Block A: You did it! You've finished your novels - and the last group discussion day!!! If you need extra time tomorrow to finish your work on types of government you will have it. As I am a magnanimous leader - I've given you an extension on your journals - they are now due on Monday - along with your verbal visual essay.
Block C: Make sure that you are ready for your second group meeting tomorrow - with your reading and sticky notes completed - minimum of 4 per chapter!
Block D: We will continue our group discussion ELO tomorrow in class - the comparison chart of characters. Your only homework tonight is to study for the grammar quiz on conjunctions, prepositions, interjections and pronouns!
Happy Halloween Everyone! Have fun tonight - be safe and make good choices!
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Walk-around Wednesday!
Block A: You need to have finished your book for the group meeting tomorrow! Don't forget that your last set of journals is due on Friday, and your verbal visual essay is due on Monday!!!
Block C: Great work on your first meeting today!!! Please make sure you have your journals in class tomorrow to discuss with your group - as they are due on Monday. Pick significant quotes and record your personal responses to the quotes - to share with your group members - then summarize their responses in the group discussion.
Block D: If you did not finish up the chart of questions on "All the Years of Her Life" please do so for homework tonight!
Block C: Great work on your first meeting today!!! Please make sure you have your journals in class tomorrow to discuss with your group - as they are due on Monday. Pick significant quotes and record your personal responses to the quotes - to share with your group members - then summarize their responses in the group discussion.
Block D: If you did not finish up the chart of questions on "All the Years of Her Life" please do so for homework tonight!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Turn-around Tuesday:
Block A: Tomorrow will be a work block for you - I would recommend working on your journals and or your verbal visual essay.
Block C: We had an assembly today during class - so our first group meeting is postponed until tomorrow - please make sure your reading and minimum of 4 sticky notes per chapter are done for your meeting!
Block D: Homework tonight is to complete the plot graph for "All the Years of Her Life". I will give you time tomorrow to complete the questions on the back of the handout.
Block C: We had an assembly today during class - so our first group meeting is postponed until tomorrow - please make sure your reading and minimum of 4 sticky notes per chapter are done for your meeting!
Block D: Homework tonight is to complete the plot graph for "All the Years of Her Life". I will give you time tomorrow to complete the questions on the back of the handout.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Miraculous Monday!
Block A: If you and your group did not finish your discussion on archetypes and universal symbols - there will be time to complete your work tomorrow. You should be thinking and planning your verbal visual essay as well.
Block C: Great work today with our major themes for our novel study: identity, isolation and survival. Your first chunk of reading with your minimum of 4 sticky notes per chapter is due for Wednesday. Make sure you are ready and prepared to discuss setting and conflict.
Block D: Today we looked at the last 4 parts of speech - pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Please study your notes for the quiz on Friday - we will practice these all this week. Homework tonight is to complete the story map and/or the characterization chart for Mrs. Jones and Roger. Make sure you are using examples from the text!
Block C: Great work today with our major themes for our novel study: identity, isolation and survival. Your first chunk of reading with your minimum of 4 sticky notes per chapter is due for Wednesday. Make sure you are ready and prepared to discuss setting and conflict.
Block D: Today we looked at the last 4 parts of speech - pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Please study your notes for the quiz on Friday - we will practice these all this week. Homework tonight is to complete the story map and/or the characterization chart for Mrs. Jones and Roger. Make sure you are using examples from the text!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Thirst for Knowledge Thursday!
Block A: Today I assigned the Verbal Visual Essay for your novel study. This assignment will push you to go beyond the words on the page to interpret ideas from your novel in a visual and in a found poem. The instructions are all explained on the yellow handout. Please feel free to ask me questions to find out if you are on the right track! Make sure your reading and sticky notes are done for Monday!
Block C: I hope you enjoy getting into your novel that I assigned today. You are all reading 7 unique and interesting books - that I hope will capture your attention. Your first meeting is next Tuesday - so make sure your reading and 4 sticky notes per chapter are done for that day. You may choose any of the reading strategies from the blue handout - but you should try to focus on setting and character as this is the beginning of the book.
