Block A: We've read up to the end of Act 4 - complete your character responses accordingly. I also handed out the final dramatic performance - it is due Jan 16. Make sure your novel study is done for Jan 6.
Block C: Complete the rest of the Act 2 study guide - and I will be doing a homework check on creative file #2 tomorrow.
Block D: Read chapter 6 and complete your 3 text codes for homework tonight!
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Last Wednesday Before Winter Break!
Block A: Today we read Act 4 of the play and you were given time to work on your character responses. Tomorrow we will work on some questions related to act 4 and I will hand out the final Tempest dramatic performance project.
Block C: For homework tonight complete the Act 2 study guide parts I and II, then the questions for scenes i, ii, and iii.
Block D: If you need extra time for your group discussions - there will be some time at the beginning of class. No homework tonight!
Block C: For homework tonight complete the Act 2 study guide parts I and II, then the questions for scenes i, ii, and iii.
Block D: If you need extra time for your group discussions - there will be some time at the beginning of class. No homework tonight!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Last Tuesday Before Winter Break!
Block A: Today we continued talking about perceptions and interpretations of Caliban and also Ariel. You should have completed your character responses up to and including Act 3.
Block C: For tomorrow complete the Act 1 study guide parts I, II, and III. In addition I will be completing a homework check on your Act 1 creative file. I will be collecting them all at the end - but you need to have the first one done for tomorrow.
Block D: Today in class you worked in groups to discuss chapter 4 - and completed some discussion questions. Homework tonight is to read chapter 5 of your novel and complete the minimum of 3 text codes.
Block C: For tomorrow complete the Act 1 study guide parts I, II, and III. In addition I will be completing a homework check on your Act 1 creative file. I will be collecting them all at the end - but you need to have the first one done for tomorrow.
Block D: Today in class you worked in groups to discuss chapter 4 - and completed some discussion questions. Homework tonight is to read chapter 5 of your novel and complete the minimum of 3 text codes.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Last Monday Before Winter Break!
Block A: There were just a few questions up on the overhead to complete our discussion of Act 3 today. I'll collect tomorrow!
Block C: Complete part 3 of the Act 1 study guide in preparation for the quiz tomorrow. You will need to finish the rest - but it is not due tomorrow.
Block D: Thank you for handing in your responses to chapters 2 and 3 of our novel. Please read and complete your text codes for chapter 4.
Block C: Complete part 3 of the Act 1 study guide in preparation for the quiz tomorrow. You will need to finish the rest - but it is not due tomorrow.
Block D: Thank you for handing in your responses to chapters 2 and 3 of our novel. Please read and complete your text codes for chapter 4.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Fun-times Friday!
Block A: A wonderful close reading of race and gender in Act 2 today. Some interesting attitudes of these characters. Over the weekend work on your act 1 & 2 character responses.
Block C: Fabulous reading of the first couple of scenes! No homework this weekend!
Block D: Over the weekend - read chapters 2 and 3 of The Outsiders and fill in at least 3 text codes per chapter - I'll be checking on Monday!
Block C: Fabulous reading of the first couple of scenes! No homework this weekend!
Block D: Over the weekend - read chapters 2 and 3 of The Outsiders and fill in at least 3 text codes per chapter - I'll be checking on Monday!
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday
Block A: Great job on reading Act 2 today! You should be working on your Act 1 and 2 character responses.
Block C: Hand in your essay with all components - read the blue assignment sheet to make sure you have done all that is required.
Block D: So glad you're enjoying our novel so far! We'll continue our work on responses to chapter one tomorrow - for tonight - no homework!
Block C: Hand in your essay with all components - read the blue assignment sheet to make sure you have done all that is required.
Block D: So glad you're enjoying our novel so far! We'll continue our work on responses to chapter one tomorrow - for tonight - no homework!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: I hope you all enjoyed our drama club's fabulous presentation of A Midsummer Night's Dream! Congratulations to Ms. Kosar and all of the fantastic student actors and those behind the scenes as well.
Block C: The double-spaced good copy of your great poetry essay is due on Friday - make sure you follow the blue assignment sheet and hand in all components.
Block D: For tomorrow you each need to come up with 4 text codes, along with explanations of what they are and how they will help deepen our understanding of the novel as we are reading. Think about the skills of being a good reader - what have we been practicing so far this semester?
Block C: The double-spaced good copy of your great poetry essay is due on Friday - make sure you follow the blue assignment sheet and hand in all components.
Block D: For tomorrow you each need to come up with 4 text codes, along with explanations of what they are and how they will help deepen our understanding of the novel as we are reading. Think about the skills of being a good reader - what have we been practicing so far this semester?
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Rain takes it all away Tuesday!
Block A: Love the reading so far! Such interesting characters. In class today - you completed some questions to deepen your understanding of the act. I would advise you to get a start on your act 1 character response - but it is not going to be assigned as homework. Don't forget that tomorrow is the day we go to see A Midsummer Night's Dream so meet me in Williams lounge before 1:00!!
Block C: Our second day of drafting is done! Hopefully you are finished or almost finished your rough draft. If you did not finish - please do so for tonight and bring in a printed copy of your double-spaced draft for peer editing tomorrow.
Block D: Intense times at the end of the movie!!! So glad that you all enjoyed watching it. No homework tonight :)
Block C: Our second day of drafting is done! Hopefully you are finished or almost finished your rough draft. If you did not finish - please do so for tonight and bring in a printed copy of your double-spaced draft for peer editing tomorrow.
Block D: Intense times at the end of the movie!!! So glad that you all enjoyed watching it. No homework tonight :)
Monday, December 9, 2013
Snowy Monday
Block A: Thanks to all the volunteer readers today! We will finish the first act tomorrow - no homework :)
Block C: Day one of drafting is done - if you didn't finish your first body paragraph and introduction - please do so tonight. We will finish the rest of the draft tomorrow in class.
Block D: Hope you are enjoying October Sky so far! We'll finish up the movie tomorrow. No homework tonight!
Block C: Day one of drafting is done - if you didn't finish your first body paragraph and introduction - please do so tonight. We will finish the rest of the draft tomorrow in class.
Block D: Hope you are enjoying October Sky so far! We'll finish up the movie tomorrow. No homework tonight!
Friday, December 6, 2013
Freezing-cold Friday!
Block A: Well done actors!!! Love your enthusiasm to dive into our play - as a reward - no homework this weekend!
Block C: I was so impressed by your thoughtful thesis statements - great work! Over the weekend work on finishing the outline and revising any points or examples - on Monday we write!
Block D: Nicely done on the linear notes independent practice today! You must get your linear notes on the biography I handed out checked by me on Monday to complete this ELO!
Block C: I was so impressed by your thoughtful thesis statements - great work! Over the weekend work on finishing the outline and revising any points or examples - on Monday we write!
Block D: Nicely done on the linear notes independent practice today! You must get your linear notes on the biography I handed out checked by me on Monday to complete this ELO!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: We're done poetry! Well done one and all. Now, on to the next: The Tempest. I will continue the introductory lesson tomorrow - but for tonight - there is no homework :)
Block C: Our writing assignment continues - and homework tonight is to finish the SIFTT worksheet and the point form outline of your introductory paragraph and 1st body paragraph. Follow the guidelines on the blue assignment sheet.
Block D: I hope that you learned some valuable lessons about note taking today. We will be applying these skills for the rest of our lives! No homework :)
Block C: Our writing assignment continues - and homework tonight is to finish the SIFTT worksheet and the point form outline of your introductory paragraph and 1st body paragraph. Follow the guidelines on the blue assignment sheet.
Block D: I hope that you learned some valuable lessons about note taking today. We will be applying these skills for the rest of our lives! No homework :)
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Work-A-Day Wednesday!
Block A: Presentations continue tomorrow - fingers crossed that we make it through!!!
Block C: Today we started on our "What is Great Poetry" writing assignment. Homework tonight is to find your minimum of 14 line example of what you think is great poetry. Also please hand in your found poem with original passage and criteria sheet at the start of class.
Block D: Interesting start to the note-taking activity today - we'll reveal the winner tomorrow. But for tonight -no homework!
Block C: Today we started on our "What is Great Poetry" writing assignment. Homework tonight is to find your minimum of 14 line example of what you think is great poetry. Also please hand in your found poem with original passage and criteria sheet at the start of class.
Block D: Interesting start to the note-taking activity today - we'll reveal the winner tomorrow. But for tonight -no homework!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
This Tuesday is Definitely December!
Block A: Great job on the oral analysis so far today! I am really enjoying your insights into these works. We will continue tomorrow.
Block C: Thank you so much for your hard work and quiet focus in the library today. I was so proud of all of you! If you did not finish your poem and or the reflection afterwards - please do so for homework tonight. Don't forget that there is a poetry quiz on terminology tomorrow - study your notes! Just to remind you - your found poem with visual is due on Thursday.
Block D: Today in class we worked on the peer editing portion of your making connections paragraph. Hopefully each of your connections is relevant and clearly explained. The double-spaced good copy with all components is due tomorrow - including the text-coded copy of "The Pedestrian."
Block C: Thank you so much for your hard work and quiet focus in the library today. I was so proud of all of you! If you did not finish your poem and or the reflection afterwards - please do so for homework tonight. Don't forget that there is a poetry quiz on terminology tomorrow - study your notes! Just to remind you - your found poem with visual is due on Thursday.
Block D: Today in class we worked on the peer editing portion of your making connections paragraph. Hopefully each of your connections is relevant and clearly explained. The double-spaced good copy with all components is due tomorrow - including the text-coded copy of "The Pedestrian."
Friday, November 29, 2013
Forever Friday!
Block A: I for one, will be so sad to see the end of our poetry unit. I have laughed, cried and been incredibly inspired by the words that you are writing. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to the process. On Tuesday your hard work comes together with oral presentations and the handing in of your poetry project. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Block C: Did I blow your mind a little in class with that depth of meaning poem?! It was my intention to have you truly consider if you are an explorer or poetry or a conqueror. You have it in each and every one of you to be explorers - the found poems that I was reading today were lovely and inspiring. The due date for the found poem is next Thursday - and there will be a quiz on the poetry terms on Wednesday.
Block D: Today in class we worked from your T-Charts of connections to create the point form outline - once your outline was done - you then started on the double-spaced rough draft. The rough draft is due in class on Tuesday for peer editing.
Block C: Did I blow your mind a little in class with that depth of meaning poem?! It was my intention to have you truly consider if you are an explorer or poetry or a conqueror. You have it in each and every one of you to be explorers - the found poems that I was reading today were lovely and inspiring. The due date for the found poem is next Thursday - and there will be a quiz on the poetry terms on Wednesday.
Block D: Today in class we worked from your T-Charts of connections to create the point form outline - once your outline was done - you then started on the double-spaced rough draft. The rough draft is due in class on Tuesday for peer editing.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thoughtful Thursday:
Block A: One more day to work in class. Will you be ready on Tuesday? You better be!
Block C: We started our found poetry assignment today in class - you were to use a book you've read recently and find your poem - copying the words and pages as you go. We will continue this tomorrow - no homework tonight!
Block D: If you did not finish recording your connections on your T-chart then please do so for homework. We will start the outline in class tomorrow.
Block C: We started our found poetry assignment today in class - you were to use a book you've read recently and find your poem - copying the words and pages as you go. We will continue this tomorrow - no homework tonight!
Block D: If you did not finish recording your connections on your T-chart then please do so for homework. We will start the outline in class tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Work for this Wednesday:
Block A: You all know what you are about by now - keep up the excellent work on both of your poetry projects. If you want to hand in your duo-tang project early - you may - if not be prepared on Tuesday!
Block C: Such interesting discussions on the form of poetry today - e.e. cummings created quite the stir! Your homework tonight is to bring a book to class that you have finished recently - it could be your novel study book, your book talk book, or another book you've read.
Block D: I loved the vibe in the room today! Heads down and brains fired up! After days of practice - you are now flying on your own with the strategies that we've been working on. I handed out the green handout on writing connections paragraphs - and gave you a short story to read. You first did a brief THIEVES then on your own went through the story to code your text - using the codes we learned before and the new ones of the T-T, T-W, and T-S connections we reviewed today. If you did not finish coding your text in class today - please do so for homework tonight!
Block C: Such interesting discussions on the form of poetry today - e.e. cummings created quite the stir! Your homework tonight is to bring a book to class that you have finished recently - it could be your novel study book, your book talk book, or another book you've read.
Block D: I loved the vibe in the room today! Heads down and brains fired up! After days of practice - you are now flying on your own with the strategies that we've been working on. I handed out the green handout on writing connections paragraphs - and gave you a short story to read. You first did a brief THIEVES then on your own went through the story to code your text - using the codes we learned before and the new ones of the T-T, T-W, and T-S connections we reviewed today. If you did not finish coding your text in class today - please do so for homework tonight!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Shark Spirit Tuesday:
Block A: You have 2 ongoing projects - make sure you tell me the poem and poet that you have chosen for your oral presentation ASAP - presentations start on Tuesday. The duo-tang project is due on Friday or on Tuesday - your choice.
Block C: Thank you for your sound poems today! We looked at our third question of the day - is it form that makes a poem great? We took some notes related to form and then it was off to the pep rally - so there is no homework!
Block D: Awesome job with your text-coding strategy in class today. You previewed the text using THIEVES then you made notations on the article with the codes we learned in class yesterday. You then completed a post reading summarizing activity as your ticket out the door. I hope that you are able to keep all of this information straight - because there is going to be an assignment that uses all of these skills tomorrow! But for tonight there is no homework!
Block C: Thank you for your sound poems today! We looked at our third question of the day - is it form that makes a poem great? We took some notes related to form and then it was off to the pep rally - so there is no homework!
Block D: Awesome job with your text-coding strategy in class today. You previewed the text using THIEVES then you made notations on the article with the codes we learned in class yesterday. You then completed a post reading summarizing activity as your ticket out the door. I hope that you are able to keep all of this information straight - because there is going to be an assignment that uses all of these skills tomorrow! But for tonight there is no homework!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Mostly Monday
Block A: I hope you had a great time at grad skate today! We will be working on both of your ongoing project tomorrow - presentations start on Dec 3 - make sure you sign up for your poem before you get started - it is first come, first serve. We'll talk deadlines for your poetry projects as well.
Block C: I hope you enjoyed listening to some poets read their own work today in class. The intention of the day was to get you thinking about the sound of a poem and how the human voice can add so much meaning - and how certain poetic devices can play with the sounds in our ears. Your ticket out the door was to complete the react in writing - if you did so - there is no homework tonight!
Block D: Today was a triple ELO day. We reinforced and practiced using THIEVES, and we learned about 2-column notes - in addition to learning how to read smarter using a text coding strategy! Phew! So much good work in class today! We will continue tomorrow - with you practicing the text coding on your own. No homework tonight!
Block C: I hope you enjoyed listening to some poets read their own work today in class. The intention of the day was to get you thinking about the sound of a poem and how the human voice can add so much meaning - and how certain poetic devices can play with the sounds in our ears. Your ticket out the door was to complete the react in writing - if you did so - there is no homework tonight!
