain what the experience was like for you.
4. Which poem or poet was your favourite? Explain why.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Tuesday, Terrific!
Block A: We started our novel study survivor challenges today! Tribes were formed, symbols were made and names were negotiated. Your second challenge will take place tomorrow so make sure you have your reading done - chapter 1 with your 4 sticky notes completed. No sticky notes = no challenge!
Here are the notes from class about what kinds of things to note down on your sticky notes as you are reading. Remember 4 notes is the minimum - more is fantastic!!!
Here are the notes from class about what kinds of things to note down on your sticky notes as you are reading. Remember 4 notes is the minimum - more is fantastic!!!
- Questions about the novel
- Something you liked and enjoyed
- Something you disliked or disagreed with
- Funny parts
- Sad parts
- Appeals to other emotions (empathy,...)
- A connection (t-t, t-s, t-w)
- Literary elements: character traits, setting, theme, mood, conflict and point of view
- Descriptive words or phrases that paint a mental picture that you can illustrate
- Symbols
- Predictions
- Problems / solutions
- Comparisons / contrasts
- Oddities (strange and different items)
- Figurative language: simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron, or alliteration
- Quotes related to themes: survival, leadership, civilization vs. savagery, and loss of innocence
Block C: The investigation of short stories continues. Today you read a document on plot - using the assisted notes provided. Keep these as a study guide for the provincial! When that is done - read the The Tell-Tale Heart by Poe - the task will be completed in class tomorrow.
Block D: I'm very excited about our poetry quest! First question: is it imagery that makes poetry great? We took some notes, and studied some examples, and then your task was to write a poem using all 4 of the terms discussed in class today. The poem must be at least 10 lines and you need to highlight and label each of the devices that you use. The poem is due for homework if not done in class.
Block D: I'm very excited about our poetry quest! First question: is it imagery that makes poetry great? We took some notes, and studied some examples, and then your task was to write a poem using all 4 of the terms discussed in class today. The poem must be at least 10 lines and you need to highlight and label each of the devices that you use. The poem is due for homework if not done in class.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Make it great Monday!
Block A: New unit today! Novel study: Lord of the Flies, we did some pre-reading discussion, and stage setting, and tomorrow we will get on with the show! This means, no homework tonight!
Block C: Short stories - your enthusiasm was overwhelming... Regardless, I am undeterred! Homework tonight is all about interpretation and perspective taking. One image with 2 interpretations for a story. Don't write the whole story... Just the idea for them is fine.
Block D: Fun times with poetry! No homework tonight - our inquiry into great poetry continues tomorrow.
Block C: Short stories - your enthusiasm was overwhelming... Regardless, I am undeterred! Homework tonight is all about interpretation and perspective taking. One image with 2 interpretations for a story. Don't write the whole story... Just the idea for them is fine.
Block D: Fun times with poetry! No homework tonight - our inquiry into great poetry continues tomorrow.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Phew! What a week! Great work on presentations, and I saw A LOT of hard work on your in-class poetry critiques today. Give yourself a break this weekend, with no homework!!!
Block C: Congratulations presenters! You are all done! Final poetry projects are due on Monday - but those have been done for ages, right?!
Block D: Great work on the novel experiences! Just one more group to present on Monday then we are ready to start poetry!!!
Block C: Congratulations presenters! You are all done! Final poetry projects are due on Monday - but those have been done for ages, right?!
Block D: Great work on the novel experiences! Just one more group to present on Monday then we are ready to start poetry!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thoughts on Thursday!
Block A: In-class poetry writing assignment tomorrow. You may bring in an annotated copy of your poem and a point form outline for your paragraphs.
Block C: Hopefully *fingers crossed* we will get all of the presentations for your analysis finished tomorrow.
Block D: Great start to the novel experiences today - hopefully we will finish them up tomorrow!
Block C: Hopefully *fingers crossed* we will get all of the presentations for your analysis finished tomorrow.
Block D: Great start to the novel experiences today - hopefully we will finish them up tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: Due to technical glitches - we still have one more presentation tomorrow. The rest of the block will be yours to prepare for the in-class poetry critique writing assignment on Friday.
Block C: Presentations continue tomorrow! Keep up the good work :)
Block D: Be prepared to wow us with your novel experiences tomorrow! Presentations start at the beginning of the block.
Block C: Presentations continue tomorrow! Keep up the good work :)
Block D: Be prepared to wow us with your novel experiences tomorrow! Presentations start at the beginning of the block.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Tuesday Tasks:
Block A: Great work on the presentations so far! Just a couple more for tomorrow - then it is on to the critique assignment!
Block C: Looking forward to your oral analysis presentations tomorrow!
Block D: Work continues on your novel experience presentations which will be starting on Thursday!
Block C: Looking forward to your oral analysis presentations tomorrow!
Block D: Work continues on your novel experience presentations which will be starting on Thursday!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Lest We Forget
Take some time this weekend to remember the sacrifices that men and women have made so that we can have the privilege to live in this beautiful country.
Block A: Think about the presentation we saw during the Remembrance Day Assembly today - how the choir and the art students were able to bring that poem to life! Very effective. Presentations start on Tuesday.
Block C: Be happy my poets! Extensions all around!!! Presentations start on Wednesday and Your poetry project (duo-tang) is not due until Monday Nov. 19. You are all working so hard - you deserve it!
Block D: Keep up the good work on your novel "experience" presentations! We will see all of your hard work on Thursday!
Block A: Think about the presentation we saw during the Remembrance Day Assembly today - how the choir and the art students were able to bring that poem to life! Very effective. Presentations start on Tuesday.
Block C: Be happy my poets! Extensions all around!!! Presentations start on Wednesday and Your poetry project (duo-tang) is not due until Monday Nov. 19. You are all working so hard - you deserve it!
Block D: Keep up the good work on your novel "experience" presentations! We will see all of your hard work on Thursday!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Scheduling problem solved! Work continues on your poetry project tomorrow - presentations on Tuesday! I can't wait to see what and how you are able to bring your poem to life!!!
Block C: I am loving the anonymous poems and concrete poems that I'm seeing so far - you will have masterpieces to hand in next week I know it!
Block D: Today I gave out the final group project for your lit circle - you will be creating an experience for the class to bring them into the world of your novel! Work continues tomorrow!
Block C: I am loving the anonymous poems and concrete poems that I'm seeing so far - you will have masterpieces to hand in next week I know it!
Block D: Today I gave out the final group project for your lit circle - you will be creating an experience for the class to bring them into the world of your novel! Work continues tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: I'm seeing some GREAT work on your poetry projects - can't wait to see your presentations where you bring your poem to life!
Block C: Some amazing creativity happening around poetry! Two ongoing projects - the oral analysis and the continued work on your poetry project. Anonymous Poetry and Concrete poems need to be in to me by Friday!
Block D: Hope you had a fun time in the work world! Final projects assigned for novel study tomorrow.
Block C: Some amazing creativity happening around poetry! Two ongoing projects - the oral analysis and the continued work on your poetry project. Anonymous Poetry and Concrete poems need to be in to me by Friday!
Block D: Hope you had a fun time in the work world! Final projects assigned for novel study tomorrow.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Mostly-Sunny Monday!
Block A: Work on your visual representation of your poem continues tomorrow. Presentations start on Tuesday!!! You will have one more in-class work block tomorrow, then we start preparation for your written poetry critique.
Block C: Today I assigned your oral analysis project - most of you chose the poem that you would like to analyze and you will have work blocks for the rest of the week. Presentations start on Tuesday!
Block D: You were given time today to take notes and summarize the responses of your group to your 2 personal response journal entires. The completed journals are due tomorrow! If you did not finish the work on your discussion log and T.O.T.D. you will have time to finish up in class tomorrow.
Block C: Today I assigned your oral analysis project - most of you chose the poem that you would like to analyze and you will have work blocks for the rest of the week. Presentations start on Tuesday!
Block D: You were given time today to take notes and summarize the responses of your group to your 2 personal response journal entires. The completed journals are due tomorrow! If you did not finish the work on your discussion log and T.O.T.D. you will have time to finish up in class tomorrow.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Fast-forward Friday
Block A: Poetry challenge #3 is done for "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." For the rest of the class we worked on getting organized for our oral presentations, which will start on November 13th - the same day as block rotation.
Block C: Today we started the TP-CASTT method for poetry analysis. We worked together on "I wandered Lonely as a Cloud" then you were set on your own for practice. I gave you the option to find your own poem of at least 10 lines, then in point form, follow the TP-CASTT outline. The only full sentence is your theme statement - try to avoid cliches at ALL cost! If you didn't finish in class, then please complete it for homework.
Block D: For Monday: finish your novel and last set of sticky notes! In addition you need to have 2 personal responses ready for discussion with your group.
Block C: Today we started the TP-CASTT method for poetry analysis. We worked together on "I wandered Lonely as a Cloud" then you were set on your own for practice. I gave you the option to find your own poem of at least 10 lines, then in point form, follow the TP-CASTT outline. The only full sentence is your theme statement - try to avoid cliches at ALL cost! If you didn't finish in class, then please complete it for homework.
Block D: For Monday: finish your novel and last set of sticky notes! In addition you need to have 2 personal responses ready for discussion with your group.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Great work on the poetry challenge today! I handed out the oral poetry project in class, if you have not chosen your poet and poem yet - you can do so tomorrow. No homework tonight!
Block C: Work on your project continues - other than that - you have no homework tonight!
Block D: You will have time in class tomorrow to work on your 2 personal responses due on Monday for group discussion - make sure your novel is done for Monday!
Block C: Work on your project continues - other than that - you have no homework tonight!
Block D: You will have time in class tomorrow to work on your 2 personal responses due on Monday for group discussion - make sure your novel is done for Monday!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Costume-filled Wednesday:
I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween tonight!
If you are not going out and staying inside to be dry - here are some things to work on!
Block A: Try and finish up the poetry challenge if you didn't get the whole thing done in class today. We will discuss the rest of the poem tomorrow.
Block C: Write your own paradox, oxymoron and antithesis for homework - I'll give you some time tomorrow to find your examples if you didn't finish today.
Block D: We have a meeting tomorrow - so be prepared with your reading and sticky notes done!
If you are not going out and staying inside to be dry - here are some things to work on!
Block A: Try and finish up the poetry challenge if you didn't get the whole thing done in class today. We will discuss the rest of the poem tomorrow.
Block C: Write your own paradox, oxymoron and antithesis for homework - I'll give you some time tomorrow to find your examples if you didn't finish today.
Block D: We have a meeting tomorrow - so be prepared with your reading and sticky notes done!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Take Away Tuesday:
Block A: I hope you all enjoyed watching the hard work of our student actors! TALES OF MYSTERY AND SUSPENSE was a great show - I encourage anyone who hasn't seen it yet to make the effort to go and see it!
Block C: Comparative devices and their role in extending the literal meaning of the text - if you did not write your poem with explanation, and the synthesis of the lesson then please do so for homework tonight.
Block D: Read, read, read! Complete your next set of sticky notes for the meeting on Thursday. In addition to the usual reading strategies please focus your thoughts on conflict. Try to put your conflict in terms of literary vocabulary. Person vs. Person, or Person vs. Technology etc.
Block C: Comparative devices and their role in extending the literal meaning of the text - if you did not write your poem with explanation, and the synthesis of the lesson then please do so for homework tonight.
Block D: Read, read, read! Complete your next set of sticky notes for the meeting on Thursday. In addition to the usual reading strategies please focus your thoughts on conflict. Try to put your conflict in terms of literary vocabulary. Person vs. Person, or Person vs. Technology etc.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Mega-Fun Monday!
Block A: What makes poetry worth stopping for, our central question of inquiry. I've enjoyed reading the responses I've got so far. If you didn't finish yours - then please complete it tonight and hand it in on Wednesday. Don't forget to meet me at the theatre at 1:35 for Tales of Mystery and Suspense!