Block D: Enjoy your three days off - there is no homework!
Block C: I hope you enjoy getting into your novel that I assigned today. You are all reading 7 unique and interesting books - that I hope will capture your attention. Your first meeting is next Tuesday - so make sure your reading and 4 sticky notes per chapter are done for that day. You may choose any of the reading strategies from the blue handout - but you should try to focus on setting and character as this is the beginning of the book.
Block D: Enjoy your three days off - there is no homework!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
We can finally see the sun on this Wednesday!
Block A: Your next set of 3 journals is due tomorrow - make sure you are demonstrating your enhanced thinking and understanding of the novel. Discuss all pertinent language and literary techniques in addition to theme - feel free to discuss any of the themes from the salmon-coloured handout.
Block C: Today we worked on the sticky note reading strategy that you are going to be using during the upcoming novel study unit. We practiced using "The Sniper". I then asked you to reflect on this process by placing your 4 sticky notes on a piece of paper and then answering the 4 questions on the board. If you did not finish in class be complete the following for homework.
In a 200 word explanation:
Block D: Verbal, Situational and Dramatic! Today we covered the 3 types of irony - don't forget them! We also discussed Characterization - direct, indirect, flat, round, static and dynamic. Homework tonight is to choose 5 characters from the Characterization Warm-Up sheet that I handed out at the end of class and to complete the instructions as directed. Characterize each one and provide an explanation as to how you drew that conclusion.
Block C: Today we worked on the sticky note reading strategy that you are going to be using during the upcoming novel study unit. We practiced using "The Sniper". I then asked you to reflect on this process by placing your 4 sticky notes on a piece of paper and then answering the 4 questions on the board. If you did not finish in class be complete the following for homework.
In a 200 word explanation:
- Why did you choose the strategies you used?
- What was happening in your brain while you were using the strategy?
- How does using reading strategies help your understanding?
- Which strategy worked best, and why?
Block D: Verbal, Situational and Dramatic! Today we covered the 3 types of irony - don't forget them! We also discussed Characterization - direct, indirect, flat, round, static and dynamic. Homework tonight is to choose 5 characters from the Characterization Warm-Up sheet that I handed out at the end of class and to complete the instructions as directed. Characterize each one and provide an explanation as to how you drew that conclusion.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Tasks on a Tuesday:
Block A: If you and your group did not have the chance to finish up your discussion of common characteristics, themes and ideas in literature you will have time in class tomorrow. Don't forget that your next set of three journals is due on Thursday.
Block C: Thank you for submitting your 3 novel choices for novel study - I will do my best to get each person one of their choices - but I can't promise anything! The double-spaced written in pen or typed good copy of your short story and all of its components is due tomorrow.
Block D: If you did not finish up your Shrek worksheet on literary elements please do so for homework tonight.
Block C: Thank you for submitting your 3 novel choices for novel study - I will do my best to get each person one of their choices - but I can't promise anything! The double-spaced written in pen or typed good copy of your short story and all of its components is due tomorrow.
Block D: If you did not finish up your Shrek worksheet on literary elements please do so for homework tonight.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Monday Musings:
Block A: Thank you all for your hard work today on completing your discussion organizers on character and character development. Please make sure your reading and sticky notes are finished for the meeting tomorrow.
Block C: It was your last opportunity to get feedback on your short stories today. Your double-spaced good copy is due on Wednesday. Make sure you hand in all planning components to this story.
Block D: We are going to finish watching the movie tomorrow in class. Make sure you are paying attention to the literary techniques and figurative language. I will give you some time to complete the chart and plot graph after the movie tomorrow.
Block C: It was your last opportunity to get feedback on your short stories today. Your double-spaced good copy is due on Wednesday. Make sure you hand in all planning components to this story.
