Blocks A&D: There is no homework over the break! Have a wonderful holiday and see you in the new year!
Block B: If you have finished the notes on theme - there is no homework for the break! Enjoy your time off and see you in the new year!
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Friday, December 22, 2017
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Thoroughly Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Congratulations to all of my spoken word poets today! Your performances were inspiring. Thank you for your courage to stand up on the stage and speak so strongly about the things you feel most passionate about. There is no homework tonight!
Block B: Your re-written lyrics were so fun and clever today! Finish up the notes on theme!
Block B: Your re-written lyrics were so fun and clever today! Finish up the notes on theme!
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Wonderland Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Practice, Practice, PRACTICE!!! Your spoken word performances are tomorrow! I am so excited to see you perform your pieces. Take the feedback you were given from your peers today and use it to make your performance the best you can.
Block B: Homework tonight is to finish the characterization poem of the grandmother from "A Good Man is Hard to Find" incorporate words and/or phrases to demonstrate your understanding of direct and indirect characterization.
Block B: Homework tonight is to finish the characterization poem of the grandmother from "A Good Man is Hard to Find" incorporate words and/or phrases to demonstrate your understanding of direct and indirect characterization.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Tangential Tuesday
Blocks A&D: I loved the creative energy buzzing around our classroom as you workshopped your poems! Try your best to memorize your poem and work on the performance aspects - body language and movement. We will workshop our performances (rehearsals) tomorrow!
Block B: If you didn't finish questions 1-8 for "A Good Man is Hard to Find" please do so tonight - we'll discuss tomorrow.
Block B: If you didn't finish questions 1-8 for "A Good Man is Hard to Find" please do so tonight - we'll discuss tomorrow.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Masterful Monday!
Blocks A&D: I hope you are making some good progress on the drafts of your Spoken Word Poems!!! The rough draft is due tomorrow for workshopping.
Block B: Please complete the 5 questions posted below!
Block B: Please complete the 5 questions posted below!
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Thoughts on Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Today we started to look at our final assignment for this creative writing poetry unit - the spoken word performance! Due tomorrow is your top 10 list of Things You Know To Be True. Your draft is due Tuesday and the performance is Thursday!
Block B: Tomorrow we will be going to the music concert. Please come to class first to have attendance taken. The notes on Characterization and the Literary Analysis form are both due on Monday!
Block B: Tomorrow we will be going to the music concert. Please come to class first to have attendance taken. The notes on Characterization and the Literary Analysis form are both due on Monday!
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Wandering Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Phew! Done and done. Great work to push yourselves to finish those essays today! You have no homework tonight!
Block B: If you did not complete the questions for "Barbie-Q" in class - please do so for homework tonight!
Block B: If you did not complete the questions for "Barbie-Q" in class - please do so for homework tonight!
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Tempermental Tuesday
Blocks A&D: You've had your time to complete your outline - now it will be time to show me what you know! You will have one block tomorrow to write your essay. Use your time wisely!
Block B: Good work today on the synthesis paragraphs! Looking forward to seeing how you interpret the setting of these stories. Homework tonight to complete the assisted notes for point of view.
Block B: Good work today on the synthesis paragraphs! Looking forward to seeing how you interpret the setting of these stories. Homework tonight to complete the assisted notes for point of view.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Mannerly Monday!
Blocks A&D: Today we started our journey towards literary analysis essay writing. You chose your poem last week and annotated it over the weekend. Now we are working on our outlines in class. This is an in class assignment - no parts of this go home. You will have one more block tomorrow to complete your outline and then we write our essay on Wednesday. There is no homework tonight!
Block B: Please finish the work from today's class for homework tonight, I'll be collecting:
Block B: Please finish the work from today's class for homework tonight, I'll be collecting:
- The chart exploring the narrator's treatment by those around her
- The questions after "Why I Wrote the Yellow Wallpaper"
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Thornless Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Thank you for handing in the good copies of your free verse poems today. Your homework over the weekend is to FULLY annotate one of the Shane Koyczan poems that we watched/listened to in class. I'll be checking your thoughtful annotations on Monday!
Block B: Please finish the questions for "The Yellow Wallpaper" this weekend. We'll discuss 10 and 11 on Monday.
Block B: Please finish the questions for "The Yellow Wallpaper" this weekend. We'll discuss 10 and 11 on Monday.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Willful Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Tonight you are going to turn your draft into your good copy. The good copy should be typed or written in pen, please clearly label the poetic, figurative, and sound devices you've incorporated. You also need to hand in the peer feedback form, the reflection (that you'll complete in class) and the pink criteria sheet.
Block B: Mull over the story tonight - I know that there is a lot to digest. We'll start the real work tomorrow!
Block B: Mull over the story tonight - I know that there is a lot to digest. We'll start the real work tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Take on Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: The rough draft of your Coming of Age poem is due tomorrow for workshopping! Bring a hard copy of your poem to class to get valuable feedback from peer editors. The good copy with evidence of revision is due on Thursday.
Block B: Homework tonight is the assisted notes on Setting - just the first page of the handout from class today.
Block B: Homework tonight is the assisted notes on Setting - just the first page of the handout from class today.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Multicolour Monday
Blocks A&D: If you did not finish your childhood memories web, with sensory details - please do so for homework tonight!
Block B: Great class discussion today! No homework tonight!
Friday, December 1, 2017
Fabulous Friday!
Blocks A&D: If you did not finish your scavenger hunt in class today - complete it for homework - it is a good study guide. The quiz on Monday will cover: types of poems, figurative devices and sound devices.
Block B: In class today, we did a warm up Taboo game and then read "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway. Homework this weekend is to complete the assisted plot notes that I gave out yesterday and questions 1-4 about the story. We'll discuss them on Monday.
Block B: In class today, we did a warm up Taboo game and then read "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway. Homework this weekend is to complete the assisted plot notes that I gave out yesterday and questions 1-4 about the story. We'll discuss them on Monday.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Thoroughly Thursday!
Blocks A&D: We will continue working on the poetic devices scavenger hunt in class tomorrow. Consider this the review for the quiz on Monday!
Block B: The assisted notes on the plot section of your duo-tang is due on Monday. We'll continue our intro to short stories tomorrow - no homework tonight!
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Windup Wednesday
Blocks A&D: If you did not finish the 4 poetry charts and the theme statements for each poem - please do so for homework tonight!
Block B: Great job on the presentations this week! I'm so looking forward to reading your poetry projects as well! There is no homework tonight!
Block B: Great job on the presentations this week! I'm so looking forward to reading your poetry projects as well! There is no homework tonight!
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
School Spirit Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: For homework tonight, please read, annotate, and clearly label figurative or poetic devices in the 4 poems I handed out in class. Please do not go on to step 3 or 4, just complete steps 1 and 2 tonight.
Block B: We will finish up the last of the presentations tomorrow. I will be collecting the poetry project first thing - so please make sure it is all complete and ready to hand in.
Block B: We will finish up the last of the presentations tomorrow. I will be collecting the poetry project first thing - so please make sure it is all complete and ready to hand in.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Melodious Monday!
Blocks A&D: Keep working on your fear poems!!! The good copy (typed or in pen) is due tomorrow - check the criteria sheet to make sure that you have included all aspects of the assignment.
Block B: Presentations continue tomorrow!
Block B: Presentations continue tomorrow!
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Think about Thursday:
Blocks A&D: The rough draft of your fear poem is due on Monday. You must follow the structure of your chosen form - and try to incorporate a beat as well. Make sure you have a hard copy in class as you will need to workshop your poem with classmates.
Block B: Poetry presentations start Monday! Please email me a copy of your presentation on Monday - as there will be a lottery draw for the order of presentations. Good luck!
Block B: Poetry presentations start Monday! Please email me a copy of your presentation on Monday - as there will be a lottery draw for the order of presentations. Good luck!
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Washed-Out Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Great work on at the poetry stations today! It was great to see you working so hard to pick apart this poem. No homework tonight!
Block B: Eye on the prize! You've got a lot of work to do - I hope that you are focused and organized!
Block B: Eye on the prize! You've got a lot of work to do - I hope that you are focused and organized!
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Torrential Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: A lot of great discussion and insight from the documentary today! If you didn't finish the post-movie reflection, please hand that in tomorrow. We will continue watching and judging some clips of performers at the start of class.
Block B: There will be another work block tomorrow for your projects - presentations start on Monday, your duo-tang (Love That Dog) projects are due on Wednesday.
Block B: There will be another work block tomorrow for your projects - presentations start on Monday, your duo-tang (Love That Dog) projects are due on Wednesday.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Meteoritical Monday!
Blocks A&D: I hope that you are enjoying the documentary! We will finish up tomorrow and then discuss the qualities of what makes a great performance. There is no homework tonight.
Block B: You have now signed up for your oral analysis presentation - you will have this week to prepare. Keep in mind the guidelines I set up for you today when starting to organize your presentations, which start on Monday November 27th.
Block B: You have now signed up for your oral analysis presentation - you will have this week to prepare. Keep in mind the guidelines I set up for you today when starting to organize your presentations, which start on Monday November 27th.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Fabulous Friday!
Blocks A&D: GREAT WORK ON YOUR PROJECTS!!!! I'm so very proud of your hard work and creative thinking. A lot of very interesting interpretations of the case - and a nice variety of presentation formats. There is no homework this weekend!