Block C: Comparative devices were the task for today. A Quiz on terminology and some time to start your poetry project. Work with comparison continues tomorrow.
Block D: Make sure that you have your reading and sticky notes ready for discussion - plus your first set of 2 journals is due tomorrow.
Block C: Comparative devices were the task for today. A Quiz on terminology and some time to start your poetry project. Work with comparison continues tomorrow.
Block D: Make sure that you have your reading and sticky notes ready for discussion - plus your first set of 2 journals is due tomorrow.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Fun-times Friday!
Block A: Today was peer editing day - so hopefully you got some good feedback from your editor that you can incorporate into your good copy due on Monday.
Block C: Nice work on your performances today! This weekend think about the project for the unit and what you need to do to get started.
Block D: Lesson today about symbolism, and how to find symbols in your novel. For your next set of sticky notes keep up with our usual reading strategies - but start looking for symbols in your novel as well. Don't forget that you have 2 personal responses due on Monday for group discussion.
Block C: Nice work on your performances today! This weekend think about the project for the unit and what you need to do to get started.
Block D: Lesson today about symbolism, and how to find symbols in your novel. For your next set of sticky notes keep up with our usual reading strategies - but start looking for symbols in your novel as well. Don't forget that you have 2 personal responses due on Monday for group discussion.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Thursday Dance-day!
If you are going to the dance tonight - have a great time - be safe and make good choices!
Not going to the dance? How about some awesome and fun homework?!
Block A: The rough draft of your essay is due tomorrow. Please make sure that it is double-spaced regardless if it is typed or hand-written.
Block C: Hope you enjoyed your throw back to story time today! The book we read, Love that Dog, is the basis for the poetry project that you are going to be doing for this unit. There is no homework tonight!
Block D: Read, read and read some more - focus your sticky notes on theme: isolation, identity and survival - but themes that are unique to your novel too. The first set of 2 journal entries is now due on Tuesday - make sure you have your 2 personal responses done for Monday.
Not going to the dance? How about some awesome and fun homework?!
Block A: The rough draft of your essay is due tomorrow. Please make sure that it is double-spaced regardless if it is typed or hand-written.
Block C: Hope you enjoyed your throw back to story time today! The book we read, Love that Dog, is the basis for the poetry project that you are going to be doing for this unit. There is no homework tonight!
Block D: Read, read and read some more - focus your sticky notes on theme: isolation, identity and survival - but themes that are unique to your novel too. The first set of 2 journal entries is now due on Tuesday - make sure you have your 2 personal responses done for Monday.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: We will talk about writing good conclusions and titles tomorrow. The rough draft needs to be complete for Friday for peer editing!
Block C: The sound of words, and what is the impact our voice has on these words that we use? We got a small start on this today. If you did not finish your initial reaction - that is due tomorrow. If you get the chance look up more videos of Shane Koyczan - love slam poetry!
Block D: Great work today! Homework tonight is to read, read, read! Don't forget that your journals are due on Monday!
Block C: The sound of words, and what is the impact our voice has on these words that we use? We got a small start on this today. If you did not finish your initial reaction - that is due tomorrow. If you get the chance look up more videos of Shane Koyczan - love slam poetry!
Block D: Great work today! Homework tonight is to read, read, read! Don't forget that your journals are due on Monday!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Terrific Tuesday!
Block A: If you had any difficulty with quote integration please come and see me for extra help! We will continue writing our rough drafts tomorrow in class. The draft is due on Thursday. Also please bring your $4.00 admission fee for the drama performance we are going to see next Tuesday.
Block C: How does the form of poetry impact the mood and meaning. Exploration into the whys and hows of poetry began today. If you did not choose your "happy" or "sad" poem in class - please do so tonight. I will give you time in class tomorrow to finish up your task.
Block D: Make sure your reading is done for tomorrow! 3 sticky notes per chapter - focus on character and setting.
Block C: How does the form of poetry impact the mood and meaning. Exploration into the whys and hows of poetry began today. If you did not choose your "happy" or "sad" poem in class - please do so tonight. I will give you time in class tomorrow to finish up your task.
Block D: Make sure your reading is done for tomorrow! 3 sticky notes per chapter - focus on character and setting.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Marvelous Monday!
Block A: Mull over your essay topics - complete your incorporating quotations worksheet if not done in class!
Block C: An event out of the ordinary - there is NO homework tonight!
Block D: Today was the day to sign out your novel - if you did not get your novel signed out - you can do it tomorrow. Please complete 3 sticky notes per chapter. I will be checking on Wednesday that you have finished your reading! :)
Block C: An event out of the ordinary - there is NO homework tonight!
Block D: Today was the day to sign out your novel - if you did not get your novel signed out - you can do it tomorrow. Please complete 3 sticky notes per chapter. I will be checking on Wednesday that you have finished your reading! :)
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: So..... work continues on your essays. If you did not get your outline done in class - then make sure it is finished for Monday! Keep in mind how you want to organize your points - review your notes for the best method for you.
Block C: Phew! Essay is done!!! Verbal Visual is due on Monday.
Block D: Today we learned about reading strategies - and practiced using them in the story "The Sniper" we will finish up our work with that story on Monday. No homework this weekend! :)
Block C: Phew! Essay is done!!! Verbal Visual is due on Monday.
Block D: Today we learned about reading strategies - and practiced using them in the story "The Sniper" we will finish up our work with that story on Monday. No homework this weekend! :)
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday:
Block A: Great work on your introductions today! Tonight for homework make sure you have an awesome thesis and completed intro for me to check. In addition you need to find and print off an article or study that supports your topic. We will talk about incorporating evidence tomorrow.
Block C: In class essay tomorrow!!! Bring your outline, transitions sheet and novel to class with you.
Block D: Isolation, Identity and Survival - the big topics of the lesson today - all will be revealed tomorrow! The good copy of your short story is due tomorrow - double-spaced please!
Block C: In class essay tomorrow!!! Bring your outline, transitions sheet and novel to class with you.
Block D: Isolation, Identity and Survival - the big topics of the lesson today - all will be revealed tomorrow! The good copy of your short story is due tomorrow - double-spaced please!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Tasks for Tuesday:
Block A: Today in class we worked on developing essay topics and writing effective thesis statements. Your homework tonight is to develop an essay topic that you would like to write about for your unit assignment. Remember the 4 S's of good essay topics.
Block C: Work on your outlines continues tomorrow - in class essay Thursday. I've posted a link to the Literary Analysis Writing Guide along the right hand column of the blog - check it out if you are still confused!
Block D: I know that not everyone had the chance to complete the peer editing process today. I will give you time at the beginning of class to finish editing, as the feedback that you provide will be very valuable for the person writing the story. The good copy of your short story is due on Thursday. In addition you should review the handout I gave you on your Book Talk assignment (presentations start in Nov). Start thinking about how you are going to present your chosen book for the class.
Block C: Work on your outlines continues tomorrow - in class essay Thursday. I've posted a link to the Literary Analysis Writing Guide along the right hand column of the blog - check it out if you are still confused!
Block D: I know that not everyone had the chance to complete the peer editing process today. I will give you time at the beginning of class to finish editing, as the feedback that you provide will be very valuable for the person writing the story. The good copy of your short story is due on Thursday. In addition you should review the handout I gave you on your Book Talk assignment (presentations start in Nov). Start thinking about how you are going to present your chosen book for the class.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Monday Musings:
Block A: Essay writing continues tomorrow! Please ensure that you have Lesson 24 completed in your grammar package.
Block C: Some excellent ideas flowing about your Verbal Visual Essays! A reminder that your completed visual is due on Monday. We enter the wonderful world of Literary Analysis Essay Writing!
Block D: Rough drafts of your short stories are due tomorrow for peer editing - make sure it is double-spaced!
Block C: Some excellent ideas flowing about your Verbal Visual Essays! A reminder that your completed visual is due on Monday. We enter the wonderful world of Literary Analysis Essay Writing!
Block D: Rough drafts of your short stories are due tomorrow for peer editing - make sure it is double-spaced!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Finally some rain Friday!!!
It has been a long time coming - and we should be grateful!
Block A: Awesome class today - love the snowball stories - the best of the best will be read aloud on Monday. Meanwhile finish up your Short Story final project - all due on Monday. In addition if you didn't finish your grammar work on sentences - lessons 22 and 23 are due on Monday - we will review answers in class.
Block C: It was your LAST group meeting today - I hope you made it count! Journals are due on Monday. 4 personal responses and 2 group group responses. Next week will see the end of our time working on this novel study unit. Monday's class to be determined - but bring your materials for your verbal visual essay just in case!
Block D: Great work on your rough drafts today! I gave a stamp for completed story package and plot lines. You will have another work block on Monday for your draft. The rough draft will be due on Tuesday for peer editing.
Block A: Awesome class today - love the snowball stories - the best of the best will be read aloud on Monday. Meanwhile finish up your Short Story final project - all due on Monday. In addition if you didn't finish your grammar work on sentences - lessons 22 and 23 are due on Monday - we will review answers in class.
Block C: It was your LAST group meeting today - I hope you made it count! Journals are due on Monday. 4 personal responses and 2 group group responses. Next week will see the end of our time working on this novel study unit. Monday's class to be determined - but bring your materials for your verbal visual essay just in case!
Block D: Great work on your rough drafts today! I gave a stamp for completed story package and plot lines. You will have another work block on Monday for your draft. The rough draft will be due on Tuesday for peer editing.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Wednesday Work:
Block A: rough draft of your literary analysis paragraph is due tomorrow for peer editing. The entire project will be due on Monday!
Block C: Last group meeting tomorrow - make it the best one yet!
Block D: We started our short story project today. By the end of class tomorrow you should have the plot line, and the entire package finished - the storyboard and all. I will be doing a homework check on this on Friday.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Left Over Turkey Tuesday:
Block A: Keep working on your short story final project. The rough draft of your literary analysis paragraph for your chosen story will be due on Thursday.
Block C: Take a deep breath everyone - your last set of journals will be due on Monday. Tomorrow will be a work block to finish up any discussions left from the archetypes TOTD, and to get started on your Verbal Visual Essay. Can't wait to see what you come up with!!!
Block D: No homework tonight! Double-spaced good copy of your chosen paragraph will be due on Thursday.
Block C: Take a deep breath everyone - your last set of journals will be due on Monday. Tomorrow will be a work block to finish up any discussions left from the archetypes TOTD, and to get started on your Verbal Visual Essay. Can't wait to see what you come up with!!!
Block D: No homework tonight! Double-spaced good copy of your chosen paragraph will be due on Thursday.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Fun-times Friday!
Block A: Keep working on your analysis project. Due for Tuesday is the completed plot line, brainstorm and outline for your chosen literary response question. If you would like to choose your own, send me a tweet or an email!
Block C: Archetypes continues on Tuesday! Check the changes for scheduling as things have been pushed back.
Block D: Due on Monday: the short story package - all 5 story maps and all 5 tasks together with the green sheet attached. Also Audio themes worksheet. Bring all 3 paragraph rough drafts on Tuesday for editing!
Enjoy your 3 days off!!!
Block C: Archetypes continues on Tuesday! Check the changes for scheduling as things have been pushed back.
Block D: Due on Monday: the short story package - all 5 story maps and all 5 tasks together with the green sheet attached. Also Audio themes worksheet. Bring all 3 paragraph rough drafts on Tuesday for editing!
Enjoy your 3 days off!!!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Thoughts for Thursday:
Block A: No official homework tonight - absorb the feedback that I gave you on your elements work and we will continue the plot line and analysis tomorrow.
Block C: Group meeting and second set of journals tomorrow. Come prepared with your reading done and sticky notes filled with awesomeness to talk about in your groups.
