You did it!!! Congratulations and best wishes to all of my students on a wonderful semester together in English.
Good luck on the Provincial exam grade 12s!!! Make sure you are early. Be there Monday at 8:45am with water, ID, a pen and a pencil.
I hope you all enjoyed the journey as much as I have!!! I wish you nothing but the best for a wonderful second semester.
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Friday, January 30, 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
This is Thursday!
Block B: Our big day is tomorrow - make sure that you and your group are all ready to go! That means: scripts, costumes, props, and write-up for me. Good luck performers!
Block C: We will continue with Part D composition practice tomorrow - hope you managed to get a pretty decent essay done today!
Block D: Day one of essay writing is done! If you need extra time after tomorrow - you will be able to come in at lunch to finish up.
Block C: We will continue with Part D composition practice tomorrow - hope you managed to get a pretty decent essay done today!
Block D: Day one of essay writing is done! If you need extra time after tomorrow - you will be able to come in at lunch to finish up.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Working Through Wednesday!
Block B: Tomorrow is rehearsal day for your performances on Friday. Make sure you come prepared to work through your whole presentation!
Block C: We're moving on to the Part D: Original Composition tomorrow - prepare in advance by reviewing what you know about good essay writing.
Block D: Tomorrow we start your in-class Macbeth final essay. You were given time in class today to prepare your outline - but just like an exam this is not taken home - you will be given 2 blocks to write your essay. Please do not bring any outside sources or material to class.
Block C: We're moving on to the Part D: Original Composition tomorrow - prepare in advance by reviewing what you know about good essay writing.
Block D: Tomorrow we start your in-class Macbeth final essay. You were given time in class today to prepare your outline - but just like an exam this is not taken home - you will be given 2 blocks to write your essay. Please do not bring any outside sources or material to class.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Totally Tuesday!
Block B: Keep up the great group work on your Outsiders role play! We will be presenting on Friday!
Block C: Synthesis Provincial practice continues tomorrow! Such fun!
Block D: Wow - thank you all for you wonderful and fearless performances of Macbeth today! You were all inspired! There is no official homework tonight - but if you want to get ahead of the game - review your literary analysis notes as we are going to get started on our final essays tomorrow!
Block C: Synthesis Provincial practice continues tomorrow! Such fun!
Block D: Wow - thank you all for you wonderful and fearless performances of Macbeth today! You were all inspired! There is no official homework tonight - but if you want to get ahead of the game - review your literary analysis notes as we are going to get started on our final essays tomorrow!
Monday, January 26, 2015
Mostly Monday!
Block B: I hope that you and your group was very productive today in class! The role play project is due on Friday - so make sure you are on task and contributing to the success of your group.
Block C: We'll pick up where we left off tomorrow - with the synthesis parts B and C - such fun!
Block D: The show will go on tomorrow! Practice, practice, practice!
Block C: We'll pick up where we left off tomorrow - with the synthesis parts B and C - such fun!
Block D: The show will go on tomorrow! Practice, practice, practice!
Friday, January 23, 2015
For you, this Friday:
Block B: Movie vs. Book - which is better? The debate continues... In the meantime - we have a group project to get up and running! I've not assigned the project as homework - you will have the next week to start work on your script, write-up and rehearsals for the big show. Use your time wisely and well. Homework this weekend is the good copy of your Johnny obituary. Make sure you have your good copy (with hand-drawn picture) rough draft and blue criteria sheet for Monday.
Block C: You're done! YES!! All Tempest essays are complete and handed in. Provincial exam practice starts on Monday.
Block D: Bonus work day on Monday for your Macbeth performances. We present on Tuesday!
Block C: You're done! YES!! All Tempest essays are complete and handed in. Provincial exam practice starts on Monday.
Block D: Bonus work day on Monday for your Macbeth performances. We present on Tuesday!
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Think about Thursday:
Block B: Hope you are enjoying the movie version of the book! We'll finish the rest tomorrow. Make sure that you have all of the required worksheets to hand in tomorrow for ELO 4. I would like to see your text codes, settings, plot line, conflicts and character wanted posters.