Block B: I hope you enjoyed Grad Skate today! If you have not yet finished annotating your poem and your TP-CASTT please complete that for homework for Monday.
Block B: I hope you enjoyed Grad Skate today! If you have not yet finished annotating your poem and your TP-CASTT please complete that for homework for Monday.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Thoughts on Thursday:
Blocks A&D: Presentations are tomorrow! Make sure you have back ups to your back up plan! Read through all components to make sure that you have everything on the criteria checked off.
Block B: You got a good start on the practice TP-CASTT today in class - because many of you will have a shortened block due to grade skate - you can have some extra time in class to complete your practice and then hand it in on Monday with your fully annotated poem. Bring your duo-tang poetry project to class tomorrow to continue working on it.
Block B: You got a good start on the practice TP-CASTT today in class - because many of you will have a shortened block due to grade skate - you can have some extra time in class to complete your practice and then hand it in on Monday with your fully annotated poem. Bring your duo-tang poetry project to class tomorrow to continue working on it.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Walkabout Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Tomorrow is your LAST day to work on your "Serial" media projects! Presentations start on Friday!
Block B: If you received some feedback today on your anonymous poem - please make some adjustments and talk to me about it tomorrow before it goes up in the school.
Block B: If you received some feedback today on your anonymous poem - please make some adjustments and talk to me about it tomorrow before it goes up in the school.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Tell us about Tuesday:
Blocks A&D: Keep up the momentum! Hopefully your projects are starting to take shape now! We'll keep working on these tomorrow in class.
Block B: I will be checking your anonymous and concrete poems in class tomorrow - concrete poems will go up on the wall and your anonymous poem's will be posted somewhere in the school.
Block B: I will be checking your anonymous and concrete poems in class tomorrow - concrete poems will go up on the wall and your anonymous poem's will be posted somewhere in the school.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Lest We Forget
Blocks A&D: Some interesting proposals for project ideas out there! Keep working hard and I will check back in with you on Tuesday!
Block B: You will have extra time this weekend to finish your contrast tasks I & II. You will also get until Wednesday to hand in your concrete and anonymous poems for approval. Keep up the great work poets!
Block B: You will have extra time this weekend to finish your contrast tasks I & II. You will also get until Wednesday to hand in your concrete and anonymous poems for approval. Keep up the great work poets!
Thermic Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Keep working to finish the episodes and complete your Listening Checks! Your presentation plan is due to me for approval before the end of class tomorrow - so you should be working together to formulate the basics of your case.
Block B: There will be time in class tomorrow to continue working on the contrast tasks if you did not finish them in class today. Don't forget to study for the quiz on figurative comparison tomorrow!
Block B: There will be time in class tomorrow to continue working on the contrast tasks if you did not finish them in class today. Don't forget to study for the quiz on figurative comparison tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Wavering Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Keep listening to the remaining episodes of "Serial" the Listening Checks are not due until the end of the project - but you absolutely need them to complete your case - so try and get those done fairly quickly!
Block B: In class today we looked at figurative comparison and the role it plays to enrich our understanding of the literal meaning of the text. Make sure you are keeping track of your terminology as there will be a quiz on the terms presented on Friday!
Block B: In class today we looked at figurative comparison and the role it plays to enrich our understanding of the literal meaning of the text. Make sure you are keeping track of your terminology as there will be a quiz on the terms presented on Friday!
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Trusty Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: We'll continue working on your final "Serial" project in class tomorrow - where you can start to listen to the rest of the episodes!
Block B: In class today you wrote a quiz on sound devices and spent the rest of the block working on your poetry project. Keep in mind that you need to hand in your anonymous poem and concrete poems to me by Nov. 14th.
Block B: In class today you wrote a quiz on sound devices and spent the rest of the block working on your poetry project. Keep in mind that you need to hand in your anonymous poem and concrete poems to me by Nov. 14th.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Mammoth Monday!
Blocks A&D: If you did not finish the double-sided "Media Text" research sheet - please do so for homework tonight - I will be collecting it.
Block B: Study the sound terminology from class on Friday - as there will be a quiz tomorrow!
Block B: Study the sound terminology from class on Friday - as there will be a quiz tomorrow!
Friday, November 3, 2017
Formidable Friday!
Blocks A&D: Thank you for handing in your sociograms today - they look great! If you did not finish the Evaluating Evidence worksheet in class today - please complete it for homework over the weekend - we'll discuss on Monday.
Block B: There is no official homework this weekend - if you need to finish up the glossary terms for sound - you may want to spend some time on that - as there will be a quiz on Tuesday!
Block B: There is no official homework this weekend - if you need to finish up the glossary terms for sound - you may want to spend some time on that - as there will be a quiz on Tuesday!
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Thematic Thursday!
Blocks A&D: The good copy of your Sociogram is due tomorrow!
Block B: Please complete your form and meaning task tonight for homework. Choose two poems - one happy and one sad - and write a response to the relationship between the form and meaning. I'll be collecting this at the start of class. We will also have a quiz on the types of poems - so study those terms from class yesterday.
Block B: Please complete your form and meaning task tonight for homework. Choose two poems - one happy and one sad - and write a response to the relationship between the form and meaning. I'll be collecting this at the start of class. We will also have a quiz on the types of poems - so study those terms from class yesterday.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Winsome Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Good work today on your ongoing Sociogram projects! You worked so hard, and were so focused that I am going to give you an extra work block tomorrow and your project will now be due on Friday. Use the extra time well!
Block B: There is going to be a quiz on Friday based on the types of poems that we learned about today. Here are the slides from today's lesson for review. If you did not finish your elegy, ode or sonnet in class today - please complete your minimum 14 line poem for homework tonight!
Block B: There is going to be a quiz on Friday based on the types of poems that we learned about today. Here are the slides from today's lesson for review. If you did not finish your elegy, ode or sonnet in class today - please complete your minimum 14 line poem for homework tonight!
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Terrifying Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: You will have another full work block in class tomorrow to work on your Sociogram assignment. The good copy is due on Thursday!
Block B: I hope that you enjoyed watching the rest of Louder Than a Bomb today! If you did not finish your reflection - please complete it tonight and hand it in tomorrow.
Block B: I hope that you enjoyed watching the rest of Louder Than a Bomb today! If you did not finish your reflection - please complete it tonight and hand it in tomorrow.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Mannerly Monday!
Blocks A&D: Today in class we listened to half of episode 5 and had the rest of the class to work on your Sociogram assignments. I really like the depth of conversation you are having in your groups! We will continue with the Sociograms in class tomorrow!
Block B: Thank you for the Verbal/Visual Essays today! I'm looking forward to getting into them. We will continue watching Louder Than a Bomb in class tomorrow - there is no homework tonight!
Friday, October 27, 2017
Fetching Friday!
Blocks A&D: If you did not finish up the work sheet on the inconsistencies from Jay's testimony in episode 4 - please complete it for homework and we'll discuss it on Monday. I will give you time on Monday to continue working on your sociogram for "Serial" the tentative due date is Tuesday.
Block B: Your Verbal Visual Essay is due on Monday! Make sure you have read and understood the criteria. Please remove and recycle all of the sticky notes from your novel before returning it on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Block B: Your Verbal Visual Essay is due on Monday! Make sure you have read and understood the criteria. Please remove and recycle all of the sticky notes from your novel before returning it on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Thrilling Thursday!
Blocks A&D: So much interesting speculation today of the inconsistencies in Jay's story! We will examine those inconsistencies much closer tomorrow. There is no homework tonight!
Block B: Phew! Essays are done! Tomorrow you will have a work block for your Verbal Visual Essay so please bring any and all materials necessary to work on it. Your good copy is due on Monday.
Block B: Phew! Essays are done! Tomorrow you will have a work block for your Verbal Visual Essay so please bring any and all materials necessary to work on it. Your good copy is due on Monday.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Whimsical Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Even more pieces to this puzzle were tossed at us today in Episode 3! At the end of class we worked in groups on some discussion questions, which we didn't get a chance to talk about as a class - but we will first thing tomorrow!
Block B: Your second day of essay writing is tomorrow! If you need it - you can have extra time at lunch to finish your essay.
Block B: Your second day of essay writing is tomorrow! If you need it - you can have extra time at lunch to finish your essay.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Tiptop Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: Great work looking at the credibility of the sources today along with their various perspectives. If you didn't finish your paragraph response, please complete it tonight for homework.
Block B: Tomorrow we write our literary analysis essays!
Monday, October 23, 2017
Monochromatic Monday!
Blocks A&D: Loved the energy in here today - your poetic brains were all fired up! Just a reminder that your good copies are due tomorrow - the visual should compliment and be incorporated with your poem - typed or written in ink are fine with me!
Block B: One more block to prepare for your essay. Keep focused on the central insight that you are trying to make. Your verbal visual essay is due on Monday - you will have a work block on Friday to complete it.
Block B: One more block to prepare for your essay. Keep focused on the central insight that you are trying to make. Your verbal visual essay is due on Monday - you will have a work block on Friday to complete it.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Thermal Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Good work on the theme statements today! Over the weekend, you need to think further about your chosen theme and start to gather the powerful words and phrases from Serial that you would like to incorporate into your found poem. You can find a copy of the transcript here.