Block D: Gah! Theme?! Why does it have to be so complicated?!!! Today we finished taking some notes, and reviewing the pink handout on theme statements. Then you started your final short story task: Write an awesome theme statement for all 5 of the stories we have read in this unit. I did not assign the theme statements for homework, I will give you some time in class to keep asking me questions - talking it through is really the best way to develop a theme statement. Think over and absorb what was taught in class today and we will continue our theme journey tomorrow.
Block C: Group meeting and second set of journals tomorrow. Come prepared with your reading done and sticky notes filled with awesomeness to talk about in your groups.
Block D: Gah! Theme?! Why does it have to be so complicated?!!! Today we finished taking some notes, and reviewing the pink handout on theme statements. Then you started your final short story task: Write an awesome theme statement for all 5 of the stories we have read in this unit. I did not assign the theme statements for homework, I will give you some time in class to keep asking me questions - talking it through is really the best way to develop a theme statement. Think over and absorb what was taught in class today and we will continue our theme journey tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: Work continues on your short story analysis project. There will be another work block tomorrow - you should be done all of your elements by now, and be thinking about creating your detailed plot line that we will start in class tomorrow.
Those going to Victoria: make sure that you have your elements done for Friday - you will need to catch up to the class over the long weekend.
Block C: Journal discussion continues tomorrow - this set of 4 entries is due on Friday.
Block D: Today we reviewed the story map for "Penny in the Dust" and worked on questions 1-8 on the handout. If you did not finish questions please do so for homework. I also gave some notes about finding the theme, and writing theme statements, which we will finish tomorrow. Tricky stuff I know... we will keep working on it tomorrow.
Those going to Victoria: make sure that you have your elements done for Friday - you will need to catch up to the class over the long weekend.
Block C: Journal discussion continues tomorrow - this set of 4 entries is due on Friday.
Block D: Today we reviewed the story map for "Penny in the Dust" and worked on questions 1-8 on the handout. If you did not finish questions please do so for homework. I also gave some notes about finding the theme, and writing theme statements, which we will finish tomorrow. Tricky stuff I know... we will keep working on it tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Tuesday Tasks:
Block A: Today we got started on our Short Story Analysis Project. Each person signed up for the story that they would like to analyze, and we got started on task number 1. You will have time tomorrow in class to continue working on your elements of fiction.
Block C: Theme work will continue tomorrow if your group did not finish the task of the day. In addition you will have time to work on your group responses for your next set of journals.
Block D: Today we read the last short story in our unit "Penny in the Dust." Homework tonight is to finish the story map, and the double-spaced rough draft of your descriptive paragraph.
Block C: Theme work will continue tomorrow if your group did not finish the task of the day. In addition you will have time to work on your group responses for your next set of journals.
Block D: Today we read the last short story in our unit "Penny in the Dust." Homework tonight is to finish the story map, and the double-spaced rough draft of your descriptive paragraph.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Mostly Monday:
Block A: Today in class, you had to opportunity to have your literary response paragraph peer-edited. Please take into consideration all the feedback you were given for your good copy. Please double-space and hand in your outline, draft, peer-editing sheet and good copy tomorrow. In addition I handed out the final short story analysis project. Please choose your story and start reading it tonight.
Block C: Meeting #3 tomorrow. Consider the notes I gave today. Come prepared to discuss. Have questions ready and connections made. Next set of journals due Friday.
Block D: What is descriptive writing? Well, after today's class you should be able to answer that question with confidence! Homework tonight is to complete the point-form outline for your chosen topic. Review your notes to ensure that you are adding enough vivid details. Make sure you SHOW don't TELL!!!!
Block C: Meeting #3 tomorrow. Consider the notes I gave today. Come prepared to discuss. Have questions ready and connections made. Next set of journals due Friday.
Block D: What is descriptive writing? Well, after today's class you should be able to answer that question with confidence! Homework tonight is to complete the point-form outline for your chosen topic. Review your notes to ensure that you are adding enough vivid details. Make sure you SHOW don't TELL!!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Hat's off to Thursday!
Don't forget that tomorrow is Pro-D which means you get a 3 day weekend - try to get out and enjoy the last of the good weather.
Block A: Theme, theme, theme. What is that allusive thing called theme? Well, it is your job to wrestle with the theme of "Saturday Climbing" for your second literary response paragraph. The assignment:
In a well-developed paragraph, analyze the theme of "Saturday Climbing." In other words, what is the message that the author is saying about life and what it means to be human. Use evidence in the form of quotations to prove and analyze the theme. The outline and double-spaced rough draft is due on Monday.
Block C: Great work in your groups today - homework this weekend is to read and prepare for your meetings next week.
Block D: The creative energy in class today was great! A lot of good work on your setting haiku. If you did not finish your three haiku, make sure they are done for Monday. Also, if you are behind on any other aspect of your paragraphs or other story maps take this weekend to catch up on missing work!
Block A: Theme, theme, theme. What is that allusive thing called theme? Well, it is your job to wrestle with the theme of "Saturday Climbing" for your second literary response paragraph. The assignment:
In a well-developed paragraph, analyze the theme of "Saturday Climbing." In other words, what is the message that the author is saying about life and what it means to be human. Use evidence in the form of quotations to prove and analyze the theme. The outline and double-spaced rough draft is due on Monday.
Block C: Great work in your groups today - homework this weekend is to read and prepare for your meetings next week.
Block D: The creative energy in class today was great! A lot of good work on your setting haiku. If you did not finish your three haiku, make sure they are done for Monday. Also, if you are behind on any other aspect of your paragraphs or other story maps take this weekend to catch up on missing work!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Hoodie Wednesday
Block A: Homework tonight is to finish the questions and plot summary for "Saturday Climbing"
Block C: First set of dialectical journals is due tomorrow. Also you should have your reading done and be ready to contribute to your meeting.
Block D: No Homework - ENJOY!
Block C: First set of dialectical journals is due tomorrow. Also you should have your reading done and be ready to contribute to your meeting.
Block D: No Homework - ENJOY!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Jersey Tuesday!
Block A: Finish up the questions and story map for "Identities." In addition to the character description paragraph.
Block C: Journals are due on Thursday - you will have a work block tomorrow to read and prepare for discussion on Thursday.
Block D: Persuasive rough draft is due tomorrow. Finish reading the last few lines of "The Most Dangerous Game." We will complete the story map and task tomorrow.
Block C: Journals are due on Thursday - you will have a work block tomorrow to read and prepare for discussion on Thursday.
Block D: Persuasive rough draft is due tomorrow. Finish reading the last few lines of "The Most Dangerous Game." We will complete the story map and task tomorrow.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Must Wear PJ's Monday
Block A: We started a new story today: "Identities" in small groups we worked through a close reading of the story with guided questions. For homework tonight answer the questions up to number 9. I will give you time tomorrow for the rest. Also don't worry about the plot summary - we will work on it tomorrow.
Block C: A great first meeting today! A lot of really rich discussion. As I was walking around it really seems as though people are benefitting from the opportunity to ask their group questions. For homework tonight - focus on your journals. I know that not everyone was able to finish their group work on analyzing fictional worlds, but you need to get some time for your journals, as the first set is due on Thursday.
Block D: We started thinking persuasively today. And how to write a persuasive paragraph. Remember this is not about stating your opinion, it is about convincing someone - with evidence - to believe what you want them to believe. It is not an opinion piece. Tonight you may want to make sure that your graphic organizer and outline are finished. The rough draft (double-spaced) will be due on Wednesday. There may be some time in class tomorrow to continue working on what you did not get finished today.
Block C: A great first meeting today! A lot of really rich discussion. As I was walking around it really seems as though people are benefitting from the opportunity to ask their group questions. For homework tonight - focus on your journals. I know that not everyone was able to finish their group work on analyzing fictional worlds, but you need to get some time for your journals, as the first set is due on Thursday.
Block D: We started thinking persuasively today. And how to write a persuasive paragraph. Remember this is not about stating your opinion, it is about convincing someone - with evidence - to believe what you want them to believe. It is not an opinion piece. Tonight you may want to make sure that your graphic organizer and outline are finished. The rough draft (double-spaced) will be due on Wednesday. There may be some time in class tomorrow to continue working on what you did not get finished today.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Fun for this Friday!
Block A: Homework this weekend is the good copy of your opinion paragraph. You need to hand in an outline, rough draft and good copy on Monday. Good copy must be double-spaced!
Block C: Great start to the novel unit - I am SO excited to listen in on your first meeting on Monday. Make sure you have your reading and sticky notes done in preparation. You should be thinking about your journals but you don't need to have all 4 entries complete.
Block D: Intro to formal writing today. Expository paragraphs to start with. I gave you a selection of topics to choose from. Once you made your choice you wrote an outline in point form and started your rough draft. If you did not finish your rough draft it is due on Monday.
Block C: Great start to the novel unit - I am SO excited to listen in on your first meeting on Monday. Make sure you have your reading and sticky notes done in preparation. You should be thinking about your journals but you don't need to have all 4 entries complete.
Block D: Intro to formal writing today. Expository paragraphs to start with. I gave you a selection of topics to choose from. Once you made your choice you wrote an outline in point form and started your rough draft. If you did not finish your rough draft it is due on Monday.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
This is/was Thursday:
Block A: Quiz is over - yay! Homework tonight is to answer questions 1-7 using full sentences and a quote in each answer.
Block C: Wow. Are you ready for this? The novel study has begun and it is going to take a lot of work and dedication on your part to make sure that you are meeting the expectations of this demanding unit. You should read and complete your sticky notes in preparation for Monday's meeting, and get started on your first set of journals.
Block D: 2 Cinquain character poems are due tomorrow for a homework check! If you finished in class - you are free!
Block C: Wow. Are you ready for this? The novel study has begun and it is going to take a lot of work and dedication on your part to make sure that you are meeting the expectations of this demanding unit. You should read and complete your sticky notes in preparation for Monday's meeting, and get started on your first set of journals.
Block D: 2 Cinquain character poems are due tomorrow for a homework check! If you finished in class - you are free!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Picture Taking Wednesday
Block A: Study for your quiz tonight - all terms on the blue sheet are game. If you did not finish the "Boys and Girls" chart on stereotypes, symbols and connotations it is due tomorrow.
Block C: Put your thoughts in writing: we watched The Matrix, and learned about Plato and Descartes - not it is up to you to put it all together. What does it all mean in relation to the theme of our novel study Insiders and Outsiders? What have you taken away from this whole idea of intertextuality? One to two pages, single-spaced is fine, due tomorrow.
Block D: Do your best to finish up the characterization charts from class today - they are due tomorrow. Study the blue sheet of terms for the quiz tomorrow!
Block C: Put your thoughts in writing: we watched The Matrix, and learned about Plato and Descartes - not it is up to you to put it all together. What does it all mean in relation to the theme of our novel study Insiders and Outsiders? What have you taken away from this whole idea of intertextuality? One to two pages, single-spaced is fine, due tomorrow.
Block D: Do your best to finish up the characterization charts from class today - they are due tomorrow. Study the blue sheet of terms for the quiz tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Tuesday Tasks:
Block A: We read (the not so short) short story "Boys and Girls" by Alice Munro. Homework tonight is to complete the Plot Summary. Here is the link to a full-text version of the story
Short Story terminology quiz on Thursday.
Block C: Intertextuality - What have you gotten yourselves into English 12?!!! Plato, Descartes and The Matrix... What does it all mean?!!
REMINDER: Good Copy of your essay is due tomorrow - double-spaced and awesome!
Block D: "The Necklace" Story map is due tomorrow. Don't forget to study for the quiz on Thursday.
Short Story terminology quiz on Thursday.
Block C: Intertextuality - What have you gotten yourselves into English 12?!!! Plato, Descartes and The Matrix... What does it all mean?!!
REMINDER: Good Copy of your essay is due tomorrow - double-spaced and awesome!
Block D: "The Necklace" Story map is due tomorrow. Don't forget to study for the quiz on Thursday.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Monday Musings:
Block A: Your characterization paragraphs are due tomorrow about our protagonist Sammy - homework check in the afternoon.