Block C: Essay writing day #1 is done - last day to write tomorrow!
Block D: Work continues on your final performance project. Due date is now on Tuesday! Use the extra time to add in the awesome!
Block C: Essay writing day #1 is done - last day to write tomorrow!
Block D: Work continues on your final performance project. Due date is now on Tuesday! Use the extra time to add in the awesome!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block B: Today in class we peer edited each others obituaries. The good copy with your hand drawn picture of Johnny is due on Monday. We finished reading the book in class today! I'm so glad that you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed sharing it with you! For Friday, please complete your text-codes, settings, conflicts, character wanted posters and plot line.
Block C: Hopefully you were able to plan out your essay today as you will start the writing process tomorrow in class. Good luck!
Block D: Please finish the Act 5 review page and hand it in tomorrow. I will be giving you another block to prepare your act interpretation presentation tomorrow - very excited for your performances on Monday!
Block C: Hopefully you were able to plan out your essay today as you will start the writing process tomorrow in class. Good luck!
Block D: Please finish the Act 5 review page and hand it in tomorrow. I will be giving you another block to prepare your act interpretation presentation tomorrow - very excited for your performances on Monday!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Talk about Tuesday!
Block B: The rough draft of your obituary for Johnny is due tomorrow - in addition to reading and text-coding chapter 11 of The Outsiders.
Block C: The good copy of your act poem is due tomorrow - good copy must have all devices labeled and clearly indicate which act you are focusing on. We will continue preparing for your Tempest essay tomorrow. Consider the big picture. What are you focusing on - what is your universal truth?
Block D: No homework tonight :)
Block C: The good copy of your act poem is due tomorrow - good copy must have all devices labeled and clearly indicate which act you are focusing on. We will continue preparing for your Tempest essay tomorrow. Consider the big picture. What are you focusing on - what is your universal truth?
Block D: No homework tonight :)
Monday, January 19, 2015
Metaphorical Monday:
Block B: Today we got started on an ELO 4 assignment; writing the obituary of Johnny Cade from Ponyboy's perspective. The planning sheet needed to be done in class and almost everyone got that checked off. Homework tonight is to read chapter 10 and complete your text-codes.
Block C: The good copy of your Act poem is due on Wednesday - make sure all devices are clearly labeled.
Block D: We're almost done Act 5 - we'll finish the play and the movie tomorrow! No homework tonight.
Block C: The good copy of your Act poem is due on Wednesday - make sure all devices are clearly labeled.
Block D: We're almost done Act 5 - we'll finish the play and the movie tomorrow! No homework tonight.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Theatrical Thursday:
Block B: Today we read chapter together and completed our group responses. Homework tonight is to complete the reading of chapter 7 and the text-codes for both chapters 6 and 7 if not done in class.
Block C: If you didn't finish the web on the masque during Act 4 - please do so tonight. It looks like this:
Block D: Today in class we read Act 4 scenes 1 and 2. We'll finish up the rest of the Act together tomorrow - no homework tonight!
Block C: If you didn't finish the web on the masque during Act 4 - please do so tonight. It looks like this:
Block D: Today in class we read Act 4 scenes 1 and 2. We'll finish up the rest of the Act together tomorrow - no homework tonight!
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block B: Thank you for your hard work on understanding symbolism today! After we went over some examples together - you started working on your symbolism and couplets poem. The choice was yours to work alone or with a partner. The pink rough draft and a good copy (typed or in pen) is due tomorrow.
Block C: A very busy class today! After completing a quiz on Act 3 - we worked on the unraveling a quote assignment. You chose one of 4 quotes, completed a close reading and then an analysis that will give you an indication of how in depth your reading of the play has been up to this point.
Block D: We finished up the reading for Act 3 today - skipping scene 5 - and spent the rest of the block working on Macbeth's changing attitude towards death. Please complete your investigation and the Act 3 review sheet in preparation for the quiz tomorrow.