Block D: We are going to finish watching the movie tomorrow in class. Make sure you are paying attention to the literary techniques and figurative language. I will give you some time to complete the chart and plot graph after the movie tomorrow.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Make sure you are prepared to discuss the second section of your novel for tomorrow's meeting. This means that your reading is done and sticky notes completed. You will be handing in your first set of 3 journal entries tomorrow - make them relevant!
Block C: Thank you all for your incredible concentration in class today - you certainly earned an extra day to work on the rough draft of your short story. In class tomorrow you will start the self-editing process which needs to be done for Monday's class in which we will complete the peer editing handout.
Block D: Just a reminder that you have a quiz on adjectives and adverbs tomorrow. You also need to complete a good copy - double-spaced typed or written in pen of your newspaper article for "The Landlady."
Block C: Thank you all for your incredible concentration in class today - you certainly earned an extra day to work on the rough draft of your short story. In class tomorrow you will start the self-editing process which needs to be done for Monday's class in which we will complete the peer editing handout.
Block D: Just a reminder that you have a quiz on adjectives and adverbs tomorrow. You also need to complete a good copy - double-spaced typed or written in pen of your newspaper article for "The Landlady."
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: Great work continues in your groups! You will have all class tomorrow to work on your journals - 3 entries due on Friday - or read and complete your sticky notes for the Friday meeting.
Block C: Today I had a chance to talk to each of you to approve your short story plans. You were given two stamps to confirm your progress. I also reviewed the grammar rules for including dialogue into your stories. We will continue the double-spaced rough draft in class tomorrow - your first draft will be due on Friday for the first round of editing.
Block D: Make sure you study your adjectives and adverbs for Fridays quiz! homework tonight is to complete the front side of the newspaper planning sheet. The 5 Ws for "The Landlady." I will be completing a homework check to make sure that is done tomorrow.
Block C: Today I had a chance to talk to each of you to approve your short story plans. You were given two stamps to confirm your progress. I also reviewed the grammar rules for including dialogue into your stories. We will continue the double-spaced rough draft in class tomorrow - your first draft will be due on Friday for the first round of editing.
Block D: Make sure you study your adjectives and adverbs for Fridays quiz! homework tonight is to complete the front side of the newspaper planning sheet. The 5 Ws for "The Landlady." I will be completing a homework check to make sure that is done tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Terrific Tuesday!
Block A: Great start to the novel study today! I hope that all groups are able to continue on this pace of enriching discussion as you delve further into the worlds' of your novels! If you did not finish the work for today - you will have some class time available tomorrow. Make sure you are working on your journals - you need to have 3 personal responses and 3 group discussions ready to hand in on Friday.
Block C: We are continuing to work on our original short stories. For homework tonight - you need to complete the story package and the plot line - you will not be able to start your rough draft until I have approved both parts.
Block D: Well done foreshadowing experts! We completed "The Landlady" chart and questions in class today - which means no homework! For tomorrow you need to study and review the adjective and adverb "rules."
Block C: We are continuing to work on our original short stories. For homework tonight - you need to complete the story package and the plot line - you will not be able to start your rough draft until I have approved both parts.
Block D: Well done foreshadowing experts! We completed "The Landlady" chart and questions in class today - which means no homework! For tomorrow you need to study and review the adjective and adverb "rules."
Friday, October 11, 2013
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Today in class I explained the calendar and assignment expectations for our novel study unit. Over the weekend you need to complete your assigned reading and your sticky notes in order to be as prepared as possible for your first meeting on Tuesday.
Block C: Today I assigned your final project for short stories - to write your own original story - however I am not going to assign it for homework over the weekend - as you need to focus on the good copy of your paragraph. Take in all the feedback from your peer editor to make changes and improve your draft. On Tuesday I will collect 4 outlines, 4 drafts, 1 peer editing sheet and 1 double-spaced typed or hand-written in pen good copy.
Block D: Great work on your foreshadowing today! We read "Death by Scrabble" and "The Landlady" in class. We also completed the first foreshadowing chart - but the second one will not be homework - I will give you time in class on Tuesday.
Enjoy your long weekend everyone! We have so much to be grateful for!
