Block B: Oh my goodness!!! Ms. McBurney and I were blown away today by your guts and creativity! We know that public speaking is incredibly difficult - but you all handled yourselves incredibly well - and did us proud. Thank you for sharing with us. Take a well-deserved weekend!!
Block C: I will give you some time on Monday to finish your symbolism poems - but for homework this weekend, please read chapter 6 and complete your text codes. Also - be sure to study your notes - as there will be a quiz on adjectives and adverbs first thing on Monday!
Block D: We are at the height of our play now - and will continue Act 3 on Monday. For homework this weekend - please complete the good copy of your creative task. Make sure you have a rough draft and blue criteria to hand in as well.
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Friday, May 29, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block B: Fake it 'till you make it! It is show time tomorrow - Ms. McBurney and I can't wait to hear your performances!!! Practice, practice, practice!!!
Block C: Thanks for the hard work on the thinking task today - I really appreciate it! We'll start class with the winning Kahoot tomorrow! No homework tonight!
Block D: Great work on the reading today! Please finish the Act 2 questions for homework tonight - and don't forget that the rough draft of your Act 1 creative task is due tomorrow!!!
Block C: Thanks for the hard work on the thinking task today - I really appreciate it! We'll start class with the winning Kahoot tomorrow! No homework tonight!
Block D: Great work on the reading today! Please finish the Act 2 questions for homework tonight - and don't forget that the rough draft of your Act 1 creative task is due tomorrow!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Wonderful Wednesday:
Block B: Tomorrow is draft day! Make sure that you have the draft of your spoken word poem in class tomorrow for workshopping. We are so excited to hear the results of all this hard work!
Block C: Please read and complete the text-codes for chapter 5 tonight.
Block D: The rough draft of your Act 1 creative task is due on Friday. Please make sure that your questions are complete for Act 2 scenes 1-3 for tomorrow.
Block C: Please read and complete the text-codes for chapter 5 tonight.
Block D: The rough draft of your Act 1 creative task is due on Friday. Please make sure that your questions are complete for Act 2 scenes 1-3 for tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Tasks for this Tuesday:
Block B: We are working hard and starting to formulate our thoughts and plans into our spoken word poems. Tomorrow will work on our drafts to get ready for the workshopping day on Thursday.
Block C: If you didn't finish reading chapter 4 and completing your text codes in class - make sure they are done for tomorrow!
Block D: We will continue to work on our Act 1 creative assignment tomorrow in class - stay tuned for the due date! There is no homework tonight!
Block C: If you didn't finish reading chapter 4 and completing your text codes in class - make sure they are done for tomorrow!
Block D: We will continue to work on our Act 1 creative assignment tomorrow in class - stay tuned for the due date! There is no homework tonight!
Monday, May 25, 2015
Mostly Monday:
Block B: We are REALLY excited about this upcoming assignment!!! It looks like most people have chosen a topic that they feel really passionate about. A lot of diversity in choices - but I think Friday is going to be a great day. There is no homework tonight - just mull over (think about) your chosen topic and we will continue the planning tomorrow - and maybe the drafting tomorrow.
Block C: Great work on the police reports today! The character wanted posters are an ongoing assignment - they are not due tomorrow. Tonight, please read chapter 3 and complete your 3 text codes.
Block D: If you didn't finish your Act 1 scene 4 and 5 questions - please do so for homework tonight!
Friday, May 22, 2015
Fun-Times Friday!
Block B: Great fun with the Kahoot today! An excellent review of poetic devices as well. Thank you all for handing in your figurative language in the media assignment - there is no homework this weekend!
Block C: Well done on the chapter 1 Kahoot today! We will for sure do another one. Please read the last 4 pages of chapter 2 for homework this weekend and complete a minimum of 3 text codes.
Block D: Homework this weekend is to complete the Romeo and Juliet study questions for Act 1 sc 1-3. Make sure you use full sentences and examples where necessary.
Block C: Well done on the chapter 1 Kahoot today! We will for sure do another one. Please read the last 4 pages of chapter 2 for homework this weekend and complete a minimum of 3 text codes.
Block D: Homework this weekend is to complete the Romeo and Juliet study questions for Act 1 sc 1-3. Make sure you use full sentences and examples where necessary.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block B: Poems are in - many thanks for those :) We will continue working on the gender stereotypes in advertising assignment tomorrow.
Block C: Please finish reading chapter 1 of The Outsiders and your 3 text-codes for homework tonight!
Block D: A pretty good start to the reading of our play today - we'll continue Act 1 tomorrow :) No homework tonight!
Block C: Please finish reading chapter 1 of The Outsiders and your 3 text-codes for homework tonight!
Block D: A pretty good start to the reading of our play today - we'll continue Act 1 tomorrow :) No homework tonight!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Wonderful Wednesday:
Block B: If you did not finish your Two-Voice Poem - please have it completed and handed in for tomorrow. We'll finish up our second TED Talk in class.