Block B: Thank you all for your conversations today during the progress updates! Just a reminder that your journals are due on Monday and your Verbal Visual essays are due the following Monday Oct. 30. If you need specific passages from your novel - you need to have them copied out before Monday, as your novel will not leave this room during our essay writing days.
Block B: Thank you all for your conversations today during the progress updates! Just a reminder that your journals are due on Monday and your Verbal Visual essays are due the following Monday Oct. 30. If you need specific passages from your novel - you need to have them copied out before Monday, as your novel will not leave this room during our essay writing days.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Weatherproof Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Thank you all for your collaborative paragraphs - I look forward to reading over your arguments. If you did not finish the graphic organizer on evaluating other sources - please do so for homework tonight!
Block B: Please bring your journals and verbal visual essays to class tomorrow so that you can get some work done on both of them before the weekend.
Block B: Please bring your journals and verbal visual essays to class tomorrow so that you can get some work done on both of them before the weekend.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Textual Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: Great debates today!!! Your passion and enthusiasm was palpable! If you did not finish your collaborative paragraph in class today - you will get some extra time in class tomorrow. There is no homework tonight.
Block B: Hope you were having fruit-full discussions during your last group meeting! If you need extra time you can continue your discussion tomorrow. Keep working on your journals and verbal visual essay!
Block B: Hope you were having fruit-full discussions during your last group meeting! If you need extra time you can continue your discussion tomorrow. Keep working on your journals and verbal visual essay!
Monday, October 16, 2017
Mosaic Monday!
Blocks A&D: Great work on the making inferences lesson today grade 10s! We will continue with the partner work in class tomorrow - so there is no homework tonight!
Block B: Make sure you are ready and prepared for the LAST group meeting tomorrow. Your novel should be finished, your last 10 sticky notes complete, and your job notes ready to create enriching discussion with your group members.
Block B: Make sure you are ready and prepared for the LAST group meeting tomorrow. Your novel should be finished, your last 10 sticky notes complete, and your job notes ready to create enriching discussion with your group members.
Friday, October 13, 2017
Frugal Friday!
Blocks A&D: I hope you are with-holding your judgement until we hear the other side of this story. We're looking for the truth after all. Your homework this weekend is to complete the worksheet on connotation - I'll be checking that on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Block B: You will get an extra class on Monday to catch up on your reading, sticky notes, and job notes for the last group meeting on Tuesday. I assigned the Verbal Visual Essay in class today - so please get started on it as there are a lot of different aspects you need to be considering. Have a great weekend!
Block B: You will get an extra class on Monday to catch up on your reading, sticky notes, and job notes for the last group meeting on Tuesday. I assigned the Verbal Visual Essay in class today - so please get started on it as there are a lot of different aspects you need to be considering. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Thunderstruck Thursday!
Blocks A&D: We've just started our "Serial" exploration together in class. Your homework tonight is to finish the vocabulary exercise - look up the definitions of the words associated with "Serial" and then create your own original sentence using the word.
Block B: You will get extra time tomorrow to finish up the group discussions. As discussed the next group meeting will be on Tuesday - not Monday as the schedule suggests. We will talk about the moving deadlines for the other assignments like the Verbal Visual Essay and the Literary Analysis essay.
Block B: You will get extra time tomorrow to finish up the group discussions. As discussed the next group meeting will be on Tuesday - not Monday as the schedule suggests. We will talk about the moving deadlines for the other assignments like the Verbal Visual Essay and the Literary Analysis essay.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Workaday Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: I hope that you enjoyed watching the rest of The Truman Show today! Such an interesting look at "reality" and how one's reality can be a socially constructed place. If you did not finish the Media Study handout from Tuesday - please complete it for homework tonight!
Block B: Make sure you are ready for your 4th group meeting tomorrow! Please make reference to the mini-lesson and notes I gave you about archetypes and universal symbols - I'll be interested to read about how your group applies these concepts to your novel. I will be checking tomorrow to make sure that your reading is done, 10 sticky notes completed, and job notes ready to encourage discussion.
Block B: Make sure you are ready for your 4th group meeting tomorrow! Please make reference to the mini-lesson and notes I gave you about archetypes and universal symbols - I'll be interested to read about how your group applies these concepts to your novel. I will be checking tomorrow to make sure that your reading is done, 10 sticky notes completed, and job notes ready to encourage discussion.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Talking Turkey Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: Thank you for your thoughtful responses to the concept of reality T.V. and social media. We just got started on the movie The Truman Show, and we'll continue watching it tomorrow. The handout that I gave you on media study is going to be due on Thursday, so there is no homework tonight.
Block B: I will give a mini-lesson tomorrow on archetypes and universal symbols tomorrow - something that I hope you are able to add to your discussion on Thursday. Make sure you are prepared with your reading, sticky notes and job notes completed!
Block B: I will give a mini-lesson tomorrow on archetypes and universal symbols tomorrow - something that I hope you are able to add to your discussion on Thursday. Make sure you are prepared with your reading, sticky notes and job notes completed!
Friday, October 6, 2017
For Our Friday!
Blocks A&D: Progress! Essay are almost done. Those who need it, can have extra time on Tuesday. No homework this weekend - enjoy your three days off!
Block B: Have a great weekend everyone - make sure you're keeping up with the reading for your next group meeting on Thursday!
Block B: Have a great weekend everyone - make sure you're keeping up with the reading for your next group meeting on Thursday!
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Thrilling Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Rough drafts are almost all done! I will give you about 20 minutes at the beginning of class tomorrow for self/peer editing before we are moving on to our good copies.
Block B: Make sure you are prepared for your group meeting tomorrow. I'll be checking sticky notes and job notes in preparation. I'm also collecting your 3-4 journal entries based on your reactions to the novel so far.
Block B: Make sure you are prepared for your group meeting tomorrow. I'll be checking sticky notes and job notes in preparation. I'm also collecting your 3-4 journal entries based on your reactions to the novel so far.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Willful Wednesday
Blocks A&D: For the most part - we are done with our graphic organizers and are moving on to our rough drafts. There will be time in class tomorrow to finish your rough draft and have some feedback from a peer editor. No homework tonight!
Block B: Make sure you are on track to complete your reading, sticky notes, and job notes for Friday's meeting. You also need to have your first set of 3-4 journals done. A short entry is 150-200 words, a long entry is 200-250. Make sure you ask questions if you are confused!
Block B: Make sure you are on track to complete your reading, sticky notes, and job notes for Friday's meeting. You also need to have your first set of 3-4 journals done. A short entry is 150-200 words, a long entry is 200-250. Make sure you ask questions if you are confused!
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Tell us on Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: Great work on those body paragraphs and conclusions! You will need to have your outline complete tomorrow in order to start your rough draft. No homework tonight!
Block B: You will get extra time tomorrow to complete your group meeting. Make sure you are on track to hand in your journals on Friday!
Block B: You will get extra time tomorrow to complete your group meeting. Make sure you are on track to hand in your journals on Friday!
Monday, October 2, 2017
Melodious Monday!
Blocks A&D: I'm thrilled with your hard work on your essays so far. We'll have a short lesson on conclusions tomorrow and then back to work on the body paragraph graphic organizers and conclusions.
Block B: We will have our second group meeting tomorrow - make sure your reading, sticky notes, and job notes are finished in order to participate.
Block B: We will have our second group meeting tomorrow - make sure your reading, sticky notes, and job notes are finished in order to participate.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Fun-times Friday!
Blocks A&D: I am so pleased with the work you've been producing on your essay outlines so far! We'll keep working on our body paragraphs on Monday - there is no homework this weekend!
Block B: I hope you all had a great first meeting today. Monday will be a work block for reading, and prep for Tuesday's meeting. You might also want to take a look at your journal assignment as your first set of journals is due on Friday.
Block B: I hope you all had a great first meeting today. Monday will be a work block for reading, and prep for Tuesday's meeting. You might also want to take a look at your journal assignment as your first set of journals is due on Friday.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Thrifty Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Thank you all for your hard work on your thesis statements and introductions! If you missed some of the notes today on how to write strong hooks - I've included them below. There is no homework tonight - you will have time tomorrow to work on your introductions and body paragraphs.
Block B: Hopefully you found the work block today productive! Make sure your reading, 10 sticky notes, and notes for your job are all done for the group meeting tomorrow!
Block B: Hopefully you found the work block today productive! Make sure your reading, 10 sticky notes, and notes for your job are all done for the group meeting tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Wishful Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Great work today on thesis statement writing! Homework tonight is to finish the front side of the thesis analogy sheet in addition to the 4 practice thesis statement worksheet. We'll review both of them tomorrow.
Block B: You will be given some more time tomorrow to prepare for your first group meeting, which has been moved to Friday Sept. 29th. Make sure you are completing the reading, your 10 sticky notes, and notes for your job.
Block B: You will be given some more time tomorrow to prepare for your first group meeting, which has been moved to Friday Sept. 29th. Make sure you are completing the reading, your 10 sticky notes, and notes for your job.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Take That, Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: I'm so sorry the wifi is so bad in this room! I'm glad some of you were able to persevere and get some good viewing time on your videos. If you didn't finish the exit slip in class as a reflection on your viewing - please do so for homework tonight!
Block B: Thank you for your novel study primer today! Tomorrow I will explain to you what you need to know about double-entry journals. You will also get some time to sort out your jobs and divide up the reading. I don't have any specific homework for you tonight - just make sure that you come prepared to work tomorrow.