Block C: Today I assigned your final project for short stories - to write your own original story - however I am not going to assign it for homework over the weekend - as you need to focus on the good copy of your paragraph. Take in all the feedback from your peer editor to make changes and improve your draft. On Tuesday I will collect 4 outlines, 4 drafts, 1 peer editing sheet and 1 double-spaced typed or hand-written in pen good copy.
Block D: Great work on your foreshadowing today! We read "Death by Scrabble" and "The Landlady" in class. We also completed the first foreshadowing chart - but the second one will not be homework - I will give you time in class on Tuesday.
Enjoy your long weekend everyone! We have so much to be grateful for!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Hope you enjoyed The Matrix - your journal response (on the handout) is due tomorrow. Just in case you have lost your handout... Here is the journal topic: Discuss the theme of Insiders and Outsiders as it applies to The Matrix. Discuss the ways in which you were able to develop further understanding and analysis of the movie through the intertextuality of Lewis Carroll, Plato and Descartes.
Block C: If you didn't finish the peer editing of your chosen paragraph in class today - I will give you some time at the beginning of class tomorrow. All 4 outlines and drafts, along with your double-spaced typed or written in pen good copy are all due on Tuesday.
Block D: Great work on foreshadowing today! We will look for examples in literature tomorrow. Make sure you study for your grammar quiz on verbs tomorrow!
Block C: If you didn't finish the peer editing of your chosen paragraph in class today - I will give you some time at the beginning of class tomorrow. All 4 outlines and drafts, along with your double-spaced typed or written in pen good copy are all due on Tuesday.
Block D: Great work on foreshadowing today! We will look for examples in literature tomorrow. Make sure you study for your grammar quiz on verbs tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Wandering Wednesday!
Block A: I hope that you all enjoyed our little journey through some intro to philosophy today - and that you never take your toast for granted again! If you didn't submit your novel choices to me today - I will just have to place you in a group! There is no homework tonight - your Matrix journal response is due on Friday.
Block C: Today I assigned that last in our series of paragraphs - the narrative. Complete the brainstorm and planning sheet on the back of the handout for a homework check tomorrow.
Block D: Great work on the inferences today - "They're Made out of Meat!" If you did not finish the chart today in class - please do so this evening for homework!
Block C: Today I assigned that last in our series of paragraphs - the narrative. Complete the brainstorm and planning sheet on the back of the handout for a homework check tomorrow.
Block D: Great work on the inferences today - "They're Made out of Meat!" If you did not finish the chart today in class - please do so this evening for homework!
English 12 Novel Study Book Choices!
Below are the 8 novel choices for our unit. Read through them all, then email me your top THREE choices to nmatsuzaki (at) or drop by room before 3:00 today. Please indicate the title only - no need to include the author. Please also let me know if you have read any of these books before - so that I don't put you into that group. If I don't hear from you - or you were absent - I will put you in a group. Also - I can't make any promises about your choices. They are all great books!
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
This novel chronicles the experiences of a German soldier during the war, from the physical and emotional stress of war to the confusion and isolation he experiences upon return from the trenches. A sad tale of war, remorse, and the pain inflicted on each other during times of war. If you enjoy history and war stories in particular this novel is for you.
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Stark and bleak is the world of 1984. Big Brother (a term coined by Orwell) has the ability to control and spy on all citizens. This novel is about one mans struggle for survival in a frightening world controlled by the Big Brother regime. If you like to read about satire, in dystopic settings and with some sci-fi undertones this book is for you.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
A moving and heartbreaking story of survival, friendship and political struggle in Afghanistan. This book spans decades of conflict in a complicated country. If you have ever wanted to learn more about the background to the conflict in Afghanistan this book is for you! This story does contain graphic depictions of violence - so if you feel that you don't want to read about that - then don't choose it!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I LOVE this book! Jane is a poor orphaned girl, left in the care of a neglectful aunt, and a cruel cousin. In order to make a living she becomes the governess for a girl in the mysterious and possibly haunted Thornfield Hall, where she meets the equally mysterious and tortured Mr. Rochester. This story is not only a romance, but also the triumph of the individual to overcome obstacles in order to truly know oneself. A wonderful read.
