I hope everyone enjoyed this mornings Breakfast with Santa - congratulations to all who performed - and to Student Counsil for all of their hard work!!
Best wishes for a safe, happy holiday - and see you all in January!
To seek, to strive, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Last Thursday before Winter Break!
Block A: Today we watched Act 2 of Macbeth and started to read Act 3 - we only got to the end of scene 4 - we will finish Act 3 in January.
Bock C: Today we finished The Tempest!!! Well-done to all the readers today! I handed out the assignment for the final Tempest project. It is not required that you work on it over break - but I wanted you to have it so that you could at least start thinking about it. Here are the questions for Act 5:
1. What do you think of the ending of the play and the epilogue?
2. If you had written the play, would you have ended it differently? Explain your answer.
3. What ironic comment does Prospero make when Miranda marvels at the "brave new world" (5.1.186)? What do you think he means by this comment?
4. What significant gesture does Antonio not make at the end of the play? What might Shakespeare be saying about the power of art by this omission?
5. In many ways, Prospero is similar to a god. In other ways, he is not. List characteristics that make him seem both like and unlike a god. Then decide what Shakespeare thought about Prospero's godlike status. Use the evidence you list to support your position.
6. Prospero forgives all of the men who have wronged him, even those who have not repented. Was he right or wrong to forgive all of them? Previously, we discussed experiences about forgiveness. Apply your answer to real life. Under what circumstances should be convicted of crimes or paroled or pardoned?
Block D: Today we continued watching Act 2 of the movie Romeo and Juliet, then we joined with Mr. Mah's class for an awesome game of Pictionary. Congratulations to Mr. Mah's class for a hard fought game - well done!
Bock C: Today we finished The Tempest!!! Well-done to all the readers today! I handed out the assignment for the final Tempest project. It is not required that you work on it over break - but I wanted you to have it so that you could at least start thinking about it. Here are the questions for Act 5:
1. What do you think of the ending of the play and the epilogue?
2. If you had written the play, would you have ended it differently? Explain your answer.
3. What ironic comment does Prospero make when Miranda marvels at the "brave new world" (5.1.186)? What do you think he means by this comment?
4. What significant gesture does Antonio not make at the end of the play? What might Shakespeare be saying about the power of art by this omission?
5. In many ways, Prospero is similar to a god. In other ways, he is not. List characteristics that make him seem both like and unlike a god. Then decide what Shakespeare thought about Prospero's godlike status. Use the evidence you list to support your position.
6. Prospero forgives all of the men who have wronged him, even those who have not repented. Was he right or wrong to forgive all of them? Previously, we discussed experiences about forgiveness. Apply your answer to real life. Under what circumstances should be convicted of crimes or paroled or pardoned?
Block D: Today we continued watching Act 2 of the movie Romeo and Juliet, then we joined with Mr. Mah's class for an awesome game of Pictionary. Congratulations to Mr. Mah's class for a hard fought game - well done!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Last Wednesday before Winter Break!
Block A: Today we finished reading 2.4 of Macbeth, and completed the discussion questions on the act. The questions that were not completed in class were for homework, as well as act 2 headlines to cleverly sum up the action of each scene. Here are the questions from the overhead:
Scene 1
When Banquo and Macbeth meet in the courtyard of the castle, they engage in a brief, but significant, dialogue. Paraphrase their discussion and explain the significance.
Scene 2
How does Macbeth react after the murder of Duncan? Use direct quotations to support your answer.
Scene 3
Malcolm and Donalbain reveal their distrust of those around them at the close of this scene. Discuss with direct reference to the play.
Scene 4
One of the sub-themes of Shakespeare's play is that of disorder or the disruption of the natural order. Discuss the numerous references to this theme during this brief scene.
Block C: Today we reviewed the questions from Act 3 of The Tempest, and wrote a quiz. Then we had a work block to make further progress on the character responses for acts 3&4.
Block D: Today we Discussed the questions for the Act 2 study guide of Romeo and Juliet, then we wrote a quiz. We then started watching the movie version, which we will finish tomorrow. If you get a chance please bring craft supplies to class tomorrow for the mask project.
Scene 1
When Banquo and Macbeth meet in the courtyard of the castle, they engage in a brief, but significant, dialogue. Paraphrase their discussion and explain the significance.
Scene 2
How does Macbeth react after the murder of Duncan? Use direct quotations to support your answer.
Scene 3
Malcolm and Donalbain reveal their distrust of those around them at the close of this scene. Discuss with direct reference to the play.
Scene 4
One of the sub-themes of Shakespeare's play is that of disorder or the disruption of the natural order. Discuss the numerous references to this theme during this brief scene.
- Define symbolism
- What does the blood on their hands symbolize?
- Why is sleep a symbol of innocence?
- What is the significance of the words Macbeth hears when he kills Duncan?
Block C: Today we reviewed the questions from Act 3 of The Tempest, and wrote a quiz. Then we had a work block to make further progress on the character responses for acts 3&4.
Block D: Today we Discussed the questions for the Act 2 study guide of Romeo and Juliet, then we wrote a quiz. We then started watching the movie version, which we will finish tomorrow. If you get a chance please bring craft supplies to class tomorrow for the mask project.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Last Tuesday before Winter Break!