Block B: Thank you for your novel study primer today! Tomorrow I will explain to you what you need to know about double-entry journals. You will also get some time to sort out your jobs and divide up the reading. I don't have any specific homework for you tonight - just make sure that you come prepared to work tomorrow.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Mildly Muddy Monday
Blocks A&D: Thank you all for your L.E.P. projects and feedback today. After listening to a couple of commercials - we moved on to our new unit: viral videos. There was some great discussion around terminology and a somewhat truthful look at your current YouTube usage. Homework tonight is to finish the TED Talk sheet for Why Videos Go Viral - please feel free to view it again if you missed anything. Please bring your headphones or earbuds to class tomorrow to facilitate our lesson.
Block B: Thank you for you novel choices - I'll let you know soon what group you're going to be in. Homework tonight is to finish your Matrix response. This is just a journal response. So please don't stress over it! What is your understanding of intertextuality as demonstrated in the movie and what is your current understanding of the theme Insiders and Outsiders. I'll collect these tomorrow.
Block B: Thank you for you novel choices - I'll let you know soon what group you're going to be in. Homework tonight is to finish your Matrix response. This is just a journal response. So please don't stress over it! What is your understanding of intertextuality as demonstrated in the movie and what is your current understanding of the theme Insiders and Outsiders. I'll collect these tomorrow.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Think about Thursday:
Blocks A&D: Lots of productive energy today during your LAST work block for your logos, ethos, and pathos campaign projects. I'm looking forward to your finished products on Monday!
Block B: We will continue watching The Matrix on Monday - you have NO homework this weekend! :)
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Wondering about Work on this Wednesday?
Blocks A&D: Tomorrow is your LAST work block for you E.L.P. project! I can't wait to see your completed campaign on Monday!
Block B: I hope that you're not feeling too unsettled by our brief journey into philosophy today - just remember Descartes - "I think therefore I am" the very fact that you are thinking these thoughts means that you exist. Just open your mind to the possibility that there is more to this world than might understand at this point. We'll continue watching The Matrix tomorrow - no homework tonight!
Block B: I hope that you're not feeling too unsettled by our brief journey into philosophy today - just remember Descartes - "I think therefore I am" the very fact that you are thinking these thoughts means that you exist. Just open your mind to the possibility that there is more to this world than might understand at this point. We'll continue watching The Matrix tomorrow - no homework tonight!
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Terrific Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: Work blocks continue for your E.L.P projects! Make sure you have all materials in class tomorrow to continue your excellent progress.
Block B: Thank you for your thoughtful responses to the TED Talk today. If you were away, here is the link to the TED talk from class today. I've included the slide of the reflection questions down below. For tomorrow, please hand in:
1. the good copy of your essay (double-spaced, 12-pt font, 2-3 pages)
2. the rough draft (with evidence of revision)
3. your map
4. the blue criteria sheet.
Block B: Thank you for your thoughtful responses to the TED Talk today. If you were away, here is the link to the TED talk from class today. I've included the slide of the reflection questions down below. For tomorrow, please hand in:
1. the good copy of your essay (double-spaced, 12-pt font, 2-3 pages)
2. the rough draft (with evidence of revision)
3. your map
4. the blue criteria sheet.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Musings on Monday
Blocks A&D: I hope that your candy campaigns are off on the right track! Thank you for your campaign proposals - there is no homework tonight!
Block B: Great work on the editing opportunity you had in class today. We will be moving on tomorrow to talk about a visual transformational narrative - but there may be some time at the end of the block for you to work on your narrative so please bring it to class tomorrow. The double-spaced good copy of your narrative is due on Wednesday along with the rough draft, map and blue criteria sheet.
Block B: Great work on the editing opportunity you had in class today. We will be moving on tomorrow to talk about a visual transformational narrative - but there may be some time at the end of the block for you to work on your narrative so please bring it to class tomorrow. The double-spaced good copy of your narrative is due on Wednesday along with the rough draft, map and blue criteria sheet.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Focus on Friday!
Blocks A&D: I hope that you got a lot out of watching Blackfish in class over the last couple of days. If you did not finish the chart on examples of ethos, pathos and logos in the film, please finish that for Monday along with the CSI.
Block B: Again, what a fantastic work block today. Your level of focus and concentration were just awesome. This whole transformational narrative writing is a process, and you may find yourself working through some issues. I hope that you keep the end goal in mind - that you illuminate a transformatational event in your life. For Monday, please have a hard copy of your rough draft - double spaced - 2-3 pages in what you're aiming for.
Block B: Again, what a fantastic work block today. Your level of focus and concentration were just awesome. This whole transformational narrative writing is a process, and you may find yourself working through some issues. I hope that you keep the end goal in mind - that you illuminate a transformatational event in your life. For Monday, please have a hard copy of your rough draft - double spaced - 2-3 pages in what you're aiming for.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Thoughtful Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Thank you for your thoughtful discussion today about whales and cetaceans in captivity - there are a lot of points of view on this! We will continue watching Blackfish tomorrow - so keep thinking about the persuasive appeals of logos, ethos, and pathos. There is no homework tonight!
Block B: Amazing levels of focus and concentration today! What a productive group you are. Here are the slides from today's class about essay leads and structure. I will give you the entire block tomorrow to continue the rough draft. You will need to have a HARD COPY in class on Monday for peer/self editing.
Block B: Amazing levels of focus and concentration today! What a productive group you are. Here are the slides from today's class about essay leads and structure. I will give you the entire block tomorrow to continue the rough draft. You will need to have a HARD COPY in class on Monday for peer/self editing.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Walk Around Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Logos, Ethos, Pathos and the art of persuasion. Hopefully you learned a few things from class today about the techniques that are used to influence us on a daily basis. If you did not finish the worksheet on logos, ethos and pathos - please do so for homework tonight!
Block B: In class today - we finished discussing the transformational narrative "Chicken-Hips" and then got started on the brainstorm of your own essay.
Block B: In class today - we finished discussing the transformational narrative "Chicken-Hips" and then got started on the brainstorm of your own essay.
You showed me your brainstorm and tried to narrow down your event. I then gave you time in class to start the map of your transformational event. This is NOT designed to be an outline. Just the opportunity for you to organize your thoughts. Homework for tonight is to finish the map of your event for tomorrow's class - I will be checking to make sure it's done!
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Terrific Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: I hope that you found the extra time to work on your drafts and get peer feedback valuable today! Tomorrow you will need to hand in your good copy (with visual), rough draft (with signs of revision) and your green criteria sheet.
Block B: Today we started to look at the personal narrative style of essay. This is the one that we recommend that you write as your Part D Composition on the Provincial Exam - so do yourself a favour and make some good notes!!! We didn't get a chance to finish up our second personal narrative example - so we will start with that tomorrow. Here are the slides that I went over in class today.
Block B: Today we started to look at the personal narrative style of essay. This is the one that we recommend that you write as your Part D Composition on the Provincial Exam - so do yourself a favour and make some good notes!!! We didn't get a chance to finish up our second personal narrative example - so we will start with that tomorrow. Here are the slides that I went over in class today.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Another Sunny Monday!
Blocks A&D: It looks like you need a little more time to complete drafts on your What's in a Name? assignment. So you will get more time for drafts and peer editing tomorrow then hand in your finished product on Wednesday.
Block B: A wonderful work block today grade 12s! Your draft and editing should now be done and good copy due on Wednesday with your visual. The draft that I stamped or you emailed to me - should be fairly similar to your good copy. No major changes in content can be made - but minor ones in grammar, spelling, word choice etc. are fine.
Block B: A wonderful work block today grade 12s! Your draft and editing should now be done and good copy due on Wednesday with your visual. The draft that I stamped or you emailed to me - should be fairly similar to your good copy. No major changes in content can be made - but minor ones in grammar, spelling, word choice etc. are fine.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Feel the Rain on Friday!
Blocks A&D: Thank you for all of your hard work in class today on your What's in a Name assignment. You will get time in class on Monday to continue work on the rough draft, along with some time for peer editing and your visual component.
Block B: Great work on those paradoxes today! I know that it is kind of a tricky concept to get your head wrapped around - but I had some good conversations with people trying to get at the truth of the contradiction. I hope that you take some time over the weekend to think about this a little more, and come on Monday, ready to continue your draft.
Block B: Great work on those paradoxes today! I know that it is kind of a tricky concept to get your head wrapped around - but I had some good conversations with people trying to get at the truth of the contradiction. I hope that you take some time over the weekend to think about this a little more, and come on Monday, ready to continue your draft.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Thoughts on our First Thursday!
A BIG, warm, welcome back to all my studious Sharks!
Please check this blog regularly in order to keep track of your assignments for English.
Blocks A&D: If you did not get a chance to have your purple letter signed, please do so tonight and hand it in to me tomorrow. There were also some of you who did not finish your 21 Questions Survey. If you are one of those - please have that done for me as well.
I assigned your very first assignment for English 10 today. A creative writing assignment that is all about you - well all about your name. Please complete your pre-writing for homework tonight. This means research, interviews, asking questions, brainstorming etc. You will have time in class tomorrow for your rough draft.
Block B: Thank you all so much for your thoughtful responses to the 8 sentence starters. They have given me a lot of insight into how you would like our class to be structured this semester. If you did not get your green letter signed, please get that in to me ASAP. Homework tonight is to continue planning your Paradox assignment. You will get time in class tomorrow to start your draft.
