Block A: In class today - you worked on the characterization notes - and read "A Good Man is Hard to Find." If you didn't finish reading the story - that is your only homework! We will work on the questions and characterization task in class tomorrow.
Block C: Homework for tonight is to complete your double-spaced rough draft of your persuasive paragraph. I will finish reading "The Most Dangerous Game" tomorrow in class.
Block D: Your current events poem is due tomorrow! Make sure you hand in a good copy (typed or in pen) a rough draft, the article and summary sheet for full marks!
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Monday, September 30, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Loved the level of concentration in the room today! Some really good discussions about the story - then right to work on the paragraph response. Assess the impact of the author's choice of point-of-view impacts the reader. Use in-text citations to support your points, and just for interests sake - write down how long it took you to complete this exercise.
Block C: So many hard workers in class today! You chose your persuasive paragraph topics and got to work on the graphic organizer and point-form outline. I will be completing a homework check for both on Monday!
Block D: A great start to the current event poem today! I am not assigning the poem for homework, as I will be giving you class time to work on it on Monday, before Tuesday's due date. However, some of you expressed an interest in changing your article - and that is fine. I do need you to print off a new copy - to attach to your poem - so I know what has inspired you!
Enjoy the 3 days off! See you all on Monday!
Block C: So many hard workers in class today! You chose your persuasive paragraph topics and got to work on the graphic organizer and point-form outline. I will be completing a homework check for both on Monday!
Block D: A great start to the current event poem today! I am not assigning the poem for homework, as I will be giving you class time to work on it on Monday, before Tuesday's due date. However, some of you expressed an interest in changing your article - and that is fine. I do need you to print off a new copy - to attach to your poem - so I know what has inspired you!
Enjoy the 3 days off! See you all on Monday!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Work on this Wednesday:
Block A: We've switched our focus to point-of-view. If you did not finish the story "Barbie-Q" and the accompanying questions please do so for homework tonight!
Block C: No homework!
Block D: No homework!
Block C: No homework!
Block D: No homework!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Tuesday, Terrific!
Block A: Well, that was trickier than I thought it would be! We wrote a synthesis paragraph (practice for the provincial!) in class today. I asked you to "discuss the roll that setting plays in the construction of both short stories." This is to be done using quotes from the story and in one formal paragraph.
Block C: If you did not finish your double-spaced rough draft in class today - please do so for homework tonight!
Block D: We'll work on the current events poem tomorrow in class - no homework tonight!
Block C: If you did not finish your double-spaced rough draft in class today - please do so for homework tonight!
Block D: We'll work on the current events poem tomorrow in class - no homework tonight!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Block A: I'll be collecting the questions for "The Yellow Wallpaper" tomorrow!
Block C: I will be conducting a homework check on the mandatory brainstorm and outline during silent reading tomorrow. The outline can be in point form!
Block D: Find a current event that interests you - online or in print (you MUST bring a copy to class) and complete the current events summary sheet. This will become the inspiration for a poem you are going to write, that I will explain tomorrow. The current event should be local, provincial, national or international - try to avoid sports and entertainment please!
Block C: I will be conducting a homework check on the mandatory brainstorm and outline during silent reading tomorrow. The outline can be in point form!
Block D: Find a current event that interests you - online or in print (you MUST bring a copy to class) and complete the current events summary sheet. This will become the inspiration for a poem you are going to write, that I will explain tomorrow. The current event should be local, provincial, national or international - try to avoid sports and entertainment please!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Fun-Times Friday!
Block A: I know today was kind of an intense day - with the heavy subject of women and women's roles and equality. But I hope it was thought-provoking for you. We almost made it through to the end of "The Yellow Wallpaper" in class today - but I wasn't able to read the last few pages. So that means your only homework is to finish the story!
Block C: A lot of creativity coming out of your poetry in class today! If you didn't finish the characterization chart for "The Necklace" or the 2 cinquain poems - I will be collecting them both on Monday!
Block D: Great work on your first RPS quiz today! I hope it wasn't too painful. We continued our exploration of figurative language in song lyrics today - and your homework over the weekend (if you didn't finish in class) is to complete the next 3 songs in the package: "You Lie" "Love you like a Love Song" and "Thriller" Can't wait to go over the lyrics with you on Monday!
Block C: A lot of creativity coming out of your poetry in class today! If you didn't finish the characterization chart for "The Necklace" or the 2 cinquain poems - I will be collecting them both on Monday!
Block D: Great work on your first RPS quiz today! I hope it wasn't too painful. We continued our exploration of figurative language in song lyrics today - and your homework over the weekend (if you didn't finish in class) is to complete the next 3 songs in the package: "You Lie" "Love you like a Love Song" and "Thriller" Can't wait to go over the lyrics with you on Monday!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: If you did not finish your creative response in creating tension - please do so tonight. In addition complete the one page of assisted notes on setting!