Block D: Today was a triple ELO day. We reinforced and practiced using THIEVES, and we learned about 2-column notes - in addition to learning how to read smarter using a text coding strategy! Phew! So much good work in class today! We will continue tomorrow - with you practicing the text coding on your own. No homework tonight!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Fortuitous Friday:
Block A: Well poets - you have now been assigned all of the work that I am going to give you for this unit. I gave you the oral analysis project - presentations to begin on Tuesday Dec. 3. Keep working on both of your projects - I can't wait to see your final products!
Block C: Fabulous job on the terms of imagery today! Your ticket out the door was to write an imagery poem using the devices from today's lesson: simile, metaphor and personification. Well done one and all - no homework this weekend!
Block D: Grammar quiz done. Descriptive paragraph peer edited? Done. This weekend complete your double-spaced good copy and hand it in on Monday with all of the components!
Block C: Fabulous job on the terms of imagery today! Your ticket out the door was to write an imagery poem using the devices from today's lesson: simile, metaphor and personification. Well done one and all - no homework this weekend!
Block D: Grammar quiz done. Descriptive paragraph peer edited? Done. This weekend complete your double-spaced good copy and hand it in on Monday with all of the components!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Thoughts on a Thursday:
Block A: Homework tonight is to choose your own poem to practice the TP-CASTT method of poetry analysis. Take this challenge to yourself to find a poem and really see if you can make your own meaning.
Block C: Yay! Presentations are done! Fabulous work one and all! We started our poetry inquiry unit today - and pondered: what makes great poetry? We completed a free write, shared our opinions and handed them in. I can't wait to read about what you think!
Block D: Hope my band goers had a great concert today! Here is what you missed in class: we challenged ourselves to use imagery, figurative language (alliteration, personification, simile) to paint a picture with words. Use the blue handout from yesterday to help you construct your double-spaced rough draft of your descriptive paragraph from your outline. We will complete the peer editing process tomorrow - so please have your completed draft in class. Don't forget our grammar quiz on nouns, verbs, pronouns and adjectives!
Block C: Yay! Presentations are done! Fabulous work one and all! We started our poetry inquiry unit today - and pondered: what makes great poetry? We completed a free write, shared our opinions and handed them in. I can't wait to read about what you think!
Block D: Hope my band goers had a great concert today! Here is what you missed in class: we challenged ourselves to use imagery, figurative language (alliteration, personification, simile) to paint a picture with words. Use the blue handout from yesterday to help you construct your double-spaced rough draft of your descriptive paragraph from your outline. We will complete the peer editing process tomorrow - so please have your completed draft in class. Don't forget our grammar quiz on nouns, verbs, pronouns and adjectives!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Wonderful Wednesday:
Block A: All right poets - keep your creative energies flowing! Your homework tonight is to complete the 2 tasks - the first find examples of paradox, antithesis and oxymoron. The second is to write your own examples of each term in no more than 4 line. Don't forget to explain to me what your intended meaning is!
Block C: Awesome start to the novel experiences - we will finish up the last 3 groups tomorrow - there is no homework tonight!
Block D: If you did not finish the web or chart and outline for your descriptive paragraph - please do so for homework tonight!
Block C: Awesome start to the novel experiences - we will finish up the last 3 groups tomorrow - there is no homework tonight!
Block D: If you did not finish the web or chart and outline for your descriptive paragraph - please do so for homework tonight!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Tricky Tuesday
Block A: Today we had a work block for the final poetry project. There are a couple of deadlines that you need to be aware of. The anonymous poem needs to be in for my approval by tomorrow - and your concrete poem needs to be done and up in the room by Friday.
Block C: This is it!!! Make sure you are ready and prepared for presentations tomorrow. We will draw numbers for the presentation order. Homework tonight is to complete the self and peer evaluation for the project.
Block D: If you needed some extra time to complete your grammar practice - then please complete it for homework tonight. We will check our answers tomorrow.
Block C: This is it!!! Make sure you are ready and prepared for presentations tomorrow. We will draw numbers for the presentation order. Homework tonight is to complete the self and peer evaluation for the project.
Block D: If you needed some extra time to complete your grammar practice - then please complete it for homework tonight. We will check our answers tomorrow.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Metaphysical Monday
Block A: Today we looked at figurative comparison - and how it extends, enriches or qualifies the literal meaning of a text. There is a list of devices specific to comparison that we will have a quiz on tomorrow. If you did not complete the task - to write a poem using 3 of the devices and explain your intended usage - please do so for tomorrow.
Block C: One more day to practice. One more day to make your novel study experience awesome!
Block D: If you did not finish up your THIEVES practice sheet - please do so for homework tonight!
Block C: One more day to practice. One more day to make your novel study experience awesome!
Block D: If you did not finish up your THIEVES practice sheet - please do so for homework tonight!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Forceful Friday:
Block A: Documentary is over. Some interesting reactions... I know that poetry is not for everyone - but I appreciate each and every one of you giving it a chance! Please have your post movie reflection done for Monday! Make a note in your agenda that your anonymous poem must be in to me by Wednesday for approval before it goes up in the school, and that your concrete poem needs to be up and displayed in the classroom by Friday of next week.
Block C: I hope that all groups are on a productive and positive journey towards our Wednesday performance date! You will have 2 more work blocks to be as prepared as you can be!
Block D: Keep pushing on my reading THIEVES!!! Today we learned a new strategy about previewing text in order to steal information - essentially I want you to read smarter not harder! We will practice this strategy further on Monday. Speaking of Monday - your double-spaced good copy of your opinion paragraph is to be submitted first thing in the morning!
Block C: I hope that all groups are on a productive and positive journey towards our Wednesday performance date! You will have 2 more work blocks to be as prepared as you can be!
Block D: Keep pushing on my reading THIEVES!!! Today we learned a new strategy about previewing text in order to steal information - essentially I want you to read smarter not harder! We will practice this strategy further on Monday. Speaking of Monday - your double-spaced good copy of your opinion paragraph is to be submitted first thing in the morning!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Thrifty Thursday:
Block A: I hope that you are enjoying Louder Than a Bomb the slam poetry documentary. We will finish watching it tomorrow.
Block C: If you did not finish your lit circle reflection please complete it for homework and hand it in tomorrow.
Block D: The double-spaced good copy of your opinion paragraph is due on Monday. Please make sure that you hand in the outline, rough draft, and peer editing sheet along with the good copy. Your homework tonight is to study the yellow sheet of short story terminology for the quiz tomorrow.
Block C: If you did not finish your lit circle reflection please complete it for homework and hand it in tomorrow.
Block D: The double-spaced good copy of your opinion paragraph is due on Monday. Please make sure that you hand in the outline, rough draft, and peer editing sheet along with the good copy. Your homework tonight is to study the yellow sheet of short story terminology for the quiz tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The Way We Were on a Wednesday:
Block A: Great job on the sound performances today! For homework tonight please reflect on the experience of performing - here are the instructions from the end of class:
After the performances, write a personal reflection, being as specific as possible, explain the impact that the sound of the words in the text had on you as the "reader" and as the listener.
I also gave you a list of sound devices that you need to find the definitions for and make your own example for the quiz tomorrow.
Block C: It was our last meeting today! Most of you got all of your work done - some will need a little extra time tomorrow. You should also have gotten a chance to discuss your journals so that you have full and complete group responses ready to hand in tomorrow.
Block D: I'm very pleased with your paragraph work so far! If you did not finish up your double-spaced rough draft of your opinion paragraph in class today - please do so for homework tonight!
After the performances, write a personal reflection, being as specific as possible, explain the impact that the sound of the words in the text had on you as the "reader" and as the listener.
I also gave you a list of sound devices that you need to find the definitions for and make your own example for the quiz tomorrow.
Block C: It was our last meeting today! Most of you got all of your work done - some will need a little extra time tomorrow. You should also have gotten a chance to discuss your journals so that you have full and complete group responses ready to hand in tomorrow.
Block D: I'm very pleased with your paragraph work so far! If you did not finish up your double-spaced rough draft of your opinion paragraph in class today - please do so for homework tonight!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Take it away Tuesday!
Block A: Poetry tasks for everyone! Today I assigned one of the poetry projects that you will be completing for this unit. We are learning about types of poems and writing a lot of our own poems - challenging ourselves to do things that we never thought possible. Do not procrastinate - yes you have a couple of weeks to complete this whole thing - but leaving it all to the last minute will be very detrimental.
Block C: It is our last group meeting tomorrow - make sure your novel is done and that you are ready to discuss how your novel ends. The your last set of journals is due on Thursday - so you and your group should have had a chance to talk those over today.
Block D: Today we started on our opinion paragraphs. You chose one of the five given topics and created a brainstorm of your ideas. You chose the best 3 to incorporate into your outline. You should have finished the outline in class - if not - please do so for homework tonight!
Block C: It is our last group meeting tomorrow - make sure your novel is done and that you are ready to discuss how your novel ends. The your last set of journals is due on Thursday - so you and your group should have had a chance to talk those over today.
Block D: Today we started on our opinion paragraphs. You chose one of the five given topics and created a brainstorm of your ideas. You chose the best 3 to incorporate into your outline. You should have finished the outline in class - if not - please do so for homework tonight!
Friday, November 8, 2013
Lest We Forget Friday:
Block A: Thank you for all of your generous donations to the poppy fund. It is so important that we not forget those who willingly risked their lives so that we may enjoy our lives in this great country. Today's poetry lesson focused on the relationship between poetic form and meaning. You looked through our classroom anthologies to find examples of 2 poems and then wrote about their form and meanings. If you were unable to finish this up in class - please do so for Tuesday!
Block C: Thanks to all of you for your hard work in your group discussions today. I will give you extra time on Tuesday if you didn't finish up the work on conflict. Also - please make sure you have your 2 quotes and 2 personal responses in class ready for group discussion. Remember you are to summarize the responses of your group members and to demonstrate how the group discussion has expended your understanding of the novel.
Block D: The double-spaced good copy of your compare and contrast paragraph is due on Tuesday. Make sure you hand in the outline, rough draft, peer editing sheet (yellow) and the good copy which is double-spaced in pen or typed in 12 pt. font.
Block C: Thanks to all of you for your hard work in your group discussions today. I will give you extra time on Tuesday if you didn't finish up the work on conflict. Also - please make sure you have your 2 quotes and 2 personal responses in class ready for group discussion. Remember you are to summarize the responses of your group members and to demonstrate how the group discussion has expended your understanding of the novel.
Block D: The double-spaced good copy of your compare and contrast paragraph is due on Tuesday. Make sure you hand in the outline, rough draft, peer editing sheet (yellow) and the good copy which is double-spaced in pen or typed in 12 pt. font.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: How much fun is poetry?! SO MUCH FUN!!! One of my favourite parts of English literature!!! Today we had story time and we talked about a few different types of poems. There is no homework tonight!
Block C: Our meeting day is tomorrow - so make sure you have completed your reading and sticky notes in preparation to discuss this second to last chunk of the book!
Block D: Great work on the peer editing - I know we didn't finish - there will be time in class tomorrow to work on editing and revisions.
Block C: Our meeting day is tomorrow - so make sure you have completed your reading and sticky notes in preparation to discuss this second to last chunk of the book!
Block D: Great work on the peer editing - I know we didn't finish - there will be time in class tomorrow to work on editing and revisions.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Work-A-Day Wednesday!
Block A: Phew! You did it! Literary analysis essays are done!!! Great job all! On to the next tomorrow :)
Block C: Hope you enjoyed your day at work today - we will finish up any group work not done yesterday in the meeting tomorrow. Thursday's meeting is moved to Friday.
Block D: Be creative - not boring - in your compare and contrast rough drafts. The paragraph needs to be double-spaced - use transition words! We will be editing these tomorrow - so make sure you bring your copy to class.
Block C: Hope you enjoyed your day at work today - we will finish up any group work not done yesterday in the meeting tomorrow. Thursday's meeting is moved to Friday.
Block D: Be creative - not boring - in your compare and contrast rough drafts. The paragraph needs to be double-spaced - use transition words! We will be editing these tomorrow - so make sure you bring your copy to class.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Magnificent Monday!
Block A: Time to get into the zone people! It is literary analysis day tomorrow! Come to class ready to write - you will have tomorrow and Wednesday's class to complete your essay. If you don't finish your outline - don't stress - just do the best you can. Please remember that you will not be able to bring in ANY outside materials to class. Any work you complete in class tomorrow will need to be left in class as well.
Block C: Thank you for handing in your journals. Please make sure that you have your reading and sticky notes completed for the group discussion tomorrow! Remember no notes - no meeting!
Block D: Great work on the paragraph structures today - Topic - Support - Conclusion! Don't forget transition words!! If you did not complete Part 3 of the handout - build your own paragraph - please do so tonight! We will start on your compare and contrast paragraphs tomorrow - start thinking about about Roger and Alfred or Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Jones.
Block C: Thank you for handing in your journals. Please make sure that you have your reading and sticky notes completed for the group discussion tomorrow! Remember no notes - no meeting!
Block D: Great work on the paragraph structures today - Topic - Support - Conclusion! Don't forget transition words!! If you did not complete Part 3 of the handout - build your own paragraph - please do so tonight! We will start on your compare and contrast paragraphs tomorrow - start thinking about about Roger and Alfred or Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Jones.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Fun-times Friday!
Block A: Look to Twitter today after 4:00 for the best tweets of the class! Your journals and verbal visual essays are due on Monday!
Block C: Journals are due on Monday - make sure you are keeping up with your reading as well. If your group needs extra time to discuss your themes you can have the time on Monday.
Block D: Another grammar quiz done and done! Thanks for exercising your group discussion skills today - in our ELO - this is our first one - there will be more! We then went on to review paragraph writing and what makes a good paragraph. If you did not finish part 1 of the handout - please do so for homework tonight!
Block C: Journals are due on Monday - make sure you are keeping up with your reading as well. If your group needs extra time to discuss your themes you can have the time on Monday.
Block D: Another grammar quiz done and done! Thanks for exercising your group discussion skills today - in our ELO - this is our first one - there will be more! We then went on to review paragraph writing and what makes a good paragraph. If you did not finish part 1 of the handout - please do so for homework tonight!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Haunted Thursday:
Block A: You did it! You've finished your novels - and the last group discussion day!!! If you need extra time tomorrow to finish your work on types of government you will have it. As I am a magnanimous leader - I've given you an extension on your journals - they are now due on Monday - along with your verbal visual essay.
Block C: Make sure that you are ready for your second group meeting tomorrow - with your reading and sticky notes completed - minimum of 4 per chapter!
Block D: We will continue our group discussion ELO tomorrow in class - the comparison chart of characters. Your only homework tonight is to study for the grammar quiz on conjunctions, prepositions, interjections and pronouns!
Happy Halloween Everyone! Have fun tonight - be safe and make good choices!
Block C: Make sure that you are ready for your second group meeting tomorrow - with your reading and sticky notes completed - minimum of 4 per chapter!
Block D: We will continue our group discussion ELO tomorrow in class - the comparison chart of characters. Your only homework tonight is to study for the grammar quiz on conjunctions, prepositions, interjections and pronouns!
Happy Halloween Everyone! Have fun tonight - be safe and make good choices!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Walk-around Wednesday!
Block A: You need to have finished your book for the group meeting tomorrow! Don't forget that your last set of journals is due on Friday, and your verbal visual essay is due on Monday!!!