Block A: Today we finished watching the movie of Act 1 in Macbeth. Then we composed catchy headlines for each scene in the act. We then started to read Act 2 - we finished at 2.3 - review the action tonight in preparation for class tomorrow.
Block C: Today we reviewed the discussion questions for act 3 - and completed a quiz. Then we read Act 4 - and starte the discussion questions. Here they are:
1. Agree or Disagree: Prospero is a puppet master. Either justify this statement or argue against it. Use act 4, scene 1 as the anchor for your discussion. Consider if Prospero has the right to treat people, specifically his daughter this way.
2. Based on act 4, scene 1, how old would you guess Ferdinand to be? We know that Miranda is 15. Based on this, do you think Prospero is acting justly when he lectures them on chastity?
3. With a partner discuss and write your response. "We are such stuff / As dreams are made on," says Prospero act 4, scene 1. What does he mean? What is he referring to? Is this soliloquy consistent with Prospero's character thus far?
4. Do you think that Prospero will take revenge on the men who wronged him? Why or why not?
5. What does Caliban begin to realize about Stephano at the end of Act 4? What did Caliban think of Stephano earlier in the play?
6. The beginning of this act, along with parts of the masque, concerns two of the plays key themes: the importance of self-control, and the conflict between reason and passion. In what ways has Prospero himself not always shown the complete self-control he praises? How might one achieve a balance between self-control and passion?
Block D: Today we finished reading Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet, then we worked on the study guide. If you did not finish the study guide in class, then please complete it tonight in preparation for the quiz tomorrow.
Block C: Today we reviewed the discussion questions for act 3 - and completed a quiz. Then we read Act 4 - and starte the discussion questions. Here they are:
1. Agree or Disagree: Prospero is a puppet master. Either justify this statement or argue against it. Use act 4, scene 1 as the anchor for your discussion. Consider if Prospero has the right to treat people, specifically his daughter this way.
2. Based on act 4, scene 1, how old would you guess Ferdinand to be? We know that Miranda is 15. Based on this, do you think Prospero is acting justly when he lectures them on chastity?
3. With a partner discuss and write your response. "We are such stuff / As dreams are made on," says Prospero act 4, scene 1. What does he mean? What is he referring to? Is this soliloquy consistent with Prospero's character thus far?
4. Do you think that Prospero will take revenge on the men who wronged him? Why or why not?
5. What does Caliban begin to realize about Stephano at the end of Act 4? What did Caliban think of Stephano earlier in the play?
6. The beginning of this act, along with parts of the masque, concerns two of the plays key themes: the importance of self-control, and the conflict between reason and passion. In what ways has Prospero himself not always shown the complete self-control he praises? How might one achieve a balance between self-control and passion?
Block D: Today we finished reading Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet, then we worked on the study guide. If you did not finish the study guide in class, then please complete it tonight in preparation for the quiz tomorrow.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Last Monday before Winter Break!
Block A: Today we discussed the questions for 1.1-1.5 of Macbeth and we finished reading the rest of the act. Then we began watching the first act of the movie version - which we will finish up tomorrow.
Block C: Today we had a quiz on Act 2 of The Tempest, we read Act 3 and started the discussion questions from the overhead. Here are the questions:
1. What is Prospero's goal in letting Miranda and Ferdinand get to know each other? What will Prospero gain by the arrangement?
2. What plan does Caliban suggest for killing Prospero? What earlier scene does this echo?
3. What terrible realization does Alonso have at the end of Act 3 about his conduct toward Prospero and what he believes to be Ferdinand's fate? What does he decide to do? How is nature involved in his realization?
4. Caliban's speech that begins, "Be not afeared..." (3.2.130-138) is one of the best known in the play. Paraphrase the speech. Then evaluate it for what it reveals about Caliban as a character in the play and as poetry.
Block D: Today we wrote a quiz on Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet, then we continued reading Act 2. We will finish it up tomorrow and start working on the Act 2 study guide.
Block C: Today we had a quiz on Act 2 of The Tempest, we read Act 3 and started the discussion questions from the overhead. Here are the questions:
1. What is Prospero's goal in letting Miranda and Ferdinand get to know each other? What will Prospero gain by the arrangement?
2. What plan does Caliban suggest for killing Prospero? What earlier scene does this echo?
3. What terrible realization does Alonso have at the end of Act 3 about his conduct toward Prospero and what he believes to be Ferdinand's fate? What does he decide to do? How is nature involved in his realization?
4. Caliban's speech that begins, "Be not afeared..." (3.2.130-138) is one of the best known in the play. Paraphrase the speech. Then evaluate it for what it reveals about Caliban as a character in the play and as poetry.
Block D: Today we wrote a quiz on Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet, then we continued reading Act 2. We will finish it up tomorrow and start working on the Act 2 study guide.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Today we read Macbeth from 1.1-1.5. Here are the questions from the overhead:
Create a character sketch of Macbeth - not a drawing - but in point form, write about the kind of person Macbeth is according to those who speak about him.
Find examples of paradox and allusion in 1.1 and 1.2
Discuss Macbeth and Banquo's reactions to the prophecies. How do they differ? What can we infer about their characters?
