Happy Holidays to all of you - my wonderful students. Be safe, and take care of one another!
Block A: We have finished reading 3 acts of the play - which means that you should be finished 3 character responses.
Block C: You know you should not have left all of your work to the last minute - but if you did... Make sure you know what you're doing! Novel study parts 2&3 due when we get back, and The Tempest package due on Wed. Jan 9.
Block D: We have read 2 acts of the play so that means you need to have 2 character responses finished!
See you all in the New Year!!!
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Friday, December 21, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
That's all for Thursday!
Block A: Nice work on the progression of Macbeth and his changing attitudes and behaviours today. You should have 3 character responses finished for tomorrow - so that you don't have any homework over the break!
Block C: Loved the debates today! Due dates: novel study Jan 7 and Tempest package Jan 9. Be organized - don't leave it all to the last minute.
Block D: We've done 2 acts of the play, that means you should have 2 character responses finished for tomorrow! Don't lose track or else you will have to complete it over the break!
Block C: Loved the debates today! Due dates: novel study Jan 7 and Tempest package Jan 9. Be organized - don't leave it all to the last minute.
Block D: We've done 2 acts of the play, that means you should have 2 character responses finished for tomorrow! Don't lose track or else you will have to complete it over the break!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Wintery Wednesday!!
Block A: We read up to and including 3.4 today. Here is the activity:
Discuss what Macbeth finds so terrifying in:
A) The Ghost's appearance? B) the Ghost's behaviour?
Now imagine that YOU are directing this scene, and answer the following questions:
-Would you let the audience see the ghost, or play it as something in Macbeth's mind?
-What are the advantages and disadvantages if we are not allowed to see the ghost?
-Does it change the meaning of the play or our attitude to Macbeth if the ghost is an hallucination?
-If we ARE allowed to see the ghost, how should it look? Should it be the murdered stabbed version of Banquo or a version of how he looked prior to his death? (Look back at the murderer's description - lines 26-28).
Block C: No homework tonight senior food drive points winners!!! SO PROUD OF YOU AND ALL OF YOUR GENEROSITY!!!
Block D: Complete your Act 2 study guide in preparation for the quiz tomorrow!
Discuss what Macbeth finds so terrifying in:
A) The Ghost's appearance? B) the Ghost's behaviour?
Now imagine that YOU are directing this scene, and answer the following questions:
-Would you let the audience see the ghost, or play it as something in Macbeth's mind?
-What are the advantages and disadvantages if we are not allowed to see the ghost?
-Does it change the meaning of the play or our attitude to Macbeth if the ghost is an hallucination?
-If we ARE allowed to see the ghost, how should it look? Should it be the murdered stabbed version of Banquo or a version of how he looked prior to his death? (Look back at the murderer's description - lines 26-28).
Block C: No homework tonight senior food drive points winners!!! SO PROUD OF YOU AND ALL OF YOUR GENEROSITY!!!
Block D: Complete your Act 2 study guide in preparation for the quiz tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Talking about Tuesday:
Block A: Act 2 is done! We read, we discussed, we marveled at the murders... Work on your character response for Act 2, in addition to these questions. The questions need to be completed for tomorrow, the character response... not so much. There will also be a little quiz just to see if we are all on track.
Scene 1: When Banquo and Macbeth meet in the courtyard of the castle, they engage in a brief, but significant, dialogue. Paraphrase their discussion and explain the significance.
Scene 2: How does Macbeth react after the murder of Duncan? Use direct quotations to support your answer.
Scene 3: Malcolm and Donalbain reveal their distrust of those around them at the close of this scene. Discuss with direct reference to the play.
Scene 4: One of the sub-themes of Shakespeare's play is that of disorder or the disruption of the natural order. Discuss the numerous references to this theme during this brief scene.
Scene 1: When Banquo and Macbeth meet in the courtyard of the castle, they engage in a brief, but significant, dialogue. Paraphrase their discussion and explain the significance.
Scene 2: How does Macbeth react after the murder of Duncan? Use direct quotations to support your answer.
Scene 3: Malcolm and Donalbain reveal their distrust of those around them at the close of this scene. Discuss with direct reference to the play.
Scene 4: One of the sub-themes of Shakespeare's play is that of disorder or the disruption of the natural order. Discuss the numerous references to this theme during this brief scene.
- Define Symbolism
- What does the blood on their hands symbolize?
- Why is sleep a symbol of innocence?
- What is the significance of the words Macbeth hears when he kills Duncan?
Block C: We finished the play! Hooray! If you are reading this blog and didn't happen to listen in class - as all were a bit distracted at the end - the Act 5 questions are NOT for homework. I will give you time in class tomorrow to finish them. We will however have a quiz.