Block C: A very busy class today! After completing a quiz on Act 3 - we worked on the unraveling a quote assignment. You chose one of 4 quotes, completed a close reading and then an analysis that will give you an indication of how in depth your reading of the play has been up to this point.
Block D: We finished up the reading for Act 3 today - skipping scene 5 - and spent the rest of the block working on Macbeth's changing attitude towards death. Please complete your investigation and the Act 3 review sheet in preparation for the quiz tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Totally Tuesday!
Block B: I hope our inference reminder lesson helped you figure out - that inference goes beyond prediction and into the depth of your understanding. Thanks for your group work today - there is NO homework tonight!
Block C: Today we talked about the treatment of Caliban vs. the treatment of Ariel. We then finished reading Act 3 of the play. Please study for the quiz and complete the venn diagram of the differences between the relationship between Miranda and Ferdinand and Miranda and Caliban. Here are the questions for the act to complete as well:
1. What is Prospero's goal in letting Miranda and Ferdinand get to know each other? What will Prospero gain by the arrangement?
2. What plan does Caliban suggest for killing Prospero? What earlier scene does this echo?
3. What terrible realization does Alonso have at the end of Act 3 about his conduct toward Prospero and what he believes to be Ferdinand's fate? What does he decide to do? How is nature involved in his realization?
4. Caliban's speech that begins "Be not afeared . . ." (3.2.130-138) is one of the best known in the play. Paraphrase the speech. Then evaluate it for what it reveals about Caliban as a character in the play and as poetry.
Block D: Today in class we read up to the end of Act 3 scene 4. We then completed the You're the Director activity. For those who were participating in the Social Responsibility Day for our grade 8s, please make sure that you've caught up on the reading for tomorrow! No homework tonight :)
Block C: Today we talked about the treatment of Caliban vs. the treatment of Ariel. We then finished reading Act 3 of the play. Please study for the quiz and complete the venn diagram of the differences between the relationship between Miranda and Ferdinand and Miranda and Caliban. Here are the questions for the act to complete as well:
1. What is Prospero's goal in letting Miranda and Ferdinand get to know each other? What will Prospero gain by the arrangement?
2. What plan does Caliban suggest for killing Prospero? What earlier scene does this echo?
3. What terrible realization does Alonso have at the end of Act 3 about his conduct toward Prospero and what he believes to be Ferdinand's fate? What does he decide to do? How is nature involved in his realization?
4. Caliban's speech that begins "Be not afeared . . ." (3.2.130-138) is one of the best known in the play. Paraphrase the speech. Then evaluate it for what it reveals about Caliban as a character in the play and as poetry.
Block D: Today in class we read up to the end of Act 3 scene 4. We then completed the You're the Director activity. For those who were participating in the Social Responsibility Day for our grade 8s, please make sure that you've caught up on the reading for tomorrow! No homework tonight :)
Monday, January 12, 2015
Mostly Monday:
Block B: After returning some of your work we completed our individual responses to chapter 4. We continued to work on the plot diagram and setting worksheet before getting started on the character wanted posters. We almost finished reading chapters 5 - please continue the chapter and text codes for tomorrow.
Block C: A lot of interesting opinions and perceptions of Caliban so far - a complicated character to be sure. Hope you enjoyed a taste of the movie version - we'll move on to read Act 3 tomorrow. No homework tonight!
Block D: After handing in your poems and questions - we completed the T-Chart of Remorse. Where on the left side you found quotes from Act 2 that show Macbeth's regret in killing the king. On the right side you will put in your own words how each quote shows Macbeth's regret. A minimum of 5 quotes with explanations. Most people handed this in at the end of class - so there will be no homework tonight!
Block C: A lot of interesting opinions and perceptions of Caliban so far - a complicated character to be sure. Hope you enjoyed a taste of the movie version - we'll move on to read Act 3 tomorrow. No homework tonight!