What are the main events from this scene?
Focus on Lady Macbeth and her response to the letter.
What advice does she give to her husband? What does this tell us about her character? Find examples of simile and metaphor in 1.5
Block C: Today we read to the end of Act 2 of The Tempest. I will be doing a homework check on your Act 2 character response. Plus there will be a quiz on Act 2 on Monday.
Block D: Today we read up until midway through the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet Act 2 scene 2. Your homework over the weekend is to finish the study guide for Act 1 in preparation for the quiz on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!! Only one more week of classes until winter break!
Create a character sketch of Macbeth - not a drawing - but in point form, write about the kind of person Macbeth is according to those who speak about him.
Find examples of paradox and allusion in 1.1 and 1.2
Discuss Macbeth and Banquo's reactions to the prophecies. How do they differ? What can we infer about their characters?
What are the main events from this scene?
Focus on Lady Macbeth and her response to the letter.
What advice does she give to her husband? What does this tell us about her character? Find examples of simile and metaphor in 1.5
Block C: Today we read to the end of Act 2 of The Tempest. I will be doing a homework check on your Act 2 character response. Plus there will be a quiz on Act 2 on Monday.
Block D: Today we read up until midway through the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet Act 2 scene 2. Your homework over the weekend is to finish the study guide for Act 1 in preparation for the quiz on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!! Only one more week of classes until winter break!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Thespian Thursday!
Block A: Today we dove into the world of "The Scottish Play." Great reading so far everyone!! I'm excited to see what we can do!
Block C: The Tempest continues tomorrow. I will be doing a homework check at the beginning of class tomorrow to check the progress of your Act 1 character response.
Block D: Wonderful reading today of Romeo and Juliet! We finished reading the whole first act of the play - and we will work on the study guide tomorrow in class. There may be a quiz on this act tomorrow as well!!!
Block C: The Tempest continues tomorrow. I will be doing a homework check at the beginning of class tomorrow to check the progress of your Act 1 character response.
Block D: Wonderful reading today of Romeo and Juliet! We finished reading the whole first act of the play - and we will work on the study guide tomorrow in class. There may be a quiz on this act tomorrow as well!!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: Most people got their essays done in class today - those requiring more time can come in tomorrow at lunch.
Block C: The Tempest continues tomorrow - with our journey into Act 2. You will have some time to work on your Act 1 character response.
Block D: Good copy of your essay is due tomorrow... Hand in your good copy, rough draft, peer editing sheet, outline, and poems. Romeo and Juliet continues tomorrow!
Block C: The Tempest continues tomorrow - with our journey into Act 2. You will have some time to work on your Act 1 character response.
Block D: Good copy of your essay is due tomorrow... Hand in your good copy, rough draft, peer editing sheet, outline, and poems. Romeo and Juliet continues tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Oops Super Late Post on Tuesday :(
So sorry!!!
Block A: In-class essay tomorrow - come prepared with your novel and your POINT FORM outline. I'll be checking your outlines when we start.
Block C: Loved your first go at The Tempest today!! Get ready to put on your theatrical hat again tomorrow!
Block D: Good copy of your essay is due Thursday - Romeo and Juliet continues tomorrow!
Block A: In-class essay tomorrow - come prepared with your novel and your POINT FORM outline. I'll be checking your outlines when we start.
Block C: Loved your first go at The Tempest today!! Get ready to put on your theatrical hat again tomorrow!
Block D: Good copy of your essay is due Thursday - Romeo and Juliet continues tomorrow!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Masterful Monday!
Block A: Think over the 3 essay topics assigned today. You will have all class tomorrow to prepare your POINT FORM outline for Wednesday's essay.
Block C: Phew! Essay is done! On to The Tempest tomorrow!!!
Block D: Rough draft of your essay is due tomorrow for peer editing. Make sure it is double-spaced.
Block C: Phew! Essay is done! On to The Tempest tomorrow!!!
Block D: Rough draft of your essay is due tomorrow for peer editing. Make sure it is double-spaced.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Fruity Friday!
Block A: Great job on our final Survivor Challenge today. Congratulations to The Angry Squirrels for their strong competitive spirit that prevailed throughout the challenges to take home the championship today! But well done to all! There is no homework this weekend... although if you find yourself with some time on your hands then please - feel free to review essay writing as we will be starting the essay for Lord of the Flies on Monday.
Block C: You may come in during break to start your essay on Monday. Just a reminder that you may only have your story, the poem and your POINT FORM outline - this will be strictly enforced!
Block D: You MUST have your outline finished for Monday. You will get some time to work on your rough draft that is due on Tuesday.
Block C: You may come in during break to start your essay on Monday. Just a reminder that you may only have your story, the poem and your POINT FORM outline - this will be strictly enforced!
Block D: You MUST have your outline finished for Monday. You will get some time to work on your rough draft that is due on Tuesday.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Seeing Red Thursday:
Block A: For homework tonight - finish the book! We will have our final Survivor Challenge tomorrow. So be prepared! Today you were assigned an independent journal activity:
Choose 2 significant quotes from the novel so far. Discuss your personal reaction to the quote ie; why did you choose it, what do you like/dislike about it. Provide analysis - what does the quote mean, and explain the significance of the quote in relation to one of the major themes in the novel. Each response should be a full paragraph - at least 1/2 a page single spaced, or a full page double spaced.