Block C: Great work on your first meeting today!!! Please make sure you have your journals in class tomorrow to discuss with your group - as they are due on Monday. Pick significant quotes and record your personal responses to the quotes - to share with your group members - then summarize their responses in the group discussion.
Block D: If you did not finish up the chart of questions on "All the Years of Her Life" please do so for homework tonight!
Block C: Great work on your first meeting today!!! Please make sure you have your journals in class tomorrow to discuss with your group - as they are due on Monday. Pick significant quotes and record your personal responses to the quotes - to share with your group members - then summarize their responses in the group discussion.
Block D: If you did not finish up the chart of questions on "All the Years of Her Life" please do so for homework tonight!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Turn-around Tuesday:
Block A: Tomorrow will be a work block for you - I would recommend working on your journals and or your verbal visual essay.
Block C: We had an assembly today during class - so our first group meeting is postponed until tomorrow - please make sure your reading and minimum of 4 sticky notes per chapter are done for your meeting!
Block D: Homework tonight is to complete the plot graph for "All the Years of Her Life". I will give you time tomorrow to complete the questions on the back of the handout.
Block C: We had an assembly today during class - so our first group meeting is postponed until tomorrow - please make sure your reading and minimum of 4 sticky notes per chapter are done for your meeting!
Block D: Homework tonight is to complete the plot graph for "All the Years of Her Life". I will give you time tomorrow to complete the questions on the back of the handout.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Miraculous Monday!
Block A: If you and your group did not finish your discussion on archetypes and universal symbols - there will be time to complete your work tomorrow. You should be thinking and planning your verbal visual essay as well.
Block C: Great work today with our major themes for our novel study: identity, isolation and survival. Your first chunk of reading with your minimum of 4 sticky notes per chapter is due for Wednesday. Make sure you are ready and prepared to discuss setting and conflict.
Block D: Today we looked at the last 4 parts of speech - pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Please study your notes for the quiz on Friday - we will practice these all this week. Homework tonight is to complete the story map and/or the characterization chart for Mrs. Jones and Roger. Make sure you are using examples from the text!
Block C: Great work today with our major themes for our novel study: identity, isolation and survival. Your first chunk of reading with your minimum of 4 sticky notes per chapter is due for Wednesday. Make sure you are ready and prepared to discuss setting and conflict.
Block D: Today we looked at the last 4 parts of speech - pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Please study your notes for the quiz on Friday - we will practice these all this week. Homework tonight is to complete the story map and/or the characterization chart for Mrs. Jones and Roger. Make sure you are using examples from the text!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Thirst for Knowledge Thursday!
Block A: Today I assigned the Verbal Visual Essay for your novel study. This assignment will push you to go beyond the words on the page to interpret ideas from your novel in a visual and in a found poem. The instructions are all explained on the yellow handout. Please feel free to ask me questions to find out if you are on the right track! Make sure your reading and sticky notes are done for Monday!
Block C: I hope you enjoy getting into your novel that I assigned today. You are all reading 7 unique and interesting books - that I hope will capture your attention. Your first meeting is next Tuesday - so make sure your reading and 4 sticky notes per chapter are done for that day. You may choose any of the reading strategies from the blue handout - but you should try to focus on setting and character as this is the beginning of the book.
Block D: Enjoy your three days off - there is no homework!
Block C: I hope you enjoy getting into your novel that I assigned today. You are all reading 7 unique and interesting books - that I hope will capture your attention. Your first meeting is next Tuesday - so make sure your reading and 4 sticky notes per chapter are done for that day. You may choose any of the reading strategies from the blue handout - but you should try to focus on setting and character as this is the beginning of the book.
Block D: Enjoy your three days off - there is no homework!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
We can finally see the sun on this Wednesday!
Block A: Your next set of 3 journals is due tomorrow - make sure you are demonstrating your enhanced thinking and understanding of the novel. Discuss all pertinent language and literary techniques in addition to theme - feel free to discuss any of the themes from the salmon-coloured handout.
Block C: Today we worked on the sticky note reading strategy that you are going to be using during the upcoming novel study unit. We practiced using "The Sniper". I then asked you to reflect on this process by placing your 4 sticky notes on a piece of paper and then answering the 4 questions on the board. If you did not finish in class be complete the following for homework.
In a 200 word explanation:
Block D: Verbal, Situational and Dramatic! Today we covered the 3 types of irony - don't forget them! We also discussed Characterization - direct, indirect, flat, round, static and dynamic. Homework tonight is to choose 5 characters from the Characterization Warm-Up sheet that I handed out at the end of class and to complete the instructions as directed. Characterize each one and provide an explanation as to how you drew that conclusion.
Block C: Today we worked on the sticky note reading strategy that you are going to be using during the upcoming novel study unit. We practiced using "The Sniper". I then asked you to reflect on this process by placing your 4 sticky notes on a piece of paper and then answering the 4 questions on the board. If you did not finish in class be complete the following for homework.
In a 200 word explanation:
- Why did you choose the strategies you used?
- What was happening in your brain while you were using the strategy?
- How does using reading strategies help your understanding?
- Which strategy worked best, and why?
Block D: Verbal, Situational and Dramatic! Today we covered the 3 types of irony - don't forget them! We also discussed Characterization - direct, indirect, flat, round, static and dynamic. Homework tonight is to choose 5 characters from the Characterization Warm-Up sheet that I handed out at the end of class and to complete the instructions as directed. Characterize each one and provide an explanation as to how you drew that conclusion.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Tasks on a Tuesday:
Block A: If you and your group did not have the chance to finish up your discussion of common characteristics, themes and ideas in literature you will have time in class tomorrow. Don't forget that your next set of three journals is due on Thursday.
Block C: Thank you for submitting your 3 novel choices for novel study - I will do my best to get each person one of their choices - but I can't promise anything! The double-spaced written in pen or typed good copy of your short story and all of its components is due tomorrow.
Block D: If you did not finish up your Shrek worksheet on literary elements please do so for homework tonight.
Block C: Thank you for submitting your 3 novel choices for novel study - I will do my best to get each person one of their choices - but I can't promise anything! The double-spaced written in pen or typed good copy of your short story and all of its components is due tomorrow.
Block D: If you did not finish up your Shrek worksheet on literary elements please do so for homework tonight.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Monday Musings:
Block A: Thank you all for your hard work today on completing your discussion organizers on character and character development. Please make sure your reading and sticky notes are finished for the meeting tomorrow.
Block C: It was your last opportunity to get feedback on your short stories today. Your double-spaced good copy is due on Wednesday. Make sure you hand in all planning components to this story.
Block D: We are going to finish watching the movie tomorrow in class. Make sure you are paying attention to the literary techniques and figurative language. I will give you some time to complete the chart and plot graph after the movie tomorrow.
Block C: It was your last opportunity to get feedback on your short stories today. Your double-spaced good copy is due on Wednesday. Make sure you hand in all planning components to this story.
Block D: We are going to finish watching the movie tomorrow in class. Make sure you are paying attention to the literary techniques and figurative language. I will give you some time to complete the chart and plot graph after the movie tomorrow.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Make sure you are prepared to discuss the second section of your novel for tomorrow's meeting. This means that your reading is done and sticky notes completed. You will be handing in your first set of 3 journal entries tomorrow - make them relevant!
Block C: Thank you all for your incredible concentration in class today - you certainly earned an extra day to work on the rough draft of your short story. In class tomorrow you will start the self-editing process which needs to be done for Monday's class in which we will complete the peer editing handout.
Block D: Just a reminder that you have a quiz on adjectives and adverbs tomorrow. You also need to complete a good copy - double-spaced typed or written in pen of your newspaper article for "The Landlady."
Block C: Thank you all for your incredible concentration in class today - you certainly earned an extra day to work on the rough draft of your short story. In class tomorrow you will start the self-editing process which needs to be done for Monday's class in which we will complete the peer editing handout.
Block D: Just a reminder that you have a quiz on adjectives and adverbs tomorrow. You also need to complete a good copy - double-spaced typed or written in pen of your newspaper article for "The Landlady."
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: Great work continues in your groups! You will have all class tomorrow to work on your journals - 3 entries due on Friday - or read and complete your sticky notes for the Friday meeting.
Block C: Today I had a chance to talk to each of you to approve your short story plans. You were given two stamps to confirm your progress. I also reviewed the grammar rules for including dialogue into your stories. We will continue the double-spaced rough draft in class tomorrow - your first draft will be due on Friday for the first round of editing.
Block D: Make sure you study your adjectives and adverbs for Fridays quiz! homework tonight is to complete the front side of the newspaper planning sheet. The 5 Ws for "The Landlady." I will be completing a homework check to make sure that is done tomorrow.
Block C: Today I had a chance to talk to each of you to approve your short story plans. You were given two stamps to confirm your progress. I also reviewed the grammar rules for including dialogue into your stories. We will continue the double-spaced rough draft in class tomorrow - your first draft will be due on Friday for the first round of editing.
Block D: Make sure you study your adjectives and adverbs for Fridays quiz! homework tonight is to complete the front side of the newspaper planning sheet. The 5 Ws for "The Landlady." I will be completing a homework check to make sure that is done tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Terrific Tuesday!
Block A: Great start to the novel study today! I hope that all groups are able to continue on this pace of enriching discussion as you delve further into the worlds' of your novels! If you did not finish the work for today - you will have some class time available tomorrow. Make sure you are working on your journals - you need to have 3 personal responses and 3 group discussions ready to hand in on Friday.
Block C: We are continuing to work on our original short stories. For homework tonight - you need to complete the story package and the plot line - you will not be able to start your rough draft until I have approved both parts.
Block D: Well done foreshadowing experts! We completed "The Landlady" chart and questions in class today - which means no homework! For tomorrow you need to study and review the adjective and adverb "rules."
Block C: We are continuing to work on our original short stories. For homework tonight - you need to complete the story package and the plot line - you will not be able to start your rough draft until I have approved both parts.
Block D: Well done foreshadowing experts! We completed "The Landlady" chart and questions in class today - which means no homework! For tomorrow you need to study and review the adjective and adverb "rules."
Friday, October 11, 2013
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Today in class I explained the calendar and assignment expectations for our novel study unit. Over the weekend you need to complete your assigned reading and your sticky notes in order to be as prepared as possible for your first meeting on Tuesday.
Block C: Today I assigned your final project for short stories - to write your own original story - however I am not going to assign it for homework over the weekend - as you need to focus on the good copy of your paragraph. Take in all the feedback from your peer editor to make changes and improve your draft. On Tuesday I will collect 4 outlines, 4 drafts, 1 peer editing sheet and 1 double-spaced typed or hand-written in pen good copy.
Block D: Great work on your foreshadowing today! We read "Death by Scrabble" and "The Landlady" in class. We also completed the first foreshadowing chart - but the second one will not be homework - I will give you time in class on Tuesday.
Enjoy your long weekend everyone! We have so much to be grateful for!
Block C: Today I assigned your final project for short stories - to write your own original story - however I am not going to assign it for homework over the weekend - as you need to focus on the good copy of your paragraph. Take in all the feedback from your peer editor to make changes and improve your draft. On Tuesday I will collect 4 outlines, 4 drafts, 1 peer editing sheet and 1 double-spaced typed or hand-written in pen good copy.
Block D: Great work on your foreshadowing today! We read "Death by Scrabble" and "The Landlady" in class. We also completed the first foreshadowing chart - but the second one will not be homework - I will give you time in class on Tuesday.
Enjoy your long weekend everyone! We have so much to be grateful for!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Hope you enjoyed The Matrix - your journal response (on the handout) is due tomorrow. Just in case you have lost your handout... Here is the journal topic: Discuss the theme of Insiders and Outsiders as it applies to The Matrix. Discuss the ways in which you were able to develop further understanding and analysis of the movie through the intertextuality of Lewis Carroll, Plato and Descartes.
Block C: If you didn't finish the peer editing of your chosen paragraph in class today - I will give you some time at the beginning of class tomorrow. All 4 outlines and drafts, along with your double-spaced typed or written in pen good copy are all due on Tuesday.
Block D: Great work on foreshadowing today! We will look for examples in literature tomorrow. Make sure you study for your grammar quiz on verbs tomorrow!
Block C: If you didn't finish the peer editing of your chosen paragraph in class today - I will give you some time at the beginning of class tomorrow. All 4 outlines and drafts, along with your double-spaced typed or written in pen good copy are all due on Tuesday.
Block D: Great work on foreshadowing today! We will look for examples in literature tomorrow. Make sure you study for your grammar quiz on verbs tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Wandering Wednesday!
Block A: I hope that you all enjoyed our little journey through some intro to philosophy today - and that you never take your toast for granted again! If you didn't submit your novel choices to me today - I will just have to place you in a group! There is no homework tonight - your Matrix journal response is due on Friday.
Block C: Today I assigned that last in our series of paragraphs - the narrative. Complete the brainstorm and planning sheet on the back of the handout for a homework check tomorrow.
Block D: Great work on the inferences today - "They're Made out of Meat!" If you did not finish the chart today in class - please do so this evening for homework!
Block C: Today I assigned that last in our series of paragraphs - the narrative. Complete the brainstorm and planning sheet on the back of the handout for a homework check tomorrow.
Block D: Great work on the inferences today - "They're Made out of Meat!" If you did not finish the chart today in class - please do so this evening for homework!
English 12 Novel Study Book Choices!
Below are the 8 novel choices for our unit. Read through them all, then email me your top THREE choices to nmatsuzaki (at) or drop by room before 3:00 today. Please indicate the title only - no need to include the author. Please also let me know if you have read any of these books before - so that I don't put you into that group. If I don't hear from you - or you were absent - I will put you in a group. Also - I can't make any promises about your choices. They are all great books!
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
This novel chronicles the experiences of a German soldier during the war, from the physical and emotional stress of war to the confusion and isolation he experiences upon return from the trenches. A sad tale of war, remorse, and the pain inflicted on each other during times of war. If you enjoy history and war stories in particular this novel is for you.
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Stark and bleak is the world of 1984. Big Brother (a term coined by Orwell) has the ability to control and spy on all citizens. This novel is about one mans struggle for survival in a frightening world controlled by the Big Brother regime. If you like to read about satire, in dystopic settings and with some sci-fi undertones this book is for you.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
A moving and heartbreaking story of survival, friendship and political struggle in Afghanistan. This book spans decades of conflict in a complicated country. If you have ever wanted to learn more about the background to the conflict in Afghanistan this book is for you! This story does contain graphic depictions of violence - so if you feel that you don't want to read about that - then don't choose it!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I LOVE this book! Jane is a poor orphaned girl, left in the care of a neglectful aunt, and a cruel cousin. In order to make a living she becomes the governess for a girl in the mysterious and possibly haunted Thornfield Hall, where she meets the equally mysterious and tortured Mr. Rochester. This story is not only a romance, but also the triumph of the individual to overcome obstacles in order to truly know oneself. A wonderful read.
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Those of you who have read Chaucer will recognize the intertextuality in the title to The Canterbury Tales. This is Atwood's response to Orwell's 1984. Atwood's dystopic society is a world where the rights of women have been decimated to the point where they no longer have control over their own bodies and are forced to bare children for the wealthy. This story does contain strong language, and sexual references - so please don't choose it if you are concerned about that. This novel is poetic and political so if that appeals to you then this might be your book.