Block C: The characterization chart is NOT homework tonight. I would like you to review for the short story terminology quiz that we will be having tomorrow instead.
Block D: Great work on the figurative language today - for homework tonight you need to complete the first 2 songs on the handout of lyrics - and don't forget that there is an RPS quiz tomorrow. Study the vocab, roots, prefixes and suffixes.
Block C: The characterization chart is NOT homework tonight. I would like you to review for the short story terminology quiz that we will be having tomorrow instead.
Block D: Great work on the figurative language today - for homework tonight you need to complete the first 2 songs on the handout of lyrics - and don't forget that there is an RPS quiz tomorrow. Study the vocab, roots, prefixes and suffixes.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Work for this Wednesday!
Block A: Well - today could have gone better... but I guess that's what happens when there are minor disruptions to our routine! Here are the instructions from the powerpoint on the plot line that is due tomorrow.
Block C: If you did not finish the story map for "The Necklace" here is a link to the full text version of the story . The other homework for tonight is just a reminder that the advice letter for John Purcell is due tomorrow - and don't forget to study for the quiz on Friday!
Block D: Great work on the context clues! Keep studying for the RPS quiz #1 on Friday. Here are the journal questions from the end of class.
Where do we find poetry?
How would the world be different without poetry?
Answer these questions in a half-page single spaced journal response. Be as clear as you can and give specific examples to support your explanation. Remember the expectations of grade 8 writing!
Block C: If you did not finish the story map for "The Necklace" here is a link to the full text version of the story . The other homework for tonight is just a reminder that the advice letter for John Purcell is due tomorrow - and don't forget to study for the quiz on Friday!
Block D: Great work on the context clues! Keep studying for the RPS quiz #1 on Friday. Here are the journal questions from the end of class.
Where do we find poetry?
How would the world be different without poetry?
Answer these questions in a half-page single spaced journal response. Be as clear as you can and give specific examples to support your explanation. Remember the expectations of grade 8 writing!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Totally Tuesday!
Block A: Today's lesson was on the importance that plot plays in short stories - you read the plot document and took some notes that you will use to study in the future. We read "The Tell-Tale Heart" together in class - and will complete a plot based activity tomorrow. So for tonight - no homework!
Block C: We finished reading "The Father" in class and completed the story map. I will be doing a homework check on it tomorrow. I also assigned the task of the advice letter. The letter will be handed in on Thursday. Also - don't forget that there will be a quiz on short story terminology Friday.
Block D: Make sure you choose your silent reading novel in the next week or so - far too many of you are borrowing my books!
Block C: We finished reading "The Father" in class and completed the story map. I will be doing a homework check on it tomorrow. I also assigned the task of the advice letter. The letter will be handed in on Thursday. Also - don't forget that there will be a quiz on short story terminology Friday.
Block D: Make sure you choose your silent reading novel in the next week or so - far too many of you are borrowing my books!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Make-the-Most of your Monday!
Block A: Great start to our short stories unit! Today we completed a review of terminology specific to short stories - but all English literature - really. We examined the question about how story elements can deepen a readers interpretation of theme. I then asked you to write me 2 story ideas based on the one photo displayed in class. If you did not finish them in class - they are to be completed and handed in tomorrow.
Block C: If you did not finish the creative task for "Wish You Were Here" then please do so this evening. I will collect your completed work first thing. You do not need to finish "The Father" tonight, I will finish reading it in class tomorrow.
Block D: Glad to hear all of your stories about camp - and that you all had such a good time! Today we finished up the performance standards lesson from last week. Examining the writing samples in preparation to assess our own work. You then assessed your work and set goals on what you would like to work on this semester in English to improve your writing. No homework tonight!
Block C: If you did not finish the creative task for "Wish You Were Here" then please do so this evening. I will collect your completed work first thing. You do not need to finish "The Father" tonight, I will finish reading it in class tomorrow.
Block D: Glad to hear all of your stories about camp - and that you all had such a good time! Today we finished up the performance standards lesson from last week. Examining the writing samples in preparation to assess our own work. You then assessed your work and set goals on what you would like to work on this semester in English to improve your writing. No homework tonight!
Friday, September 13, 2013
Freaky Friday!
Well, not really. I did not hear of any reported incidents of body swapping!
Block A: Reading through your responses to the TED talk today - and they were very interesting! I myself am not a big gamer, but I was so intrigued by the concept that I had to share it with you. I hope that you all made the most of your 7.5 bonus minutes today! Don't forget that the double-spaced good copy, rough draft, peer editing sheet, map and brainstorm are all due on Monday.
