Blocks A&D: You will have another full work block in class tomorrow to work on your Sociogram assignment. The good copy is due on Thursday!
Block B: I hope that you enjoyed watching the rest of Louder Than a Bomb today! If you did not finish your reflection - please complete it tonight and hand it in tomorrow.
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
Mannerly Monday!
Blocks A&D: Today in class we listened to half of episode 5 and had the rest of the class to work on your Sociogram assignments. I really like the depth of conversation you are having in your groups! We will continue with the Sociograms in class tomorrow!
Block B: Thank you for the Verbal/Visual Essays today! I'm looking forward to getting into them. We will continue watching Louder Than a Bomb in class tomorrow - there is no homework tonight!
Friday, October 27, 2017
Fetching Friday!
Blocks A&D: If you did not finish up the work sheet on the inconsistencies from Jay's testimony in episode 4 - please complete it for homework and we'll discuss it on Monday. I will give you time on Monday to continue working on your sociogram for "Serial" the tentative due date is Tuesday.
Block B: Your Verbal Visual Essay is due on Monday! Make sure you have read and understood the criteria. Please remove and recycle all of the sticky notes from your novel before returning it on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Block B: Your Verbal Visual Essay is due on Monday! Make sure you have read and understood the criteria. Please remove and recycle all of the sticky notes from your novel before returning it on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Thrilling Thursday!
Blocks A&D: So much interesting speculation today of the inconsistencies in Jay's story! We will examine those inconsistencies much closer tomorrow. There is no homework tonight!
Block B: Phew! Essays are done! Tomorrow you will have a work block for your Verbal Visual Essay so please bring any and all materials necessary to work on it. Your good copy is due on Monday.
Block B: Phew! Essays are done! Tomorrow you will have a work block for your Verbal Visual Essay so please bring any and all materials necessary to work on it. Your good copy is due on Monday.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Whimsical Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Even more pieces to this puzzle were tossed at us today in Episode 3! At the end of class we worked in groups on some discussion questions, which we didn't get a chance to talk about as a class - but we will first thing tomorrow!
Block B: Your second day of essay writing is tomorrow! If you need it - you can have extra time at lunch to finish your essay.
Block B: Your second day of essay writing is tomorrow! If you need it - you can have extra time at lunch to finish your essay.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Tiptop Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: Great work looking at the credibility of the sources today along with their various perspectives. If you didn't finish your paragraph response, please complete it tonight for homework.
Block B: Tomorrow we write our literary analysis essays!
Monday, October 23, 2017
Monochromatic Monday!
Blocks A&D: Loved the energy in here today - your poetic brains were all fired up! Just a reminder that your good copies are due tomorrow - the visual should compliment and be incorporated with your poem - typed or written in ink are fine with me!
Block B: One more block to prepare for your essay. Keep focused on the central insight that you are trying to make. Your verbal visual essay is due on Monday - you will have a work block on Friday to complete it.
Block B: One more block to prepare for your essay. Keep focused on the central insight that you are trying to make. Your verbal visual essay is due on Monday - you will have a work block on Friday to complete it.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Thermal Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Good work on the theme statements today! Over the weekend, you need to think further about your chosen theme and start to gather the powerful words and phrases from Serial that you would like to incorporate into your found poem. You can find a copy of the transcript here.
Block B: Thank you all for your conversations today during the progress updates! Just a reminder that your journals are due on Monday and your Verbal Visual essays are due the following Monday Oct. 30. If you need specific passages from your novel - you need to have them copied out before Monday, as your novel will not leave this room during our essay writing days.
Block B: Thank you all for your conversations today during the progress updates! Just a reminder that your journals are due on Monday and your Verbal Visual essays are due the following Monday Oct. 30. If you need specific passages from your novel - you need to have them copied out before Monday, as your novel will not leave this room during our essay writing days.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Weatherproof Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Thank you all for your collaborative paragraphs - I look forward to reading over your arguments. If you did not finish the graphic organizer on evaluating other sources - please do so for homework tonight!
Block B: Please bring your journals and verbal visual essays to class tomorrow so that you can get some work done on both of them before the weekend.
Block B: Please bring your journals and verbal visual essays to class tomorrow so that you can get some work done on both of them before the weekend.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Textual Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: Great debates today!!! Your passion and enthusiasm was palpable! If you did not finish your collaborative paragraph in class today - you will get some extra time in class tomorrow. There is no homework tonight.
Block B: Hope you were having fruit-full discussions during your last group meeting! If you need extra time you can continue your discussion tomorrow. Keep working on your journals and verbal visual essay!
Block B: Hope you were having fruit-full discussions during your last group meeting! If you need extra time you can continue your discussion tomorrow. Keep working on your journals and verbal visual essay!
Monday, October 16, 2017
Mosaic Monday!
Blocks A&D: Great work on the making inferences lesson today grade 10s! We will continue with the partner work in class tomorrow - so there is no homework tonight!
Block B: Make sure you are ready and prepared for the LAST group meeting tomorrow. Your novel should be finished, your last 10 sticky notes complete, and your job notes ready to create enriching discussion with your group members.
Block B: Make sure you are ready and prepared for the LAST group meeting tomorrow. Your novel should be finished, your last 10 sticky notes complete, and your job notes ready to create enriching discussion with your group members.
Friday, October 13, 2017
Frugal Friday!