What is the What by Dave Eggers
This is the story of one boy's journey out of war torn Sudan into a life in the United States. The novel deals with the subject matter with humour and incredible insight. If you are interested in learning about a life that is nothing like your own. This is the read for you.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The original monster story. Dr. Frankenstein sets out to create life - but in doing so he breaks the natural order of things, the consequences of which have lasting and damaging effects. There are elements of horror in this story - but not really graphic or bloody - it is poetic in nature, and will push you to understand life and humanity in ways not previously thought.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Set in the future, this dystopic novel is about a society where people are classified and ranked at birth. Based upon your rank - you are designated certain jobs and certain partners in life. Freedom is limited, but there are those who don't believe and those who wish to seek a world where these kind of restrictions don't exist. A challenging read - but certainly shares some interesting intertextuality with The Matrix.
Once again, choose 3 titles and write your choices on a separate piece of paper. Also indicate the novels you have already read. No promises that you'll get your top pick but I'll do my best!
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
This novel chronicles the experiences of a German soldier during the war, from the physical and emotional stress of war to the confusion and isolation he experiences upon return from the trenches. A sad tale of war, remorse, and the pain inflicted on each other during times of war. If you enjoy history and war stories in particular this novel is for you.
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Stark and bleak is the world of 1984. Big Brother (a term coined by Orwell) has the ability to control and spy on all citizens. This novel is about one mans struggle for survival in a frightening world controlled by the Big Brother regime. If you like to read about satire, in dystopic settings and with some sci-fi undertones this book is for you.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
A moving and heartbreaking story of survival, friendship and political struggle in Afghanistan. This book spans decades of conflict in a complicated country. If you have ever wanted to learn more about the background to the conflict in Afghanistan this book is for you! This story does contain graphic depictions of violence - so if you feel that you don't want to read about that - then don't choose it!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I LOVE this book! Jane is a poor orphaned girl, left in the care of a neglectful aunt, and a cruel cousin. In order to make a living she becomes the governess for a girl in the mysterious and possibly haunted Thornfield Hall, where she meets the equally mysterious and tortured Mr. Rochester. This story is not only a romance, but also the triumph of the individual to overcome obstacles in order to truly know oneself. A wonderful read.
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Those of you who have read Chaucer will recognize the intertextuality in the title to The Canterbury Tales. This is Atwood's response to Orwell's 1984. Atwood's dystopic society is a world where the rights of women have been decimated to the point where they no longer have control over their own bodies and are forced to bare children for the wealthy. This story does contain strong language, and sexual references - so please don't choose it if you are concerned about that. This novel is poetic and political so if that appeals to you then this might be your book.
What is the What by Dave Eggers
This is the story of one boy's journey out of war torn Sudan into a life in the United States. The novel deals with the subject matter with humour and incredible insight. If you are interested in learning about a life that is nothing like your own. This is the read for you.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The original monster story. Dr. Frankenstein sets out to create life - but in doing so he breaks the natural order of things, the consequences of which have lasting and damaging effects. There are elements of horror in this story - but not really graphic or bloody - it is poetic in nature, and will push you to understand life and humanity in ways not previously thought.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Set in the future, this dystopic novel is about a society where people are classified and ranked at birth. Based upon your rank - you are designated certain jobs and certain partners in life. Freedom is limited, but there are those who don't believe and those who wish to seek a world where these kind of restrictions don't exist. A challenging read - but certainly shares some interesting intertextuality with The Matrix.
Once again, choose 3 titles and write your choices on a separate piece of paper. Also indicate the novels you have already read. No promises that you'll get your top pick but I'll do my best!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Take-away Tuesday!
Block A: Phew! You did it! Take the evening off to bask in the satisfaction of an essay well written. Tomorrow we start on a new and exciting learning journey of intertextuality. Sounds fun, right?
Block C: Why is theme so difficult?! Writing theme statements is one of the most challenging parts of the study of English literature, and yet theme is what it is really all about. What is the author saying about life and what it means to be a human? Big questions for sure, but give it a try - I will be collecting 5 theme statements tomorrow; one for each story we have read.
Block D: Fun times with inferencing today! No homework :)
Block C: Why is theme so difficult?! Writing theme statements is one of the most challenging parts of the study of English literature, and yet theme is what it is really all about. What is the author saying about life and what it means to be a human? Big questions for sure, but give it a try - I will be collecting 5 theme statements tomorrow; one for each story we have read.
Block D: Fun times with inferencing today! No homework :)
Monday, October 7, 2013
Make-the-most-of-it Monday!
Block A: Wow - 7:30 is sure early!!! You will get one more block to write your synthesis essay tomorrow in class. We'll see how much extra time you need after class ends - but I'm thinking we should be finished by 3:30.
Block C: Great work on the peer assessment for your descriptive paragraphs - hopefully you are finding the feedback helpful! Then it was on to the next and last story - "Penny in the Dust" we are looking at theme - the universal truth - what is the author saying about life and what it means to be human. We read the story and started the story map. Most of you were able to finish the map in class - but if not - please do so tomorrow for a homework check!
Block D: I was blown away with your presentations during our poetry cafe today! Thank you for sharing your anthologies, inspiration and poetry. It is a hard thing to do - stand up in front of your peers and share - but you handled yourselves like pros! I hope you enjoyed the treats as well! There is no homework tonight!
Block C: Great work on the peer assessment for your descriptive paragraphs - hopefully you are finding the feedback helpful! Then it was on to the next and last story - "Penny in the Dust" we are looking at theme - the universal truth - what is the author saying about life and what it means to be human. We read the story and started the story map. Most of you were able to finish the map in class - but if not - please do so tomorrow for a homework check!
Block D: I was blown away with your presentations during our poetry cafe today! Thank you for sharing your anthologies, inspiration and poetry. It is a hard thing to do - stand up in front of your peers and share - but you handled yourselves like pros! I hope you enjoyed the treats as well! There is no homework tonight!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: A lot of anxious faces in the crowd today! I will be here at 7:30 on Monday morning if you would like to get a head start on writing your synthesis essay - or you would just like the time for planning.
Block C: Thank you for your patience before class started today! I know it is hard when there are disruptions to routine - but you handled it very well. Most of you were able to finish the double-spaced rough draft of your paragraph - but if not - please do so for Monday. We are going to be completing another round of peer assessment - so make sure you have your rough draft in class and finished.
Block D: Hooray for reading! Great work on the PBA today! Just a reminder that Monday is our Poetry Cafe - make sure that you have your anthology ready to share and your 12 line poem rehearsed and ready to present!
Block C: Thank you for your patience before class started today! I know it is hard when there are disruptions to routine - but you handled it very well. Most of you were able to finish the double-spaced rough draft of your paragraph - but if not - please do so for Monday. We are going to be completing another round of peer assessment - so make sure you have your rough draft in class and finished.
Block D: Hooray for reading! Great work on the PBA today! Just a reminder that Monday is our Poetry Cafe - make sure that you have your anthology ready to share and your 12 line poem rehearsed and ready to present!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Thoughtful Thursday
Block A: Great work in your small groups today in class to complete the discussion questions for "A Small, Good Thing." There is no homework tonight! Soak it in, because tomorrow we start the synthesis essay!
Block C: Today in class we worked on a detailed sensory brainstorm for our descriptive writing paragraph. I will be doing a homework check on the brainstorm and the point form outline in class tomorrow.
Block D: Great work on your anthology project today! There will not be any class time to work on it tomorrow - so any parts not yet finished need to be ready for our Poetry Cafe on Monday.
Block C: Today in class we worked on a detailed sensory brainstorm for our descriptive writing paragraph. I will be doing a homework check on the brainstorm and the point form outline in class tomorrow.
Block D: Great work on your anthology project today! There will not be any class time to work on it tomorrow - so any parts not yet finished need to be ready for our Poetry Cafe on Monday.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Wishful Wednesday:
Block A: It is almost the end of our short story unit! Finish reading "A Small, Good Thing" tonight for homework - we'll discuss tomorrow and then on to comparative analysis essay writing!
Block C: Today we worked in small groups to answer some discussion questions about "The Most Dangerous Game." Then I gave you some class time to work on your detailed story map - I will be doing a homework check to make sure those are done. Homework tonight is to write 3 haiku poems based on the setting of our story. If you want to write more - you absolutely can! Poem should be typed or hand-written in pen please!
Block D: Nouns, common nouns, pronouns, abstract nouns, collective nouns - make sure you know them all - for the quiz tomorrow! The in-class goal for your poetry project today - was to choose 2 or more poems to include in your anthology, to write your 2 reflections on your own original poems and to complete your bibliography. If you did not get your reflections done today - that is ok - I will give you time in class to work on them tomorrow - but please bring your 2 choice poems to class if you needed to print them off from home. Make sure you are on track to finish this project for Monday's Poetry Cafe!
Block C: Today we worked in small groups to answer some discussion questions about "The Most Dangerous Game." Then I gave you some class time to work on your detailed story map - I will be doing a homework check to make sure those are done. Homework tonight is to write 3 haiku poems based on the setting of our story. If you want to write more - you absolutely can! Poem should be typed or hand-written in pen please!
Block D: Nouns, common nouns, pronouns, abstract nouns, collective nouns - make sure you know them all - for the quiz tomorrow! The in-class goal for your poetry project today - was to choose 2 or more poems to include in your anthology, to write your 2 reflections on your own original poems and to complete your bibliography. If you did not get your reflections done today - that is ok - I will give you time in class to work on them tomorrow - but please bring your 2 choice poems to class if you needed to print them off from home. Make sure you are on track to finish this project for Monday's Poetry Cafe!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Tuesday Terrific!
Block A: In class today we worked on the questions for "A Good Man is Hard to Find" in small groups - thanks for handing those in! The task for the story is to demonstrate your understanding of characterization in a short story. Write an original poem about the character of the grandmother in Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find." The poem must be at least 17 lines long, must use phrases and or words found directly from the story. Must clearly capture the essence of your interpretation of the grandmother's character.
Block C: Today we did some peer assessment on our persuasive paragraphs, then attempted to finish reading "The Most Dangerous Game" before my voice gave out. If you were unable to finish reading the story in class - please do so for tonight! We will work on the story map in class tomorrow.
Block D: Thank you for handing in your current events poem - I'm looking forward to reading them! I assigned the final project for our poetry unit today: A Poetry Anthology! Each day you will be given a specific goal to accomplish. Today you were to choose your unifying theme and write your 2 original poems. If you did not finish your 2 poems - please do so for homework tonight. We will move on to the next part tomorrow. This project is due on Monday. Don't forget about our noun quiz on Thursday!
Block C: Today we did some peer assessment on our persuasive paragraphs, then attempted to finish reading "The Most Dangerous Game" before my voice gave out. If you were unable to finish reading the story in class - please do so for tonight! We will work on the story map in class tomorrow.
Block D: Thank you for handing in your current events poem - I'm looking forward to reading them! I assigned the final project for our poetry unit today: A Poetry Anthology! Each day you will be given a specific goal to accomplish. Today you were to choose your unifying theme and write your 2 original poems. If you did not finish your 2 poems - please do so for homework tonight. We will move on to the next part tomorrow. This project is due on Monday. Don't forget about our noun quiz on Thursday!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Meticulous Monday!
Block A: In class today - you worked on the characterization notes - and read "A Good Man is Hard to Find." If you didn't finish reading the story - that is your only homework! We will work on the questions and characterization task in class tomorrow.
Block C: Homework for tonight is to complete your double-spaced rough draft of your persuasive paragraph. I will finish reading "The Most Dangerous Game" tomorrow in class.
Block D: Your current events poem is due tomorrow! Make sure you hand in a good copy (typed or in pen) a rough draft, the article and summary sheet for full marks!
Block C: Homework for tonight is to complete your double-spaced rough draft of your persuasive paragraph. I will finish reading "The Most Dangerous Game" tomorrow in class.
Block D: Your current events poem is due tomorrow! Make sure you hand in a good copy (typed or in pen) a rough draft, the article and summary sheet for full marks!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Loved the level of concentration in the room today! Some really good discussions about the story - then right to work on the paragraph response. Assess the impact of the author's choice of point-of-view impacts the reader. Use in-text citations to support your points, and just for interests sake - write down how long it took you to complete this exercise.
Block C: So many hard workers in class today! You chose your persuasive paragraph topics and got to work on the graphic organizer and point-form outline. I will be completing a homework check for both on Monday!
Block D: A great start to the current event poem today! I am not assigning the poem for homework, as I will be giving you class time to work on it on Monday, before Tuesday's due date. However, some of you expressed an interest in changing your article - and that is fine. I do need you to print off a new copy - to attach to your poem - so I know what has inspired you!
Enjoy the 3 days off! See you all on Monday!
Block C: So many hard workers in class today! You chose your persuasive paragraph topics and got to work on the graphic organizer and point-form outline. I will be completing a homework check for both on Monday!
Block D: A great start to the current event poem today! I am not assigning the poem for homework, as I will be giving you class time to work on it on Monday, before Tuesday's due date. However, some of you expressed an interest in changing your article - and that is fine. I do need you to print off a new copy - to attach to your poem - so I know what has inspired you!
Enjoy the 3 days off! See you all on Monday!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Work on this Wednesday:
Block A: We've switched our focus to point-of-view. If you did not finish the story "Barbie-Q" and the accompanying questions please do so for homework tonight!
Block C: No homework!
Block D: No homework!
Block C: No homework!
Block D: No homework!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Tuesday, Terrific!
Block A: Well, that was trickier than I thought it would be! We wrote a synthesis paragraph (practice for the provincial!) in class today. I asked you to "discuss the roll that setting plays in the construction of both short stories." This is to be done using quotes from the story and in one formal paragraph.
Block C: If you did not finish your double-spaced rough draft in class today - please do so for homework tonight!
Block D: We'll work on the current events poem tomorrow in class - no homework tonight!
Block C: If you did not finish your double-spaced rough draft in class today - please do so for homework tonight!
Block D: We'll work on the current events poem tomorrow in class - no homework tonight!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Block A: I'll be collecting the questions for "The Yellow Wallpaper" tomorrow!
Block C: I will be conducting a homework check on the mandatory brainstorm and outline during silent reading tomorrow. The outline can be in point form!
Block D: Find a current event that interests you - online or in print (you MUST bring a copy to class) and complete the current events summary sheet. This will become the inspiration for a poem you are going to write, that I will explain tomorrow. The current event should be local, provincial, national or international - try to avoid sports and entertainment please!
Block C: I will be conducting a homework check on the mandatory brainstorm and outline during silent reading tomorrow. The outline can be in point form!
Block D: Find a current event that interests you - online or in print (you MUST bring a copy to class) and complete the current events summary sheet. This will become the inspiration for a poem you are going to write, that I will explain tomorrow. The current event should be local, provincial, national or international - try to avoid sports and entertainment please!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Fun-Times Friday!
Block A: I know today was kind of an intense day - with the heavy subject of women and women's roles and equality. But I hope it was thought-provoking for you. We almost made it through to the end of "The Yellow Wallpaper" in class today - but I wasn't able to read the last few pages. So that means your only homework is to finish the story!