Block C: "Wish you Were Here" was SUCH an appropriate story to read on Friday the 13th!!! There were a lot of great responses and interpretations of this story. If you did not finish the story map in class - please do so for homework. I will assign the task of the alternate ending on Monday!
Have a great weekend!
Block A: Reading through your responses to the TED talk today - and they were very interesting! I myself am not a big gamer, but I was so intrigued by the concept that I had to share it with you. I hope that you all made the most of your 7.5 bonus minutes today! Don't forget that the double-spaced good copy, rough draft, peer editing sheet, map and brainstorm are all due on Monday.
Block C: "Wish you Were Here" was SUCH an appropriate story to read on Friday the 13th!!! There were a lot of great responses and interpretations of this story. If you did not finish the story map in class - please do so for homework. I will assign the task of the alternate ending on Monday!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Thoroughly Thursday!
Block A: You are all at various points of this transformational narrative journey. I handed out the self and peer editing sheet today in class. My expectation is that you complete all parts of the editing process and hand in a rough draft with evidence of revision and incorporating the feedback of your editor. There may be some time tomorrow in class to work on your essay - but don't count on it! The double-spaced good copy, rough draft, peer editing sheet, transformational map and brainstorm are all due on Monday.
Block C: Today we started our first unit: short stories! I handed out the terminology that you will need to study for a quiz next week, and we completed the notes on the back of "how to read a short story." These notes will guide our reading practice for the next couple of weeks. Don't forget to photocopy or scan 3 more copies of the story map. We started reading "Wish you Were Here" but we ran out of time - so I will finish reading it to you tomorrow. There is no homework tonight!
Block C: Today we started our first unit: short stories! I handed out the terminology that you will need to study for a quiz next week, and we completed the notes on the back of "how to read a short story." These notes will guide our reading practice for the next couple of weeks. Don't forget to photocopy or scan 3 more copies of the story map. We started reading "Wish you Were Here" but we ran out of time - so I will finish reading it to you tomorrow. There is no homework tonight!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Work on this Wednesday:
Block A: I know it took a little while for you to get going - but I could practically see the transformational narratives flowing through your pens and pencils in class today as you crafted your first draft. I will give you another work block tomorrow to finish the draft and complete self and peer editing. The good copy will be due on Monday.
Block C: I am looking forward to reading through your personal goals on how you are going to improve your writing this semester. We will start our first unit tomorrow - but there is no homework tonight!
Block C: I am looking forward to reading through your personal goals on how you are going to improve your writing this semester. We will start our first unit tomorrow - but there is no homework tonight!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Tasks on a Tuesday!
Block A: How about those transformational narratives hey?! In class today we looked at a student sample of this assignment and got started with our own brainstorms. For tomorrow you need to bring in your completed transformational map.
Block C: Great work on the performance standards lesson today - we are not quite done - so we will finish up together in class. There is no homework tonight!
Block D: As promised there is no homework for you while you are away at camp. Have a fantastic time - make some good friends and memories, and I'll see you all on Monday!
Block C: Great work on the performance standards lesson today - we are not quite done - so we will finish up together in class. There is no homework tonight!
Block D: As promised there is no homework for you while you are away at camp. Have a fantastic time - make some good friends and memories, and I'll see you all on Monday!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Mostly Monday!
Block A: Thank you to all - for handing in your paradoxes - I'm looking forward to reading them! Please start thinking about your silent reading books for this semester - make it challenging - but not overwhelming. You have until the end of this month to make your final novel decision. If you did not finish breaking down the different parts of "The Embarrassment of Baseball" please do so this evening, we will discuss it tomorrow in class.
Block C: Thank you for handing in your "Where I'm From" poems today - I'm very excited to learn more about you all! We finished up our in-class writing diagnostic today - which means no homework! Start thinking about your silent reading novel that you would like to read this semester.
Block D: Your bio poem with criteria is due tomorrow in class. Thanks for the hard work on your diagnostic today. We will be starting silent reading tomorrow - so you need to bring a book to class tomorrow. Remember you have the month of September to make your final choice. Try a few different books and see what is going to work for you - I want it to be a book that you are engaged with.
Block C: Thank you for handing in your "Where I'm From" poems today - I'm very excited to learn more about you all! We finished up our in-class writing diagnostic today - which means no homework! Start thinking about your silent reading novel that you would like to read this semester.
Block D: Your bio poem with criteria is due tomorrow in class. Thanks for the hard work on your diagnostic today. We will be starting silent reading tomorrow - so you need to bring a book to class tomorrow. Remember you have the month of September to make your final choice. Try a few different books and see what is going to work for you - I want it to be a book that you are engaged with.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Fabulous Friday!