Block D: After handing in your poems and questions - we completed the T-Chart of Remorse. Where on the left side you found quotes from Act 2 that show Macbeth's regret in killing the king. On the right side you will put in your own words how each quote shows Macbeth's regret. A minimum of 5 quotes with explanations. Most people handed this in at the end of class - so there will be no homework tonight!
Friday, January 9, 2015
Follow-up Friday!
Block B: Thank you for your thoughtful responses to Chapters 2-3. Remember the setting and plot handout it ongoing. Add details as we learn more information in the book. We didn't quite finish reading chapter 4 together - so please complete chapter 4 and your text codes for homework over the weekend.
Block C: Today in class we finished reading Act 2 of The Tempest. You then worked to complete your 10-line play. Choosing the BEST 10 lines from Act 2 scenes 1&2 that best reflect the events, relationships and attitudes of the Act. If you didn't finish your 10 lines or the questions in class - please do so for Monday. Here are the questions:
1. How would you describe the moods of Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio, and Sebastian during 2.1?
2. What character speaks in verse in 2.2? Which characters in prose? Why might Shakespeare have made this distinction?
3. Based on what you have learned in this act, which character would you call the villain of the play? Why? Support your answer with examples from the text.
4. As The Tempest begins, Antonio has overthrown Prospero, the legitimate ruler of Milan. Prospero himself admits early in the play that he was an inattentive ruler. Is the overthrow of a legitimately chosen government ever acceptable? Make a text-world connection to a modern day example.
Block D: After finishing our reading of Act 2 today - you wrote out catchy and creative newspaper headlines that best capture each scene (1-4) and handed them in. Your homework for Monday is the good copy of your Act 1 poem. Don't forget to highlight and label the figurative devices on your good-copy!
Block C: Today in class we finished reading Act 2 of The Tempest. You then worked to complete your 10-line play. Choosing the BEST 10 lines from Act 2 scenes 1&2 that best reflect the events, relationships and attitudes of the Act. If you didn't finish your 10 lines or the questions in class - please do so for Monday. Here are the questions:
1. How would you describe the moods of Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio, and Sebastian during 2.1?
2. What character speaks in verse in 2.2? Which characters in prose? Why might Shakespeare have made this distinction?
3. Based on what you have learned in this act, which character would you call the villain of the play? Why? Support your answer with examples from the text.
4. As The Tempest begins, Antonio has overthrown Prospero, the legitimate ruler of Milan. Prospero himself admits early in the play that he was an inattentive ruler. Is the overthrow of a legitimately chosen government ever acceptable? Make a text-world connection to a modern day example.
Block D: After finishing our reading of Act 2 today - you wrote out catchy and creative newspaper headlines that best capture each scene (1-4) and handed them in. Your homework for Monday is the good copy of your Act 1 poem. Don't forget to highlight and label the figurative devices on your good-copy!
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block B: The action never stops in The Outsiders! Great job on the police report today. Your homework tonight is to finish off reading chapter 3 and complete your text-codes for tomorrow.
Block C: Your translated performances today were SO fabulous!!! Bravo to all actors!!! In class today we read Act 2 scene 1 - for homework tonight please do a close reading (analysis) of the 2 passages I highlighted to look for how characters deal with race and gender. What attitudes do they reflect?
Block D: In class today we completed an Act 1 quiz and then watched the first part of the movie. I then assigned the Act 1 Poem - the good copy of which - will be due on Monday.
Block C: Your translated performances today were SO fabulous!!! Bravo to all actors!!! In class today we read Act 2 scene 1 - for homework tonight please do a close reading (analysis) of the 2 passages I highlighted to look for how characters deal with race and gender. What attitudes do they reflect?
Block D: In class today we completed an Act 1 quiz and then watched the first part of the movie. I then assigned the Act 1 Poem - the good copy of which - will be due on Monday.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Walk This Way Wednesday!
Block B: Great work on the group responses today! Also - keep up the awesome work on your text codes!! Read chapter 2 and complete a minimum of 3 text codes for tomorrow.