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Those of you who have read Chaucer will recognize the intertextuality in the title to The Canterbury Tales. This is Atwood's response to Orwell's 1984. Atwood's dystopic society is a world where the rights of women have been decimated to the point where they no longer have control over their own bodies and are forced to bare children for the wealthy. This story does contain strong language, and sexual references - so please don't choose it if you are concerned about that. This novel is poetic and political so if that appeals to you then this might be your book.
What is the What by Dave Eggers
This is the story of one boy's journey out of war torn Sudan into a life in the United States. The novel deals with the subject matter with humour and incredible insight. If you are interested in learning about a life that is nothing like your own. This is the read for you.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The original monster story. Dr. Frankenstein sets out to create life - but in doing so he breaks the natural order of things, the consequences of which have lasting and damaging effects. There are elements of horror in this story - but not really graphic or bloody - it is poetic in nature, and will push you to understand life and humanity in ways not previously thought.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Set in the future, this dystopic novel is about a society where people are classified and ranked at birth. Based upon your rank - you are designated certain jobs and certain partners in life. Freedom is limited, but there are those who don't believe and those who wish to seek a world where these kind of restrictions don't exist. A challenging read - but certainly shares some interesting intertextuality with The Matrix.
Once again, choose 3 titles and write your choices on a separate piece of paper. Also indicate the novels you have already read. No promises that you'll get your top pick but I'll do my best!
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
This novel chronicles the experiences of a German soldier during the war, from the physical and emotional stress of war to the confusion and isolation he experiences upon return from the trenches. A sad tale of war, remorse, and the pain inflicted on each other during times of war. If you enjoy history and war stories in particular this novel is for you.
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Stark and bleak is the world of 1984. Big Brother (a term coined by Orwell) has the ability to control and spy on all citizens. This novel is about one mans struggle for survival in a frightening world controlled by the Big Brother regime. If you like to read about satire, in dystopic settings and with some sci-fi undertones this book is for you.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
A moving and heartbreaking story of survival, friendship and political struggle in Afghanistan. This book spans decades of conflict in a complicated country. If you have ever wanted to learn more about the background to the conflict in Afghanistan this book is for you! This story does contain graphic depictions of violence - so if you feel that you don't want to read about that - then don't choose it!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I LOVE this book! Jane is a poor orphaned girl, left in the care of a neglectful aunt, and a cruel cousin. In order to make a living she becomes the governess for a girl in the mysterious and possibly haunted Thornfield Hall, where she meets the equally mysterious and tortured Mr. Rochester. This story is not only a romance, but also the triumph of the individual to overcome obstacles in order to truly know oneself. A wonderful read.
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Those of you who have read Chaucer will recognize the intertextuality in the title to The Canterbury Tales. This is Atwood's response to Orwell's 1984. Atwood's dystopic society is a world where the rights of women have been decimated to the point where they no longer have control over their own bodies and are forced to bare children for the wealthy. This story does contain strong language, and sexual references - so please don't choose it if you are concerned about that. This novel is poetic and political so if that appeals to you then this might be your book.
What is the What by Dave Eggers
This is the story of one boy's journey out of war torn Sudan into a life in the United States. The novel deals with the subject matter with humour and incredible insight. If you are interested in learning about a life that is nothing like your own. This is the read for you.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The original monster story. Dr. Frankenstein sets out to create life - but in doing so he breaks the natural order of things, the consequences of which have lasting and damaging effects. There are elements of horror in this story - but not really graphic or bloody - it is poetic in nature, and will push you to understand life and humanity in ways not previously thought.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Set in the future, this dystopic novel is about a society where people are classified and ranked at birth. Based upon your rank - you are designated certain jobs and certain partners in life. Freedom is limited, but there are those who don't believe and those who wish to seek a world where these kind of restrictions don't exist. A challenging read - but certainly shares some interesting intertextuality with The Matrix.
