I hope everyone enjoyed this mornings Breakfast with Santa - congratulations to all who performed - and to Student Counsil for all of their hard work!!
Best wishes for a safe, happy holiday - and see you all in January!
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Last Thursday before Winter Break!
Block A: Today we watched Act 2 of Macbeth and started to read Act 3 - we only got to the end of scene 4 - we will finish Act 3 in January.
Bock C: Today we finished The Tempest!!! Well-done to all the readers today! I handed out the assignment for the final Tempest project. It is not required that you work on it over break - but I wanted you to have it so that you could at least start thinking about it. Here are the questions for Act 5:
1. What do you think of the ending of the play and the epilogue?
2. If you had written the play, would you have ended it differently? Explain your answer.
3. What ironic comment does Prospero make when Miranda marvels at the "brave new world" (5.1.186)? What do you think he means by this comment?
4. What significant gesture does Antonio not make at the end of the play? What might Shakespeare be saying about the power of art by this omission?
5. In many ways, Prospero is similar to a god. In other ways, he is not. List characteristics that make him seem both like and unlike a god. Then decide what Shakespeare thought about Prospero's godlike status. Use the evidence you list to support your position.
6. Prospero forgives all of the men who have wronged him, even those who have not repented. Was he right or wrong to forgive all of them? Previously, we discussed experiences about forgiveness. Apply your answer to real life. Under what circumstances should be convicted of crimes or paroled or pardoned?
Block D: Today we continued watching Act 2 of the movie Romeo and Juliet, then we joined with Mr. Mah's class for an awesome game of Pictionary. Congratulations to Mr. Mah's class for a hard fought game - well done!
Bock C: Today we finished The Tempest!!! Well-done to all the readers today! I handed out the assignment for the final Tempest project. It is not required that you work on it over break - but I wanted you to have it so that you could at least start thinking about it. Here are the questions for Act 5:
1. What do you think of the ending of the play and the epilogue?
2. If you had written the play, would you have ended it differently? Explain your answer.
3. What ironic comment does Prospero make when Miranda marvels at the "brave new world" (5.1.186)? What do you think he means by this comment?
4. What significant gesture does Antonio not make at the end of the play? What might Shakespeare be saying about the power of art by this omission?
5. In many ways, Prospero is similar to a god. In other ways, he is not. List characteristics that make him seem both like and unlike a god. Then decide what Shakespeare thought about Prospero's godlike status. Use the evidence you list to support your position.
6. Prospero forgives all of the men who have wronged him, even those who have not repented. Was he right or wrong to forgive all of them? Previously, we discussed experiences about forgiveness. Apply your answer to real life. Under what circumstances should be convicted of crimes or paroled or pardoned?
Block D: Today we continued watching Act 2 of the movie Romeo and Juliet, then we joined with Mr. Mah's class for an awesome game of Pictionary. Congratulations to Mr. Mah's class for a hard fought game - well done!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Last Wednesday before Winter Break!
Block A: Today we finished reading 2.4 of Macbeth, and completed the discussion questions on the act. The questions that were not completed in class were for homework, as well as act 2 headlines to cleverly sum up the action of each scene. Here are the questions from the overhead:
Scene 1
When Banquo and Macbeth meet in the courtyard of the castle, they engage in a brief, but significant, dialogue. Paraphrase their discussion and explain the significance.
Scene 2
How does Macbeth react after the murder of Duncan? Use direct quotations to support your answer.
Scene 3
Malcolm and Donalbain reveal their distrust of those around them at the close of this scene. Discuss with direct reference to the play.
Scene 4
One of the sub-themes of Shakespeare's play is that of disorder or the disruption of the natural order. Discuss the numerous references to this theme during this brief scene.
Block C: Today we reviewed the questions from Act 3 of The Tempest, and wrote a quiz. Then we had a work block to make further progress on the character responses for acts 3&4.
Block D: Today we Discussed the questions for the Act 2 study guide of Romeo and Juliet, then we wrote a quiz. We then started watching the movie version, which we will finish tomorrow. If you get a chance please bring craft supplies to class tomorrow for the mask project.
Scene 1
When Banquo and Macbeth meet in the courtyard of the castle, they engage in a brief, but significant, dialogue. Paraphrase their discussion and explain the significance.