Block C: Today we looked how how to write a comparative analysis aka the synthesis essay. I handed out the essay topics and outline. You will have a full class tomorrow to prepare for the essay on Monday. The outline MUST be in point form - you may have full sentences for your thesis and topic sentences. Everything else will be in point form, I will be checking your outlines on Monday when we have our in class essay - and if there are any other full sentences, I will take your outline away.
Block D: Keep thinking about your Great Poetry Essay tonight, and come prepared to start writing your rough draft tomorrow.
Choose 2 significant quotes from the novel so far. Discuss your personal reaction to the quote ie; why did you choose it, what do you like/dislike about it. Provide analysis - what does the quote mean, and explain the significance of the quote in relation to one of the major themes in the novel. Each response should be a full paragraph - at least 1/2 a page single spaced, or a full page double spaced.
Block C: Today we looked how how to write a comparative analysis aka the synthesis essay. I handed out the essay topics and outline. You will have a full class tomorrow to prepare for the essay on Monday. The outline MUST be in point form - you may have full sentences for your thesis and topic sentences. Everything else will be in point form, I will be checking your outlines on Monday when we have our in class essay - and if there are any other full sentences, I will take your outline away.
Block D: Keep thinking about your Great Poetry Essay tonight, and come prepared to start writing your rough draft tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: Please read and complete your sticky notes for chapter 11 of Lord of the Flies.
Block C: Your characterization poem for "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and your motivation creative writing piece is due tomorrow.
Block D: If you did not have your introduction and first body paragraph check by me yesterday - I would like to see them at the beginning of class tomorrow. We will continue with the outline of the 2nd body paragraph tomorrow.
Block C: Your characterization poem for "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and your motivation creative writing piece is due tomorrow.
Block D: If you did not have your introduction and first body paragraph check by me yesterday - I would like to see them at the beginning of class tomorrow. We will continue with the outline of the 2nd body paragraph tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Blue and Gold Tuesday!
Good luck to both the senior boys and senior girls basketball teams tonight in your home openers!!! For those not partaking in the evening festivities.... how about some homework?!
Block A: No reading tonight - go and support your teams!
Block C: Today in class we discussed our various reactions to the short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find." Then the task was assigned, the instructions for which you will find below. Don't panic though, it is not due until Thursday.
Goal: to demonstrate your understanding of characterization in the construction of a short story.
Task: write an original poem about the character of the grandmother in Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find."
Block A: No reading tonight - go and support your teams!
Block C: Today in class we discussed our various reactions to the short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find." Then the task was assigned, the instructions for which you will find below. Don't panic though, it is not due until Thursday.
Goal: to demonstrate your understanding of characterization in the construction of a short story.
Task: write an original poem about the character of the grandmother in Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find."
- Must be at least 17 lines
- Must use phrases - and or words found directly from the story (but is NOT a found poem)
- Must clearly capture the essence of your interpretation of the grandmother's character.
Block D: If you didn't finish it in class, then please complete the introductory paragraph on your "Great Poetry Essay" outline. We will continue the body paragraphs tomorrow.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Fabulous Friday!
I hope you all have a wonderful and restful 3-day weekend! It is spirit week next week - so make sure you wear your blue and gold on Tuesday!
Block A: Read and complete your sticky notes for chapter 10 in preparation for Survivor Challenge #7.
Block C: Today we read the story "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and completed the reading response questions. If you were unable to finish the questions, please do so for homework and be prepared to discuss the story on Tuesday.
Block D: Your found poem with collage, and depth of meaning poem with reflection are due on Tuesday. Please ensure that you have your blue criteria sheet to hand in along with your poems.
Block A: Read and complete your sticky notes for chapter 10 in preparation for Survivor Challenge #7.
Block C: Today we read the story "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and completed the reading response questions. If you were unable to finish the questions, please do so for homework and be prepared to discuss the story on Tuesday.
Block D: Your found poem with collage, and depth of meaning poem with reflection are due on Tuesday. Please ensure that you have your blue criteria sheet to hand in along with your poems.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
SLSS and the Blustery Day!
Block A: Read and complete your sticky notes for chapter 9.
Block C: If you did not finish the creative writing task for the art school photo - then please complete it tonight. Also read the "Characterization" section of the photocopied pages from The Art of the Short Story. We will begin our new story tomorrow.
Block D: Your found poem and collage are due on Tuesday, as is the depth of meaning poem and its reflection.
Block C: If you did not finish the creative writing task for the art school photo - then please complete it tonight. Also read the "Characterization" section of the photocopied pages from The Art of the Short Story. We will begin our new story tomorrow.
Block D: Your found poem and collage are due on Tuesday, as is the depth of meaning poem and its reflection.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Wednesday Work:
Block A: Read chapter 8 of Lord of the Flies and complete your sticky notes in preparation for the challenge tomorrow. We will be reading out some of our sticky notes in class - so make sure they are good ones!