Block C: I'm pretty excited to hear your translated section of scene 2 tomorrow! Make sure your script is ready - and I will give you 10 minutes to practice before we start the show. Here are the questions from Act 1 that I will be collecting tomorrow as well.
1. How did Ariel and Caliban come to be Prospero's servants? How do they feel about their status?
2. What is Prospero's emotional state at the end of Act 1? What might be the reason for it?
3. In what ways are Miranda and Ferdinand like characters in a fairy tale? Why might Shakespeare have chosen to portray them in this way?
4. In the play, Miranda and Ferdinand fall in love immediately. Do you believe in "love at first sight" in real life? What are some dangers of falling in love so fast?
Block D: We've now finished reading Act 1 - and all characters are up for interpretation at this point! For tonight - find as many examples of simile and metaphor that you can in Act 1 scenes 4, 5, 6, and 7. Please also complete the T-Chart of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth's debate whether or not to kill King Duncan. On one side - write all the reasons why Macbeth says he should NOT kill the king, and on the other side list the reasons Lady Macbeth gives to convince her husband to follow through with the plan.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Take That, Tuesday!
Block B: Oh the slang of the olden days! For homework tonight please finish reading chapter 1 and complete your minimum of 3 different text codes for the chapter on your chart. Make sure you fully explain your thinking - why did you make that note?
Block C: A wonderful start to the reading today. We've only just begun! For tonight think of a newspaper headline that you might give to Act 1 scene 2. You may choose a quote or alter a quote that you feel captures the essence of the scene.
Block D: Very much enjoyed the interpretations of your quote cards today! For homework tonight complete the following 4 questions - cite your quotes please!
1. Examine the first introduction of the weird sisters. Why do you think Shakespeare would open with this scene? Explain your answer using a minimum of 3 reasons.
2. Create a character sketch of (not a drawing - use quotes) of Macbeth through indirect characterization. Find 4-5 quotes that describe Macbeth according to those around him.
3. Find examples of paradox and allusion in 1.1 and 1.2.
4. Discuss Macbeth and Banquo's reaction to the prophecies. How do they differ? What can we infer about their characters?
Block C: A wonderful start to the reading today. We've only just begun! For tonight think of a newspaper headline that you might give to Act 1 scene 2. You may choose a quote or alter a quote that you feel captures the essence of the scene.
Block D: Very much enjoyed the interpretations of your quote cards today! For homework tonight complete the following 4 questions - cite your quotes please!
1. Examine the first introduction of the weird sisters. Why do you think Shakespeare would open with this scene? Explain your answer using a minimum of 3 reasons.
2. Create a character sketch of (not a drawing - use quotes) of Macbeth through indirect characterization. Find 4-5 quotes that describe Macbeth according to those around him.
3. Find examples of paradox and allusion in 1.1 and 1.2.
4. Discuss Macbeth and Banquo's reaction to the prophecies. How do they differ? What can we infer about their characters?
Monday, January 5, 2015
Most of all Monday!
Block B: Hope you all enjoyed the end of October Sky today in class. If you didn't get a chance to finish the journal write - here are the questions to hand in tomorrow.
Block C: Great work on the Gilbert Lounge opening act today - I very much enjoyed the pantomime - but your team work on the spoken scene was fantastic! The only homework tonight is to complete parts 3 and 4 of your novel study to hand in tomorrow.
Block D: I know that was a really quick introduction to the world of Shakespeare and the play Macbeth but I hope you have a sense of what you are in store for! Your homework tonight is to research and create your own definitions for the dramatic terms on the blue hand out - please do then all except for metaphor and simile.
Block C: Great work on the Gilbert Lounge opening act today - I very much enjoyed the pantomime - but your team work on the spoken scene was fantastic! The only homework tonight is to complete parts 3 and 4 of your novel study to hand in tomorrow.
Block D: I know that was a really quick introduction to the world of Shakespeare and the play Macbeth but I hope you have a sense of what you are in store for! Your homework tonight is to research and create your own definitions for the dramatic terms on the blue hand out - please do then all except for metaphor and simile.
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...