Block C: A lot of creativity coming out of your poetry in class today! If you didn't finish the characterization chart for "The Necklace" or the 2 cinquain poems - I will be collecting them both on Monday!
Block D: Great work on your first RPS quiz today! I hope it wasn't too painful. We continued our exploration of figurative language in song lyrics today - and your homework over the weekend (if you didn't finish in class) is to complete the next 3 songs in the package: "You Lie" "Love you like a Love Song" and "Thriller" Can't wait to go over the lyrics with you on Monday!
Block C: A lot of creativity coming out of your poetry in class today! If you didn't finish the characterization chart for "The Necklace" or the 2 cinquain poems - I will be collecting them both on Monday!
Block D: Great work on your first RPS quiz today! I hope it wasn't too painful. We continued our exploration of figurative language in song lyrics today - and your homework over the weekend (if you didn't finish in class) is to complete the next 3 songs in the package: "You Lie" "Love you like a Love Song" and "Thriller" Can't wait to go over the lyrics with you on Monday!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: If you did not finish your creative response in creating tension - please do so tonight. In addition complete the one page of assisted notes on setting!
Block C: The characterization chart is NOT homework tonight. I would like you to review for the short story terminology quiz that we will be having tomorrow instead.
Block D: Great work on the figurative language today - for homework tonight you need to complete the first 2 songs on the handout of lyrics - and don't forget that there is an RPS quiz tomorrow. Study the vocab, roots, prefixes and suffixes.
Block C: The characterization chart is NOT homework tonight. I would like you to review for the short story terminology quiz that we will be having tomorrow instead.
Block D: Great work on the figurative language today - for homework tonight you need to complete the first 2 songs on the handout of lyrics - and don't forget that there is an RPS quiz tomorrow. Study the vocab, roots, prefixes and suffixes.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Work for this Wednesday!
Block A: Well - today could have gone better... but I guess that's what happens when there are minor disruptions to our routine! Here are the instructions from the powerpoint on the plot line that is due tomorrow.
Block C: If you did not finish the story map for "The Necklace" here is a link to the full text version of the story . The other homework for tonight is just a reminder that the advice letter for John Purcell is due tomorrow - and don't forget to study for the quiz on Friday!
Block D: Great work on the context clues! Keep studying for the RPS quiz #1 on Friday. Here are the journal questions from the end of class.
Where do we find poetry?
How would the world be different without poetry?
Answer these questions in a half-page single spaced journal response. Be as clear as you can and give specific examples to support your explanation. Remember the expectations of grade 8 writing!
Block C: If you did not finish the story map for "The Necklace" here is a link to the full text version of the story . The other homework for tonight is just a reminder that the advice letter for John Purcell is due tomorrow - and don't forget to study for the quiz on Friday!
Block D: Great work on the context clues! Keep studying for the RPS quiz #1 on Friday. Here are the journal questions from the end of class.
Where do we find poetry?
How would the world be different without poetry?
Answer these questions in a half-page single spaced journal response. Be as clear as you can and give specific examples to support your explanation. Remember the expectations of grade 8 writing!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Totally Tuesday!
Block A: Today's lesson was on the importance that plot plays in short stories - you read the plot document and took some notes that you will use to study in the future. We read "The Tell-Tale Heart" together in class - and will complete a plot based activity tomorrow. So for tonight - no homework!
Block C: We finished reading "The Father" in class and completed the story map. I will be doing a homework check on it tomorrow. I also assigned the task of the advice letter. The letter will be handed in on Thursday. Also - don't forget that there will be a quiz on short story terminology Friday.
Block D: Make sure you choose your silent reading novel in the next week or so - far too many of you are borrowing my books!
Block C: We finished reading "The Father" in class and completed the story map. I will be doing a homework check on it tomorrow. I also assigned the task of the advice letter. The letter will be handed in on Thursday. Also - don't forget that there will be a quiz on short story terminology Friday.
Block D: Make sure you choose your silent reading novel in the next week or so - far too many of you are borrowing my books!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Make-the-Most of your Monday!
Block A: Great start to our short stories unit! Today we completed a review of terminology specific to short stories - but all English literature - really. We examined the question about how story elements can deepen a readers interpretation of theme. I then asked you to write me 2 story ideas based on the one photo displayed in class. If you did not finish them in class - they are to be completed and handed in tomorrow.
Block C: If you did not finish the creative task for "Wish You Were Here" then please do so this evening. I will collect your completed work first thing. You do not need to finish "The Father" tonight, I will finish reading it in class tomorrow.
Block D: Glad to hear all of your stories about camp - and that you all had such a good time! Today we finished up the performance standards lesson from last week. Examining the writing samples in preparation to assess our own work. You then assessed your work and set goals on what you would like to work on this semester in English to improve your writing. No homework tonight!
Block C: If you did not finish the creative task for "Wish You Were Here" then please do so this evening. I will collect your completed work first thing. You do not need to finish "The Father" tonight, I will finish reading it in class tomorrow.
Block D: Glad to hear all of your stories about camp - and that you all had such a good time! Today we finished up the performance standards lesson from last week. Examining the writing samples in preparation to assess our own work. You then assessed your work and set goals on what you would like to work on this semester in English to improve your writing. No homework tonight!
Friday, September 13, 2013
Freaky Friday!
Well, not really. I did not hear of any reported incidents of body swapping!
Block A: Reading through your responses to the TED talk today - and they were very interesting! I myself am not a big gamer, but I was so intrigued by the concept that I had to share it with you. I hope that you all made the most of your 7.5 bonus minutes today! Don't forget that the double-spaced good copy, rough draft, peer editing sheet, map and brainstorm are all due on Monday.
Block C: "Wish you Were Here" was SUCH an appropriate story to read on Friday the 13th!!! There were a lot of great responses and interpretations of this story. If you did not finish the story map in class - please do so for homework. I will assign the task of the alternate ending on Monday!
Have a great weekend!
Block A: Reading through your responses to the TED talk today - and they were very interesting! I myself am not a big gamer, but I was so intrigued by the concept that I had to share it with you. I hope that you all made the most of your 7.5 bonus minutes today! Don't forget that the double-spaced good copy, rough draft, peer editing sheet, map and brainstorm are all due on Monday.
Block C: "Wish you Were Here" was SUCH an appropriate story to read on Friday the 13th!!! There were a lot of great responses and interpretations of this story. If you did not finish the story map in class - please do so for homework. I will assign the task of the alternate ending on Monday!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Thoroughly Thursday!
Block A: You are all at various points of this transformational narrative journey. I handed out the self and peer editing sheet today in class. My expectation is that you complete all parts of the editing process and hand in a rough draft with evidence of revision and incorporating the feedback of your editor. There may be some time tomorrow in class to work on your essay - but don't count on it! The double-spaced good copy, rough draft, peer editing sheet, transformational map and brainstorm are all due on Monday.
Block C: Today we started our first unit: short stories! I handed out the terminology that you will need to study for a quiz next week, and we completed the notes on the back of "how to read a short story." These notes will guide our reading practice for the next couple of weeks. Don't forget to photocopy or scan 3 more copies of the story map. We started reading "Wish you Were Here" but we ran out of time - so I will finish reading it to you tomorrow. There is no homework tonight!
Block C: Today we started our first unit: short stories! I handed out the terminology that you will need to study for a quiz next week, and we completed the notes on the back of "how to read a short story." These notes will guide our reading practice for the next couple of weeks. Don't forget to photocopy or scan 3 more copies of the story map. We started reading "Wish you Were Here" but we ran out of time - so I will finish reading it to you tomorrow. There is no homework tonight!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Work on this Wednesday:
Block A: I know it took a little while for you to get going - but I could practically see the transformational narratives flowing through your pens and pencils in class today as you crafted your first draft. I will give you another work block tomorrow to finish the draft and complete self and peer editing. The good copy will be due on Monday.
Block C: I am looking forward to reading through your personal goals on how you are going to improve your writing this semester. We will start our first unit tomorrow - but there is no homework tonight!
Block C: I am looking forward to reading through your personal goals on how you are going to improve your writing this semester. We will start our first unit tomorrow - but there is no homework tonight!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Tasks on a Tuesday!
Block A: How about those transformational narratives hey?! In class today we looked at a student sample of this assignment and got started with our own brainstorms. For tomorrow you need to bring in your completed transformational map.
Block C: Great work on the performance standards lesson today - we are not quite done - so we will finish up together in class. There is no homework tonight!
Block D: As promised there is no homework for you while you are away at camp. Have a fantastic time - make some good friends and memories, and I'll see you all on Monday!
Block C: Great work on the performance standards lesson today - we are not quite done - so we will finish up together in class. There is no homework tonight!
Block D: As promised there is no homework for you while you are away at camp. Have a fantastic time - make some good friends and memories, and I'll see you all on Monday!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Mostly Monday!
Block A: Thank you to all - for handing in your paradoxes - I'm looking forward to reading them! Please start thinking about your silent reading books for this semester - make it challenging - but not overwhelming. You have until the end of this month to make your final novel decision. If you did not finish breaking down the different parts of "The Embarrassment of Baseball" please do so this evening, we will discuss it tomorrow in class.
Block C: Thank you for handing in your "Where I'm From" poems today - I'm very excited to learn more about you all! We finished up our in-class writing diagnostic today - which means no homework! Start thinking about your silent reading novel that you would like to read this semester.
Block D: Your bio poem with criteria is due tomorrow in class. Thanks for the hard work on your diagnostic today. We will be starting silent reading tomorrow - so you need to bring a book to class tomorrow. Remember you have the month of September to make your final choice. Try a few different books and see what is going to work for you - I want it to be a book that you are engaged with.
Block C: Thank you for handing in your "Where I'm From" poems today - I'm very excited to learn more about you all! We finished up our in-class writing diagnostic today - which means no homework! Start thinking about your silent reading novel that you would like to read this semester.
Block D: Your bio poem with criteria is due tomorrow in class. Thanks for the hard work on your diagnostic today. We will be starting silent reading tomorrow - so you need to bring a book to class tomorrow. Remember you have the month of September to make your final choice. Try a few different books and see what is going to work for you - I want it to be a book that you are engaged with.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Fabulous Friday!
Congratulations everyone! You made it through the first week! While you are recovering from this new and strenuous experience, how about some weekend homework?!
Block A: Ah the paradox... Why is it so hard to write a paragraph?! Take the weekend to polish your first piece of writing for me - I don't expect perfection - but some care and attention are always appreciated! On Monday, hand in the rough draft, purple criteria and illustrated/creatively displayed visual of your paradox.
Block C: I am thrilled with the work that I've seen so far on your "Where I'm From" Poem assignments. I mean - I've actually gotten goosebumps from some of the words, phrases and ideas that you've generated! I can't wait to see your final copies on Monday. Please hand in the rough draft, green criteria sheet and final poem with visual, when you get to class on Monday.
Block D: Thank you so much for the excellent behaviour during our Bio Poem work block today! It does not look like you will need a full class on Monday to work on your final product. However the due date is still on Tuesday. Make sure you hand in the blue criteria sheet along with your creatively displayed poem.
Block A: Ah the paradox... Why is it so hard to write a paragraph?! Take the weekend to polish your first piece of writing for me - I don't expect perfection - but some care and attention are always appreciated! On Monday, hand in the rough draft, purple criteria and illustrated/creatively displayed visual of your paradox.
Block C: I am thrilled with the work that I've seen so far on your "Where I'm From" Poem assignments. I mean - I've actually gotten goosebumps from some of the words, phrases and ideas that you've generated! I can't wait to see your final copies on Monday. Please hand in the rough draft, green criteria sheet and final poem with visual, when you get to class on Monday.
Block D: Thank you so much for the excellent behaviour during our Bio Poem work block today! It does not look like you will need a full class on Monday to work on your final product. However the due date is still on Tuesday. Make sure you hand in the blue criteria sheet along with your creatively displayed poem.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday!
Block A: Thank you to all who handed in their personal profile and pink parent letter. If you have not handed in your letter yet - please do so for tomorrow. The paradox assignment is not specifically for homework - you make your own decisions about what needs to be done this evening. If you would like to bring in materials to work on it - that is up to you. You will have a full block tomorrow to work on it - and it is due on Monday.
Block C: I appreciate you bringing in your blue letters today - all other letters should be handed in tomorrow. The "Where I'm From" Poem assignment is what we are currently working on with the due date dependent on how things go tomorrow. It was a great work block today, and I'm excited to read your results!
Block D: All green letters are due tomorrow! There is no homework tonight - we will continue working on the bio poems in class.
Block C: I appreciate you bringing in your blue letters today - all other letters should be handed in tomorrow. The "Where I'm From" Poem assignment is what we are currently working on with the due date dependent on how things go tomorrow. It was a great work block today, and I'm excited to read your results!
Block D: All green letters are due tomorrow! There is no homework tonight - we will continue working on the bio poems in class.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The start of the school year can certainly bring its fair share of uncertainty. However it also provides the opportunity for a clean slate. To learn from the mistakes of the past, set new goals and to really make the most of this amazing opportunity we call education.
On this blog you will find some links to helpful English websites, as well as a quick summary or snapshot of the day's lesson and homework. I do encourage all students to use their school agenda's - but if you forget, then this is a great resource to come to.
Block A: Some very interesting results from the first day quiz. I guess only time will tell - if you will do well in my class! If you did not complete the personal profile in class - please do so for homework tonight. Please have your parent or guardian sign the pink letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
Block C: A great first class grade 9s! I have a good feeling about this community of learners. I hope that you learned something about yourself and the type of learner that you are. Make it work for you! I will give you some time tomorrow to complete the profile. Please have your parent or guardian sign the blue letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
Block D: Thank you for your energy - even though it was the LAST block of the day. I hope that your experience in English 8 is a rewarding one! I also hope that you learned or confirmed something about how you learn. We will continue with the learning style handout at the beginning of class tomorrow. Please have your parent or guardian sign the green letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
On this blog you will find some links to helpful English websites, as well as a quick summary or snapshot of the day's lesson and homework. I do encourage all students to use their school agenda's - but if you forget, then this is a great resource to come to.
Block A: Some very interesting results from the first day quiz. I guess only time will tell - if you will do well in my class! If you did not complete the personal profile in class - please do so for homework tonight. Please have your parent or guardian sign the pink letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
Block C: A great first class grade 9s! I have a good feeling about this community of learners. I hope that you learned something about yourself and the type of learner that you are. Make it work for you! I will give you some time tomorrow to complete the profile. Please have your parent or guardian sign the blue letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
Block D: Thank you for your energy - even though it was the LAST block of the day. I hope that your experience in English 8 is a rewarding one! I also hope that you learned or confirmed something about how you learn. We will continue with the learning style handout at the beginning of class tomorrow. Please have your parent or guardian sign the green letter and have it returned to me by Friday.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Last Post of the Year!
To all my students - thank you for all of your hard work this semester. I hope you have enjoyed the journey as much as I have!
Have a wonderful and safe summer - and I'll see you back here in September!
Have a wonderful and safe summer - and I'll see you back here in September!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Our Last Tuesday!
Well done, on all final writing assignments today in class. A lot of hard work went into your writing I know - I appreciate all of your efforts. Final marks will be posted outside my room by the end of this week.