Block C: Finish the paragraph response for "Barbie-Q." You are examining the author's choice of point of view, and the impact it has on the reader.
Block D: Think about the two poems you are writing in class right now: the found poem, and the depth of meaning poem. Bring in any materials you might need to enhance the visual component of the found poem, you will have time to work on both poems tomorrow.
Block C: Finish the paragraph response for "Barbie-Q." You are examining the author's choice of point of view, and the impact it has on the reader.
Block D: Think about the two poems you are writing in class right now: the found poem, and the depth of meaning poem. Bring in any materials you might need to enhance the visual component of the found poem, you will have time to work on both poems tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Back to normal Tuesday:
Glad you all survived my absence yesterday! Here is the work you need to have done for tomorrow.
Block A: Read chapter 7 of Lord of the Flies and complete your sticky notes.
Block C: Finish the response questions for "Barbie-Q," and be ready to discuss them tomorrow in class.
Block D: Bring all materials for your found poem and your depth of meaning poem. You will have a work block tomorrow to being putting together your work.
Block A: Read chapter 7 of Lord of the Flies and complete your sticky notes.
Block C: Finish the response questions for "Barbie-Q," and be ready to discuss them tomorrow in class.
Block D: Bring all materials for your found poem and your depth of meaning poem. You will have a work block tomorrow to being putting together your work.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Great work tribes on your Survivor Challenge #4! Your painted faces looked amazing!! Your homework over the weekend is to read chapter 5 and complete your sticky notes.
Block C: After reading and analyzing "The Yellow Wallpaper" and "The Tell Tale Heart," your task is to write a journal response of about 1-2 paragraphs comparing the settings of Poe's "The Tell Tale Heart" and Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper." Discuss the role setting plays in the construction of both short stories. Due on Monday.
Block D: Choose a poetic sounding passage from your current silent reading novel, or another novel of your choice. Write down the passage in full - with all the same punctuation - and record the source - author, title and page number. Bring this passage to class on Monday to begin the found poem process.
Block C: After reading and analyzing "The Yellow Wallpaper" and "The Tell Tale Heart," your task is to write a journal response of about 1-2 paragraphs comparing the settings of Poe's "The Tell Tale Heart" and Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper." Discuss the role setting plays in the construction of both short stories. Due on Monday.
Block D: Choose a poetic sounding passage from your current silent reading novel, or another novel of your choice. Write down the passage in full - with all the same punctuation - and record the source - author, title and page number. Bring this passage to class on Monday to begin the found poem process.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thoughts for Thursday:
Block A: Please read chapter 4 and complete your sticky notes in preparation for Survivor Challenge #4.
Block C: Read and complete the guided reading questions for "The Yellow Wallpaper" Come prepared to discuss the story tomorrow.
Block D: You'll be posting your haiku tomorrow, and we will go over the cliche handout from the end of class today.
Block C: Read and complete the guided reading questions for "The Yellow Wallpaper" Come prepared to discuss the story tomorrow.
Block D: You'll be posting your haiku tomorrow, and we will go over the cliche handout from the end of class today.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Windy Wet Wednesday:
Block A: Read and complete your sticky notes for chapter 3 in preparation for Survivor Challenge #3. You will have some time to complete your work from today if possible, as well I will be returning your essays.
Block C: Complete the work for "The Tell-Tale Heart" for class tomorrow. I will be collecting the plot line, the questions from The Simpsons and the reflection. After reading Forster's quote: "The king died and then the queen died is a story. The king died, and then the queen died of grief is a plot." Create a concise response to the lesson's key question: why is the "plot" essential to the construction of a short story?
Block D: The good copy of your short story is due tomorrow. Make sure that you have your story package, your rough draft, your peer editing sheet, and good copy ready to be handed in tomorrow.
Your haiku for the wall is due on Friday.
Block C: Complete the work for "The Tell-Tale Heart" for class tomorrow. I will be collecting the plot line, the questions from The Simpsons and the reflection. After reading Forster's quote: "The king died and then the queen died is a story. The king died, and then the queen died of grief is a plot." Create a concise response to the lesson's key question: why is the "plot" essential to the construction of a short story?
Block D: The good copy of your short story is due tomorrow. Make sure that you have your story package, your rough draft, your peer editing sheet, and good copy ready to be handed in tomorrow.
Your haiku for the wall is due on Friday.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Tasks for Tuesday:
Sorry for a later than usual post!
Block A: Great work on Challenge #2! Your islands look amazing! Read and complete your sticky notes for chapter 2 for class tomorrow.
Block C: Your homework tonight is "The Tell-Tale Heart" task: Create an accurate plot diagram for "The Tell-Tale Heart."
- must clearly identify the inciting incident and climax
- must justify the reason for identifying that moment as inciting incident and climax
- must identify the cause-and-effect relationship of the plot - meaning explain how one event leads into the next.
Block D: Continue writing your haiku. Choose one to make awesome and post in our class. The good copy of your short story is due on Thursday.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Magical Monday
Block A: We have officially begun our Survivor Challenges for Lord of the Flies. Today you took notes on the reading strategies that you will be expected to use throughout the rest of the unit. Your homework for tonight is to read chapter 1 of the novel and complete 4 sticky notes. If you do not complete your sticky notes - you will not be allowed to participate in Challenge #2.