Once again, choose 3 titles and write your choices on a separate piece of paper. Also indicate the novels you have already read. No promises that you'll get your top pick but I'll do my best!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Take-away Tuesday!
Block A: Phew! You did it! Take the evening off to bask in the satisfaction of an essay well written. Tomorrow we start on a new and exciting learning journey of intertextuality. Sounds fun, right?
Block C: Why is theme so difficult?! Writing theme statements is one of the most challenging parts of the study of English literature, and yet theme is what it is really all about. What is the author saying about life and what it means to be a human? Big questions for sure, but give it a try - I will be collecting 5 theme statements tomorrow; one for each story we have read.
Block D: Fun times with inferencing today! No homework :)
Block C: Why is theme so difficult?! Writing theme statements is one of the most challenging parts of the study of English literature, and yet theme is what it is really all about. What is the author saying about life and what it means to be a human? Big questions for sure, but give it a try - I will be collecting 5 theme statements tomorrow; one for each story we have read.
Block D: Fun times with inferencing today! No homework :)
Monday, October 7, 2013
Make-the-most-of-it Monday!
Block A: Wow - 7:30 is sure early!!! You will get one more block to write your synthesis essay tomorrow in class. We'll see how much extra time you need after class ends - but I'm thinking we should be finished by 3:30.
Block C: Great work on the peer assessment for your descriptive paragraphs - hopefully you are finding the feedback helpful! Then it was on to the next and last story - "Penny in the Dust" we are looking at theme - the universal truth - what is the author saying about life and what it means to be human. We read the story and started the story map. Most of you were able to finish the map in class - but if not - please do so tomorrow for a homework check!
Block D: I was blown away with your presentations during our poetry cafe today! Thank you for sharing your anthologies, inspiration and poetry. It is a hard thing to do - stand up in front of your peers and share - but you handled yourselves like pros! I hope you enjoyed the treats as well! There is no homework tonight!
Block C: Great work on the peer assessment for your descriptive paragraphs - hopefully you are finding the feedback helpful! Then it was on to the next and last story - "Penny in the Dust" we are looking at theme - the universal truth - what is the author saying about life and what it means to be human. We read the story and started the story map. Most of you were able to finish the map in class - but if not - please do so tomorrow for a homework check!
Block D: I was blown away with your presentations during our poetry cafe today! Thank you for sharing your anthologies, inspiration and poetry. It is a hard thing to do - stand up in front of your peers and share - but you handled yourselves like pros! I hope you enjoyed the treats as well! There is no homework tonight!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: A lot of anxious faces in the crowd today! I will be here at 7:30 on Monday morning if you would like to get a head start on writing your synthesis essay - or you would just like the time for planning.
Block C: Thank you for your patience before class started today! I know it is hard when there are disruptions to routine - but you handled it very well. Most of you were able to finish the double-spaced rough draft of your paragraph - but if not - please do so for Monday. We are going to be completing another round of peer assessment - so make sure you have your rough draft in class and finished.
Block D: Hooray for reading! Great work on the PBA today! Just a reminder that Monday is our Poetry Cafe - make sure that you have your anthology ready to share and your 12 line poem rehearsed and ready to present!
Block C: Thank you for your patience before class started today! I know it is hard when there are disruptions to routine - but you handled it very well. Most of you were able to finish the double-spaced rough draft of your paragraph - but if not - please do so for Monday. We are going to be completing another round of peer assessment - so make sure you have your rough draft in class and finished.
Block D: Hooray for reading! Great work on the PBA today! Just a reminder that Monday is our Poetry Cafe - make sure that you have your anthology ready to share and your 12 line poem rehearsed and ready to present!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Thoughtful Thursday
Block A: Great work in your small groups today in class to complete the discussion questions for "A Small, Good Thing." There is no homework tonight! Soak it in, because tomorrow we start the synthesis essay!
Block C: Today in class we worked on a detailed sensory brainstorm for our descriptive writing paragraph. I will be doing a homework check on the brainstorm and the point form outline in class tomorrow.