In honour Sharkfest tomorrow, there is no homework for any of my wonderful classes tonight! :)
Monday, June 17, 2013
Our Last Monday!
Block A: Today, after some in-class practice with outlines and thesis statements, we got started on the final in-class writing assignment for English 9. This is like your final exam, there is not official final exam for this course, but this is your opportunity to show me what you have learned about excellent writing this semester. You will have the entire block to write tomorrow - so please be on time and prepared.
Block B: Comm 11: Your Memory Books are due tomorrow! I can't wait to read what you have been working so hard on for the past couple of weeks!
Comm 12: Tomorrow will be your last opportunity to write a composition before the Provincial Exam on Thursday. If you have outstanding work - please get it in ASAP!
Block D: A lot of stressed out faces in this crowd today! It must be the final synthesis essay... If you would like to come at lunch tomorrow to get a head start - you may do so.
Block B: Comm 11: Your Memory Books are due tomorrow! I can't wait to read what you have been working so hard on for the past couple of weeks!
Comm 12: Tomorrow will be your last opportunity to write a composition before the Provincial Exam on Thursday. If you have outstanding work - please get it in ASAP!
Block D: A lot of stressed out faces in this crowd today! It must be the final synthesis essay... If you would like to come at lunch tomorrow to get a head start - you may do so.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Our Last Friday!
Block A: Today was review of literary analysis writing we did a practice outline with the poem "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes. We discussed the poem in class then completed the outline based on the task. Most of you were able to complete this in class - great job! If you didn't manage to get yours done - please do so for homework. We'll start on our Romeo and Juliet compositions on Monday!
Block B: Comm 11: You have just 2 more classes to get your Memory Book Projects completed - I'm so excited to read what you've come up with - they are going to be epic!
Comm 12: You sort of got stuck on the composition part of the Blood Diamond package. Most of you were able to hand in the work for the business letter and visual design. Which is great - we'll tackle the composition on Monday.
Block D: You will have 2 full classes to write your final essay - please do not bring any outside notes to class - use what you have here.
Block B: Comm 11: You have just 2 more classes to get your Memory Book Projects completed - I'm so excited to read what you've come up with - they are going to be epic!
Comm 12: You sort of got stuck on the composition part of the Blood Diamond package. Most of you were able to hand in the work for the business letter and visual design. Which is great - we'll tackle the composition on Monday.
Block D: You will have 2 full classes to write your final essay - please do not bring any outside notes to class - use what you have here.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Thoughtful Thursday!
Block A: Wow - you blew me away with your performances today!!! There were some absolute gems in your final production of R&J - seriously. Well done all! Please complete the self and peer evaluation/reflection and hand it in tomorrow.
Block B: Comm 11 - you are working with Ms. White on your Memory Book assignment.
Comm 12: I will give you time tomorrow to complete your Blood Diamond package. You should have your business letter complete.
Block D: Nice work everyone on your dramatic performances - there were definitely a lot of very engaging and entertaining shows - great job! There is no homework tonight - please bring your synthesis sources to class tomorrow :)
Block B: Comm 11 - you are working with Ms. White on your Memory Book assignment.
Comm 12: I will give you time tomorrow to complete your Blood Diamond package. You should have your business letter complete.
Block D: Nice work everyone on your dramatic performances - there were definitely a lot of very engaging and entertaining shows - great job! There is no homework tonight - please bring your synthesis sources to class tomorrow :)
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Wonderful Wednesday:
Block A: The show goes on tomorrow! Make sure you are here and prepared to go on when the bell goes!
Block B: We will finish the movie in class tomorrow, and then the 11s will have an assignment from Ms. White, and the 12s will complete 3 assignments for me: a business letter, a visual design, and a composition.
Block D: So looking forward to your performances tomorrow :) we will start at the bell so make sure you are ready!
Block B: We will finish the movie in class tomorrow, and then the 11s will have an assignment from Ms. White, and the 12s will complete 3 assignments for me: a business letter, a visual design, and a composition.
Block D: So looking forward to your performances tomorrow :) we will start at the bell so make sure you are ready!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Tasks for this Tuesday:
Block A: Rehearsals continue for your dramatic performances - you have one day left to prepare!
Block B: We will continue the movie tomorrow.
Block D: Rehearsals continue for your presentations on Thursday. If you did not get your synthesis sources in today - or you would like to make some changes - make sure that you bring them in to me tomorrow for approval.
Block B: We will continue the movie tomorrow.
Block D: Rehearsals continue for your presentations on Thursday. If you did not get your synthesis sources in today - or you would like to make some changes - make sure that you bring them in to me tomorrow for approval.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Monday Musings:
Block A: Thanks to all for handing in your performance planning sheets today - you will get more preparation and rehearsal time tomorrow and Wednesday. On Thursday we act!
Block B:
Comm 11: Work on your Memory Book continues with Ms. White
Comm 12: Great work on your visual designs - make sure to pay attention to ALL details - audience and purpose are extremely important!
Block D: Rehearsal and preparation for your dramatic performances continues tomorrow. Also I will be checking in with each of you on your sources search for the synthesis essay. What do you think Macbeth is about? Choose your topic, then find sources about your topic. Make sure you print them off and bring the hard copies into class tomorrow so that I can discuss them with you.
Block B:
Comm 11: Work on your Memory Book continues with Ms. White
Comm 12: Great work on your visual designs - make sure to pay attention to ALL details - audience and purpose are extremely important!
Block D: Rehearsal and preparation for your dramatic performances continues tomorrow. Also I will be checking in with each of you on your sources search for the synthesis essay. What do you think Macbeth is about? Choose your topic, then find sources about your topic. Make sure you print them off and bring the hard copies into class tomorrow so that I can discuss them with you.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Fun-times Friday!
Block A: Fabulous work on finishing the play! In the last part of the class I assigned the final performance project. You are in your groups with your act assigned and I can't wait to see what you come up with! You will have class time next week to work on this - but hopefully you will be in contact with your group members to ensure that everyone knows what they are responsible for.
Block B:
Comm 11: Work on your Memory Book continues - and for the most part - you are all on track!
Comm 12: Today we started visual designs. Aren't they fun?! More next week!
Block D: The last few scenes were some of our best! Great job with Macbeth ladies and gentlemen, it was a pleasure. Homework is in 2 parts: part 1 - think about your topic for your synthesis essay. What sources can you find which connect to this topic - don't have to be about Macbeth - they shouldn't be. What universal aspect of the play can you connect to. Then part 2 - is your final performance group project. I gave out the criteria and you formed your groups. Work on it over the weekend, but you will also get some time next week before we perform on Thursday June 13!
Block B:
Comm 11: Work on your Memory Book continues - and for the most part - you are all on track!
Comm 12: Today we started visual designs. Aren't they fun?! More next week!
Block D: The last few scenes were some of our best! Great job with Macbeth ladies and gentlemen, it was a pleasure. Homework is in 2 parts: part 1 - think about your topic for your synthesis essay. What sources can you find which connect to this topic - don't have to be about Macbeth - they shouldn't be. What universal aspect of the play can you connect to. Then part 2 - is your final performance group project. I gave out the criteria and you formed your groups. Work on it over the weekend, but you will also get some time next week before we perform on Thursday June 13!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Thoughts on this Thursday:
Block A: We are now leading to the end - just a few more scenes and we will be finished this play! We will read act 5 in class tomorrow, and I will hand out the criteria for the final performance project.
Block B:
Comm 11: Almost all of you passed your chapter check in date - congratulations!
Comm 12: You are back with me tomorrow and on to Visual Designs.
Block D: We are ALMOST done! We read up to Act 4 scene 2 today then completed a quote activity in-class. We will read the rest of the play tomorrow and I will hand out the criteria for your final dramatic performance.
Block B:
Comm 11: Almost all of you passed your chapter check in date - congratulations!
Comm 12: You are back with me tomorrow and on to Visual Designs.
Block D: We are ALMOST done! We read up to Act 4 scene 2 today then completed a quote activity in-class. We will read the rest of the play tomorrow and I will hand out the criteria for your final dramatic performance.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Work for this Wednesday:
Block A: The plot thickens! A plan is afoot! We read up to Act 4 scene 3 today - there is no homework tonight!
Block B: I'm so pleased with your progress on your Memory books - keep it up!
Block D: Think about themes you might be interested in for your synthesis - and we'll continue reading act 4 tomorrow no homework tonight!
Block B: I'm so pleased with your progress on your Memory books - keep it up!
Block D: Think about themes you might be interested in for your synthesis - and we'll continue reading act 4 tomorrow no homework tonight!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Terrific Tuesday!
Block A: Great job with the reading and the tableaux activity - we will finish up the rest tomorrow. Please complete the study guide for Act 3 in preparation for the quiz tomorrow.
Block B:
Comm 11: Very pleased that you all seem to be on track with your Memory Book - make sure you have up to and including chapter 5 done for Thursday.
Comm 12: Business letter practice continues with Ms. White
Block D: Act 3 is done! What is happening to the Macbeths? Their plans are all falling to pieces. No homework tonight!
Block B:
Comm 11: Very pleased that you all seem to be on track with your Memory Book - make sure you have up to and including chapter 5 done for Thursday.
Comm 12: Business letter practice continues with Ms. White
Block D: Act 3 is done! What is happening to the Macbeths? Their plans are all falling to pieces. No homework tonight!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Mostly on a Monday:
Block A: Great job with the reading today - we are certainly on a downward spiral now!!! Finish up the study guide for Act 3 up to and including scene 3.
Block B: Comm 11s - you are still working on your Memory book - make sure you are doing what you need to do to stay on track. You need to have finished up to and including chapter 5 by Thursday.
Block D: No homework tonight :)
Block B: Comm 11s - you are still working on your Memory book - make sure you are doing what you need to do to stay on track. You need to have finished up to and including chapter 5 by Thursday.
Block D: No homework tonight :)
Friday, May 31, 2013
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: A slight contrast today - with 2 different movie versions. Interesting observations. No homework this weekend!
Block B: Comm 11 - work on your memory book continues next week.
Comm 12 - Provincial prep continues with Ms. White
Block D: Today we read act 2 of our play - another excellent day of reading. Then there were some questions for you to complete on the act - and a quiz to complete on Monday. Here are the questions:
Scene 1
When Banquo and Macbeth meet in the courtyard of the castle, they engage in a brief, but significant, dialogue. Paraphrase their discussion and explain the significance.
Scene 2
How does Macbeth react after the murder of Duncan? Use direct quotations to support your answer.
Scene 3
Malcolm and Donalbain reveal their distrust of those around them at the close of this scene. Discuss with direct reference to the play.
Scene 4
One of the sub-themes of Shakespeare's play is that of disorder or the disruption of the natural order. Discuss the numerous references to this theme during this brief scene.
Block B: Comm 11 - work on your memory book continues next week.
Comm 12 - Provincial prep continues with Ms. White
Block D: Today we read act 2 of our play - another excellent day of reading. Then there were some questions for you to complete on the act - and a quiz to complete on Monday. Here are the questions:
Scene 1
When Banquo and Macbeth meet in the courtyard of the castle, they engage in a brief, but significant, dialogue. Paraphrase their discussion and explain the significance.
Scene 2
How does Macbeth react after the murder of Duncan? Use direct quotations to support your answer.
Scene 3
Malcolm and Donalbain reveal their distrust of those around them at the close of this scene. Discuss with direct reference to the play.
Scene 4
One of the sub-themes of Shakespeare's play is that of disorder or the disruption of the natural order. Discuss the numerous references to this theme during this brief scene.
- Define symbolism
- What does the blood on their hands symbolize?
- Why is sleep a symbol of innocence?
- What is the significance of the words Macbeth hears when he kills Duncan?
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday!
Block A: Make sure you complete the act 2 study guide as there will be a quiz on it tomorrow!
Block B: Work on your memory book continues tomorrow - steady progress so far!
Block D: Your creative capture of act 1 in poetry form is due tomorrow.
Block B: Work on your memory book continues tomorrow - steady progress so far!
Block D: Your creative capture of act 1 in poetry form is due tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Work for this Wednesday:
Block A: Today in class - we watched the first act of the R&J movie. Then you had the rest of the class to work on your poem. The rough draft, and good copy with devices labeled is due tomorrow.
Block B: Comm 11 - Up to chapter 5 needs to be done by June 6 - keep on working!
Block D: We finished reading act 1 of Macbeth and discussed some of these complex characters. What's up Lady Macbeth, I'm looking at you! You are working on your act 1 poem assignment - due on Friday.
Block B: Comm 11 - Up to chapter 5 needs to be done by June 6 - keep on working!
Block D: We finished reading act 1 of Macbeth and discussed some of these complex characters. What's up Lady Macbeth, I'm looking at you! You are working on your act 1 poem assignment - due on Friday.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Tasks on a Tuesday:
Block A: There is no homework other than your act 1 poem :)
Block B: We split the class today - Comm 11s you are working on your memory book and the 12s were with Ms. White starting on Provincial Exam prep. Work continues tomorrow!
Block D: AWESOME reading today - see why I love this play so much?! Here are the questions for homework:
Create a character sketch of Macbeth - not a drawing - but in point form, write about the kind of person Macbeth is according to those who speak about him.
Find examples of paradox and allusion in 1.1 and 1.2
Discuss Macbeth and Banquo's reaction to the prophecies. How do they differ? What can we infer about their characters?
What are the main events from this scene?
Block B: We split the class today - Comm 11s you are working on your memory book and the 12s were with Ms. White starting on Provincial Exam prep. Work continues tomorrow!
Block D: AWESOME reading today - see why I love this play so much?! Here are the questions for homework:
Create a character sketch of Macbeth - not a drawing - but in point form, write about the kind of person Macbeth is according to those who speak about him.
Find examples of paradox and allusion in 1.1 and 1.2
Discuss Macbeth and Banquo's reaction to the prophecies. How do they differ? What can we infer about their characters?
What are the main events from this scene?
Monday, May 27, 2013
Monday Musings:
Block A: Act 1 is done! Great job to all readers - am very much enjoying your interpretations and questions at the start of this play. If you did not finish your study guide for act one in class - please do so for homework as there will be a quiz to start the class. I handed out the Act 1 poem assignment - due on Thursday.
Block B: Documentary is done - we split the class starting tomorrow.
Block D: Love the enthusiasm today with the quote cards! I am so excited to start Macbeth with you tomorrow. For tonight - not homework :)
Block B: Documentary is done - we split the class starting tomorrow.
Block D: Love the enthusiasm today with the quote cards! I am so excited to start Macbeth with you tomorrow. For tonight - not homework :)
Friday, May 24, 2013
Fun-times Friday!
Block A: Finally our first taste of real play reading, and you all did great! Thanks to all the volunteers and the volunteered as well... We shall finish up reading the rest of Act 1 on Monday. For homework this weekend, if not done in class is to complete the vocabulary, literary terms and questions for act 1 scenes 1 and 2. If you're looking for the website of literary terms, the link is on the right hand side under the Helpful English Related Sites.
Block B: Hope you're enjoying the documentary! No homework this weekend :)
Block D: Phew - essay is done!!! No homework this weekend - Monday we start Macbeth!!!