Block C: Great work with your peer editing today - the good copy of your transformational narrative is due on Wednesday.
Below are the 8 novel choices for our unit. Read through them all, and consider your options. I will have one novel of each group on display in the classroom for you to look over and make your top three choices. Submit your selections to me on a small piece of paper by Tuesday at 3:00. Please indicate the title only - no need to include the author. If you do not submit your choices, I will put you in a group.
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
This novel chronicles the experiences of a German soldier during the war, from the physical and emotional stress of war to the confusion and isolation he experiences upon return from the trenches. A sad tale of war, remorse, and the pain inflicted on each other during times of war. If you enjoy history and war stories in particular this novel is for you.
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Stark and bleak is the world of 1984. Big Brother (a term coined by Orwell) has the ability to control and spy on all citizens. This novel is about one mans struggle for survival in a frightening world controlled by the Big Brother regiem. If you like to read about satire, in distopic settings and with some sci-fi undertones this book is for you.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
A moving and heartbreaking story of survival, friendship and political struggle in Afghanistan. This book spans decades of conflict in a complicated country. If you have ever wanted to learn more about the background to the conflict in Afghanistan this book is for you! This story does contain graphic depictions of violence - so if you feel that you don't want to read about that - then don't choose it!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I LOVE this book! Jane is a poor orphaned girl, left in the care of a neglectful aunt, and a cruel cousin. In order to make a living she becomes the governess for a girl in the mysterious and possibly haunted Thornfield Hall, where she meets the equally mysterious and tortured Mr. Rochester. This story is not only a romance, but also the triumph of the individual to overcome obstacles in order to truly know oneself. A wonderful read.
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Those of you who have read Chaucer will recognize the intertextuality in the title to The Canterbury Tales. This is Atwood's response to Orwell's 1984. Atwood's distopic society is a world where the rights of women have been decimated to the point where they no longer have control over their own bodies and are forced to bare children for the wealthy. This story does contain strong language, and sexual references - so please don't choose it if you are concerned about that. This novel is poetic and political so if that appeals to you then this might be your book.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Love, hate, revenge and intrigue. This novel is set in the 1920s - the age of Jazz. And a pivotal era between two world wars. The narrator takes a summer house beside the wealthy, extravagant and mysterious Jay Gatsby. Soon the narrator finds himself caught up in a world where appearances can sometimes be deceiving.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The original monster story. Dr. Frankenstein sets out to create life - but in doing so he breaks the natural order of things, the consequences of which have lasting and damaging effects. There are elements of horror in this story - but not really graphic or bloody - it is poetic in nature, and will push you to understand life and humanity in ways not previously thought.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Set in the future, this distopic novel is about a society where people are classified and ranked at birth. Based upon your rank - you are designated certain jobs and certain partners in life. Freedom is limited, but there are those who don't believe and those who wish to seek a world where these kind of restrictions don't exist. A challenging read - but certainly shares some interesting intertextuality with The Matrix.
Once again, choose 3 titles and write your choices on a separate piece of paper. Also indicate the novels you have already read. No promises that you'll get your top pick but I'll do my best!
Block D: The good copy of your advice letter to John Purcell is due tomorrow - in pen or typed!
Block C: Great work with your peer editing today - the good copy of your transformational narrative is due on Wednesday.
Below are the 8 novel choices for our unit. Read through them all, and consider your options. I will have one novel of each group on display in the classroom for you to look over and make your top three choices. Submit your selections to me on a small piece of paper by Tuesday at 3:00. Please indicate the title only - no need to include the author. If you do not submit your choices, I will put you in a group.
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
This novel chronicles the experiences of a German soldier during the war, from the physical and emotional stress of war to the confusion and isolation he experiences upon return from the trenches. A sad tale of war, remorse, and the pain inflicted on each other during times of war. If you enjoy history and war stories in particular this novel is for you.
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Stark and bleak is the world of 1984. Big Brother (a term coined by Orwell) has the ability to control and spy on all citizens. This novel is about one mans struggle for survival in a frightening world controlled by the Big Brother regiem. If you like to read about satire, in distopic settings and with some sci-fi undertones this book is for you.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
A moving and heartbreaking story of survival, friendship and political struggle in Afghanistan. This book spans decades of conflict in a complicated country. If you have ever wanted to learn more about the background to the conflict in Afghanistan this book is for you! This story does contain graphic depictions of violence - so if you feel that you don't want to read about that - then don't choose it!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I LOVE this book! Jane is a poor orphaned girl, left in the care of a neglectful aunt, and a cruel cousin. In order to make a living she becomes the governess for a girl in the mysterious and possibly haunted Thornfield Hall, where she meets the equally mysterious and tortured Mr. Rochester. This story is not only a romance, but also the triumph of the individual to overcome obstacles in order to truly know oneself. A wonderful read.
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Those of you who have read Chaucer will recognize the intertextuality in the title to The Canterbury Tales. This is Atwood's response to Orwell's 1984. Atwood's distopic society is a world where the rights of women have been decimated to the point where they no longer have control over their own bodies and are forced to bare children for the wealthy. This story does contain strong language, and sexual references - so please don't choose it if you are concerned about that. This novel is poetic and political so if that appeals to you then this might be your book.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Love, hate, revenge and intrigue. This novel is set in the 1920s - the age of Jazz. And a pivotal era between two world wars. The narrator takes a summer house beside the wealthy, extravagant and mysterious Jay Gatsby. Soon the narrator finds himself caught up in a world where appearances can sometimes be deceiving.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The original monster story. Dr. Frankenstein sets out to create life - but in doing so he breaks the natural order of things, the consequences of which have lasting and damaging effects. There are elements of horror in this story - but not really graphic or bloody - it is poetic in nature, and will push you to understand life and humanity in ways not previously thought.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Set in the future, this distopic novel is about a society where people are classified and ranked at birth. Based upon your rank - you are designated certain jobs and certain partners in life. Freedom is limited, but there are those who don't believe and those who wish to seek a world where these kind of restrictions don't exist. A challenging read - but certainly shares some interesting intertextuality with The Matrix.
Once again, choose 3 titles and write your choices on a separate piece of paper. Also indicate the novels you have already read. No promises that you'll get your top pick but I'll do my best!
Block D: The good copy of your advice letter to John Purcell is due tomorrow - in pen or typed!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Friday Fantastic!
Hooray for the weekend! Get out and enjoy the sunshine! But not before you finish these exciting tasks:
Block A: Your characterization work is due on Monday. Make sure you are using quotes and explaining your thinking. The more you put in - the more you will get out!
Block C: Wonderful work today everyone! I'm glad we had the opportunity to view Jane McGonigal's TED talk and discuss it. Looking forward to reading your responses - if you didn't finish in class - please hand it in on Monday.
Rough draft of your personal narrative is due for peer editing on Monday.
Block D: We shared our alternate endings in small groups and we read the short story "The Father." If you didn't finish the story map in class - please complete it for Monday as there will be a homework check and discussion.
Block A: Your characterization work is due on Monday. Make sure you are using quotes and explaining your thinking. The more you put in - the more you will get out!
Block C: Wonderful work today everyone! I'm glad we had the opportunity to view Jane McGonigal's TED talk and discuss it. Looking forward to reading your responses - if you didn't finish in class - please hand it in on Monday.
Rough draft of your personal narrative is due for peer editing on Monday.
Block D: We shared our alternate endings in small groups and we read the short story "The Father." If you didn't finish the story map in class - please complete it for Monday as there will be a homework check and discussion.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Extra Thursday Thinking:
Block A: Homework tonight is to finish up the discussion questions for "A&P that we started today in class - we will debrief tomorrow in class.
Block C: Rough draft of your transformational narrative is due on Monday. There will be something a little different on deck for tomorrow.
Block D: Finish up the "Wish you Were Here" story response - either the police report - and how you would investigate the crime, or the alternate ending. Be prepared to share tomorrow.
Block C: Rough draft of your transformational narrative is due on Monday. There will be something a little different on deck for tomorrow.
Block D: Finish up the "Wish you Were Here" story response - either the police report - and how you would investigate the crime, or the alternate ending. Be prepared to share tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: Today we began our unit on Short Stories! I gave a handout of the list of terminology that you need to know - study it as there will be a quiz next week. We read the first short story "A&P" by John Updike. Complete the Plot Summary handout and be prepared to discuss it tomorrow.
Block C: Tomorrow will be your last class to work on your personal narrative. Editing will commence on Monday.
Block D: What was going on in that story today? "Wish you Were Here" story map is due tomorrow. I will be doing a homework check to make sure yours is complete. We will discuss to try and figure out, just what was going on in that story.
Block C: Tomorrow will be your last class to work on your personal narrative. Editing will commence on Monday.
Block D: What was going on in that story today? "Wish you Were Here" story map is due tomorrow. I will be doing a homework check to make sure yours is complete. We will discuss to try and figure out, just what was going on in that story.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Tuesday Terrific!
Block A: Thanks for all the listening today - I know it was a lot of me talking - but I think knowing the expectations of English 11 writing is really important right at the beginning of the semester. Fun times with short stories begins tomorrow - but for tonight you are homework free!
Block C: Worried yet? The next two days will be dedicated to writing the rough draft of your transformational narrative. The draft will be due on Monday for peer editing - make sure it is double-spaced!
Block D: Phew - now you know about the expectations of English 9 writing - and you will never think about surprises in the same way ever again!!! There is no home work tonight! The real work starts tomorrow...
Block C: Worried yet? The next two days will be dedicated to writing the rough draft of your transformational narrative. The draft will be due on Monday for peer editing - make sure it is double-spaced!
Block D: Phew - now you know about the expectations of English 9 writing - and you will never think about surprises in the same way ever again!!! There is no home work tonight! The real work starts tomorrow...
Monday, September 10, 2012
Mostly Monday
Block A: Today was the dreaded in class writing diagnostic assessment. Thanks for putting forth your best writing efforts. We will be working with these again tomorrow.
Block C: Think transformationally. Today in class we viewed and discussed 2 examples of transformational narratives. The discussion continues tomorrow - along with the beginning of your essay writing journey.
Block D: Many of you forgot your silent reading novel today - please bring it tomorrow. My novels are for emergency use only! Good work on your in class writing diagnostic - we shall discuss these further tomorrow.
Block C: Think transformationally. Today in class we viewed and discussed 2 examples of transformational narratives. The discussion continues tomorrow - along with the beginning of your essay writing journey.
Block D: Many of you forgot your silent reading novel today - please bring it tomorrow. My novels are for emergency use only! Good work on your in class writing diagnostic - we shall discuss these further tomorrow.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Fabulous Friday!
Phew! We made it through the first week of school!!! Next week a full 5 days...
Here is some work to help get you through the weekend until you get the come back to school!
Block A: Extended metaphors with visual support are due on Monday. In addition you need to choose your silent reading novel. I will consult with each of you to see if it is appropriate for the reading level in grade 11 English. See the helpful sites on the side bar for book suggestions.
Block C: Your contradictory natures will be on display when you hand in your paradox assignments on Monday. Silent reading novels are also due - there are lists on the side of some books you may want to think about for your independent novel study assignment. Remember to challenge yourself - read something unfamiliar - and outside what you are used to reading.
Block D: Bio poems are due on Monday - bring a silent reading novel as well - challenge yourself with something new and interesting!
Enjoy your weekend and see you on Monday!
Here is some work to help get you through the weekend until you get the come back to school!
Block A: Extended metaphors with visual support are due on Monday. In addition you need to choose your silent reading novel. I will consult with each of you to see if it is appropriate for the reading level in grade 11 English. See the helpful sites on the side bar for book suggestions.
Block C: Your contradictory natures will be on display when you hand in your paradox assignments on Monday. Silent reading novels are also due - there are lists on the side of some books you may want to think about for your independent novel study assignment. Remember to challenge yourself - read something unfamiliar - and outside what you are used to reading.