Block C: Today we finished up our poetry presentations - many thanks to all for your hard work interpreting your poems. We started our short story unit today thinking about multiple interpretations. For homework tonight - you will be brainstorming as many different interpretations for possible stories as you can to the photo shown in class. From that list choose 2 that you like and develop a short story "pitch" for what the story would be about. Imagine you had someone in the elevator and you had 5 floors to tell them about your idea - that's all the writing you need to do. I'll be collecting these tomorrow.
Block D: Great work on the revision of your own work today. I will give you some time tomorrow for peer editing, so please come to class with a fresh copy of your story to get some feedback on. We will start our poetry journey once that is done.
Block C: Today we finished up our poetry presentations - many thanks to all for your hard work interpreting your poems. We started our short story unit today thinking about multiple interpretations. For homework tonight - you will be brainstorming as many different interpretations for possible stories as you can to the photo shown in class. From that list choose 2 that you like and develop a short story "pitch" for what the story would be about. Imagine you had someone in the elevator and you had 5 floors to tell them about your idea - that's all the writing you need to do. I'll be collecting these tomorrow.
Block D: Great work on the revision of your own work today. I will give you some time tomorrow for peer editing, so please come to class with a fresh copy of your story to get some feedback on. We will start our poetry journey once that is done.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Lest We Forget
A well deserved 3 day weekend to all - and while you are enjoying the time off - why not do some homework?!
Block A: No homework! Survivor Challenge starts on Monday - think about how you want to organize your tribes.
Block C: Your poetry project is due on Monday!!! Can't wait to see what you have all been working on!
Block D: The rough draft of your short story is due on Monday - so please bring a copy to class that is ready to be peer edited!
Block A: No homework! Survivor Challenge starts on Monday - think about how you want to organize your tribes.
Block C: Your poetry project is due on Monday!!! Can't wait to see what you have all been working on!
Block D: The rough draft of your short story is due on Monday - so please bring a copy to class that is ready to be peer edited!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Karma-chameleon Wednesday!
Block A: Yay!!! Poetry critique is finished! No homework tonight - we start our super fun novel study tomorrow! Volunteers will be coming around to class tomorrow to collect donations for the Poppy Fund - so please bring a donation if you can.
Block C: Great work on the presentations so far. The Remembrance Day Assembly will be in our block tomorrow, but we will have 2 presentations when we finish those. Have a copy of your concrete poem ready to be posted on Monday.
Block D: The rough draft of your short story is due on Monday - please bring whatever materials you need to work on it in class tomorrow.
Block C: Great work on the presentations so far. The Remembrance Day Assembly will be in our block tomorrow, but we will have 2 presentations when we finish those. Have a copy of your concrete poem ready to be posted on Monday.
Block D: The rough draft of your short story is due on Monday - please bring whatever materials you need to work on it in class tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Take it or Leave it Tuesday:
Block A: You will have your in-class poetry critique tomorrow. Remember that all you will be able to bring into class is your annotated poem. Three paragraphs - an intro with a TAG sentence, your analysis with citations, and finally your personal reaction of the poem.
Block C: Presentations start tomorrow! Rehearse your analysis - and come prepared to wow us!
Block D: We will continue writing the rough draft of your short story in class tomorrow. The rough draft is due on Monday. Make sure you double-space!!!
Block C: Presentations start tomorrow! Rehearse your analysis - and come prepared to wow us!
Block D: We will continue writing the rough draft of your short story in class tomorrow. The rough draft is due on Monday. Make sure you double-space!!!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Just Another Manic Monday!
Sorry the post is late today - really busy!
Block A: You should study the notes on writing a poetry critique - and how to annotate poetry. You will be given time in class to continue prepping for your in-class writing assignment on Wednesday.
Block C: The countdown in on until it is time to present your poetry analysis! You will have one last work block tomorrow to prepare.
Block D: If you are able to complete your story board for tomorrow then please do - there will be some time provided in class to complete it if necessary.
Block A: You should study the notes on writing a poetry critique - and how to annotate poetry. You will be given time in class to continue prepping for your in-class writing assignment on Wednesday.
Block C: The countdown in on until it is time to present your poetry analysis! You will have one last work block tomorrow to prepare.
Block D: If you are able to complete your story board for tomorrow then please do - there will be some time provided in class to complete it if necessary.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Your poetry book is due on Monday - make sure that you edit carefully - decorate thoughtfully - and create a works cited page with precise detail!
Block C: Your poetry project is now due on Monday Nov. 14. However your oral analysis presentations are still happening on Wed. You will have work blocks on Monday and Tuesday to get your work done.
Block D: Complete your "Penny in the Dust" questions. I will be collecting all 5 story maps and 4 short story tasks on Monday. Think about ideas for your own original short story over the weekend, and we will be starting the process of writing on Monday.
Enjoy the weekend everyone! Don't forget to turn your clocks back before you go to bed on Saturday night!
Block C: Your poetry project is now due on Monday Nov. 14. However your oral analysis presentations are still happening on Wed. You will have work blocks on Monday and Tuesday to get your work done.