Please check this blog regularly in order to keep track of your assignments for English.
Blocks A&D: If you did not get a chance to have your purple letter signed, please do so tonight and hand it in to me tomorrow. There were also some of you who did not finish your 21 Questions Survey. If you are one of those - please have that done for me as well.
I assigned your very first assignment for English 10 today. A creative writing assignment that is all about you - well all about your name. Please complete your pre-writing for homework tonight. This means research, interviews, asking questions, brainstorming etc. You will have time in class tomorrow for your rough draft.
Block B: Thank you all so much for your thoughtful responses to the 8 sentence starters. They have given me a lot of insight into how you would like our class to be structured this semester. If you did not get your green letter signed, please get that in to me ASAP. Homework tonight is to continue planning your Paradox assignment. You will get time in class tomorrow to start your draft.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Talking about Tuesday!
Block A: Some great Kahoot question creation today! We'll play a mash-up version of your questions tomorrow! There is no homework tonight.
Blocks B&D: I can hardly wait to see your Shakespeare Translations tomorrow! Make sure you are in class and ready to start when the bell rings - I want to make sure we get through them all. Please bring a copy of your script, criteria, and Macbeth textbook to hand in.
Blocks B&D: I can hardly wait to see your Shakespeare Translations tomorrow! Make sure you are in class and ready to start when the bell rings - I want to make sure we get through them all. Please bring a copy of your script, criteria, and Macbeth textbook to hand in.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Methodical Monday
Block A: Phew! Final Romeo and Juliet writing assignments are done! Congratulations English 9!!! There is no homework tonight!
Blocks B&D: Keep working on your Shakespeare Translations. Tomorrow is rehearsal - Wednesday is performances!
Blocks B&D: Keep working on your Shakespeare Translations. Tomorrow is rehearsal - Wednesday is performances!
Friday, June 16, 2017
Funny Weather Friday
Block A: Great start to your final writing assignments today! We will continue on Monday - no homework this weekend!
Blocks B&D: Keep working on those Shakespeare Translations! We will have 2 more work blocks then we perform on Wednesday!
Blocks B&D: Keep working on those Shakespeare Translations! We will have 2 more work blocks then we perform on Wednesday!
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Thoroughly Soaked Thursday!
Block A: If you didn't get a chance to finish your Act V study guide and reflection, please complete it tonight for homework and hand it in tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: We're done! Hooray for literary analysis! Our final project commences tomorrow!
Blocks B&D: We're done! Hooray for literary analysis! Our final project commences tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Well, What About Wednesday?
Block A: We're done the play! And not everyone lived happily ever after, but it is a tragedy after all! There is no homework tonight!
Blocks B&D: Tomorrow we write the essay. Thesis statements were interesting and varied today - hopefully they lead you to good things when you write your essay!
Blocks B&D: Tomorrow we write the essay. Thesis statements were interesting and varied today - hopefully they lead you to good things when you write your essay!
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Talking about Tuesday!
Block A: Today we read up to the end of Act IV of our play, and got started on the study guide. Please complete the first and second pages of your study guide. We'll have time in class tomorrow to finish the rest.
Blocks B&D: There is no homework tonight - but if you would like here is a guide to Literary Analysis Essay Writing that will hopefully help to give you a little more background and context if you would like some.
Blocks B&D: There is no homework tonight - but if you would like here is a guide to Literary Analysis Essay Writing that will hopefully help to give you a little more background and context if you would like some.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Merrily on Monday!
Block A: Poor Juliet - her options are so bad right now! In class today, we read up to the end of Act IV scene iii. There is no homework tonight!
Blocks B&D: We're finished the play! Homework tonight is to finish up your Act 5 Review.
Blocks B&D: We're finished the play! Homework tonight is to finish up your Act 5 Review.
Friday, June 9, 2017
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Poor Juliet! She is in major trouble now! Please complete your Act III study guide for Monday.
Blocks B&D: Today we read through Act IV - and are poised on the end of our play. Your homework is the Act IV Review - what changes do you track in our protagonist? If he's this bad now, how will he behave as we get towards the end?!!!
Blocks B&D: Today we read through Act IV - and are poised on the end of our play. Your homework is the Act IV Review - what changes do you track in our protagonist? If he's this bad now, how will he behave as we get towards the end?!!!
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Thoroughly Rainy Thursday
Block A: Today in class we got through most of Act III We read up to the end of scene iv. For homework tonight please complete the study guide up to and including question 18. We'll finish the rest tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Great work on the Lazy Sonnet activity today! So much creativity out there! We then got caught up the movie and watched until the end of Act III. Tomorrow we'll start on Act IV, no homework tonight!
Blocks B&D: Great work on the Lazy Sonnet activity today! So much creativity out there! We then got caught up the movie and watched until the end of Act III. Tomorrow we'll start on Act IV, no homework tonight!
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Wish for Sunshine Wednesday!
Block A: Today we watched Act II of the movie and finished the Act II study guide. We then started to read Act III, but only got part way through the first scene, and only read to line 130. We will finish up tomorrow. Homework tonight is the good copy (in pen or typed) of your creative task, make sure you hand in the rough draft and criteria sheet.
Blocks B&D: Today we finished off Act III of our play - and witnessed the ever changing mind and manner of Macbeth. Please complete the Act III questions for further review for tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Today we finished off Act III of our play - and witnessed the ever changing mind and manner of Macbeth. Please complete the Act III questions for further review for tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Tell us about Tuesday!
Block A: Today we pushed through and finished reading Act II of our play. For homework tonight you need to complete questions 12-17 and the questions for reflection and analysis. You will get some time in class tomorrow to work on the rest of the package.
Blocks B&D: In class today we caught up on the movie and started reading Act III of the play - we only got through the first scene though. There is no homework for you tonight!
Blocks B&D: In class today we caught up on the movie and started reading Act III of the play - we only got through the first scene though. There is no homework for you tonight!
Monday, June 5, 2017
Most of all Monday!
Block A: Today in class we read through Act II scene iii. Please complete the study guide questions 1-11 on the front page of the study guide. You also need to have the rough draft of your poem in class tomorrow for peer feedback.
Blocks B&D: After getting some feedback from a peer editor on your Act I poems, we read through to the end of Act II. Please complete the Act II review for tomorrow in addition to the good copy (typed or written in pen) of your poem with all devices clearly labeled. We will watch the Act II version of events in class tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: After getting some feedback from a peer editor on your Act I poems, we read through to the end of Act II. Please complete the Act II review for tomorrow in addition to the good copy (typed or written in pen) of your poem with all devices clearly labeled. We will watch the Act II version of events in class tomorrow.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Fun-times Friday!
Block A: Today we watched the first act of the Romeo and Juliet movie. I hope it helped you to get a sense of how all of these lines go together to create a unified plot! I handed out a creative assignment for Act I. You have some choice about your options, the rough draft is due on Tuesday and the good copy on Thursday.
Blocks B&D: In class today, I handed out the Act I poem assignment. You will need to have your rough draft in class for Monday. Make sure you label all of the devices you've incorporated. You need a minimum of 5. We also started reading Act II of the play - we read to the end of scene ii.
Blocks B&D: In class today, I handed out the Act I poem assignment. You will need to have your rough draft in class for Monday. Make sure you label all of the devices you've incorporated. You need a minimum of 5. We also started reading Act II of the play - we read to the end of scene ii.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Thoughts for your Thursday:
Block A: Another great class of reading! I love your energy and enthusiasm for taking on these roles. Homework tonight is to complete the rest of the Act 1 study guide. We will start to watch a movie version tomorrow in class.
Blocks B&D: Today we finished reading Act 1 of the play and got some interesting glimpses into the minds of both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. As we continue reading you will have to decide for yourself who is really to blame for their downfall. Homework tonight is to finish the Act 1 review sheet (both sides) for tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Today we finished reading Act 1 of the play and got some interesting glimpses into the minds of both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. As we continue reading you will have to decide for yourself who is really to blame for their downfall. Homework tonight is to finish the Act 1 review sheet (both sides) for tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Work for your Wednesday:
Block A: A wonderful start to our play today - great job reading!!! For homework tonight - please complete descriptions of the characters we've met so far in addition questions 1-10 in the study guide.
Blocks B&D: A great introduction to the play - thanks to all the volunteers - we're off to a good start! Here are the questions for homework this evening:
1. Examine the first introduction of the weird sisters. Why do you think Shakespeare would open with this scene? Explain your answer using a minimum of 3 reasons.
2. Create a character sketch (not a drawing - use quotes) of Macbeth through indirect characterization. Find 4-5 quotes that describe Macbeth according to those around him.
3. Find examples of paradox and allusion in 1.1 and 1.2.
To quote Shakespeare you have 2 choice (1. 2. 25) or (I, ii, 25)
4. Discuss Macbeth and Banquo's reaction to the prophecies. How do they differ? What can we infer about their characters?
Blocks B&D: A great introduction to the play - thanks to all the volunteers - we're off to a good start! Here are the questions for homework this evening:
1. Examine the first introduction of the weird sisters. Why do you think Shakespeare would open with this scene? Explain your answer using a minimum of 3 reasons.