Block D: Bio poems are due on Monday - bring a silent reading novel as well - challenge yourself with something new and interesting!
Enjoy your weekend and see you on Monday!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Thorough Thursday
Block A: Today we looked at what an extended metaphor is. And watched the opening monologue of the movie Dear John as an example - what are you? Probably not a coin in the US Army.... Think about your metaphor and what you can reveal about yourself in this comparison. Metaphor and visuals are due on Monday.
If you have not already handed in your salmon coloured sheet - it is due tomorrow.
If you have not already handed in your salmon coloured sheet - it is due tomorrow.
Block C: You and your paradoxes! You are contradictory and contrary - write about - create a visual and hand it in on Monday. There will be time to work on these tomorrow.
Blue sheets are due in the morning - if not already handed in.
Block D: We started our bio poems today - you will get a work block tomorrow to ask questions and get help if you are stuck.
If you didn't finish your snap shot it is due tomorrow in addition to your blue coloured sheets.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Welcome Back Wednesday!!!
Here we go! Off on an adventure through the trials and tribulations of high school English! I promise to be your guide through the rough patches - let's make this an awesome semester!
This is what you are responsible for tonight:
Block A: Have your salmon coloured sheet signed and complete the personal snapshot to hand in tomorrow.
Block C: Have your blue sheet signed, and complete the personal snapshot.
Block D: Have your purple sheet signed and complete the letter to me if not done in class. The criteria from the overhead is below:
Part A: Explain to me a little bit about you. What kinds of things do you like doing outside of school? Do you belong to clubs or sports teams? Anything that will help to give me a better picture of who you are.
Part B: What do you expect to get out of my class? What makes a good teacher? What expectations do you have of me as your teacher?
Part C: Tell me about the kind of student you are. Do you hate to be called on in front of class? Do you sometimes need extra help? Do you need help keeping your work organized? Extra reminders about homework and due dates?
Part D: Think seriously about who would be a good person for you to sit near in order to benefit your learning. I'll take your reasons into consideration when I make my seating plan. You must provide a good reason s/he's by bff is not a good reason! You may also tell me who you think you might need some space from - with a good reason, for example I am easily distracted by ............. and I want to do better academically this semester. I'm not making any promises - but I'll do the best I can.
In your letter feel free to include anything else you think might be helpful for me to know about you.
Think about what novel you would like to read for your silent reading novel this semester. Remember you will be giving an oral presentation on this novel so please make sure that it is one that meets the criteria we discussed in class. You need to bring your book for Monday's class as I will be checking and approving each novel.
This is what you are responsible for tonight:
Block A: Have your salmon coloured sheet signed and complete the personal snapshot to hand in tomorrow.
Block C: Have your blue sheet signed, and complete the personal snapshot.
Block D: Have your purple sheet signed and complete the letter to me if not done in class. The criteria from the overhead is below:
Part A: Explain to me a little bit about you. What kinds of things do you like doing outside of school? Do you belong to clubs or sports teams? Anything that will help to give me a better picture of who you are.
Part B: What do you expect to get out of my class? What makes a good teacher? What expectations do you have of me as your teacher?
Part C: Tell me about the kind of student you are. Do you hate to be called on in front of class? Do you sometimes need extra help? Do you need help keeping your work organized? Extra reminders about homework and due dates?
Part D: Think seriously about who would be a good person for you to sit near in order to benefit your learning. I'll take your reasons into consideration when I make my seating plan. You must provide a good reason s/he's by bff is not a good reason! You may also tell me who you think you might need some space from - with a good reason, for example I am easily distracted by ............. and I want to do better academically this semester. I'm not making any promises - but I'll do the best I can.
In your letter feel free to include anything else you think might be helpful for me to know about you.
Think about what novel you would like to read for your silent reading novel this semester. Remember you will be giving an oral presentation on this novel so please make sure that it is one that meets the criteria we discussed in class. You need to bring your book for Monday's class as I will be checking and approving each novel.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Thoughts for this Thursday:
Congratulations everyone - we made it!!!
It is the last day of school tomorrow. We will be having an alternate bell schedule for our classes tomorrow prior to Sharkfest at 1:00.
I expect to see all of you in class tomorrow - we will hang out, sign yearbooks and celebrate our great accomplishments this semester.
It is the last day of school tomorrow. We will be having an alternate bell schedule for our classes tomorrow prior to Sharkfest at 1:00.
I expect to see all of you in class tomorrow - we will hang out, sign yearbooks and celebrate our great accomplishments this semester.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Wednesday Washout
Block A: Make sure you come to class prepared to write! You will have all class to write your final literary analysis. Please bring in your point form outline, and your copy of the play. Good luck!!!
Blocks B&D: We'll mark your compositions tomorrow and try to get ourselves as prepared as possible for that test next Friday.
Block C:
Comm 11 - Memory Book is due at the end of class tomorrow.
Comm 12 - Writing practice essays tomorrow in class.
Blocks B&D: We'll mark your compositions tomorrow and try to get ourselves as prepared as possible for that test next Friday.
Block C:
Comm 11 - Memory Book is due at the end of class tomorrow.
Comm 12 - Writing practice essays tomorrow in class.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Take Away Tuesday!
Block A: Bravo actors! Fabulous work today on your act interpretations. We get back to work tomorrow with preparing for the in-class writing assignment on Thursday.
Blocks B&D: Well, looks like some people need to study their terminology a bit more - flashcards anyone?
Block C:
Comm 11 - Memory Book is due at the end of class on Thursday.
Comm 12 - Provincial Prep continues.
Blocks B&D: Well, looks like some people need to study their terminology a bit more - flashcards anyone?
Block C:
Comm 11 - Memory Book is due at the end of class on Thursday.
Comm 12 - Provincial Prep continues.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Magnificent Monday!
Welcome to the LAST week of this school year! We have a lot to do this week - so stick with me kids and we'll all make it through together!
Block A: Today was rehearsals and prep for your performances tomorrow. We'll be going in order - from Act 1 - 5.
Blocks B&D: I know that was a lot of writing today - but it is really important that we get as familiar as possible with the various parts of the Provincial. You should be quizzing yourself nighty on your vocab and terminology. We will evaluate the synthesis tomorrow.
Block C:
Comm 11 - Your memory books are due on Thursday - keep working on your chapters to put it all together.
Comm 12 - Last week for Provincial Prep - let's try to be as prepared as possible for that big test coming up.
Block A: Today was rehearsals and prep for your performances tomorrow. We'll be going in order - from Act 1 - 5.
Blocks B&D: I know that was a lot of writing today - but it is really important that we get as familiar as possible with the various parts of the Provincial. You should be quizzing yourself nighty on your vocab and terminology. We will evaluate the synthesis tomorrow.
Block C:
Comm 11 - Your memory books are due on Thursday - keep working on your chapters to put it all together.
Comm 12 - Last week for Provincial Prep - let's try to be as prepared as possible for that big test coming up.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Fun Times Friday!
Block A: Preparation continues for your final performance project. You will have another work block on Monday to rehearse and coordinate with your group. Your theme quotations and vocabulary are due on Monday.
Blocks B&D: Provincial Exam prep continues on Monday - No Homework :)
Block C: Next week is last chance week. If you are missing assignments it is your last chance to hand work in.
Comm 11 - keep working on your memory book - chapter 8 will be checked on Monday.
Comm 12 - we are still working our way through the different parts of the provincial.
Blocks B&D: Provincial Exam prep continues on Monday - No Homework :)
Block C: Next week is last chance week. If you are missing assignments it is your last chance to hand work in.
Comm 11 - keep working on your memory book - chapter 8 will be checked on Monday.
Comm 12 - we are still working our way through the different parts of the provincial.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Well done 9s - you wrote your last quiz today on Romeo and Juliet. I then put you into groups so that you could get started on your Collaborative Group Assignment. Work continues on your performance tomorrow.
For those of you in band, please remember that your theme quotations and vocabulary are due on Monday.
Blocks B&D: Phew! Essay writing is done! No homework :)
Block C:
Comm 11 - work on chapters 8 and 9
Comm 12 - reading comprehension continues tomorrow
For those of you in band, please remember that your theme quotations and vocabulary are due on Monday.
Blocks B&D: Phew! Essay writing is done! No homework :)
Block C:
Comm 11 - work on chapters 8 and 9
Comm 12 - reading comprehension continues tomorrow
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: We finished the play!!! Get ready for tomorrow when the theatrics start.
Blocks B&D: In class essay tomorrow - work on your point form outline. You can bring in a copy of your play along with the outline. Good luck!
Block C:
Comm 11 - chapter 7 is due tomorrow.
Comm 12 - we continue comprehension tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: In class essay tomorrow - work on your point form outline. You can bring in a copy of your play along with the outline. Good luck!
Block C:
Comm 11 - chapter 7 is due tomorrow.
Comm 12 - we continue comprehension tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Terrific Tuesday:
Block A: Today young Romeo Montague met his untimely end. We shall see the demise of poor Juliet tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Great work today on your Act representations! "Sleep-bomb!"
Theme quotations and vocabulary are due tomorrow.
Block C:
Comm 11 - chapter 6 is due tomorrow
Comm 12 - informational text and literary text practice continue tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Great work today on your Act representations! "Sleep-bomb!"
Theme quotations and vocabulary are due tomorrow.
Block C:
Comm 11 - chapter 6 is due tomorrow
Comm 12 - informational text and literary text practice continue tomorrow.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Mostly Monday:
Block A: Today we read act 4 - we will work on the study guide tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Theatrics tomorrow - can't wait to see what you have come up with!!!
Block C:
Comm 11 - Chapter 6
Comm 12 - Reading for information continues tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Theatrics tomorrow - can't wait to see what you have come up with!!!
Block C:
Comm 11 - Chapter 6
Comm 12 - Reading for information continues tomorrow.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Fun times Friday!
Block A: Please complete your Act 3 study guide if you did not finish it in class. There will be a quiz on Monday.
Blocks B&D: We finished the play!!! This weekend you need to get a handle on your theme quotations and vocabulary because I will be assigning the final performance project on Monday and you don't want to be thinking about both of them.
Block C:
Comm 11 - chapter 5 is due on Monday - but please do work ahead.
Comm 12 - Provincial review continues.
Blocks B&D: We finished the play!!! This weekend you need to get a handle on your theme quotations and vocabulary because I will be assigning the final performance project on Monday and you don't want to be thinking about both of them.
Block C:
Comm 11 - chapter 5 is due on Monday - but please do work ahead.
Comm 12 - Provincial review continues.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Thoughtful Thursday:
Block A: Tonight you should continue working on your theme quotations list and your vocabulary log.
Blocks B&D: We finished reading Act 4 today - that means only 1 act to go! Complete the discussion questions for the act. I strongly recommend that you also work on your theme quotations and vocabulary.
Here are the questions from the overhead:
1. Compare this act to the previous one. In which act did the majority of the characters enjoy themselves most? Which act did you enjoy more? Explain.
2. How do most of the dreamers respond to the dream experience upon waking? Which character is changed permanently by the dream experience?
3. How does Theseus's current decision regarding Hermia and Lysander contradict his earlier statement?
4. In this act, several characters look back at prior information with disbelief. What do you think Shakespeare is saying about love and infatuation?
Block C:
Comm 11 - Cont. working on chapter 5 and 6
Comm 12 - Visual designs continue tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: We finished reading Act 4 today - that means only 1 act to go! Complete the discussion questions for the act. I strongly recommend that you also work on your theme quotations and vocabulary.
Here are the questions from the overhead:
1. Compare this act to the previous one. In which act did the majority of the characters enjoy themselves most? Which act did you enjoy more? Explain.
2. How do most of the dreamers respond to the dream experience upon waking? Which character is changed permanently by the dream experience?
3. How does Theseus's current decision regarding Hermia and Lysander contradict his earlier statement?
4. In this act, several characters look back at prior information with disbelief. What do you think Shakespeare is saying about love and infatuation?