Scene 2
How does Macbeth react after the murder of Duncan? Use direct quotations to support your answer.
Scene 3
Malcolm and Donalbain reveal their distrust of those around them at the close of this scene. Discuss with direct reference to the play.
Scene 4
One of the sub-themes of Shakespeare's play is that of disorder or the disruption of the natural order. Discuss the numerous references to this theme during this brief scene.
- Define symbolism
- What does the blood on their hands symbolize?
- Why is sleep a symbol of innocence?
- What is the significance of the words Macbeth hears when he kills Duncan?
Block C: Today we reviewed the questions from Act 3 of The Tempest, and wrote a quiz. Then we had a work block to make further progress on the character responses for acts 3&4.
Block D: Today we Discussed the questions for the Act 2 study guide of Romeo and Juliet, then we wrote a quiz. We then started watching the movie version, which we will finish tomorrow. If you get a chance please bring craft supplies to class tomorrow for the mask project.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Last Tuesday before Winter Break!
Block A: Today we finished watching the movie of Act 1 in Macbeth. Then we composed catchy headlines for each scene in the act. We then started to read Act 2 - we finished at 2.3 - review the action tonight in preparation for class tomorrow.
Block C: Today we reviewed the discussion questions for act 3 - and completed a quiz. Then we read Act 4 - and starte the discussion questions. Here they are:
1. Agree or Disagree: Prospero is a puppet master. Either justify this statement or argue against it. Use act 4, scene 1 as the anchor for your discussion. Consider if Prospero has the right to treat people, specifically his daughter this way.
2. Based on act 4, scene 1, how old would you guess Ferdinand to be? We know that Miranda is 15. Based on this, do you think Prospero is acting justly when he lectures them on chastity?
3. With a partner discuss and write your response. "We are such stuff / As dreams are made on," says Prospero act 4, scene 1. What does he mean? What is he referring to? Is this soliloquy consistent with Prospero's character thus far?
4. Do you think that Prospero will take revenge on the men who wronged him? Why or why not?
5. What does Caliban begin to realize about Stephano at the end of Act 4? What did Caliban think of Stephano earlier in the play?
6. The beginning of this act, along with parts of the masque, concerns two of the plays key themes: the importance of self-control, and the conflict between reason and passion. In what ways has Prospero himself not always shown the complete self-control he praises? How might one achieve a balance between self-control and passion?
Block D: Today we finished reading Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet, then we worked on the study guide. If you did not finish the study guide in class, then please complete it tonight in preparation for the quiz tomorrow.
Block C: Today we reviewed the discussion questions for act 3 - and completed a quiz. Then we read Act 4 - and starte the discussion questions. Here they are:
1. Agree or Disagree: Prospero is a puppet master. Either justify this statement or argue against it. Use act 4, scene 1 as the anchor for your discussion. Consider if Prospero has the right to treat people, specifically his daughter this way.
2. Based on act 4, scene 1, how old would you guess Ferdinand to be? We know that Miranda is 15. Based on this, do you think Prospero is acting justly when he lectures them on chastity?
3. With a partner discuss and write your response. "We are such stuff / As dreams are made on," says Prospero act 4, scene 1. What does he mean? What is he referring to? Is this soliloquy consistent with Prospero's character thus far?
4. Do you think that Prospero will take revenge on the men who wronged him? Why or why not?
5. What does Caliban begin to realize about Stephano at the end of Act 4? What did Caliban think of Stephano earlier in the play?
6. The beginning of this act, along with parts of the masque, concerns two of the plays key themes: the importance of self-control, and the conflict between reason and passion. In what ways has Prospero himself not always shown the complete self-control he praises? How might one achieve a balance between self-control and passion?
Block D: Today we finished reading Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet, then we worked on the study guide. If you did not finish the study guide in class, then please complete it tonight in preparation for the quiz tomorrow.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Last Monday before Winter Break!
Block A: Today we discussed the questions for 1.1-1.5 of Macbeth and we finished reading the rest of the act. Then we began watching the first act of the movie version - which we will finish up tomorrow.
Block C: Today we had a quiz on Act 2 of The Tempest, we read Act 3 and started the discussion questions from the overhead. Here are the questions:
1. What is Prospero's goal in letting Miranda and Ferdinand get to know each other? What will Prospero gain by the arrangement?