2. Create a character sketch (not a drawing - use quotes) of Macbeth through indirect characterization. Find 4-5 quotes that describe Macbeth according to those around him.
3. Find examples of paradox and allusion in 1.1 and 1.2.
To quote Shakespeare you have 2 choice (1. 2. 25) or (I, ii, 25)
4. Discuss Macbeth and Banquo's reaction to the prophecies. How do they differ? What can we infer about their characters?
Monday, May 29, 2017
Mulling Over Monday
Block A: We will finish up the presentations tomorrow - a great start today!
Blocks B&D: We've only scratched the surface of our Shakespeare unit - there is no homework tonight!
Blocks B&D: We've only scratched the surface of our Shakespeare unit - there is no homework tonight!
Friday, May 26, 2017
Face Your Friday!
Block A: You should be basically finished your presentations - and just working on polishing various aspects to be handed in on Monday. I'm looking forward to watching all of your hard work come together during the presentations!
Blocks B&D: Phew! Essays are done :) No homework for the weekend!
Blocks B&D: Phew! Essays are done :) No homework for the weekend!
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Thoroughly Thursday!
Block A: Project work continues! Last work block tomorrow, before presentations start on Monday!
Blocks B&D: You will have one more block to finish your synthesis essay tomorrow - if you need extra time you can come in at lunch.
Blocks B&D: You will have one more block to finish your synthesis essay tomorrow - if you need extra time you can come in at lunch.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Take it Outside Tuesday!
Block A: Thank you for the journals and reflections. I handed out the final group project for your lit circles today - make sure you are on track to support your group through this process. You will have a work block tomorrow to continue your progress.
Blocks B&D: Synthesis essay writing starts on Thursday. You will have ONE more block to prepare your outlines tomorrow. Use the time well!!!!
Blocks B&D: Synthesis essay writing starts on Thursday. You will have ONE more block to prepare your outlines tomorrow. Use the time well!!!!
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Thank you all for Thursday!
Block A: Great last meeting today! This weekend you need to finish the 1/2 page to a page of reflection on process of participating in lit circles. You can either answer each question on its own, or as a whole. In addition to the reflection, your 2 journal entries are also due on Tuesday.
Blocks B&D: Well I hope you take some time over the weekend to study a little bit more for the quiz that we have on Tuesday - because it seems like some of us need it! There will be a little more time on Tuesday to finish annotating your song and poem before we begin the outline phase of the essay process.
Blocks B&D: Well I hope you take some time over the weekend to study a little bit more for the quiz that we have on Tuesday - because it seems like some of us need it! There will be a little more time on Tuesday to finish annotating your song and poem before we begin the outline phase of the essay process.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Walk-about Wednesday!
Block A: Make sure your reading and sticky notes are done for tomorrow! You need to have your book finished and sticky notes completed in order to participate in the group meeting. I handed back your journals today - consider what you can be doing in order to improve for next time - you will hand in 2 more entries on Tuesday.
Blocks B&D: Make sure you are studying for the poetry quiz in class tomorrow. There are some extra study guide materials here on this blog that you can use to review a little more. We'll talk more about synthesis essay writing in class tomorrow - I can feel your excitement!
Blocks B&D: Make sure you are studying for the poetry quiz in class tomorrow. There are some extra study guide materials here on this blog that you can use to review a little more. We'll talk more about synthesis essay writing in class tomorrow - I can feel your excitement!
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Talking about Tuesday!
Block A: If your group did not finish the discussion today - you will get time in class tomorrow to finish up. You need to have your novel finished for Thursday - so keep on reading! I will be handing back your journals tomorrow so that you can get started on the next set of entries, which are due on Tuesday.
Blocks B&D: We will finish up any left over presentations tomorrow in class. Make sure you have questions 3, 4, 7 & 8 complete for "Stereo Hearts" and "A Red, Red Rose." You also need to have a hard copy of your own song and poem pairing for tomorrow. On Thursday there will be a quiz on poetry terminology - so make sure you study for it!
Blocks B&D: We will finish up any left over presentations tomorrow in class. Make sure you have questions 3, 4, 7 & 8 complete for "Stereo Hearts" and "A Red, Red Rose." You also need to have a hard copy of your own song and poem pairing for tomorrow. On Thursday there will be a quiz on poetry terminology - so make sure you study for it!
Monday, May 15, 2017
Merrily on Monday!
Block A: Make sure your reading and sticky notes are done for the meeting tomorrow. Take what we learned/reviewed in class today about symbolism and include sticky notes on symbolism to your novel.
Blocks B&D: I can not wait to see what you have come up with for your Bringing Poetry to Life projects tomorrow! We'll start right away in order to see as many presentations tomorrow as we can. If you did not finish the poetry and song questions for "Stereo Hearts" and "A Red, Red Rose" please have them done for Wednesday - you only need to complete 3, 4, 7, and 8.
Speaking of Wednesday, you need to have your own perfect poem and song pairing in class for your synthesis assignment. Hard copies only.
There will be a quiz on poetic devices and terminology on Thursday May 18th, here is a link to a more comprehensive study guide for the quiz. You MUST know terms 1-21 on the handout.
Blocks B&D: I can not wait to see what you have come up with for your Bringing Poetry to Life projects tomorrow! We'll start right away in order to see as many presentations tomorrow as we can. If you did not finish the poetry and song questions for "Stereo Hearts" and "A Red, Red Rose" please have them done for Wednesday - you only need to complete 3, 4, 7, and 8.
Speaking of Wednesday, you need to have your own perfect poem and song pairing in class for your synthesis assignment. Hard copies only.
There will be a quiz on poetic devices and terminology on Thursday May 18th, here is a link to a more comprehensive study guide for the quiz. You MUST know terms 1-21 on the handout.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Face-first into Friday!
Block A: Some groups did not get a chance to finish their discussions today - so you will get extra time on Monday. There is no specific homework for the weekend - just make sure you are keeping up with the reading and sticky notes for the next meeting on Tuesday.
Blocks B&D: If you're looking to do some more review of literary terminology here is a crossword puzzle that you can try. Once you've finished the review here is the answer key to make sure you're on the right track.
You probably won't have any time on Monday to work on your projects - so make sure you're on track for Tuesday's presentations!
Blocks B&D: If you're looking to do some more review of literary terminology here is a crossword puzzle that you can try. Once you've finished the review here is the answer key to make sure you're on the right track.
You probably won't have any time on Monday to work on your projects - so make sure you're on track for Tuesday's presentations!
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Think about your Thursday!
Block A: For the meeting tomorrow - make sure that you have the reading and sticky notes done - try and see if you can add some notes specifically about conflict to help contribute to the discussion tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Great work on our last poetry challenge today! You will have ONE more work block for your projects tomorrow - so make sure you come to class ready to work!
Blocks B&D: Great work on our last poetry challenge today! You will have ONE more work block for your projects tomorrow - so make sure you come to class ready to work!
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Wait a Minute... Wednesday!
Block A: All groups were given the opportunity to finish up their discussion logs and tasks of the day. It was a lovely work block in here today! Homework for tonight is to make sure you have completed your 2 journal entries to hand in tomorrow. Check the criteria! You also need to stay on track with your reading for Friday's meeting. You will get some time in class tomorrow to complete your reading and sticky notes.
Blocks B&D: Projects are underway! You will be bringing your poem to life for all to enjoy on Tuesday May 16th!
Blocks B&D: Projects are underway! You will be bringing your poem to life for all to enjoy on Tuesday May 16th!
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Totally Tuesday!
Block A: I know that most groups did not finish their discussion logs or tasks of the day - so you will have time at the beginning of class tomorrow to finish them up. Don't forget that you need to hand in your journals - 2 entries - on Thursday.
Blocks B&D: If you didn't sign up your poet and poem with me today - then please do so before class ends tomorrow. The Bringing Poetry to Life project is due next Tuesday the 16th.
Blocks B&D: If you didn't sign up your poet and poem with me today - then please do so before class ends tomorrow. The Bringing Poetry to Life project is due next Tuesday the 16th.
Monday, May 8, 2017
Make the Most of your Monday!
Block A: Your next group meeting for your novel is tomorrow! Make sure that you have your reading and sticky notes done. Your 2 journal entries are due on Thursday May 11. Make sure you are on track with the criteria!
Blocks B&D: Please complete the questions to ask of a poem for "High School Training Ground." We'll synthesize our responses tomorrow. You also need to start thinking about your poet and project - how are you going to bring a poem to life?
Blocks B&D: Please complete the questions to ask of a poem for "High School Training Ground." We'll synthesize our responses tomorrow. You also need to start thinking about your poet and project - how are you going to bring a poem to life?
Friday, May 5, 2017
Fabulous Friday
Block A: Great first literature circle meeting today! If your group did not finish the discussion log or task of the day - you will have some time on Monday to finish up. Make sure you are keeping up with the reading and sticky notes for Tuesday's meeting as well as the journal assignment (2 entries) that are due on Tuesday, May 11.
Blocks B&D: Homework over the weekend is the acrostic poem that you've started on your silent reading novel. On Monday you will hand in the rough draft, the good copy (typed or hand-written in pen) and the salmon-coloured criteria sheet.