Block C:
Comm 11 - Cont. working on chapter 5 and 6
Comm 12 - Visual designs continue tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: Please get started on your vocabulary and theme quotations assignment.
Blocks B&D: Complete the figurative language chart for Act 3.
Block C:
Comm 11 - chapter 4 check tomorrow. Start chapter 5 if you are ready.
Comm 12 - Visual designs continue tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Complete the figurative language chart for Act 3.
Block C:
Comm 11 - chapter 4 check tomorrow. Start chapter 5 if you are ready.
Comm 12 - Visual designs continue tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Tuesday Tasks:
Block A: Today we finished reading Act 2 of R&J - please complete the study guide in preparation for the quiz tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: We finished reading Act 3 of MSND today and we will be having a quiz on the act tomorrow. Here are the questions from the overhead:
1. Some critics see Bottom as a fool. Others think he is wiser than he appears. What is your opinion of Bottom? Make sure to back up your answers with evidence from the text.
2. What causes Helena to become angry with Hermia? In your opinion, why does Helena refuse to believe her friend and would-be lovers?
3. Find as many examples as you can, of characters confusing illusion for reality. Make sure to note the lines in which you find your examples.
4. Some characters in A Midsummer Night's Dream are round characters. In other words, they undergo psychological growth as a result of their experiences. Other characters move the plot forward but do not undergo any real, inner change. These are flat characters. With a partner, or on your own, categorize the characters in the play as either round or flat. For each character identify at least two examples from the text that support your analysis of the characterization. What role do you think flat characters play in a comedy?
Block C:
Comm 11 - Chapter 4 due tomorrow
Comm 12 - Visual designs continue!
Blocks B&D: We finished reading Act 3 of MSND today and we will be having a quiz on the act tomorrow. Here are the questions from the overhead:
1. Some critics see Bottom as a fool. Others think he is wiser than he appears. What is your opinion of Bottom? Make sure to back up your answers with evidence from the text.
2. What causes Helena to become angry with Hermia? In your opinion, why does Helena refuse to believe her friend and would-be lovers?
3. Find as many examples as you can, of characters confusing illusion for reality. Make sure to note the lines in which you find your examples.
4. Some characters in A Midsummer Night's Dream are round characters. In other words, they undergo psychological growth as a result of their experiences. Other characters move the plot forward but do not undergo any real, inner change. These are flat characters. With a partner, or on your own, categorize the characters in the play as either round or flat. For each character identify at least two examples from the text that support your analysis of the characterization. What role do you think flat characters play in a comedy?
Block C:
Comm 11 - Chapter 4 due tomorrow
Comm 12 - Visual designs continue!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Monday Musings:
Block A: No homework! You should think about starting your vocabulary and theme quotations!
Blocks B&D: No homework! Act 3 continues tomorrow!
Block C:
Comm 11 - work on chapter 4
Comm 12 - visual designs start tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: No homework! Act 3 continues tomorrow!
Block C:
Comm 11 - work on chapter 4
Comm 12 - visual designs start tomorrow.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Fun in the Sun Friday!
Block A: Today we completed a quiz on Act 1 of the play and watched the first act of the movie. Then we moved on to studying figurative language. For Monday you need to complete the chart and find examples of a simile, metaphor, personification, symbolism, alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, hyperbole and allusion.
Blocks B&D: Today we continued to read about the trials and tribulations of our characters. Things are even more mixed up than before. Your homework for the weekend is to complete the discussion questions for Act 2 - see below. And to complete the chart of figurative language as well.
1. What images presented by the sprites do you remember best? Attempt to recreate those images.
2. Why are Oberon and Titania fighting?
3. How does Oberon intend to Blackmail Titania into giving him what he wants?
4. By the end of Act 2, what is similar about the following pairs: Lysander and Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, And Oberon and Titania?
5. How would you describe that character of Puck (Robin)? What kind of mood does he create?
6. How might the magical herb described by Oberon act as a metaphor for the way infatuation operates in real life? Explain.
Block C:
Comm 11 - Chapter 3 is due on Monday
Comm 12 - Letters should be all done and we move onto the next section of the exam.
Blocks B&D: Today we continued to read about the trials and tribulations of our characters. Things are even more mixed up than before. Your homework for the weekend is to complete the discussion questions for Act 2 - see below. And to complete the chart of figurative language as well.
1. What images presented by the sprites do you remember best? Attempt to recreate those images.
2. Why are Oberon and Titania fighting?
3. How does Oberon intend to Blackmail Titania into giving him what he wants?
4. By the end of Act 2, what is similar about the following pairs: Lysander and Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, And Oberon and Titania?
5. How would you describe that character of Puck (Robin)? What kind of mood does he create?
6. How might the magical herb described by Oberon act as a metaphor for the way infatuation operates in real life? Explain.
Block C:
Comm 11 - Chapter 3 is due on Monday
Comm 12 - Letters should be all done and we move onto the next section of the exam.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Thoughts on this Thursday:
Block A: "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! / For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night" (1.5 52-53).
Today was the official meeting between Romeo and Juliet - great job with the reading today - you have finished the study guide, so all you need to do tonight is to study for the quiz tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: "Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit, / For I am sick when I do look on thee" (2.1 218-219).
Poor Helena - she of so little self-respect. Great reading today everyone - we will finish up Act 2 tomorrow - so no homework tonight :)
Block C:
Comm 11 - Chapter 3 is due on Monday
Comm 12 - We are now completing Provincial practice without notes in-class.
Today was the official meeting between Romeo and Juliet - great job with the reading today - you have finished the study guide, so all you need to do tonight is to study for the quiz tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: "Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit, / For I am sick when I do look on thee" (2.1 218-219).
Poor Helena - she of so little self-respect. Great reading today everyone - we will finish up Act 2 tomorrow - so no homework tonight :)
Block C:
Comm 11 - Chapter 3 is due on Monday
Comm 12 - We are now completing Provincial practice without notes in-class.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Work for this Wednesday:
Block A: Some great reading again today! We read to the end of Act 3 scene 3, we will continue the rest tomorrow. Your homework tonight is to complete the vocabulary, literary terminology and questions to #18.
Blocks B&D: Today we started our reading - and we finished Act 1. Some wonderfully enthusiastic readings out there - so excited for this unit! Here are the discussion questions from the overhead:
1. Describe how you felt when you read Helena's decision to tell Demetrius about Hermia and Lysander's plan? Why did you feel that way?
2. How would you describe Bottom's acting ability? What is Bottom's own opinion of his acting ability?
3. Describe Theseus's character. What sort of leader does he seem to be?
4. Do you think Egeus is justified in being angry with his daughter? Why or why not?
Block C:
Comm 11 - Chapter 2 due tomorrow.
Comm 12 - Letter requesting information due tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Today we started our reading - and we finished Act 1. Some wonderfully enthusiastic readings out there - so excited for this unit! Here are the discussion questions from the overhead:
1. Describe how you felt when you read Helena's decision to tell Demetrius about Hermia and Lysander's plan? Why did you feel that way?
2. How would you describe Bottom's acting ability? What is Bottom's own opinion of his acting ability?
3. Describe Theseus's character. What sort of leader does he seem to be?
4. Do you think Egeus is justified in being angry with his daughter? Why or why not?
Block C:
Comm 11 - Chapter 2 due tomorrow.
Comm 12 - Letter requesting information due tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Take Away Tuesday:
Block A: No homework tonight :) we will continue reading R&J tomorrow - excellent reading so far!!
Blocks B&D: Can you feel the excitement for MSND?!!! Reading starts tomorrow! Study the green sheet of the different players.
Comm 11: Chapter 2 is due on Thursday
Comm 12: Letter to the Editor is overdue and Letter of complaint is due tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Can you feel the excitement for MSND?!!! Reading starts tomorrow! Study the green sheet of the different players.
Comm 11: Chapter 2 is due on Thursday
Comm 12: Letter to the Editor is overdue and Letter of complaint is due tomorrow.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Four Day Weekend Thursday!
Block A: Today started our journey with the play Romeo and Juliet we looked at Shakespeare's life, and then had a pretty good pre-reading discussion about some of the situations we will encounter in the play. There is no homework - enjoy your four days!
Blocks B&D: Congrats to all poetry readers! The questions and chart for "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" are due on Tuesday. I will be collecting the completed package on Tuesday as well.
Block C: For my Comm 12s - you are to complete the letter to the editor. My Comm 11s need to have chapter 1 finished of your memory book.
Blocks B&D: Congrats to all poetry readers! The questions and chart for "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" are due on Tuesday. I will be collecting the completed package on Tuesday as well.
Block C: For my Comm 12s - you are to complete the letter to the editor. My Comm 11s need to have chapter 1 finished of your memory book.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: Song Analysis due tomorrow. Hand in the outline, rough draft, peer editing sheet, good copy (double-spaced), song lyrics and the marking criteria.
Blocks B&D: Dramatic Poetry Readings continue tomorrow.
Block C: Comm 11 - chapter one of your memory book is due on Monday. Comm 12 - work with business letters continues.
Blocks B&D: Dramatic Poetry Readings continue tomorrow.
Block C: Comm 11 - chapter one of your memory book is due on Monday. Comm 12 - work with business letters continues.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Tuesday Tasks:
Block A: Great work again today! I am so pleased with the wonderful work that you have been putting in on your compositions. The rough draft is due tomorrow for peer editing.
Blocks B&D: Dramatic Poetry Readings start tomorrow!!! Practice, practice, practice!!!
Block C: Your social issues project is due tomorrow - make sure all of your information is clearly organized on your symbolic visual.
Blocks B&D: Dramatic Poetry Readings start tomorrow!!! Practice, practice, practice!!!
Block C: Your social issues project is due tomorrow - make sure all of your information is clearly organized on your symbolic visual.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Monday Musings:
Block A: the double-spaced rough draft of your composition is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday. You will have time tomorrow to continue working on it.
Blocks B&D: Dramatic readings start on Wednesday - there will be some time tomorrow to work with your partner, and rehearse.
Block C: The Social Issues Project has been extended until Wednesday. Keep working on putting it all together.
Blocks B&D: Dramatic readings start on Wednesday - there will be some time tomorrow to work with your partner, and rehearse.
Block C: The Social Issues Project has been extended until Wednesday. Keep working on putting it all together.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Today we worked on the outline of our Song Analysis Assignment. The point form outline is due on Monday.
Blocks B&D: It was your last block to work in the library today researching your poet. We will continue to work on the speech, and your own original poem on Monday.
Block C: Keep working on your social issues project - we will begin construction on your visual (part d) on Monday.
Blocks B&D: It was your last block to work in the library today researching your poet. We will continue to work on the speech, and your own original poem on Monday.
Block C: Keep working on your social issues project - we will begin construction on your visual (part d) on Monday.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Thoughtful Thursday:
Block A: Found poems are due tomorrow. In addition you need to have your song chosen, printed out and underline or highlight your 6 different poetic devices for the song.
Blocks B&D: Research on your chosen poet continues tomorrow.
Block C: We are going to start putting the project together tomorrow - make sure you bring all of your research charts.
Blocks B&D: Research on your chosen poet continues tomorrow.
Block C: We are going to start putting the project together tomorrow - make sure you bring all of your research charts.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday:
Block A: Found poems are due on Friday - please follow your criteria!!!
Blocks B&D: I will be doing a homework check on the questions and chart for "To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time"
Block C: Our social issues project continues.
Blocks B&D: I will be doing a homework check on the questions and chart for "To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time"
Block C: Our social issues project continues.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Take on Your Tuesday!
Block A: Don't forget your Found Poems are due on Friday. I will be giving you class time tomorrow to work on them.
Blocks B&D: Keep working on your questions and chart for your first Dead Poet Chart for "The Road Not Taken" I will be doing a homework check on the questions and the chart tomorrow.
Block C: Make sure you have your song lyrics and issue all sorted for tomorrow. Also you should have your chart completed for the song of the devices, and message etc.