2. What plan does Caliban suggest for killing Prospero? What earlier scene does this echo?
3. What terrible realization does Alonso have at the end of Act 3 about his conduct toward Prospero and what he believes to be Ferdinand's fate? What does he decide to do? How is nature involved in his realization?
4. Caliban's speech that begins, "Be not afeared..." (3.2.130-138) is one of the best known in the play. Paraphrase the speech. Then evaluate it for what it reveals about Caliban as a character in the play and as poetry.
Block D: Today we wrote a quiz on Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet, then we continued reading Act 2. We will finish it up tomorrow and start working on the Act 2 study guide.
Block C: Today we had a quiz on Act 2 of The Tempest, we read Act 3 and started the discussion questions from the overhead. Here are the questions:
1. What is Prospero's goal in letting Miranda and Ferdinand get to know each other? What will Prospero gain by the arrangement?
2. What plan does Caliban suggest for killing Prospero? What earlier scene does this echo?
3. What terrible realization does Alonso have at the end of Act 3 about his conduct toward Prospero and what he believes to be Ferdinand's fate? What does he decide to do? How is nature involved in his realization?
4. Caliban's speech that begins, "Be not afeared..." (3.2.130-138) is one of the best known in the play. Paraphrase the speech. Then evaluate it for what it reveals about Caliban as a character in the play and as poetry.
Block D: Today we wrote a quiz on Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet, then we continued reading Act 2. We will finish it up tomorrow and start working on the Act 2 study guide.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Today we read Macbeth from 1.1-1.5. Here are the questions from the overhead:
Create a character sketch of Macbeth - not a drawing - but in point form, write about the kind of person Macbeth is according to those who speak about him.
Find examples of paradox and allusion in 1.1 and 1.2
Discuss Macbeth and Banquo's reactions to the prophecies. How do they differ? What can we infer about their characters?
What are the main events from this scene?
Focus on Lady Macbeth and her response to the letter.
What advice does she give to her husband? What does this tell us about her character? Find examples of simile and metaphor in 1.5
Block C: Today we read to the end of Act 2 of The Tempest. I will be doing a homework check on your Act 2 character response. Plus there will be a quiz on Act 2 on Monday.
Block D: Today we read up until midway through the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet Act 2 scene 2. Your homework over the weekend is to finish the study guide for Act 1 in preparation for the quiz on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!! Only one more week of classes until winter break!
Create a character sketch of Macbeth - not a drawing - but in point form, write about the kind of person Macbeth is according to those who speak about him.
Find examples of paradox and allusion in 1.1 and 1.2
Discuss Macbeth and Banquo's reactions to the prophecies. How do they differ? What can we infer about their characters?
What are the main events from this scene?
Focus on Lady Macbeth and her response to the letter.
What advice does she give to her husband? What does this tell us about her character? Find examples of simile and metaphor in 1.5
Block C: Today we read to the end of Act 2 of The Tempest. I will be doing a homework check on your Act 2 character response. Plus there will be a quiz on Act 2 on Monday.
Block D: Today we read up until midway through the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet Act 2 scene 2. Your homework over the weekend is to finish the study guide for Act 1 in preparation for the quiz on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!! Only one more week of classes until winter break!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Thespian Thursday!
Block A: Today we dove into the world of "The Scottish Play." Great reading so far everyone!! I'm excited to see what we can do!
Block C: The Tempest continues tomorrow. I will be doing a homework check at the beginning of class tomorrow to check the progress of your Act 1 character response.
Block D: Wonderful reading today of Romeo and Juliet! We finished reading the whole first act of the play - and we will work on the study guide tomorrow in class. There may be a quiz on this act tomorrow as well!!!
Block C: The Tempest continues tomorrow. I will be doing a homework check at the beginning of class tomorrow to check the progress of your Act 1 character response.
Block D: Wonderful reading today of Romeo and Juliet! We finished reading the whole first act of the play - and we will work on the study guide tomorrow in class. There may be a quiz on this act tomorrow as well!!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: Most people got their essays done in class today - those requiring more time can come in tomorrow at lunch.
Block C: The Tempest continues tomorrow - with our journey into Act 2. You will have some time to work on your Act 1 character response.