Blocks B&D: Homework over the weekend is the acrostic poem that you've started on your silent reading novel. On Monday you will hand in the rough draft, the good copy (typed or hand-written in pen) and the salmon-coloured criteria sheet.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Thoughtful Thursday
Block A: Homework tonight is to complete the reading that your group has decided upon and to make sure all of your sticky notes are finished. You must have 3 sticky notes per chapter with evidence of using the reading strategies in order to participate with your group.
Blocks B&D: Homework tonight is to finish the questions to ask of a poem. There are 9 questions - each with some subquestions for further consideration. Please answer the 9 main questions, and if you have further thoughts on the subquestions - then go for it!
Here is the poem from today:
Blocks B&D: Homework tonight is to finish the questions to ask of a poem. There are 9 questions - each with some subquestions for further consideration. Please answer the 9 main questions, and if you have further thoughts on the subquestions - then go for it!
Here is the poem from today:
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Wondering about Wednesday?
Block A: Today we finished reading "The Sniper" and practicing our reading strategies. I look forward to reading your reflections and reading goals for this unit. I then handed out the books and revealed the groups and you set the readings for each meeting. You have your first group meeting on Friday - so you need to have completed the reading your group decided on. If you don't do the reading, or don't complete your sticky notes, you will have to sit by yourself and complete boring seat work. So do your reading and sticky notes!!!
Block B: Please finish the purple sheet of poetry terminology for tomorrow's class.
Block D: No homework!
Block B: Please finish the purple sheet of poetry terminology for tomorrow's class.
Block D: No homework!
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Totally Tuesday!
Block A: Today we reviewed 4 key reading strategies that we will be using during our novel study unit. We started to practice them using a short story - but we ran out of time at the end of class. We will finish up the rest of it tomorrow. No homework tonight!
Blocks B&D: If you didn't finish the self/peer evaluation in class today please do so for homework. Study for the quiz on short story terms! It is a very short quiz - know your terms and you will be fine!
Blocks B&D: If you didn't finish the self/peer evaluation in class today please do so for homework. Study for the quiz on short story terms! It is a very short quiz - know your terms and you will be fine!
Friday, April 28, 2017
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Today you took some time to reflect on the Core Competencies and how you have demonstrated them in our Great Poetry Unit. I then introduced the novel options for our lit circle groups this semester. I will do my best to give you one of your top selections - but I can't make any promises!!! There is no homework this weekend!
Blocks B&D: Wow what a mad scramble at the end. It is the worst when technology works against us instead of FOR us!!! But it's over now - the analysis projects are done - and we get to enjoy them on Tuesday. Study the green sheet of short story terminology and your plot lines in preparation for the quiz on Wednesday.
Blocks B&D: Wow what a mad scramble at the end. It is the worst when technology works against us instead of FOR us!!! But it's over now - the analysis projects are done - and we get to enjoy them on Tuesday. Study the green sheet of short story terminology and your plot lines in preparation for the quiz on Wednesday.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Thoughtfully Thursday:
Block A: Phew! Essays are done... almost. If you need extra time to finish up your essay - you can come in at lunch tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: It looks like most people need a little more time to put together their presentations - so you will have until the end of the block tomorrow. This means we will present on Tuesday - but you will hand your project in on Friday at the end of class.
Blocks B&D: It looks like most people need a little more time to put together their presentations - so you will have until the end of the block tomorrow. This means we will present on Tuesday - but you will hand your project in on Friday at the end of class.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Work on a Wednesday!
Block A: We will write our good copies of our great poetry essays in class tomorrow. If you need extra time - I'll be here by 8:00.
Blocks B&D: Make sure you are on-track with your project - the time is tight to finish!
Blocks B&D: Make sure you are on-track with your project - the time is tight to finish!
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Tell us about Tuesday!
Block A: There will be some time tomorrow to finish the rough draft of your great poetry essay, along with your self and possibly some peer editing. Good copy to follow!
Blocks B&D: You should now have a pretty good handle on the overall analysis of your story. Tasks are divided up and you will be coming to class tomorrow ready to start inputting your analysis into the Explain Everything app. You are essentially screen casting your presentation - so make sure that you have the most important information represented!
Blocks B&D: You should now have a pretty good handle on the overall analysis of your story. Tasks are divided up and you will be coming to class tomorrow ready to start inputting your analysis into the Explain Everything app. You are essentially screen casting your presentation - so make sure that you have the most important information represented!
Monday, April 24, 2017
Made for Mondays!
Block A: Some good progress has been made on your outlines and rough drafts!!! We will have time tomorrow in class to work on our rough drafts and to do some self-editing. If you have a laptop and would like to bring it to class on Wednesday to type your good copy you may do that. However - you will need to disable wi-fi while we are working on it, then reenable wi-fi to email me the final copy at the end of class. We have had problems in the past with academic dishonesty - so all writing must be done in class.
Blocks B&D: You are now in your groups for your short story analysis project. Homework tonight is to read your chosen short story and come to class tomorrow ready to discuss it. You will have limited time to work on this project - so make sure you're focused and on task.
Blocks B&D: You are now in your groups for your short story analysis project. Homework tonight is to read your chosen short story and come to class tomorrow ready to discuss it. You will have limited time to work on this project - so make sure you're focused and on task.
Friday, April 21, 2017
Fun-times Friday!
Block A: Thank you poetry performers for taking such big risks and reading your poems for the class! Homework this weekend is to finish your point-form outlines of the great poetry composition.
Block B: Homework this weekend is to finish your micro-fiction stories if you didn't finish them in class - we'll talk metaphors for life on Monday.
Block D: If you didn't finish the plot diagram for "The Rules of the Game" please do so for homework this weekend.
Block B: Homework this weekend is to finish your micro-fiction stories if you didn't finish them in class - we'll talk metaphors for life on Monday.
Block D: If you didn't finish the plot diagram for "The Rules of the Game" please do so for homework this weekend.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Thoroughly on Thursday!
Block A: Finally - tomorrow we finally get to hear your poetry recitations - and I'm super excited!!!! We will draw numbers to choose the order of presentations. If you did not finish the first bubble (thesis statement) on your graphic organizer it is for homework tonight - we'll continue the rest tomorrow after presentations - if we have time.
Blocks B&D: If you did not finish the plot diagram for "Saturday Climbing" in class today - please complete it tonight. Also tonight is to brainstorm a list of activities, sports and hobbies that can be seen as having the same symbolic quality as the rock climbing metaphor.
Blocks B&D: If you did not finish the plot diagram for "Saturday Climbing" in class today - please complete it tonight. Also tonight is to brainstorm a list of activities, sports and hobbies that can be seen as having the same symbolic quality as the rock climbing metaphor.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Walk Around on a Wednesday
Block A: Due to a field trip tomorrow - we are now going to perform our poems on FRIDAY. Those of you attending class tomorrow will have the opportunity to get some peer feedback on your poem so please bring your original poem, and the script of things you are planning to say about your poem to class tomorrow. Additionally, you need to complete the yellow S.I.F.T.T. sheet that provides a guideline for analysis of your "great" poem. Please be as detailed as you can be.
Blocks B&D: Homework for tonight is to complete the 4 theme statements for "Saturday Climbing" and the questions for further analysis 1-6 on the same sheet. I will be collecting these tomorrow to check your progress.
Blocks B&D: Homework for tonight is to complete the 4 theme statements for "Saturday Climbing" and the questions for further analysis 1-6 on the same sheet. I will be collecting these tomorrow to check your progress.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Terrific Tuesday:
Block A: Thank you for your good behaviour during our opportunity to listen to 2 authors speak in the library today. If you did not fully label your chosen poem for the great poetry multi-paragraph composition please do so tonight.
Blocks B&D: We didn't get to finish the story "Saturday Climbing" in class today so we'll pick up where we left off tomorrow! No homework tonight.
Blocks B&D: We didn't get to finish the story "Saturday Climbing" in class today so we'll pick up where we left off tomorrow! No homework tonight.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Thoughtful Thursday:
Block A: Hopefully you're thinking about the poem that you are going to recite to the class on Thursday next week!
Today, we started the process of our culminating assignment for poetry: The Great Poetry Composition. You will write a 4 paragraph composition explaining what you have learned about what great poetry is and why this poem is an example of it. I demonstrated what it looks like to label a poem to break down the parts of it - then turned the rest of the class over to you. Your challenge is to choose a poem (of at least 14 lines) that you think is an example of truly great poetry. Once you have chosen the poem copy it down (or print it off) and label your poem just like I did on the overhead projector - I'll be checking your poem on Tuesday.
Blocks B&D: Our further investigation of "Identities" continues! If you haven't finished the questions regarding the literary techniques of the author, please do so for Tuesday. Additionally, you will need to complete the making connections chart and summary of the TED talk that we watched by Chimamanda Adichie.
Have a great long weekend everybody!
Today, we started the process of our culminating assignment for poetry: The Great Poetry Composition. You will write a 4 paragraph composition explaining what you have learned about what great poetry is and why this poem is an example of it. I demonstrated what it looks like to label a poem to break down the parts of it - then turned the rest of the class over to you. Your challenge is to choose a poem (of at least 14 lines) that you think is an example of truly great poetry. Once you have chosen the poem copy it down (or print it off) and label your poem just like I did on the overhead projector - I'll be checking your poem on Tuesday.
Blocks B&D: Our further investigation of "Identities" continues! If you haven't finished the questions regarding the literary techniques of the author, please do so for Tuesday. Additionally, you will need to complete the making connections chart and summary of the TED talk that we watched by Chimamanda Adichie.