Blocks B&D: Keep working on your questions and chart for your first Dead Poet Chart for "The Road Not Taken" I will be doing a homework check on the questions and the chart tomorrow.
Block C: Make sure you have your song lyrics and issue all sorted for tomorrow. Also you should have your chart completed for the song of the devices, and message etc.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Mostly Sunny Monday!
Block A: If you did not finish your "Depth of Meaning" Poem that we worked on in the library, with the reflection, it is due tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: The post movie reflection is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Here is the quote:
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for."
Explain what you think the quote means. Provide insight into your answer by fully exploring why you hold that opinion or point of view.
A thoughtful and insightful 200 words please. In your response you may wish to include ideas or inspiration you took from the movie as a whole.
Block C: Choose your social issue, and bring in lyrics to your song for the poetry project.
Blocks B&D: The post movie reflection is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Here is the quote:
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for."
Explain what you think the quote means. Provide insight into your answer by fully exploring why you hold that opinion or point of view.
A thoughtful and insightful 200 words please. In your response you may wish to include ideas or inspiration you took from the movie as a whole.
Block C: Choose your social issue, and bring in lyrics to your song for the poetry project.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: I'm very pleased with your work in the library today. I can't wait to read about how well you were able to peel back the layers of your chosen image to find the depth of meaning hidden below. You will get time tomorrow to work on your poem and part 2 of the paragraph reflection as well.
If you are going to the band concert last block, then please make sure that you complete your poem and your reflection and hand it in on Monday.
Blocks B&D: There is no homework tonight - poetry starts tomorrow!
Block C: The good copy of your essay is due on Monday - make sure you hand in your chart on Craig, the outline, rough draft, peer editing sheet and a double-spaced good copy.
If you are going to the band concert last block, then please make sure that you complete your poem and your reflection and hand it in on Monday.
Blocks B&D: There is no homework tonight - poetry starts tomorrow!
Block C: The good copy of your essay is due on Monday - make sure you hand in your chart on Craig, the outline, rough draft, peer editing sheet and a double-spaced good copy.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: Great work on the Haiku Challenge today in class! Your chosen haiku is due tomorrow on the cue card. In addition I will be doing a homework check tomorrow to see that you have copied out a section of your silent reading book. 50-100 words is sufficient.
Blocks B&D: I was blown away by the work that you have done on your culminating TKAM projects - can't wait to see the rest tomorrow!
Block C: Rough draft of your compare and contrast writing assignment is due for peer editing tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: I was blown away by the work that you have done on your culminating TKAM projects - can't wait to see the rest tomorrow!
Block C: Rough draft of your compare and contrast writing assignment is due for peer editing tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Tuesday Terrific!
Block A: Today we discussed if what makes great poetry is the form it takes. Then we talked about cliches and why we should avoid them at all costs. Your homework is to finish one cliche that we did not figure out: A __________________ of joy.
Blocks B&D: Gallery tomorrow! Can't wait to see what you have created for your culminating TKAM projects.
Block C: The outline for your paragraph or essay is due tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Gallery tomorrow! Can't wait to see what you have created for your culminating TKAM projects.
Block C: The outline for your paragraph or essay is due tomorrow.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Block A: Today we talked about our second poetry quest question: Is it the sound it makes? We took notes on some sound terminology, and listened to poets read their own work. As you listened I asked you to pay special attention to what you were listening to in order to answer these questions that I put up on the overhead.
Blocks B&D: Work on your culminating TKAM projects continue tomorrow!
Block C: The outline for your writing assignment is due at the end of class tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Work on your culminating TKAM projects continue tomorrow!
Block C: The outline for your writing assignment is due at the end of class tomorrow.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: If you did not finish the homework from class today here is the link to the poems from the overhead. For each poem, describe the main images, and list the examples of simile, metaphor, and personification.
Blocks B&D: Good work on the synthesis essays today - your culminating assignments are due on Wednesday so use your time wisely!
Block C: We will finish the movie on Monday - and start the writing assignment.
Blocks B&D: Good work on the synthesis essays today - your culminating assignments are due on Wednesday so use your time wisely!
Block C: We will finish the movie on Monday - and start the writing assignment.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Wonderful work from all groups - thank you for sharing your novel "experience" with the rest of us! Tonight complete the response to the question "What makes great poetry" if you are not sure - then write about what you think you need to learn in the next 2 weeks in order to better answer the question.
Blocks B&D: Essay time tomorrow. Come prepared with your point form outline!
Block C: We will continue the movie It's Kind of a Funny Story tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Essay time tomorrow. Come prepared with your point form outline!
Block C: We will continue the movie It's Kind of a Funny Story tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: Great work on your novel study experiences so far! The last 2 groups will present tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: It is time to turn our attention to synthesis essay writing - be prepared to use your brains tomorrow!
Block C: We will finish the work for the end of the book tomorrow - and start the movie It's Kind of a Funny Story for a compare and contrast writing assignment.
Blocks B&D: It is time to turn our attention to synthesis essay writing - be prepared to use your brains tomorrow!
Block C: We will finish the work for the end of the book tomorrow - and start the movie It's Kind of a Funny Story for a compare and contrast writing assignment.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Tuesday Tasks:
Block A: Novel "Experiences" begin tomorrow afternoon! Come prepared to wow us!
Blocks B&D: Your TKAM final project are due Wed May 2 - keep working on those awesome ideas!
Block C: We finish the novel tomorrow!
Blocks B&D: Your TKAM final project are due Wed May 2 - keep working on those awesome ideas!
Block C: We finish the novel tomorrow!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Reverse Sweep Thursday!
I hope you all enjoy the 3 day weekend!
Block A: Keep working on your final project. Presentations start on Wednesday.
Blocks B&D: Finish TKAM! Last set of sticky notes - in preparation for the last group meeting on Monday!
Block C: We are almost finished Not as Crazy as I Seem. If you are missing sections of your journal - we are going to have to work out how you will get caught up.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Win Tonight Wednesday!!!
Block A: I assigned the final group project for your novel. I hope that you all have exchanged the proper contact information. You will have further class time to work together - presentations are due on Wednesday April 25.
Blocks B&D: There will be time tomorrow to complete your work on conflict. Keep thinking about your final culminating project and how you are going to demonstrate your understanding of the novel with your special skill and or talent. Finish your novel for Monday!
Block C: Today we read chapters 20 and 21. I will give you time tomorrow to complete the journal portion of the work from today.
Blocks B&D: There will be time tomorrow to complete your work on conflict. Keep thinking about your final culminating project and how you are going to demonstrate your understanding of the novel with your special skill and or talent. Finish your novel for Monday!
Block C: Today we read chapters 20 and 21. I will give you time tomorrow to complete the journal portion of the work from today.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Tomorrow we will live to fight another day - Tuesday.
Block A: If you did not finish your final reflection on the novel please hand it in tomorrow. In addition your final set of journals is also due.
Blocks B&D: Read to the end of chapter 24 with your sticky notes in preparation for tomorrow's discussion.
Block C: If you did not finish the movie questions or reflection they are due tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Read to the end of chapter 24 with your sticky notes in preparation for tomorrow's discussion.
Block C: If you did not finish the movie questions or reflection they are due tomorrow.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Might be swept out of the playoffs?? Monday.
Block A: Today was your last group meeting. I have given you an extension on your last set of journals. You have until Wednesday to hand them in. I will assign the final project tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Great work in your meetings today - the trial has started and the book is getting good! I will give you more time tomorrow to work on symbolism, I will also assign the final project. Please start your reading tonight. You need to be at the end of chapter 24 by Wednesday.
Block C: If you did not finish the Day 3 set of questions from the movie then please complete them for homework.
Blocks B&D: Great work in your meetings today - the trial has started and the book is getting good! I will give you more time tomorrow to work on symbolism, I will also assign the final project. Please start your reading tonight. You need to be at the end of chapter 24 by Wednesday.
Block C: If you did not finish the Day 3 set of questions from the movie then please complete them for homework.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Show up and play on a Friday!
Hope that everyone gets out and enjoys the sunshine this weekend - don't forget that block rotation is Monday - so it is DCBA.
Block A: For Monday - you need to have your book finished with your last set of sticky notes. Also you will have some time to discuss your personal responses. As your last set of journals is due on Tuesday.
Blocks B&D: Great work on the scored discussion today - your homework over the weekend is to read to the end of chapter 18 and complete your sticky notes.
Block C: We did not finish the section of the movie that we needed to today - so we'll finish it up on Monday and complete the questions then as well.
Block A: For Monday - you need to have your book finished with your last set of sticky notes. Also you will have some time to discuss your personal responses. As your last set of journals is due on Tuesday.
Blocks B&D: Great work on the scored discussion today - your homework over the weekend is to read to the end of chapter 18 and complete your sticky notes.
Block C: We did not finish the section of the movie that we needed to today - so we'll finish it up on Monday and complete the questions then as well.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Tough Loss Thursday :(
Block A: It is time to finish your book! Our last group meeting is on Monday, this means you are to complete your last set of sticky notes!! You will get some time tomorrow to complete any work you did not manage to finish today.
Blocks B&D: If you need more time tomorrow to complete your work - you will have it. Please continue with your reading. You need to be at the end of chapter 18 for Monday - so please keep up with your sticky notes.
Block C: Great work today on The Holocaust lesson. We will continue watching the last little bit of the beginning of the movie tomorrow - then complete and discuss the questions. No need to finish them tonight.
Blocks B&D: If you need more time tomorrow to complete your work - you will have it. Please continue with your reading. You need to be at the end of chapter 18 for Monday - so please keep up with your sticky notes.
Block C: Great work today on The Holocaust lesson. We will continue watching the last little bit of the beginning of the movie tomorrow - then complete and discuss the questions. No need to finish them tonight.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Game 1 of the Playoffs Wednesday:
Block A: Complete your reading for tomorrow's meeting - you are to focus on the different types of conflict present in your novel so far, in addition to your regular reading strategies.
Blocks B&D: Read to the end of chapter 14: you are a photographer - capture significant images on your sticky notes for this section.
Block C: A slight break from the novel begins tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Read to the end of chapter 14: you are a photographer - capture significant images on your sticky notes for this section.
Block C: A slight break from the novel begins tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Tuesday Tasks:
Block A: Journals are due for tomorrow: 2 quotes, 2 personal responses, and 2 group discussions. In addition keep up with your reading - please continue your reading strategies, and also focus on the different types of conflict within your novel.
Blocks B&D: You will have some time tomorrow to complete your task of the day, but do continue reading to the end of chapter 14 for Thursday.
Block C: No homework!
Blocks B&D: You will have some time tomorrow to complete your task of the day, but do continue reading to the end of chapter 14 for Thursday.
Block C: No homework!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Block A: Please read for Tuesday, complete your sticky notes, and have your 2 personal responses done for the group discussion.
Blocks B&D: Read to the end of chapter 10 and complete your sticky notes for Tuesday's meeting.
Block C: If you are missing any work for me - it would be a really good idea to catch up this weekend!
Enjoy the four days off!
Blocks B&D: Read to the end of chapter 10 and complete your sticky notes for Tuesday's meeting.
Block C: If you are missing any work for me - it would be a really good idea to catch up this weekend!
Enjoy the four days off!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: I will give you time tomorrow to complete your group discussions. There is no specific homework for tonight - please keep up with your reading and your reading strategies for Tuesday's meeting. In addition you should be working on your next set of journals which are due next Wednesday.
Blocks B&D: Hooray for sticky notes! I was very pleased with the kinds of things I was reading on your notes for the first section of our novel. Keep up the good work! I will give you time tomorrow to complete the task of the day. The next group meeting is set for next Tuesday - and you need to read to the end of chapter 10.
Block C: Hilarious discussion today of connections between our novel and TV shows that feature others who have "issues" just like Dylan. I will give you time tomorrow to complete the work for chapters 13&14.
