Block A: Food for thought today - some interesting insights into your learning profiles! It is not perfect - but it is something to consider. We then started to delve deeper into this whole idea of identity - and what identity means. We are going to keep working on your webs for the start of your Coat of Arms assignment in class tomorrow. No homework tonight!
Block B: If you haven't handed in your pink letter - please hand that in ASAP!!! There is no homework tonight, there will be time in class tomorrow to work on your brainstorming boxes and planning sheet for your "Bio Poem" assignment. The rough draft of your poem is due on Friday for peer feedback and the good copy is due on Tuesday.
Block D: If you haven't handed in your green letter - please hand that in ASAP!!! There is no homework tonight, there will be time in class tomorrow to work on your template or ideas for the "Where I'm From" poem assignment. The rough draft of your poem is due on Friday for peer feedback and the good copy is due on Tuesday.