Block C: If you did not fill in the examples from Mulan of the Hero's Journey - please complete it tonight for discussion tomorrow.
Block D: We didn't quite finish our introduction to Shakespeare today - so we'll do that tomorrow - for tonight - no homework :)
Block C: If you did not fill in the examples from Mulan of the Hero's Journey - please complete it tonight for discussion tomorrow.
Block D: We didn't quite finish our introduction to Shakespeare today - so we'll do that tomorrow - for tonight - no homework :)
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Tell us about Tuesday:
Block B: Today in class - we talked about what it takes to stand up to other people - and in what circumstances we would or would not take a stand. We reviewed some sound devices for poetry - grade 12s - take note for the Provincial! We then gave you some time in class to finish the Two-Voice poem - if you didn't finish in class - please have it completed for tomorrow!
Block C: Thank you for the connections foldable. We took notes today on the archetypical hero's journey - the three phases. We then started watching Mulan - to look for and discuss examples of the hero's journey in a film. We will continue the movie tomorrow - so no homework tonight!
Block D: Today in class you wrote and handed in the double-spaced good copy of your Great Poetry Essay. We'll take a little bit of time at the beginning of class for those not yet done. Thank you to all the essay writer's who finished their good copies!
Block C: Thank you for the connections foldable. We took notes today on the archetypical hero's journey - the three phases. We then started watching Mulan - to look for and discuss examples of the hero's journey in a film. We will continue the movie tomorrow - so no homework tonight!
Block D: Today in class you wrote and handed in the double-spaced good copy of your Great Poetry Essay. We'll take a little bit of time at the beginning of class for those not yet done. Thank you to all the essay writer's who finished their good copies!
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Think about Thursday:
Block B: A good start to the Two-Voice poems today in class. We will give you a little time at the start of class on Tuesday to finish up.
Block C: If you didn't finish your making connections foldable - please do so for Tuesday!
Block D: The double-spaced rough draft of your Great Poetry Essay is due on Tuesday - along with the green self-editing sheet.
Block C: If you didn't finish your making connections foldable - please do so for Tuesday!
Block D: The double-spaced rough draft of your Great Poetry Essay is due on Tuesday - along with the green self-editing sheet.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Talk about a Tuesday!
Block B: We didn't quite get through the whole 8th Fire documentary today - but we think we got through enough so that you will be able to complete the back side of the handout during the beginning part of class tomorrow.
Block C: Good work on your mythology CSIs today! All work was handed in - there is no homework tonight!
Block D: Excellent work on your outlines today! I know this is big stuff we're heading into - but you guys are doing great! If you didn't finish the front side of the outline in class today - please complete it for homework tonight. I will give you time in class tomorrow to finish the outline and start on the rough draft.
Here is a picture of my sample outline just in case you need a reference:
Block C: Good work on your mythology CSIs today! All work was handed in - there is no homework tonight!
Block D: Excellent work on your outlines today! I know this is big stuff we're heading into - but you guys are doing great! If you didn't finish the front side of the outline in class today - please complete it for homework tonight. I will give you time in class tomorrow to finish the outline and start on the rough draft.
Here is a picture of my sample outline just in case you need a reference:
Monday, May 11, 2015
Most-of-all Monday:
Block B: If you didn't finish your final project for LSC - please get that in to us ASAP - as we've moved on to poetry!
Block C: Use the constructive feedback that your peer editor has given you and complete the double-spaced good copy of your BEST SONG EVER paragraph for tomorrow. Make sure you also have the rough draft, peer editing sheet and graphic organizer to hand in as well.
Block D: Today we started on the multi-paragraph composition to end our poetry unit. In class (and for homework if not done) you chose a poem that you believe fits the criteria of a "great poem" and wrote notes on it about imagery, sound, form and depth of meaning. You then got started on the blue S.I.F.T.T. sheet. Both the poem and the blue sheet are due tomorrow.
Block C: Use the constructive feedback that your peer editor has given you and complete the double-spaced good copy of your BEST SONG EVER paragraph for tomorrow. Make sure you also have the rough draft, peer editing sheet and graphic organizer to hand in as well.
Block D: Today we started on the multi-paragraph composition to end our poetry unit. In class (and for homework if not done) you chose a poem that you believe fits the criteria of a "great poem" and wrote notes on it about imagery, sound, form and depth of meaning. You then got started on the blue S.I.F.T.T. sheet. Both the poem and the blue sheet are due tomorrow.
Friday, May 8, 2015
For You this Friday:
Block B: If you didn't finish your final project for LSC - make sure you have part 1 and 2 done for Monday - as we're moving on!
Block C: Your BEST SONG EVER paragraph assignments are looking good so far! The rough draft is due on Monday for peer editing.