Block B: Hope you're enjoying the documentary! No homework this weekend :)
Block D: Phew - essay is done!!! No homework this weekend - Monday we start Macbeth!!!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday!
Block A: Great start to the play - we'll dive in to the reading tomorrow - participate, participate!!!!
Block B: Awesome job on your presentations today - you did it!!! We wrap up poetry tomorrow with a documentary.
Block D: The day is tomorrow - we are set - literary analysis it's on. I'll be here at 8:00 for those who'd like an early start.
Block B: Awesome job on your presentations today - you did it!!! We wrap up poetry tomorrow with a documentary.
Block D: The day is tomorrow - we are set - literary analysis it's on. I'll be here at 8:00 for those who'd like an early start.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Work for this Wednesday:
Block A: Don't forget - that your good copy is due tomorrow! All components handed in. Great start to the joys of drama today with our Romeo and Juliet intro! We'll continue this tomorrow.
Block B: Presentations tomorrow! Can't wait to hear what you've been working on! Make sure you have notes, a clip of your chosen song, highlights from your biography and reflection.
Block D: Oh literary analysis, why are you so difficult? You get one more work block tomorrow to prepare for the in-class essay on Friday. If you need extra time, come in at lunch on Friday.
Block B: Presentations tomorrow! Can't wait to hear what you've been working on! Make sure you have notes, a clip of your chosen song, highlights from your biography and reflection.
Block D: Oh literary analysis, why are you so difficult? You get one more work block tomorrow to prepare for the in-class essay on Friday. If you need extra time, come in at lunch on Friday.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Tasks for this Tuesday
Block A: Today in class you worked on your peer editing of the multi-paragraph composition. The double-spaced handwritten in ink, or typed is due on Thursday. Please hand in ALL components of this project - SHIFTT, outline, poem rough draft, self-editing, peer editing, and assignment sheet.
Block B: We were a bit disappointed to see that lack of completion with the lyrics... Regardless, presentations will go ahead on Thursday. Make sure you are prepared!
Block D: FInal work on the novel today. Thank you for handing in your journals and novel reflection. We started the review process for literary analysis today. Review notes on style and quote integration and come with questions to discuss tomorrow. We start the outline tomorrow with the full writing block on Friday.
Block B: We were a bit disappointed to see that lack of completion with the lyrics... Regardless, presentations will go ahead on Thursday. Make sure you are prepared!
Block D: FInal work on the novel today. Thank you for handing in your journals and novel reflection. We started the review process for literary analysis today. Review notes on style and quote integration and come with questions to discuss tomorrow. We start the outline tomorrow with the full writing block on Friday.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: I continue to be very impressed with your progress on this composition. Your focus in class today was exemplary! If you did not finish up in class, please complete the double-spaced rough draft and the yellow self-editing checklist for Tuesday.
Block B: Please complete your artist bio, and choose then print off the lyrics for your 2 songs and bring them to class on Tuesday.
Block D: You're done! Well... most of you are... Looking forward to reading your impressions of the end of the novel. Journals are due on Tuesday! We will also re-visit literary analysis in preparation for your essay.
Enjoy the long weekend!!!! See you all on Tuesday :)
Block B: Please complete your artist bio, and choose then print off the lyrics for your 2 songs and bring them to class on Tuesday.
Block D: You're done! Well... most of you are... Looking forward to reading your impressions of the end of the novel. Journals are due on Tuesday! We will also re-visit literary analysis in preparation for your essay.
Enjoy the long weekend!!!! See you all on Tuesday :)
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Well this is Wednesday:
Block A: The work on our multi-paragraph compositions is rolling along. Wow. I am very impressed with the level of insight that I am seeing so far in your quest for great poetry. Due tomorrow is the completed point form outline of the introduction, first body paragraph, second body paragraph and the conclusion.
Block B: Today we started our Artist that Inspires poetry project. You have each chosen an artist and started to research their lives for the biography portion of the assignment. You will get one more work block in the library to complete any research that you might need. Oral presentations start next Thursday!
Block D: Well, you did it! Tomorrow will be the final lit circle meeting! Your journals are due on Tuesday when we get back from the long weekend. Read over the feedback you received on your first set to see how you can improve for next time. We will be starting the essay next week, so start sharpening your literary analysis skills!
Block B: Today we started our Artist that Inspires poetry project. You have each chosen an artist and started to research their lives for the biography portion of the assignment. You will get one more work block in the library to complete any research that you might need. Oral presentations start next Thursday!
Block D: Well, you did it! Tomorrow will be the final lit circle meeting! Your journals are due on Tuesday when we get back from the long weekend. Read over the feedback you received on your first set to see how you can improve for next time. We will be starting the essay next week, so start sharpening your literary analysis skills!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Election Edition Tuesday!!!
Block A: Wow. That multi-paragraph composition is causing one or two issues for some of us, right?! Well, if you are well into your 1st body paragraph - you have no homework. If you didn't complete your thesis statement and introductory paragraph - that is due tomorrow. We'll continue the outline in class together.
Block B: If you didn't finish the Responding to Poetry: Depth of Meaning Edition - please do so for homework tonight!
Block D: Great work in your second to last meeting today - I will return your journals tomorrow and you will get extra time if you didn't finish your conflict discussion from today. Don't forget that you need to finish your book for Thursday - and that your next set of journals is due on Tuesday.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Mostly Rainy Monday:
Block A: Today we starte our final writing assignment for our poetry unit. You will be writing a multi-paragraph composition (essay) which attempts to answer the question - of what great poetry is in your opinion. I showed you an example of "The Shark" by E.J. Pratt, then modelled the S.I.F.T.T. worksheet. It was then your turn to choose an example of "great" poetry from the classroom anthology. Then, you were to annotate (make notes about technique) and complete the blue S.I.F.T.T. worksheet. If you didn't finish this in class - it is homework tonight!
Block B: Today we looked at the form of poetry - you were to complete the responding to poetry from edition in class. If you have not completed the imagery or form worksheets they are both for homework tonight.
Block D: Make sure you are ready to participate in your group meeting tomorrow! Reading and sticky notes done :)
Block B: Today we looked at the form of poetry - you were to complete the responding to poetry from edition in class. If you have not completed the imagery or form worksheets they are both for homework tonight.
Block D: Make sure you are ready to participate in your group meeting tomorrow! Reading and sticky notes done :)
Friday, May 10, 2013
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: What will you be? An explorer or a conqueror of poetry? This is our big takeaway question from the discussion of depth of meaning today. You have the choice to have an open mind and discover what does or does not lay hidden inside a poem. Your homework over the weekend is to complete the found poem assignment. Make sure you check the rubric on the green sheet to ensure you are meeting all criteria!
Block B: Such a fun class today! Poetry really is bringing out the best in all of you! Today we looked at sound and sound devices - then we did a fun activity around lines in a poem - we will continue this on Monday. If you are behind - you need to hand in your projects and your poems - don't blow this off!!!
Block D: The only work that you have is to work on your Double Entry Journals which are due on Monday - there are a minimum of 2 entries - but more is fine. Make sure you read the criteria very carefully to ensure you are meeting the expectations of this assignment!!!
Block B: Such a fun class today! Poetry really is bringing out the best in all of you! Today we looked at sound and sound devices - then we did a fun activity around lines in a poem - we will continue this on Monday. If you are behind - you need to hand in your projects and your poems - don't blow this off!!!
Block D: The only work that you have is to work on your Double Entry Journals which are due on Monday - there are a minimum of 2 entries - but more is fine. Make sure you read the criteria very carefully to ensure you are meeting the expectations of this assignment!!!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Thoroughly Thursday!
Block A: Today we talked about the significance of form - and if it is form that makes great poetry. Your assignment is to create a found poem from your silent reading novel. You were to pick a passage that sounded good to you and then follow the instructions on the handout. There will be a homework check tomorrow to make sure you have your passage and some of the non-poetic words crossed out. We will be working on this tomorrow - so you don't need to start the collage tonight.
Block B: If you didn't hand in your project proposal and ad then make sure to do so tomorrow!!! We started our poetry unit today!!! The Responding to Poetry: Imagery Edition is due tomorrow - you will have approximately 3 minutes at the start of class to finish it up - if you haven't done so already.
Block D: I enjoyed hearing your choice sticky notes from your last reading section today - I might do this again - so make sure your stickies are up to date. If you didn't finish all of your work on symbolism then there will be time at the beginning of class to complete it tomorrow. Don't forget that your journals are due on Monday!
Block B: If you didn't hand in your project proposal and ad then make sure to do so tomorrow!!! We started our poetry unit today!!! The Responding to Poetry: Imagery Edition is due tomorrow - you will have approximately 3 minutes at the start of class to finish it up - if you haven't done so already.
Block D: I enjoyed hearing your choice sticky notes from your last reading section today - I might do this again - so make sure your stickies are up to date. If you didn't finish all of your work on symbolism then there will be time at the beginning of class to complete it tomorrow. Don't forget that your journals are due on Monday!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: Great work in the library today - as you tackled the art inspired by poetry task in 2 parts. Due tomorrow if you didn't finish in class today: brainstorm, 12 lines poem (that carries a depth of meaning) and your reflection.
Block B: The product project is due tomorrow with the proposal and ad completed.
Block D: Thanks to E.V. your journals are now due on Monday! Thanks for your impassioned speech!!! Make sure you reading and sticky notes are done for the meeting tomorrow :)
Block B: The product project is due tomorrow with the proposal and ad completed.
Block D: Thanks to E.V. your journals are now due on Monday! Thanks for your impassioned speech!!! Make sure you reading and sticky notes are done for the meeting tomorrow :)
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Terrific Tuesday:
Block A: Tonight you are writing a poem that appeals to the ears. Your poem should be a minimum of 12 lines - but more is fantastic! Use each sound device that we learned in class today at least once - more is great! For each device you use - you must clearly label it. Feel free to incorporate the image terminology from yesterday (metaphor, simile, personification and imagery).
Block B: Work continues on your product project. You should have the rough draft of your proposal finished by tomorrow and you can start working on your ad.
Block D: So many great conversations going on around the room with your novels! I know you didn't all get a chance to finish the work on themes today - there will be extra time tomorrow to complete your discussion logs.
Block B: Work continues on your product project. You should have the rough draft of your proposal finished by tomorrow and you can start working on your ad.
Block D: So many great conversations going on around the room with your novels! I know you didn't all get a chance to finish the work on themes today - there will be extra time tomorrow to complete your discussion logs.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Mega-Sunny Monday!
Block A: Phew - all presentations are done! We are now IN our poetry unit! First we completed a journal on what is great poetry, then a journey into imagery. Our exploration lead us to 4 poems - 2 of which you were to identify all of the images, metaphors, similes and personification that you could find. We shall debrief this tomorrow - no homework!
Block B: The rough draft of your product proposal is due at the end of class tomorrow.
Block D: Make sure you are prepared for the meeting tomorrow - reading and sticky notes are all complete!!!
Block B: The rough draft of your product proposal is due at the end of class tomorrow.
Block D: Make sure you are prepared for the meeting tomorrow - reading and sticky notes are all complete!!!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Fun-times Friday!
Block A: There is just one more group to present on Monday. We started our new unit today: Poetry :) We are on an inquiry to find out what makes great poetry - we will be takeling a series of questions to try and figure out if we can put our finger on what it is that makes poetry great. To begin we conducted a poetry treasure hunt - to get you thinking in poet terms today. Thanks for all of your hard work this week!!! No homework this weekend!
Block B: Wow, who knew that coming up with a product to make our lives easier would be so difficult!!! You must decide on what product you would create for class on Monday. Must be realistic and not already exist!!!
Block D: Great work on your first meeting today! Keep on track with your reading and journals. You will have a work block on Monday to make sure you are up to date and ready for the meeting on Tuesday.
Block B: Wow, who knew that coming up with a product to make our lives easier would be so difficult!!! You must decide on what product you would create for class on Monday. Must be realistic and not already exist!!!
Block D: Great work on your first meeting today! Keep on track with your reading and journals. You will have a work block on Monday to make sure you are up to date and ready for the meeting on Tuesday.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Great work on the presentations so far! We'll finish up the rest tomorrow!
Block B: Wow - video game violence certainly gets the discussion going! We'll be working with our rankings tomorrow - so keep track of your lists!
Block D: Make sure you are ready for your meeting tomorrow - complete your reading and your sticky notes.
Block B: Wow - video game violence certainly gets the discussion going! We'll be working with our rankings tomorrow - so keep track of your lists!
Block D: Make sure you are ready for your meeting tomorrow - complete your reading and your sticky notes.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: Excellent use of your class time today! Presentations start tomorrow - can't wait to see what you've come up with!!!
Block B: You lived the dream today kids! A YouTube free-for-all on advertisements and target audiences. No homework tonight, but it is back to reality tomorrow :)
Block D: Today you took some notes on notes, specifically the sticky note. You were also put into your reading groups for this novel study. There is no specific homework for tonight. You have the schedule, you know when you need to have reading and sticky notes completed by... I will introduce the individual journal assignment tomorrow, and you will also get time in class to read and prepare for your first discussion on Friday.
Block B: You lived the dream today kids! A YouTube free-for-all on advertisements and target audiences. No homework tonight, but it is back to reality tomorrow :)
Block D: Today you took some notes on notes, specifically the sticky note. You were also put into your reading groups for this novel study. There is no specific homework for tonight. You have the schedule, you know when you need to have reading and sticky notes completed by... I will introduce the individual journal assignment tomorrow, and you will also get time in class to read and prepare for your first discussion on Friday.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Terrific Tuesday!
Block A: Last work block for your final novel study "experience" presentation tomorrow. Make sure you utilize your time well!! Presentations start on Thursday!
Block B: Interesting discussion on stereotypes today - hopefully you were able to evaluate some of your own thoughts around what stereotypes are and how we can combat them.
Block D: Today was all about generating ideas and discussions around the central theme of our novel study exploration: What is the individual's place in society? For homework tonight, please complete a journal reflection on the lesson today. In your half a page minimum response please answer the following questions:
Your response does not have to be in three separate paragraphs, rather use the unit theme as a jumping off point for your reflection. You may include discussion of the videos or characters we discussed in class today.
Block B: Interesting discussion on stereotypes today - hopefully you were able to evaluate some of your own thoughts around what stereotypes are and how we can combat them.
Block D: Today was all about generating ideas and discussions around the central theme of our novel study exploration: What is the individual's place in society? For homework tonight, please complete a journal reflection on the lesson today. In your half a page minimum response please answer the following questions:
- Who are you as an individual?
- What societies do you believe you are a part of?
- What responsibilities do you, the individual, owe to your societies?
Your response does not have to be in three separate paragraphs, rather use the unit theme as a jumping off point for your reflection. You may include discussion of the videos or characters we discussed in class today.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Mega Monday!
Block A: Today we started our final novel "experience" presentation project in our novel study groups. You will get 2 more days for work blocks, and presentations will start on Thursday!
Block B: If you didn't finish your deconstructing Disney handout for Aladdin today in class - please make sure that it is finished for tomorrow - we are going to debrief it together in class.
Block D: Great work to all presenters! In class today you made your top 3 novel choices - we shall start the intro to this unit tomorrow in class. Tonight: No homework!