Block D: Nice work on the balcony scene today! Make a list or a chart of the similes and metaphors that you can find in 2.2
Monday, December 17, 2012
Magical Monday!
Block A: Fabulous work on the reading! Got to love that Lady Macbeth!!! There are 3 things to complete for tomorrow: The character sketch of Lady Macbeth, based on what she says, the T-chart of reasons for and against killing Duncan, use examples where appropriate and the third assignment is your Act 1 character response. See your assignment sheet for explanation.
Block C: Today I did a check of your 3 character responses so far - and then we read act 4. Here are the discussion questions for act 4:
1. Based on act 4 scene 1, how old would you guess Ferdinand to be? We know that Miranda is fifteen years old. Based on this, do you think Prospero is acting justly when he lectures them on chastity?
2. With a partner discuss and write your response. "We are such stuff / As dreams are made on," says Prospero in act 4, scene 1. What does he mean? What is he referring to? Is this soliloquy consistent with Prospero's character thus far?
3. Do you think that Prospero will take revenge on the men who wronged him? Why or why not?
4. What does Caliban begin to realize about Stephano at the end of Act 4? What did Caliban think of Stephano earlier in the play?
5. The beginning of this act, along with parts of the masque, concerns two of the plays key themes: the importance of self-control, and the conflict between reason and passion. In what ways has Prospero himself not always shown the complete self-control he praises? How might one achieve a balance between self-control and passion?
Block D: Great reading today! Please make sure that you are completing your responsibilities as a student and completing homework on time... Finish up the Act 1 study guide in preparation for the quiz tomorrow. In addition I will be doing a homework check on your first character response.
Block C: Today I did a check of your 3 character responses so far - and then we read act 4. Here are the discussion questions for act 4:
1. Based on act 4 scene 1, how old would you guess Ferdinand to be? We know that Miranda is fifteen years old. Based on this, do you think Prospero is acting justly when he lectures them on chastity?
2. With a partner discuss and write your response. "We are such stuff / As dreams are made on," says Prospero in act 4, scene 1. What does he mean? What is he referring to? Is this soliloquy consistent with Prospero's character thus far?
3. Do you think that Prospero will take revenge on the men who wronged him? Why or why not?
4. What does Caliban begin to realize about Stephano at the end of Act 4? What did Caliban think of Stephano earlier in the play?
5. The beginning of this act, along with parts of the masque, concerns two of the plays key themes: the importance of self-control, and the conflict between reason and passion. In what ways has Prospero himself not always shown the complete self-control he praises? How might one achieve a balance between self-control and passion?
Block D: Great reading today! Please make sure that you are completing your responsibilities as a student and completing homework on time... Finish up the Act 1 study guide in preparation for the quiz tomorrow. In addition I will be doing a homework check on your first character response.
Friday, December 14, 2012
The Friday before the last Friday...
Block A: Today we started reading Macbeth and I was very pleased with your participation! Keep it up! As review - make a list of the examples of paradox and allusions found in Act 1 scene 1 and Act 1 scene 2. For scene 2 create a written character sketch of Macbeth based on what others say of him - indirect characterization. And for scene 3 tell me what differs between how Banquo and Macbeth react to the vision and prophecies of the witches?
Block C: Sorry about the technical glitches today everyone!! Hopefully next week... In the mean time - please review Acts 1-3 and make sure all 3 character responses are done for Monday.
Block D: Great job with the reading today! Well done all!! Homework this weekend is to complete the vocabulary and the study guide up to and including Act 1 scene 4.
Block C: Sorry about the technical glitches today everyone!! Hopefully next week... In the mean time - please review Acts 1-3 and make sure all 3 character responses are done for Monday.
Block D: Great job with the reading today! Well done all!! Homework this weekend is to complete the vocabulary and the study guide up to and including Act 1 scene 4.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: Great start to Macbeth today! Can't wait to start reading tomorrow. No homework :)
Block C: We read Act 3 today and there will be a quiz on Acts 2-3 tomorrow. Here are the questions form Act 3:
Block C: We read Act 3 today and there will be a quiz on Acts 2-3 tomorrow. Here are the questions form Act 3:
- What is Prospero's goal in letting Miranda and Ferdinand get to know each other? What will Prospero gain by the arrangement?
- What plan does Caliban suggest for killing Prospero? What earlier scene does this echo?
- What terrible realization does Alonso have at the end of Act 3 about his conduct toward Prospero and what he believes to be Ferdinand's fate? What does he decide to do? How is nature involved in his realization?
- Caliban's speech that begins, "Be not afeared..." (3.2.130-138) is one of the best known in the play. Paraphrase the speech. Then evaluate it for what it reveals about Caliban as a character in the play and poetry.