Block D: Your found poem with visual is due on Monday - make sure you have the original passage, rough draft and criteria sheet to hand in. Also - if you didn't finish your depth of meaning tasks - hand that in on Monday as well!
Block C: Your BEST SONG EVER paragraph assignments are looking good so far! The rough draft is due on Monday for peer editing.
Block D: Your found poem with visual is due on Monday - make sure you have the original passage, rough draft and criteria sheet to hand in. Also - if you didn't finish your depth of meaning tasks - hand that in on Monday as well!
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block B: It will be our final work block tomorrow for the final novel study project - both parts - the written and the creative task are due on Monday.
Block C: We will have time in class tomorrow to work on the rough draft of the BEST SONG EVER paragraph assignment. The good copy (in pen or typed) of your Hero poems are due tomorrow.
Block D: Don't forget to review for the poetry quiz that we will be having tomorrow - all terms covered so far will be on it! If you need supplies for your found poem please bring those to class tomorrow - as there will be class time to work on both the found poem and the depth of meaning task.
Block C: We will have time in class tomorrow to work on the rough draft of the BEST SONG EVER paragraph assignment. The good copy (in pen or typed) of your Hero poems are due tomorrow.
Block D: Don't forget to review for the poetry quiz that we will be having tomorrow - all terms covered so far will be on it! If you need supplies for your found poem please bring those to class tomorrow - as there will be class time to work on both the found poem and the depth of meaning task.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block B: Keep up the good work on your final novel study projects! We will start work on the creative task in class tomorrow.
Block C: The rough draft of your Everyday Hero poem is due in class tomorrow for peer editing!
Block D: Don't forget to study for the poetry quiz on Friday! There will be some time in class on Friday to work on your found poems - don't forget that we will start our class together with a Book Pitch and then we will head down to the library together for your depth of meaning poetry challenge.
Block C: The rough draft of your Everyday Hero poem is due in class tomorrow for peer editing!
Block D: Don't forget to study for the poetry quiz on Friday! There will be some time in class on Friday to work on your found poems - don't forget that we will start our class together with a Book Pitch and then we will head down to the library together for your depth of meaning poetry challenge.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Terrific Tuesday!
Block B: A GREAT start to your final project for the novel study. A lot of great progress was made on all sides of the room today. We will continue working on the written portion of the project tomorrow then move on to the creative task.
Block C: The good copy (in pen or typed) of your current events poem is due tomorrow. You will also need to study for the poetry quiz and complete the blue heroes in our lives planning sheet to use in class tomorrow.
Block D: Great work today on your found poems!!! They are actually starting to look like poems! We will continue the visual component tomorrow.
Block C: The good copy (in pen or typed) of your current events poem is due tomorrow. You will also need to study for the poetry quiz and complete the blue heroes in our lives planning sheet to use in class tomorrow.
Block D: Great work today on your found poems!!! They are actually starting to look like poems! We will continue the visual component tomorrow.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Make this Your Monday!
Block B: Please get all of your missing work in ASAP!!! We are now done the novel and will be moving on to the final project tomorrow.
Block C: There will be a quiz on poetry terminology - that is types of poems, terms related to poems and figurative language - make sure you study! In addition the rough draft of your current events poem is due tomorrow for editing and revision.
Block D: Make sure that you have your chosen passage with the title, author and page number in class for tomorrow. We will have a work block for the rough draft in class tomorrow. Study your notes for your poetry quiz on Friday!
Block C: There will be a quiz on poetry terminology - that is types of poems, terms related to poems and figurative language - make sure you study! In addition the rough draft of your current events poem is due tomorrow for editing and revision.
Block D: Make sure that you have your chosen passage with the title, author and page number in class for tomorrow. We will have a work block for the rough draft in class tomorrow. Study your notes for your poetry quiz on Friday!
Friday, May 1, 2015
Fabulous Friday!
Block B: Hopefully you received an email with the chapter questions that you are missing for the novel study. We need all chapter questions finished for Monday - as we're going to finish the novel!
Block C: Please finish the text-codes and text-code summaries on the current event article you brought in today for Monday. Make sure you study your verbs - as there will be a quiz on Monday!
Block D: Today, after taking notes on some sound terminology, we listened to some poets read their own poems. Then I asked you to react in writing to how the experience went for you. If you didn't get a chance to finish in class here are the questions and the poems just in case you want to look them up!
Block C: Please finish the text-codes and text-code summaries on the current event article you brought in today for Monday. Make sure you study your verbs - as there will be a quiz on Monday!
Block D: Today, after taking notes on some sound terminology, we listened to some poets read their own poems. Then I asked you to react in writing to how the experience went for you. If you didn't get a chance to finish in class here are the questions and the poems just in case you want to look them up!
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...