Block B: If you didn't finish your deconstructing Disney handout for Aladdin today in class - please make sure that it is finished for tomorrow - we are going to debrief it together in class.
Block D: Great work to all presenters! In class today you made your top 3 novel choices - we shall start the intro to this unit tomorrow in class. Tonight: No homework!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Today was your opportunity to finish up any group work not done yesterday, in addition I asked you to complete a reflection on your experience in literature circles this term. If you finished up the questions in class then you are free and clear of homework this weekend :)
Block B: Deconstructing stereotypes in a Disney movie will continue on Monday - great discussions once again! There are a few of you who have STILL not handed in your final project for the novel study - let's do that ok? Thanks.
Block D: Very much enjoying the visual poetry presentations so far! We continue on Monday - but this weekend has no homework :)
Block B: Deconstructing stereotypes in a Disney movie will continue on Monday - great discussions once again! There are a few of you who have STILL not handed in your final project for the novel study - let's do that ok? Thanks.
Block D: Very much enjoying the visual poetry presentations so far! We continue on Monday - but this weekend has no homework :)
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: There will be extra time tomorrow for groups who didn't finish their discussions. Don't forget that your last set of journals is due tomorrow!!
Block B: Wonderful discussion today on propaganda - no homework :)
Block D: Critiques are done! Presentations start tomorrow - I am so excited to see what you have created!!!
Block B: Wonderful discussion today on propaganda - no homework :)
Block D: Critiques are done! Presentations start tomorrow - I am so excited to see what you have created!!!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Wonderful Wednesday:
Block A: Today you got some extra time to finish up the central conflict discussion from yesterday. Also you were given time to talk about your personal responses in your journals. Make sure that you summarize the discussion and demonstrate how the discussion has extended your thinking beyond your original response. Journals will be handed in on Friday - but make sure to finish your novel for tomorrow's meeting!!
Block B: Thanks for handing in your three paragraphs on target audience - no homework tonight! Unless.... You haven't handed in your finals Last Sam's Cage project!!!
Block D: Extra time tomorrow to finish your poetry critique. Done already? You will get a work block for your visual poetry project. Presentations start on Friday!
Block B: Thanks for handing in your three paragraphs on target audience - no homework tonight! Unless.... You haven't handed in your finals Last Sam's Cage project!!!
Block D: Extra time tomorrow to finish your poetry critique. Done already? You will get a work block for your visual poetry project. Presentations start on Friday!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Take-away Tuesday:
Block A: Good work on your second last group discussions today. You'll get extra time in class to finish up. Make sure you have your 2 quotes, and 2 personal responses done for group discussion tomorrow.
Block B: If you were unhappy with the choice of magazines and ads today in class - feel free to bring your own from home tonight. We will be working on the three target audience paragraphs in class tomorrow.
Block D: Keep working on your visual poetry projects! Presentations start on Friday. We write our poetry critiques in class tomorrow. Bring your point-form outline and annotated poem to class tomorrow. Make sure it is all within the expectations of the assignment sheet! Make sure you understand the theme!!!
Block B: If you were unhappy with the choice of magazines and ads today in class - feel free to bring your own from home tonight. We will be working on the three target audience paragraphs in class tomorrow.
Block D: Keep working on your visual poetry projects! Presentations start on Friday. We write our poetry critiques in class tomorrow. Bring your point-form outline and annotated poem to class tomorrow. Make sure it is all within the expectations of the assignment sheet! Make sure you understand the theme!!!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Wonderfully Sunny Monday!
Block A: Fabulous class today - great levels of concentration! Please make sure your reading and sticky notes are complete for the meeting tomorrow. Your 2 quotes and 2 personal responses are due on Wednesday for group discussion.
Block B: Awesome start to our media unit today - lots of very intriguing discussion on our lives and how media impacts us. We didn't get a chance to finish our look at all of the ads - so we'll do that tomorrow.
Block D: Continue working on your visual poetry project - presentations start on Friday. Today you chose your poem to annotate and write your poetry critique on. Resist the temptation to look up your poem online and read interpretations already written. I am not interested in the words of others - just yours! You will have all class tomorrow to work on your annotation and critique outline. Remember that the outline MUST be in point form. You may use a full sentence for your thesis and that is it.
Block B: Awesome start to our media unit today - lots of very intriguing discussion on our lives and how media impacts us. We didn't get a chance to finish our look at all of the ads - so we'll do that tomorrow.
Block D: Continue working on your visual poetry project - presentations start on Friday. Today you chose your poem to annotate and write your poetry critique on. Resist the temptation to look up your poem online and read interpretations already written. I am not interested in the words of others - just yours! You will have all class tomorrow to work on your annotation and critique outline. Remember that the outline MUST be in point form. You may use a full sentence for your thesis and that is it.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Great work on symbolism today in your group discussions! If you need extra time to complete your tasks - you can have some time on Monday. Start thinking about your next set of journals. You need to have 2 quotes and 2 personal responses done for group discussion on Wednesday. But no official homework this weekend!
Block B: If you didn't complete your Last Sam's Cage final project - please make sure to hand it in on Monday. We'll be starting a new unit - so get ready to switch things up!
Block D: Now that the quiz is out of the way - it is time to focus on the Poetry Visual Project. Presentations start on Thursday - make sure you are prepared!!
Block B: If you didn't complete your Last Sam's Cage final project - please make sure to hand it in on Monday. We'll be starting a new unit - so get ready to switch things up!
Block D: Now that the quiz is out of the way - it is time to focus on the Poetry Visual Project. Presentations start on Thursday - make sure you are prepared!!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Tasks on Tuesday:
Block A: Your journals are due tomorrow! Make sure you have your 2 quotes, 2 personal responses and 2 group responses ready to hand in at the beginning of class.
Block B: Work on final projects continues tomorrow!
Block D: We will continue working on our visual poetry projects in class tomorrow - come prepared to research your poem/poet.
Block B: Work on final projects continues tomorrow!
Block D: We will continue working on our visual poetry projects in class tomorrow - come prepared to research your poem/poet.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Mega Monday:
Block A: There should be zero confusion about what is due for tomorrow: you must read and complete your sticky notes, and you may or may not get time to complete your group discussions for journals.
Block B: Part 2 - creative task - you should have your idea set and your plan for completion done. Approval pending!
Block D: Mull over the lesson today - no homework :)
Block B: Part 2 - creative task - you should have your idea set and your plan for completion done. Approval pending!
Block D: Mull over the lesson today - no homework :)
Friday, April 12, 2013
First-rate Friday!
Block A: I was SO impressed by the level of focus and concentration in your first lit circle meeting!!! Way to go everyone!!! On Monday please have your 2 quotes, and 2 personal responses (150-200 words each) ready to share with your group.
Block B: Keep working on those rough drafts!
Block D: So much fun with poetry already!!! Don't forget that the double-spaced good copy of your essay is due on Monday!
Block B: Keep working on those rough drafts!
Block D: So much fun with poetry already!!! Don't forget that the double-spaced good copy of your essay is due on Monday!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Think Sunny Thoughts Thursday:
Block A: Wow - you could hear a pin-drop in our class today!!! What amazing focus on your novels. For homework tonight make sure you have completed the reading and your minimum of 4 sticky notes per chapter to prepare for the group meeting tomorrow. You should be thinking about your first set of journals as well - they are not due until the 17th - but it is important to get a head start so you don't fall behind.
Block B: We are working our way through this final writing assignment. Lots of good questions today about your outlines and drafts. We expect that you have at least a start on your rough draft for class tomorrow as we are going be in the library typing up the good copy.
Block D: The double-spaced good copy of your essay is due on Monday. Please take into consideration the thoughtful feedback from your editor in class today. Complete the yellow self-evaluation before you hand in your essay on Monday. We start poetry tomorrow - and I hope you are as excited as I am - because I LOVE POETRY!!!!!
Block B: We are working our way through this final writing assignment. Lots of good questions today about your outlines and drafts. We expect that you have at least a start on your rough draft for class tomorrow as we are going be in the library typing up the good copy.
Block D: The double-spaced good copy of your essay is due on Monday. Please take into consideration the thoughtful feedback from your editor in class today. Complete the yellow self-evaluation before you hand in your essay on Monday. We start poetry tomorrow - and I hope you are as excited as I am - because I LOVE POETRY!!!!!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: Today was the first day of our novel study - you were assigned your book - and together with your group you made your reading goals. You will be responsible for completing your reading plus 4 sticky notes per chapter by the meeting dates outlined on the schedule.
Block B: If you didn't get your outline approved by myself or Ms. White today - make sure it is completed for homework tonight.
Block D: Work continues on the essay. Tonight is self-editing (if you didn't finish in class) tomorrow we peer edit!
Block B: If you didn't get your outline approved by myself or Ms. White today - make sure it is completed for homework tonight.
Block D: Work continues on the essay. Tonight is self-editing (if you didn't finish in class) tomorrow we peer edit!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Tasks on Tuesday:
Block A: Great work on the reading strategies! Today I introduced the 7 different novels for our Identity, Isolation and Survival novel study. You made your top 3 choices and I will reveal your group tomorrow. We started practicing the reading strategies using sticky notes and the short story "The Sniper" we didn't have a chance to finish in class - but we will do so together tomorrow. No homework tonight :)
Block B: The final project was assigned today. There are 2 parts, but we are only working on the first right now. By the end of class tomorrow it is expected that you will have had your outline complete and have shared it with either myself or Ms. White for approval.
Block D: Not everyone is going to be finished their rough draft for class tomorrow. I will give you some time in class to complete it - and we will move on to self-editing as well.
Block B: The final project was assigned today. There are 2 parts, but we are only working on the first right now. By the end of class tomorrow it is expected that you will have had your outline complete and have shared it with either myself or Ms. White for approval.
Block D: Not everyone is going to be finished their rough draft for class tomorrow. I will give you some time in class to complete it - and we will move on to self-editing as well.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Mostly Monday!
Block A: Thank you all very much for completing and handing in your short stories, I look forward to reading them! Today in class we started thinking about three big ideas: identity, isolation and survival. These will be the big topics that encompass our novel study. I will give you your novel choices tomorrow, for tonight - no homework :)
Block B: We finished the novel! There was certainly a great level of concentration in today's class, as you worked on your final reflections for the novel. If you didn't get a chance to finish the questions in class - you will get time at the beginning of class tomorrow to finish them up.
Block D: Today we got started on the rough draft of your essays. The draft must be double-spaced and written by hand. No typed drafts will be accepted. Make sure you are following the rules of integrating your quotations as smoothly as possible, use signal phrases and parenthetical citations. The rough draft is due on class on Wednesday for self editing.
Block B: We finished the novel! There was certainly a great level of concentration in today's class, as you worked on your final reflections for the novel. If you didn't get a chance to finish the questions in class - you will get time at the beginning of class tomorrow to finish them up.
Block D: Today we got started on the rough draft of your essays. The draft must be double-spaced and written by hand. No typed drafts will be accepted. Make sure you are following the rules of integrating your quotations as smoothly as possible, use signal phrases and parenthetical citations. The rough draft is due on class on Wednesday for self editing.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Fun-times Friday!
Block A: Today was peer editing today - your double-spaced good copy is due on Monday - make sure you have ALL components in class and ready to hand in.
Block B: We are almost done! Today was a work block to get the questions done for chapters 17&18 - we will finish the book on Monday.
Block D: Phew - busy class today! Great work attempting to pull together your outline. Today we focused on smoothly integrating quotes into our work following the MLA format. Keep that pink sheet handy - and use it as a reference going forward. Outlines are due on Monday!
Block B: We are almost done! Today was a work block to get the questions done for chapters 17&18 - we will finish the book on Monday.
Block D: Phew - busy class today! Great work attempting to pull together your outline. Today we focused on smoothly integrating quotes into our work following the MLA format. Keep that pink sheet handy - and use it as a reference going forward. Outlines are due on Monday!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Thoughts on Thursday:
A note to ALL classes marks cut off is tomorrow - so make sure to get in any and all missing work!
Block A: Great work on the self-editing today - re-reading with a critical eye on one's own writing is a very important skill to have. We will complete the peer editing process tomorrow.
Block B: A lot of great discussion today about Eddie's choices so far. Really loved the diversity of opinions and the critical thinking taking place! There will be time in class tomorrow to complete the questions for chapters 17 and 18.
Block D: Why are thesis statements so hard to write?! Enjoyed reading your essay proposals in class today. Tonight: print off and bring your 3 reputable sources that you intend to use in your essay. Make sure that you have all publication information recorded as per the green handout. Also, if you didn't get your thesis approved, I will do so first thing tomorrow. The completed outline is due on Monday.
Block A: Great work on the self-editing today - re-reading with a critical eye on one's own writing is a very important skill to have. We will complete the peer editing process tomorrow.
Block B: A lot of great discussion today about Eddie's choices so far. Really loved the diversity of opinions and the critical thinking taking place! There will be time in class tomorrow to complete the questions for chapters 17 and 18.
Block D: Why are thesis statements so hard to write?! Enjoyed reading your essay proposals in class today. Tonight: print off and bring your 3 reputable sources that you intend to use in your essay. Make sure that you have all publication information recorded as per the green handout. Also, if you didn't get your thesis approved, I will do so first thing tomorrow. The completed outline is due on Monday.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Wonderful Wednesday:
Block A: Great work on your rough drafts today! A double-spaced copy is due tomorrow :)
Block B: We didn't get through all of the reading today - so we will finish up the 2 chapters and work on the questions in class tomorrow.
Block D: Our essay unit just keeps rolling along! Today we completed thesis practice, and started to design our own essay topics. Due for homework tonight is the brainstorm (follow the instructions on the overhead) and the proposal (dito).
Block B: We didn't get through all of the reading today - so we will finish up the 2 chapters and work on the questions in class tomorrow.
Block D: Our essay unit just keeps rolling along! Today we completed thesis practice, and started to design our own essay topics. Due for homework tonight is the brainstorm (follow the instructions on the overhead) and the proposal (dito).
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Together Again Tuesday!
Welcome back everyone! I know it was a bit of a shock to the system this morning, but here we are back at it again!
Block A: I will give you time tomorrow to continue your rough draft - make sure it is double-spaced - the draft will tentatively be due on Thursday - but we will see how tomorrow goes, and what your progress is.
Block B: Today we completed the first classification journal of the week, and read chapters 15&16 of our novel. There was some time in class to complete the questions, but if you didn't finish, you will get time in class tomorrow.
Block D: Today we started the essay writing unit - and dove right in with some sentence and transition practice. For tomorrow you need to design THREE different essay topics - they should follow the 4S's from the notes today: Single, Specific, Supportable, and Significant. Make them interesting and original - no over used topics acceptable.
Block A: I will give you time tomorrow to continue your rough draft - make sure it is double-spaced - the draft will tentatively be due on Thursday - but we will see how tomorrow goes, and what your progress is.
Block B: Today we completed the first classification journal of the week, and read chapters 15&16 of our novel. There was some time in class to complete the questions, but if you didn't finish, you will get time in class tomorrow.
Block D: Today we started the essay writing unit - and dove right in with some sentence and transition practice. For tomorrow you need to design THREE different essay topics - they should follow the 4S's from the notes today: Single, Specific, Supportable, and Significant. Make them interesting and original - no over used topics acceptable.
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...