Block D: Complete your "Penny in the Dust" questions. I will be collecting all 5 story maps and 4 short story tasks on Monday. Think about ideas for your own original short story over the weekend, and we will be starting the process of writing on Monday.
Enjoy the weekend everyone! Don't forget to turn your clocks back before you go to bed on Saturday night!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Thorough Thursday:
Block A: For tomorrow, aim to have your one page double-spaced criteria of what makes poetry worth stopping for. In addition try to see if you can explain each of your poem choices and how each poem (including your own) meets your criteria. Your peer editor will be looking for clarity of ideas, and explanation in addition to writing mechanics. The finished project is due on Monday.
Block C: Keep working on your poetry project - you should be getting your anonymous poem approved pretty soon... In addition, you now have an oral presentation on the poem that you've chosen - begin your analysis and start thinking about how you are going to present this to the class.
Block D: If you did not finish your Audio Themes worksheet in class today - them make sure it is finished and ready to hand in tomorrow with the lyrics attached. Also I will be doing a homework check on your story map for "Penny in the Dust." Make sure to answer the question: who did what to whom and why.
Block C: Keep working on your poetry project - you should be getting your anonymous poem approved pretty soon... In addition, you now have an oral presentation on the poem that you've chosen - begin your analysis and start thinking about how you are going to present this to the class.
Block D: If you did not finish your Audio Themes worksheet in class today - them make sure it is finished and ready to hand in tomorrow with the lyrics attached. Also I will be doing a homework check on your story map for "Penny in the Dust." Make sure to answer the question: who did what to whom and why.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: Keep working on your poetry book. You will have tomorrow to start writing your criteria, so make sure you bring all necessary materials to class.
Block C: You are to work through a practice TP-CASTT poetry analysis on a poem of your choice for tomorrow. You had the option to complete it in point form, the only full sentence needs to be about theme. Remember that theme is the message the author is trying to say about life, and what it means to be human.
Block D: Hope you all had a great day at work today! Just a reminder to have your theme statements finished for tomorrow, as well as your popular themes worksheet. Don't forget to bring your song lyrics to class.
Block C: You are to work through a practice TP-CASTT poetry analysis on a poem of your choice for tomorrow. You had the option to complete it in point form, the only full sentence needs to be about theme. Remember that theme is the message the author is trying to say about life, and what it means to be human.
Block D: Hope you all had a great day at work today! Just a reminder to have your theme statements finished for tomorrow, as well as your popular themes worksheet. Don't forget to bring your song lyrics to class.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Terrific Tuesday!
Block A: Keep working on your poetry book. It is due on Monday Nov. 7 - so you should have your poems chosen by now and you should be starting to think about your own poem and criteria.
Block C: Today we finished up contrast - and tomorrow we will be starting formal poetry analysis. For tonight, you should be working on your ongoing poetry project.
Block D: If you did not finish your theme statements for the stories we have read so far - then please do so tonight. In addition you have the worksheet on popular themes. Choose 2 and draw cartoons showing what those themes mean to you.
Block C: Today we finished up contrast - and tomorrow we will be starting formal poetry analysis. For tonight, you should be working on your ongoing poetry project.
Block D: If you did not finish your theme statements for the stories we have read so far - then please do so tonight. In addition you have the worksheet on popular themes. Choose 2 and draw cartoons showing what those themes mean to you.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Moaning Monday...
Happy Halloween Everyone - BE SAFE TONIGHT!!!! Actually when you think about it, you are much better off staying inside and doing some homework, so here it is:
Block A: Print off and bring in the poems you have collected so far for your book. We will be starting to write the criteria tomorrow.
Block C: We looked at contrasting devices today and were looking for examples of contrast as well as writing our own.
Block D: Finish writing your improved theme statements, and your setting/mood worksheet. Print, or copy out clean lyrics to a song you like and bring them to class tomorrow.
Block A: Print off and bring in the poems you have collected so far for your book. We will be starting to write the criteria tomorrow.
Block C: We looked at contrasting devices today and were looking for examples of contrast as well as writing our own.
Block D: Finish writing your improved theme statements, and your setting/mood worksheet. Print, or copy out clean lyrics to a song you like and bring them to class tomorrow.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Today we completed our poetry reading challenge on Robert Frosts' "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." Once you completed your questions, I asked you to summarize your understanding of the poem in 1-2 sentences. Homework for the weekend is to study for the quiz on poetry terms, and keep searching for your poems worth stopping for.
Block C: Today we assessed Billy Collins' use of comparison devices in the poem "Introduction to Poetry." We answered the questions: How does Collins use these devices to extend, enrich, or qualify the literal meaning of the text? Was he successful?
Once that was completed we completed the following task:
Goal: To demonstrate that you understand how writers use literary devices purposefully to extend, enrich, or qualify the literal meaning of text.
Task: Write a poem that makes use of at least three of these devices from our previous lesson. Highlight your use of these devices and then briefly explain how you hope they extend, enrich, or qualify the literal meaning of the text.