Blocks B&D: Hooray for sticky notes! I was very pleased with the kinds of things I was reading on your notes for the first section of our novel. Keep up the good work! I will give you time tomorrow to complete the task of the day. The next group meeting is set for next Tuesday - and you need to read to the end of chapter 10.
Block C: Hilarious discussion today of connections between our novel and TV shows that feature others who have "issues" just like Dylan. I will give you time tomorrow to complete the work for chapters 13&14.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Terrific Tuesday!
Block A: Lit circle meeting tomorrow. Your task is to focus on symbols in your novel and try to interpret what they mean. Thanks for handing in your journals today - your next set is due Wednesday April 11th.
Blocks B&D: Today was all about context. Textual context that is. We are officially starting TKAM tomorrow and you need to read to the end of chapter 5 and complete your sticky notes in order to participate in the group discussion. The good copy of your essay is due tomorrow as well. Don't forget all 6 parts!
Block C: Not as Crazy as I Seem continues tomorrow!
Blocks B&D: Today was all about context. Textual context that is. We are officially starting TKAM tomorrow and you need to read to the end of chapter 5 and complete your sticky notes in order to participate in the group discussion. The good copy of your essay is due tomorrow as well. Don't forget all 6 parts!
Block C: Not as Crazy as I Seem continues tomorrow!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Mostly Monday
Block A: Another great meeting today. I would really like to see people using their sticky notes more. Some have been doing a great job - others need to see a little more improvement. Your first set of 2 journal entries is due tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: The in-class part of the essay assignment is now done. We took time to do peer editing today, and on Wednesday you will hand in the good copy along with 2 drafts, the peer editing sheet, the outline and your works cited page. Introduction to the novel To Kill a Mockingbird continues tomorrow.
Block C: I will give you time tomorrow to work on the reading strategies and journal activity for chapters 9&10.
Blocks B&D: The in-class part of the essay assignment is now done. We took time to do peer editing today, and on Wednesday you will hand in the good copy along with 2 drafts, the peer editing sheet, the outline and your works cited page. Introduction to the novel To Kill a Mockingbird continues tomorrow.
Block C: I will give you time tomorrow to work on the reading strategies and journal activity for chapters 9&10.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Fun times on Friday!
Block A: Today we worked on our first set of 2 journal entries. You chose your 2 quotes and started the personal responses to each quote. On Monday - you will meet in your groups once again to complete the discussion log and task of the day, then you will have the chance to get feedback on your personal response for the group discussion.
Blocks B&D: Round one of editing is done! Today, you were responsible for completing the first revision of your essay, you followed the 18 steps found on this overhead to make improvements to your draft. On Monday you will go through the peer editing process. The good copy, 2 rough drafts and the outline are due on Wednesday.
Block C: I'm very pleased with the work that you are doing in your journals so far. I've taken the journals home for the weekend, so you can have some feedback on your entries on Monday.
Blocks B&D: Round one of editing is done! Today, you were responsible for completing the first revision of your essay, you followed the 18 steps found on this overhead to make improvements to your draft. On Monday you will go through the peer editing process. The good copy, 2 rough drafts and the outline are due on Wednesday.
Block C: I'm very pleased with the work that you are doing in your journals so far. I've taken the journals home for the weekend, so you can have some feedback on your entries on Monday.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Thoughts on this Thursday
Block A: Some really great work being done in your groups today - I'm very excited to read your first group logs to see a record or your understanding of the novel so far. Tomorrow you will be getting the whole class to work on the first 2 journal entries that are due on April 3rd. If you are doing your reading tonight, think about the three themes of our unit: identity, isolation and survival.
Blocks B&D: The rough draft of your essay is due tomorrow for the first round of editing!
Block C: I will give you some time tomorrow to complete your reading response to chapters 4&5 of the novel.
Blocks B&D: The rough draft of your essay is due tomorrow for the first round of editing!
Block C: I will give you some time tomorrow to complete your reading response to chapters 4&5 of the novel.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wednesday Work:
Block A: Finish your reading and sticky notes (4 notes per chapter minimum) for your first lit circle meeting tomorrow. No sticky notes - means no meeting!!!
Blocks B&D: You will get another full class tomorrow to continue working on the rough draft of your essay. Your first draft is due on Friday for the first round of editing.
Block C: Great work on the novel so far! We will continue reading tomorrow - no homework!!!
Blocks B&D: You will get another full class tomorrow to continue working on the rough draft of your essay. Your first draft is due on Friday for the first round of editing.
Block C: Great work on the novel so far! We will continue reading tomorrow - no homework!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Tasks for a Terrific Tuesday:
Block A: Tonight, write a 200 word journal entry of your prediction about what your book is going to be about. What lesson do you expect to learn?
Blocks B&D: If you did not finish your outline, please complete it for homework tonight. In addition, there were a few people who needed to refine their research a little bit - I would like to talk to you about what the additional research you find tomorrow.
Here is the link to the PDF from today about MLA Citation please use this document to help you with your intext citations and your works cited page at the end of your essay.
Block C: If you did not finish your 3 reading strategies in class today - I will be checking them tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: If you did not finish your outline, please complete it for homework tonight. In addition, there were a few people who needed to refine their research a little bit - I would like to talk to you about what the additional research you find tomorrow.
Here is the link to the PDF from today about MLA Citation please use this document to help you with your intext citations and your works cited page at the end of your essay.
Block C: If you did not finish your 3 reading strategies in class today - I will be checking them tomorrow.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Make the Most of this Monday!
Welcome back everyone!!! It was so nice to see all of your lovely faces today - I know we are all tired - but it feels good to get back to work!
Block A: Today we learned about survival in Antarctica - it sounds cold there. You also gave me your choices for novel study - I've made up your groups and I'll let you know tomorrow which novel you'll be reading.
Blocks B&D: Essay writing continues. Tonight you need to do your research - find sources to back up your arguments that will actually prove your point. Be a good judge of online information - don't just choose the first one. The outline needs to be finished at the end of class tomorrow.
Block C: Today we started our novel study on Not as Crazy as I Seem. We completed some responses with a journal and practicing our reading strategies.
Block A: Today we learned about survival in Antarctica - it sounds cold there. You also gave me your choices for novel study - I've made up your groups and I'll let you know tomorrow which novel you'll be reading.
Blocks B&D: Essay writing continues. Tonight you need to do your research - find sources to back up your arguments that will actually prove your point. Be a good judge of online information - don't just choose the first one. The outline needs to be finished at the end of class tomorrow.
Block C: Today we started our novel study on Not as Crazy as I Seem. We completed some responses with a journal and practicing our reading strategies.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Spring Break Friday!!!
Well here it is! 2 weeks people!!!
Block A: The good copy of your short story is due when the Monday we get back. Please hand in the storyboard, the rough draft, peer editing sheet, and the double-spaced good copy.
Blocks B&D: Today you chose the topic of your essay and had it approved by me. For Monday the 26th, you need to have your thesis written and the 3 topic sentences for your body paragraphs. We will fill in the rest when you get back. Also start thinking about your book talk assignment - sign up starts on Monday.
Block C: We read "The Monkey's Paw" in class - and you are to complete the questions for homework.
Have a safe 2 weeks - have fun and be careful!
Block A: The good copy of your short story is due when the Monday we get back. Please hand in the storyboard, the rough draft, peer editing sheet, and the double-spaced good copy.
Blocks B&D: Today you chose the topic of your essay and had it approved by me. For Monday the 26th, you need to have your thesis written and the 3 topic sentences for your body paragraphs. We will fill in the rest when you get back. Also start thinking about your book talk assignment - sign up starts on Monday.
Block C: We read "The Monkey's Paw" in class - and you are to complete the questions for homework.
Have a safe 2 weeks - have fun and be careful!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Thoughts for a Thursday:
Block A: Today in class, we examined proper punctuation of dialogue, and how to add variety to our writing by adding more interesting dialogue tags. In addition, we went through the process of self-editing our short stories. Peer editing will take place tomorrow, and the good copy is due on the Monday we get back from spring break.
Blocks B&D: The topic of study today was how to connect our thesis statements to the topic sentences of each body paragraph. We looked at the process on a powerpoint presentation, and then practiced together. For homework there are 3 thesis statements that require you to provide 3 topic sentences for each one - that means 9 topic sentences in total. Here are the three thesis statements:
Block C: Finish up the questions 1-12 for "A&P" We will watch the short film tomorrow - so hold off on question #13.
Blocks B&D: The topic of study today was how to connect our thesis statements to the topic sentences of each body paragraph. We looked at the process on a powerpoint presentation, and then practiced together. For homework there are 3 thesis statements that require you to provide 3 topic sentences for each one - that means 9 topic sentences in total. Here are the three thesis statements:
- Buying organic food products, the ultimate heal-conscious decision, allows consumers to become more aware of commonly used chemicals, to eat naturally, and to promote environmentally friendly farming.
- Dishwashers, although expensive at the outset, save time, are more energy efficient than hand-washing, and help to keep a kitchen clutter-free, making them the best new homebuyer purchase.
- Tim Horton's is the king of coffee shops, not only because it is more affordable than Starbucks, but also because it is Canadian and actively supports community programs.
Block C: Finish up the questions 1-12 for "A&P" We will watch the short film tomorrow - so hold off on question #13.
Friday, March 2, 2012
I don't have a creative title for this post - I'm not really sure how to sum up the day...
Here is a look at the homework that is expected of you when we return to regular classes.
Block A: The rough draft of your short story is due for peer editing on the day that we get back. Please make sure that it is double-spaced for ease of editing.
Blocks B&D: Continue to practice thesis statements, you have the blue sheet of notes, and the white sheet of practice. In addition you were given four sample essays - with the job to read all four and evaluate them according to the rubric provided. We will be discussing all of this when we get back. Here is the powerpoint of the thesis practice from class as a PDF if you need a reminder.
Block C: Finish the questions for the short story "The Pedestrian" due when we get to our regular classes.
Here is a look at the homework that is expected of you when we return to regular classes.
Block A: The rough draft of your short story is due for peer editing on the day that we get back. Please make sure that it is double-spaced for ease of editing.
Blocks B&D: Continue to practice thesis statements, you have the blue sheet of notes, and the white sheet of practice. In addition you were given four sample essays - with the job to read all four and evaluate them according to the rubric provided. We will be discussing all of this when we get back. Here is the powerpoint of the thesis practice from class as a PDF if you need a reminder.
Block C: Finish the questions for the short story "The Pedestrian" due when we get to our regular classes.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Tasks to be done this Thursday:
Block A: Short story writing continues. You will get one more block to work on your double-spaced rough draft tomorrow. The rough draft is due whenever we get back from the strike. Stay tuned for more info on that!
Blocks B&D: Another evening with no English homework - lucky you!!!
Block C: The good copy of your Stand by Me essay is due tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Another evening with no English homework - lucky you!!!
Block C: The good copy of your Stand by Me essay is due tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Wicked Weather Wednesday!
Block A: Please complete the planning process for your short story - we will write our rough drafts tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Take the night off - you deserve it!!! Well at least for my class that is!
Block C: If you didn't finish the rough draft of your essay today - then please complete it for tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Take the night off - you deserve it!!! Well at least for my class that is!
Block C: If you didn't finish the rough draft of your essay today - then please complete it for tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Topical Tuesday
Block A: We started our short story project today in class. You have the choice to work with a partner or solo to write your own short story. Planning will continue tomorrow. You will hand in your rough drafts, peer editing sheet, and good copy of your chosen paragraph.
Blocks B&D: Wonderful work on the creative writing this morning - so enjoyable! Due for tomorrow are your drafts, outlines and chosen good copy.
Block C: Our essay on Stand By Me continues tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Wonderful work on the creative writing this morning - so enjoyable! Due for tomorrow are your drafts, outlines and chosen good copy.
Block C: Our essay on Stand By Me continues tomorrow.
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...