Block D: Awesome choral reading today - you are all doing wonderfully with the play!! No homework tonight :)
Don't forget to hand in the good copy double-spaced of your multi-paragraph composition with all of the components tomorrow!!!
Don't forget to hand in the good copy double-spaced of your multi-paragraph composition with all of the components tomorrow!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: Phew! Great work on your essays today - take the evening off - and get ready for Macbeth tomorrow!
Block C: We finished up Act 2 today of The Tempest you could start on your character response or work on the discussion questions. Here are the questions from the overhead:
1. How would you describe the moods of Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio, and Sebastian during 2.1?
2. Where were the castaways going when they were shipwrecked? Why is Alonso Alonso especially unhappy?
3. What character speaks in verse in 2.2? Which characters in prose? Why might Shakespeare have made this distinction?
4. Based on what you learned in this act, which character would you call the villain of the play? Why? Support your answer with examples from the text.
5. As The Tempest begins, Antonio has overthrown Prospero, the legitimate ruler of Milan. Prospero himself admits early in the play that hew was an inattentive ruler. Is the overthrow of a legitimately chosen government ever acceptable? Refer back to the chosen 2-column chart you made, to remind yourself of what role a government plays in society.
Block D: Don't forget that all components of the composition are due on Friday. Today we were introduced to the world of Romeo and Juliet. Can't wait to get started with the reading!!! :)
Block C: We finished up Act 2 today of The Tempest you could start on your character response or work on the discussion questions. Here are the questions from the overhead:
1. How would you describe the moods of Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio, and Sebastian during 2.1?
2. Where were the castaways going when they were shipwrecked? Why is Alonso Alonso especially unhappy?
3. What character speaks in verse in 2.2? Which characters in prose? Why might Shakespeare have made this distinction?
4. Based on what you learned in this act, which character would you call the villain of the play? Why? Support your answer with examples from the text.
5. As The Tempest begins, Antonio has overthrown Prospero, the legitimate ruler of Milan. Prospero himself admits early in the play that hew was an inattentive ruler. Is the overthrow of a legitimately chosen government ever acceptable? Refer back to the chosen 2-column chart you made, to remind yourself of what role a government plays in society.
Block D: Don't forget that all components of the composition are due on Friday. Today we were introduced to the world of Romeo and Juliet. Can't wait to get started with the reading!!! :)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Tempestuous Tuesday!
See what I did there12s?
Block A: In-class essay tomorrow. Please come prepared to write. If you want extra time - you may start at lunch - there will be no extra time after school.
Block C: Today we continued with The Tempest I showed an example of what a character response might look like. In addition there were 5 questions from Act 1 that we will discuss tomorrow. Here are the questions:
1. How does Gonzalo behave during the storm? Antonio and Sebastian? What clues to their character do you get in this scene?
2. How did Ariel and Caliban come to be Prospero's servant? How do they feel about their status?
3. What is Prospero's emotional state at the end of Act 1? What might be the reason for it?
4. In what way are Miranda and Ferdinand like characters in a fairy tale? Why might Shakespeare have chosen to portray them in this way?
5. In the play, Miranda and Ferdinand fall in love immediately. Do you believe in "love at first sight" in real life? What are som dangers of falling in love so fast?
We started to read Act 2 as well - and we will continue tomorrow. Beware of those lions everyone!
Block D: Today was editing day! Self and peer editing of your multi-paragraph composition. The good copy (double-spaced) along with all other aspects of this assignment (see the criteria sheet if you're not sure what that means) are due on Friday.
Block A: In-class essay tomorrow. Please come prepared to write. If you want extra time - you may start at lunch - there will be no extra time after school.
Block C: Today we continued with The Tempest I showed an example of what a character response might look like. In addition there were 5 questions from Act 1 that we will discuss tomorrow. Here are the questions:
1. How does Gonzalo behave during the storm? Antonio and Sebastian? What clues to their character do you get in this scene?
2. How did Ariel and Caliban come to be Prospero's servant? How do they feel about their status?
3. What is Prospero's emotional state at the end of Act 1? What might be the reason for it?
4. In what way are Miranda and Ferdinand like characters in a fairy tale? Why might Shakespeare have chosen to portray them in this way?
5. In the play, Miranda and Ferdinand fall in love immediately. Do you believe in "love at first sight" in real life? What are som dangers of falling in love so fast?
We started to read Act 2 as well - and we will continue tomorrow. Beware of those lions everyone!
Block D: Today was editing day! Self and peer editing of your multi-paragraph composition. The good copy (double-spaced) along with all other aspects of this assignment (see the criteria sheet if you're not sure what that means) are due on Friday.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Marvelous Monday!
Block A: We will continue to prepare for our in-class essay on Wednesday. Point-form outline and novel are your only resources.