Block D: Great work on your anthology project today! There will not be any class time to work on it tomorrow - so any parts not yet finished need to be ready for our Poetry Cafe on Monday.
Block C: Today in class we worked on a detailed sensory brainstorm for our descriptive writing paragraph. I will be doing a homework check on the brainstorm and the point form outline in class tomorrow.
Block D: Great work on your anthology project today! There will not be any class time to work on it tomorrow - so any parts not yet finished need to be ready for our Poetry Cafe on Monday.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Wishful Wednesday:
Block A: It is almost the end of our short story unit! Finish reading "A Small, Good Thing" tonight for homework - we'll discuss tomorrow and then on to comparative analysis essay writing!
Block C: Today we worked in small groups to answer some discussion questions about "The Most Dangerous Game." Then I gave you some class time to work on your detailed story map - I will be doing a homework check to make sure those are done. Homework tonight is to write 3 haiku poems based on the setting of our story. If you want to write more - you absolutely can! Poem should be typed or hand-written in pen please!
Block D: Nouns, common nouns, pronouns, abstract nouns, collective nouns - make sure you know them all - for the quiz tomorrow! The in-class goal for your poetry project today - was to choose 2 or more poems to include in your anthology, to write your 2 reflections on your own original poems and to complete your bibliography. If you did not get your reflections done today - that is ok - I will give you time in class to work on them tomorrow - but please bring your 2 choice poems to class if you needed to print them off from home. Make sure you are on track to finish this project for Monday's Poetry Cafe!
Block C: Today we worked in small groups to answer some discussion questions about "The Most Dangerous Game." Then I gave you some class time to work on your detailed story map - I will be doing a homework check to make sure those are done. Homework tonight is to write 3 haiku poems based on the setting of our story. If you want to write more - you absolutely can! Poem should be typed or hand-written in pen please!
Block D: Nouns, common nouns, pronouns, abstract nouns, collective nouns - make sure you know them all - for the quiz tomorrow! The in-class goal for your poetry project today - was to choose 2 or more poems to include in your anthology, to write your 2 reflections on your own original poems and to complete your bibliography. If you did not get your reflections done today - that is ok - I will give you time in class to work on them tomorrow - but please bring your 2 choice poems to class if you needed to print them off from home. Make sure you are on track to finish this project for Monday's Poetry Cafe!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Tuesday Terrific!
Block A: In class today we worked on the questions for "A Good Man is Hard to Find" in small groups - thanks for handing those in! The task for the story is to demonstrate your understanding of characterization in a short story. Write an original poem about the character of the grandmother in Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find." The poem must be at least 17 lines long, must use phrases and or words found directly from the story. Must clearly capture the essence of your interpretation of the grandmother's character.
Block C: Today we did some peer assessment on our persuasive paragraphs, then attempted to finish reading "The Most Dangerous Game" before my voice gave out. If you were unable to finish reading the story in class - please do so for tonight! We will work on the story map in class tomorrow.
Block D: Thank you for handing in your current events poem - I'm looking forward to reading them! I assigned the final project for our poetry unit today: A Poetry Anthology! Each day you will be given a specific goal to accomplish. Today you were to choose your unifying theme and write your 2 original poems. If you did not finish your 2 poems - please do so for homework tonight. We will move on to the next part tomorrow. This project is due on Monday. Don't forget about our noun quiz on Thursday!
Block C: Today we did some peer assessment on our persuasive paragraphs, then attempted to finish reading "The Most Dangerous Game" before my voice gave out. If you were unable to finish reading the story in class - please do so for tonight! We will work on the story map in class tomorrow.
Block D: Thank you for handing in your current events poem - I'm looking forward to reading them! I assigned the final project for our poetry unit today: A Poetry Anthology! Each day you will be given a specific goal to accomplish. Today you were to choose your unifying theme and write your 2 original poems. If you did not finish your 2 poems - please do so for homework tonight. We will move on to the next part tomorrow. This project is due on Monday. Don't forget about our noun quiz on Thursday!
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...