Congratulations everyone! You made it through the first week! While you are recovering from this new and strenuous experience, how about some weekend homework?!
Block A: Ah the paradox... Why is it so hard to write a paragraph?! Take the weekend to polish your first piece of writing for me - I don't expect perfection - but some care and attention are always appreciated! On Monday, hand in the rough draft, purple criteria and illustrated/creatively displayed visual of your paradox.
Block C: I am thrilled with the work that I've seen so far on your "Where I'm From" Poem assignments. I mean - I've actually gotten goosebumps from some of the words, phrases and ideas that you've generated! I can't wait to see your final copies on Monday. Please hand in the rough draft, green criteria sheet and final poem with visual, when you get to class on Monday.
Block D: Thank you so much for the excellent behaviour during our Bio Poem work block today! It does not look like you will need a full class on Monday to work on your final product. However the due date is still on Tuesday. Make sure you hand in the blue criteria sheet along with your creatively displayed poem.
Block A: Ah the paradox... Why is it so hard to write a paragraph?! Take the weekend to polish your first piece of writing for me - I don't expect perfection - but some care and attention are always appreciated! On Monday, hand in the rough draft, purple criteria and illustrated/creatively displayed visual of your paradox.
Block C: I am thrilled with the work that I've seen so far on your "Where I'm From" Poem assignments. I mean - I've actually gotten goosebumps from some of the words, phrases and ideas that you've generated! I can't wait to see your final copies on Monday. Please hand in the rough draft, green criteria sheet and final poem with visual, when you get to class on Monday.
Block D: Thank you so much for the excellent behaviour during our Bio Poem work block today! It does not look like you will need a full class on Monday to work on your final product. However the due date is still on Tuesday. Make sure you hand in the blue criteria sheet along with your creatively displayed poem.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday!
Block A: Thank you to all who handed in their personal profile and pink parent letter. If you have not handed in your letter yet - please do so for tomorrow. The paradox assignment is not specifically for homework - you make your own decisions about what needs to be done this evening. If you would like to bring in materials to work on it - that is up to you. You will have a full block tomorrow to work on it - and it is due on Monday.
Block C: I appreciate you bringing in your blue letters today - all other letters should be handed in tomorrow. The "Where I'm From" Poem assignment is what we are currently working on with the due date dependent on how things go tomorrow. It was a great work block today, and I'm excited to read your results!
Block D: All green letters are due tomorrow! There is no homework tonight - we will continue working on the bio poems in class.
Block C: I appreciate you bringing in your blue letters today - all other letters should be handed in tomorrow. The "Where I'm From" Poem assignment is what we are currently working on with the due date dependent on how things go tomorrow. It was a great work block today, and I'm excited to read your results!
Block D: All green letters are due tomorrow! There is no homework tonight - we will continue working on the bio poems in class.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The start of the school year can certainly bring its fair share of uncertainty. However it also provides the opportunity for a clean slate. To learn from the mistakes of the past, set new goals and to really make the most of this amazing opportunity we call education.
On this blog you will find some links to helpful English websites, as well as a quick summary or snapshot of the day's lesson and homework. I do encourage all students to use their school agenda's - but if you forget, then this is a great resource to come to.
Block A: Some very interesting results from the first day quiz. I guess only time will tell - if you will do well in my class! If you did not complete the personal profile in class - please do so for homework tonight. Please have your parent or guardian sign the pink letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
Block C: A great first class grade 9s! I have a good feeling about this community of learners. I hope that you learned something about yourself and the type of learner that you are. Make it work for you! I will give you some time tomorrow to complete the profile. Please have your parent or guardian sign the blue letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
Block D: Thank you for your energy - even though it was the LAST block of the day. I hope that your experience in English 8 is a rewarding one! I also hope that you learned or confirmed something about how you learn. We will continue with the learning style handout at the beginning of class tomorrow. Please have your parent or guardian sign the green letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
On this blog you will find some links to helpful English websites, as well as a quick summary or snapshot of the day's lesson and homework. I do encourage all students to use their school agenda's - but if you forget, then this is a great resource to come to.
Block A: Some very interesting results from the first day quiz. I guess only time will tell - if you will do well in my class! If you did not complete the personal profile in class - please do so for homework tonight. Please have your parent or guardian sign the pink letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
Block C: A great first class grade 9s! I have a good feeling about this community of learners. I hope that you learned something about yourself and the type of learner that you are. Make it work for you! I will give you some time tomorrow to complete the profile. Please have your parent or guardian sign the blue letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
Block D: Thank you for your energy - even though it was the LAST block of the day. I hope that your experience in English 8 is a rewarding one! I also hope that you learned or confirmed something about how you learn. We will continue with the learning style handout at the beginning of class tomorrow. Please have your parent or guardian sign the green letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...