Block C: Great work reading Act 1 today - get started on your 1st character response.
Block D: Rough draft (double-spaced) is due tomorrow for peer editing!
Block C: Great work reading Act 1 today - get started on your 1st character response.
Block D: Rough draft (double-spaced) is due tomorrow for peer editing!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Well done all on your last survivor challenge! Congratulations to team Element Tree on your victory to be the ultimate LOTF challenge winners!!! There is no homework this weekend - we will start working on the essay on Monday.
Block C: Fun times today with the start of The Tempest your interpretations were awesome and I can't wait to read this play with you! Take the weekend to rest and relax and come ready to work on Monday!
Block D: Keep up the good work on your compositions 9s! Most of you got a great start on your double-spaced rough draft. If you didn't finish in class, please have the introduction and 1st body paragraph completed for Monday's class - you will have another writing block on Monday - so the entire rough draft will be due for peer editing on Tuesday.
Block C: Fun times today with the start of The Tempest your interpretations were awesome and I can't wait to read this play with you! Take the weekend to rest and relax and come ready to work on Monday!
Block D: Keep up the good work on your compositions 9s! Most of you got a great start on your double-spaced rough draft. If you didn't finish in class, please have the introduction and 1st body paragraph completed for Monday's class - you will have another writing block on Monday - so the entire rough draft will be due for peer editing on Tuesday.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thoughts on Thursday:
Block A: The downfall of Ralph's tribe, and the increase of Roger's cruelty... Lots of things to consider for the LAST chapter of our novel. Finish the book tonight and we will compete for all the marbles in the our last survivor challenge.
Block C: Phew!!! Deep breaths 12s! You did it - synthesis essay is DONE!! Enjoy the evening free of English homework - fun with Shakespeare starts tomorrow :)
Block D: Keep up the good work on your outlines - finish off the 2nd body paragraph and the conclusion for tomorrow.
Block C: Phew!!! Deep breaths 12s! You did it - synthesis essay is DONE!! Enjoy the evening free of English homework - fun with Shakespeare starts tomorrow :)
Block D: Keep up the good work on your outlines - finish off the 2nd body paragraph and the conclusion for tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: We are almost done!! Almost done the novel and almost done our Survivor Challenges!!! Great work on the symbolic glasses today - read chapter 11 for homework tonight.
Block C: Think synthesis people - some great progress made on your thesis statements today. Writing starts tomorrow - if you have a spare in block B you may come in 40 minutes before the end of class and start writing. If you don't have a spare - you can keep writing through lunch. Bring your point form outline, poem, short story and transitional words and phrases sheet. Good luck!
Block D: Wow I'm really impressed with the deep levels of thinking around the great poetry composition. Tonight - if not finished in class - complete the introduction and 1st body paragraph of your outline.
Block C: Think synthesis people - some great progress made on your thesis statements today. Writing starts tomorrow - if you have a spare in block B you may come in 40 minutes before the end of class and start writing. If you don't have a spare - you can keep writing through lunch. Bring your point form outline, poem, short story and transitional words and phrases sheet. Good luck!
Block D: Wow I'm really impressed with the deep levels of thinking around the great poetry composition. Tonight - if not finished in class - complete the introduction and 1st body paragraph of your outline.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Terrific Tuesday!
Block A: Some interesting menu choices today... Some more than others for sure... For homework tonight please read chapter 10 for tomorrow.
Block C: Today we started the synthesis essay process - work block tomorrow to prepare for the in-class essay on Thursday!
Block D: The multi-paragraph composition writing process continues tomorrow. The green S.I.F.T.T. sheet is due for class tomorrow.
Block C: Today we started the synthesis essay process - work block tomorrow to prepare for the in-class essay on Thursday!
Block D: The multi-paragraph composition writing process continues tomorrow. The green S.I.F.T.T. sheet is due for class tomorrow.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Monday Musings:
Block A: Great work on the power and control challenge today! Read chapter 9 for homework tonight.
Block C: Characterization poem and theme document need to be completed for tomorrow.
Block D: Today we started the process for the Great Poetry Writing Assignment. Here is where you are going to demonstrate all of your learning of poetry over these last few weeks. You will be attempting to explain what great poetry is, through the close examination of a poem that you think is great. For class tomorrow, you need to come prepared with a chosen poem. Copied or printed out. The poem needs to be at least 14 lines long.
Block C: Characterization poem and theme document need to be completed for tomorrow.
Block D: Today we started the process for the Great Poetry Writing Assignment. Here is where you are going to demonstrate all of your learning of poetry over these last few weeks. You will be attempting to explain what great poetry is, through the close examination of a poem that you think is great. For class tomorrow, you need to come prepared with a chosen poem. Copied or printed out. The poem needs to be at least 14 lines long.
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...