Block D: Good copy of your essay is due tomorrow... Hand in your good copy, rough draft, peer editing sheet, outline, and poems. Romeo and Juliet continues tomorrow!
Block C: The Tempest continues tomorrow - with our journey into Act 2. You will have some time to work on your Act 1 character response.
Block D: Good copy of your essay is due tomorrow... Hand in your good copy, rough draft, peer editing sheet, outline, and poems. Romeo and Juliet continues tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Oops Super Late Post on Tuesday :(
So sorry!!!
Block A: In-class essay tomorrow - come prepared with your novel and your POINT FORM outline. I'll be checking your outlines when we start.
Block C: Loved your first go at The Tempest today!! Get ready to put on your theatrical hat again tomorrow!
Block D: Good copy of your essay is due Thursday - Romeo and Juliet continues tomorrow!
Block A: In-class essay tomorrow - come prepared with your novel and your POINT FORM outline. I'll be checking your outlines when we start.
Block C: Loved your first go at The Tempest today!! Get ready to put on your theatrical hat again tomorrow!
Block D: Good copy of your essay is due Thursday - Romeo and Juliet continues tomorrow!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Masterful Monday!
Block A: Think over the 3 essay topics assigned today. You will have all class tomorrow to prepare your POINT FORM outline for Wednesday's essay.
Block C: Phew! Essay is done! On to The Tempest tomorrow!!!
Block D: Rough draft of your essay is due tomorrow for peer editing. Make sure it is double-spaced.
Block C: Phew! Essay is done! On to The Tempest tomorrow!!!
Block D: Rough draft of your essay is due tomorrow for peer editing. Make sure it is double-spaced.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Fruity Friday!
Block A: Great job on our final Survivor Challenge today. Congratulations to The Angry Squirrels for their strong competitive spirit that prevailed throughout the challenges to take home the championship today! But well done to all! There is no homework this weekend... although if you find yourself with some time on your hands then please - feel free to review essay writing as we will be starting the essay for Lord of the Flies on Monday.
Block C: You may come in during break to start your essay on Monday. Just a reminder that you may only have your story, the poem and your POINT FORM outline - this will be strictly enforced!
Block D: You MUST have your outline finished for Monday. You will get some time to work on your rough draft that is due on Tuesday.
Block C: You may come in during break to start your essay on Monday. Just a reminder that you may only have your story, the poem and your POINT FORM outline - this will be strictly enforced!
Block D: You MUST have your outline finished for Monday. You will get some time to work on your rough draft that is due on Tuesday.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Seeing Red Thursday:
Block A: For homework tonight - finish the book! We will have our final Survivor Challenge tomorrow. So be prepared! Today you were assigned an independent journal activity:
Choose 2 significant quotes from the novel so far. Discuss your personal reaction to the quote ie; why did you choose it, what do you like/dislike about it. Provide analysis - what does the quote mean, and explain the significance of the quote in relation to one of the major themes in the novel. Each response should be a full paragraph - at least 1/2 a page single spaced, or a full page double spaced.
Block C: Today we looked how how to write a comparative analysis aka the synthesis essay. I handed out the essay topics and outline. You will have a full class tomorrow to prepare for the essay on Monday. The outline MUST be in point form - you may have full sentences for your thesis and topic sentences. Everything else will be in point form, I will be checking your outlines on Monday when we have our in class essay - and if there are any other full sentences, I will take your outline away.
Block D: Keep thinking about your Great Poetry Essay tonight, and come prepared to start writing your rough draft tomorrow.
Choose 2 significant quotes from the novel so far. Discuss your personal reaction to the quote ie; why did you choose it, what do you like/dislike about it. Provide analysis - what does the quote mean, and explain the significance of the quote in relation to one of the major themes in the novel. Each response should be a full paragraph - at least 1/2 a page single spaced, or a full page double spaced.
Block C: Today we looked how how to write a comparative analysis aka the synthesis essay. I handed out the essay topics and outline. You will have a full class tomorrow to prepare for the essay on Monday. The outline MUST be in point form - you may have full sentences for your thesis and topic sentences. Everything else will be in point form, I will be checking your outlines on Monday when we have our in class essay - and if there are any other full sentences, I will take your outline away.
Block D: Keep thinking about your Great Poetry Essay tonight, and come prepared to start writing your rough draft tomorrow.
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...