Have a great long weekend everybody!
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Wondering about Wednesday?
Block A: Poetry stations are done! I hope you had some fun being creative and getting the opportunity to try some different types of poetry! Homework tonight is to finish any of the poems you didn't finish in class - tomorrow you should have 7 completed poems.
After poetry stations were finished I handed out a new assignment CLS#6 a poetry recitation assignment. You will be tasked with performing an original piece of your own poetry (of at least 15 lines) for the class next Wednesday April 18th. I know that performing in front of the class is a very nerve wracking experience - but it is also a very important skill. When you present your poem you must:
1. Introduce yourself
2. Introduce the title of your poem
3. 4-5 sentences about why you wrote the poem (explain your inspiration)
4. Performance
Blocks B&D: Homework tonight is all related to "Identities" make sure you have used quotations to fully support your answers. I'll be doing a homework check on this tomorrow.
After poetry stations were finished I handed out a new assignment CLS#6 a poetry recitation assignment. You will be tasked with performing an original piece of your own poetry (of at least 15 lines) for the class next Wednesday April 18th. I know that performing in front of the class is a very nerve wracking experience - but it is also a very important skill. When you present your poem you must:
1. Introduce yourself
2. Introduce the title of your poem
3. 4-5 sentences about why you wrote the poem (explain your inspiration)
4. Performance
Blocks B&D: Homework tonight is all related to "Identities" make sure you have used quotations to fully support your answers. I'll be doing a homework check on this tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Talk about Tuesday!
Block A: I hope you enjoyed your time a the various poetry stations today! If you didn't finish the work from the stations that you went to today - please do so for homework tonight!
Blocks B&D: We are all finished with our "A&P" paragraphs - I'm looking forward to reading them. We're on to our next story tomorrow - so there is no homework tonight.
Blocks B&D: We are all finished with our "A&P" paragraphs - I'm looking forward to reading them. We're on to our next story tomorrow - so there is no homework tonight.
Monday, April 10, 2017
Masterful Monday!
Block A: If you did not get a chance to finish the depth of meaning poem and reflection in class today - please do so for homework tonight.
Blocks B&D: Rough drafts and peer editing are done! You will have one class tomorrow to complete your good copy.
Blocks B&D: Rough drafts and peer editing are done! You will have one class tomorrow to complete your good copy.
Friday, April 7, 2017
Our fabulous Friday!
Block A: Thank you for handing in your found poems today - they look great! Thank you also for your excellent, on-task behaviour displayed in the library today! You chose your art books and got down to the task of writing a poem with depth of meaning, without needing any prompts from me. You will have time on Monday to keep working on your poem and the reflection. Make sure you spend some time studying the poetic devices we've been working with on our journey to find great poetry - the quiz will be first thing on Monday.
Blocks B&D: Oh Sammy - who even cares if you have undergone a major change or not?! Well, unfortunately for you, the task to analyze this change is not done yet! You will have Monday to finish the draft and complete some peer editing before we write the good copy on Tuesday!
Blocks B&D: Oh Sammy - who even cares if you have undergone a major change or not?! Well, unfortunately for you, the task to analyze this change is not done yet! You will have Monday to finish the draft and complete some peer editing before we write the good copy on Tuesday!
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Thoughts on Thursday!
Block A: Will you be an explorer or a conqueror of poetry? This is the question I leave you with for the last part of our journey towards great poetry. Homework tonight is to complete your found poem with visual and hand it in tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Today in class you worked on your outline of the literary analysis of Sammy. I've collected your outline and you will be starting the rough draft in class tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: Today in class you worked on your outline of the literary analysis of Sammy. I've collected your outline and you will be starting the rough draft in class tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Walkabout Wednesday!
Block A: keep working on your found poem - the good copy is due on Friday. This means that the poem is done - in pen or typed and you've completed your visual to support it. Make sure you make a note in your agenda that you will have a quiz on poetic devices on Monday!
Blocks B&D: We will continue the brainstorm and outline of the literary analysis paragraph in class tomorrow. Due to issues with academic dishonesty - all written work needs to be done in class. I encourage you to think about your topic and bring any questions or concerns you have with you to class tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: We will continue the brainstorm and outline of the literary analysis paragraph in class tomorrow. Due to issues with academic dishonesty - all written work needs to be done in class. I encourage you to think about your topic and bring any questions or concerns you have with you to class tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Tangible Tuesday!
Block A: In response to the question of form - we spent some time creating a found poem using our silent reading novel. Homework tonight is to choose your topic and copy out the passage from your novel. Don't forget to include the page number!
Blocks B&D: The characterization chart for Sammy is due tomorrow. Make sure you have 2 quotes that show direct characterization, explain what is told and 6 quotes that show indirect characterization with explanations of what you inferred. You will need this for tomorrow's writing task.
Blocks B&D: The characterization chart for Sammy is due tomorrow. Make sure you have 2 quotes that show direct characterization, explain what is told and 6 quotes that show indirect characterization with explanations of what you inferred. You will need this for tomorrow's writing task.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Make this your Monday!
Block A: If you didn't finish your new novel fortune teller sheet - please complete it for homework tonight! We will continue our discussion of form tomorrow.
Blocks B&D: The only homework tonight is to finish up your "A&P" plot structure and diagram - we'll discuss Sammy and his various attitudes/rebellions tomorrow!
Blocks B&D: The only homework tonight is to finish up your "A&P" plot structure and diagram - we'll discuss Sammy and his various attitudes/rebellions tomorrow!
Friday, March 31, 2017
Free-time on a Friday!
Block A: Great work today on your in-class writing assignment! So much focus and concentration. There is no homework this weekend - go out and enjoy the weather!
Blocks B&D: Today in class we read the story "A&P" by John Updike and got started on the plot structure diagram, which we will continue working on on Monday. The only homework this weekend is your unconventional short story - let out your creativity!
Blocks B&D: Today in class we read the story "A&P" by John Updike and got started on the plot structure diagram, which we will continue working on on Monday. The only homework this weekend is your unconventional short story - let out your creativity!
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Thank you all for Thursday!
Block A: Today we listened to some poets read their work as we attempted to understand sound devices in poetry. We then wrote a reflection on what the experience was like - this was handed in, in class. You must have your novel in class tomorrow - sign up ASAP!
Blocks B&D: Hopefully you got a pretty good start on your own version of an unconventional short story. Your creation is due on Monday - but there will not be time in class tomorrow to work on it. Don't get too caught up in formatting - focus more on the content. What is your story about - not getting your search boxes all lined up. You must have your novel in class tomorrow - sign up ASAP!
Blocks B&D: Hopefully you got a pretty good start on your own version of an unconventional short story. Your creation is due on Monday - but there will not be time in class tomorrow to work on it. Don't get too caught up in formatting - focus more on the content. What is your story about - not getting your search boxes all lined up. You must have your novel in class tomorrow - sign up ASAP!
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
What should I do on a Wednesday?
Block A: We continued discussing imagery devices, and looking for examples in "Dreams Deferred" and "Hope is a thing with feathers." If you did not finish the questions for those two poems in class - please have them completed for a homework check tomorrow. You have 1 more day to try out your novel - you will need to sign up on Friday.
Blocks B&D: Today we finished putting together the storyline of "Ordeal by Cheque" you came up with some hilarious and plausible interpretations of this story! We did not have time to get started on your own unconventional short story - hopefully tomorrow! There is no homework tonight - other than choosing your novel for silent reading.
Blocks B&D: Today we finished putting together the storyline of "Ordeal by Cheque" you came up with some hilarious and plausible interpretations of this story! We did not have time to get started on your own unconventional short story - hopefully tomorrow! There is no homework tonight - other than choosing your novel for silent reading.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Take that, Tuesday!
Block A: We started our journey towards great poetry today, with an in-class write and an exploration of imagery. Use the notes we took on simile, metaphor, personification and imagery to answer the 4 questions for "Dreams" and "The Eagle" we'll continue the rest tomorrow. Silent reading novels need to be chosen by Friday!
Blocks B&D: There is no homework tonight! We'll continue our work with "Ordeal by Cheque" in class tomorrow. Make sure you are thinking of your silent reading novel, you have until Friday to make your choice.
Blocks B&D: There is no homework tonight! We'll continue our work with "Ordeal by Cheque" in class tomorrow. Make sure you are thinking of your silent reading novel, you have until Friday to make your choice.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Here we go again!
Hard to believe that it's been a year - but here we are and we're ready to go!
Make sure you bookmark this blog and check it regularly in order to keep up to date about what has happened in class.
Block A: Please take some time to choose a silent reading novel that you are interested in reading over the course of this semester - you have until Friday to sign up your book with me. There is no homework tonight!
Blocks B&D: You have until Friday to choose your silent reading novel and sign up your book with me. There is no homework tonight - we'll continue Ordeal by Cheque tomorrow.
Make sure you bookmark this blog and check it regularly in order to keep up to date about what has happened in class.
Block A: Please take some time to choose a silent reading novel that you are interested in reading over the course of this semester - you have until Friday to sign up your book with me. There is no homework tonight!
Blocks B&D: You have until Friday to choose your silent reading novel and sign up your book with me. There is no homework tonight - we'll continue Ordeal by Cheque tomorrow.
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...