Blocks A&D: I hope you are with-holding your judgement until we hear the other side of this story. We're looking for the truth after all. Your homework this weekend is to complete the worksheet on connotation - I'll be checking that on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Block B: You will get an extra class on Monday to catch up on your reading, sticky notes, and job notes for the last group meeting on Tuesday. I assigned the Verbal Visual Essay in class today - so please get started on it as there are a lot of different aspects you need to be considering. Have a great weekend!
Block B: You will get an extra class on Monday to catch up on your reading, sticky notes, and job notes for the last group meeting on Tuesday. I assigned the Verbal Visual Essay in class today - so please get started on it as there are a lot of different aspects you need to be considering. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Thunderstruck Thursday!
Blocks A&D: We've just started our "Serial" exploration together in class. Your homework tonight is to finish the vocabulary exercise - look up the definitions of the words associated with "Serial" and then create your own original sentence using the word.
Block B: You will get extra time tomorrow to finish up the group discussions. As discussed the next group meeting will be on Tuesday - not Monday as the schedule suggests. We will talk about the moving deadlines for the other assignments like the Verbal Visual Essay and the Literary Analysis essay.
Block B: You will get extra time tomorrow to finish up the group discussions. As discussed the next group meeting will be on Tuesday - not Monday as the schedule suggests. We will talk about the moving deadlines for the other assignments like the Verbal Visual Essay and the Literary Analysis essay.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Workaday Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: I hope that you enjoyed watching the rest of The Truman Show today! Such an interesting look at "reality" and how one's reality can be a socially constructed place. If you did not finish the Media Study handout from Tuesday - please complete it for homework tonight!
Block B: Make sure you are ready for your 4th group meeting tomorrow! Please make reference to the mini-lesson and notes I gave you about archetypes and universal symbols - I'll be interested to read about how your group applies these concepts to your novel. I will be checking tomorrow to make sure that your reading is done, 10 sticky notes completed, and job notes ready to encourage discussion.
Block B: Make sure you are ready for your 4th group meeting tomorrow! Please make reference to the mini-lesson and notes I gave you about archetypes and universal symbols - I'll be interested to read about how your group applies these concepts to your novel. I will be checking tomorrow to make sure that your reading is done, 10 sticky notes completed, and job notes ready to encourage discussion.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Talking Turkey Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: Thank you for your thoughtful responses to the concept of reality T.V. and social media. We just got started on the movie The Truman Show, and we'll continue watching it tomorrow. The handout that I gave you on media study is going to be due on Thursday, so there is no homework tonight.
Block B: I will give a mini-lesson tomorrow on archetypes and universal symbols tomorrow - something that I hope you are able to add to your discussion on Thursday. Make sure you are prepared with your reading, sticky notes and job notes completed!
Block B: I will give a mini-lesson tomorrow on archetypes and universal symbols tomorrow - something that I hope you are able to add to your discussion on Thursday. Make sure you are prepared with your reading, sticky notes and job notes completed!
Friday, October 6, 2017
For Our Friday!
Blocks A&D: Progress! Essay are almost done. Those who need it, can have extra time on Tuesday. No homework this weekend - enjoy your three days off!
Block B: Have a great weekend everyone - make sure you're keeping up with the reading for your next group meeting on Thursday!
Block B: Have a great weekend everyone - make sure you're keeping up with the reading for your next group meeting on Thursday!
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Thrilling Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Rough drafts are almost all done! I will give you about 20 minutes at the beginning of class tomorrow for self/peer editing before we are moving on to our good copies.
Block B: Make sure you are prepared for your group meeting tomorrow. I'll be checking sticky notes and job notes in preparation. I'm also collecting your 3-4 journal entries based on your reactions to the novel so far.
Block B: Make sure you are prepared for your group meeting tomorrow. I'll be checking sticky notes and job notes in preparation. I'm also collecting your 3-4 journal entries based on your reactions to the novel so far.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Willful Wednesday
Blocks A&D: For the most part - we are done with our graphic organizers and are moving on to our rough drafts. There will be time in class tomorrow to finish your rough draft and have some feedback from a peer editor. No homework tonight!
Block B: Make sure you are on track to complete your reading, sticky notes, and job notes for Friday's meeting. You also need to have your first set of 3-4 journals done. A short entry is 150-200 words, a long entry is 200-250. Make sure you ask questions if you are confused!
Block B: Make sure you are on track to complete your reading, sticky notes, and job notes for Friday's meeting. You also need to have your first set of 3-4 journals done. A short entry is 150-200 words, a long entry is 200-250. Make sure you ask questions if you are confused!
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Tell us on Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: Great work on those body paragraphs and conclusions! You will need to have your outline complete tomorrow in order to start your rough draft. No homework tonight!
Block B: You will get extra time tomorrow to complete your group meeting. Make sure you are on track to hand in your journals on Friday!
Block B: You will get extra time tomorrow to complete your group meeting. Make sure you are on track to hand in your journals on Friday!
Monday, October 2, 2017
Melodious Monday!
Blocks A&D: I'm thrilled with your hard work on your essays so far. We'll have a short lesson on conclusions tomorrow and then back to work on the body paragraph graphic organizers and conclusions.
Block B: We will have our second group meeting tomorrow - make sure your reading, sticky notes, and job notes are finished in order to participate.
Block B: We will have our second group meeting tomorrow - make sure your reading, sticky notes, and job notes are finished in order to participate.
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...