Then we went back to the beginning for the final reflection: Take a moment to reflect on the two poems you read yesterday and today, "Television" and "Introduction to Poetry." What do they have in common in terms of message? How does each poem use figurative comparison to get that idea across? Once you've completed your reflection, create a concise response to the lesson's key question: how can figurative comparison between two objects add to the literal meaning of a text?
Block D: For homework this weekend - write 3 setting haikus on "August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains"
Have a safe weekend - and I'm looking forward to seeing you all in your costumes on Monday!
Block C: Today we assessed Billy Collins' use of comparison devices in the poem "Introduction to Poetry." We answered the questions: How does Collins use these devices to extend, enrich, or qualify the literal meaning of the text? Was he successful?
Once that was completed we completed the following task:
Goal: To demonstrate that you understand how writers use literary devices purposefully to extend, enrich, or qualify the literal meaning of text.
Task: Write a poem that makes use of at least three of these devices from our previous lesson. Highlight your use of these devices and then briefly explain how you hope they extend, enrich, or qualify the literal meaning of the text.
Then we went back to the beginning for the final reflection: Take a moment to reflect on the two poems you read yesterday and today, "Television" and "Introduction to Poetry." What do they have in common in terms of message? How does each poem use figurative comparison to get that idea across? Once you've completed your reflection, create a concise response to the lesson's key question: how can figurative comparison between two objects add to the literal meaning of a text?
Block D: For homework this weekend - write 3 setting haikus on "August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains"
Have a safe weekend - and I'm looking forward to seeing you all in your costumes on Monday!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Thoughts for Thursday!
Block A: Study your blue sheet of poetry terminology for the quiz on Monday. Also please start choosing and printing off your poems for your poetry book.
Block C: You need to get started on your ongoing poetry project. Completing the lessons and the tasks.
Block D: I will be doing a homework check on your two cinquain character poems tomorrow.
Enjoy the sunshine!
Block C: You need to get started on your ongoing poetry project. Completing the lessons and the tasks.
Block D: I will be doing a homework check on your two cinquain character poems tomorrow.
Enjoy the sunshine!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesday Work:
Block A: Study your poetry terms, and complete the crossword - I'll be doing a homework check tomorrow.
Block C: Complete your 2 reflections - 1 on the performance and the 2nd on the key question of the lesson: what impact does the sound of the words in a text have on the reader?
Block D: No homework! Enjoy your evening!
Block C: Complete your 2 reflections - 1 on the performance and the 2nd on the key question of the lesson: what impact does the sound of the words in a text have on the reader?
Block D: No homework! Enjoy your evening!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Dance, dance Tuesday!
Block A: No homework!
Block C: No homework!
Block D: Finish your letter of advice 3/4 of a page to the father in the story, about how he can fix his relationship with his son.
Have a great time at the dance tonight - be safe and have fun!
Block C: No homework!
Block D: Finish your letter of advice 3/4 of a page to the father in the story, about how he can fix his relationship with his son.
Have a great time at the dance tonight - be safe and have fun!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Terrific Tuesday!
Block A: If you did not finish the worksheet on incorporating quotations - then please hand it in tomorrow. Keep working on your draft the rough copy is due on Thursday.
Block C: The rough draft of your literary analysis essay is due tomorrow! Make sure you bring your essay - double-spaced please!
Block D: Presentations tomorrow! I'll open the classroom early for those who want to get organized.
Block C: The rough draft of your literary analysis essay is due tomorrow! Make sure you bring your essay - double-spaced please!
Block D: Presentations tomorrow! I'll open the classroom early for those who want to get organized.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Marvellous Monday!
Block A: Please print off your research for your essay and bring it to class tomorrow. In addition, if you did not finish the worksheet on incorporating quotations please have that finished and ready to hand in tomorrow.
Block C: Aim to have your outline finished tomorrow - the rough draft of your essay is due on Wednesday for peer editing.
Block D: Print off and bring any bits and pieces you need for your lit circle final project - so that you and your group can work together to put the final product together. Also you will need to spend some time tomorrow preparing the 2 minute talk sharing your project with the class on Wednesday.
Block C: Aim to have your outline finished tomorrow - the rough draft of your essay is due on Wednesday for peer editing.
Block D: Print off and bring any bits and pieces you need for your lit circle final project - so that you and your group can work together to put the final product together. Also you will need to spend some time tomorrow preparing the 2 minute talk sharing your project with the class on Wednesday.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Outlines and research for your essay are due on Monday.
Block C: Your visual/verbal essay is due on Monday. Rough draft of literary analysis essay is due on Wednesday.
Block D: You are responsible for your sections of your lit circle project. You will have some time on Monday - not the whole block and all of Tuesday to put it together.
Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the sunshine!
Block C: Your visual/verbal essay is due on Monday. Rough draft of literary analysis essay is due on Wednesday.
Block D: You are responsible for your sections of your lit circle project. You will have some time on Monday - not the whole block and all of Tuesday to put it together.
Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the sunshine!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Sun-shiny Thursday!
Block A: Review the possible essay topics - and think about how you would like narrow then down into an argument - we shall continue our essay journey tomorrow.
Block C: Bring all materials that you will need for your verbal visual essay - as you will have a work block to put it all together.
Block D: Keep in contact with your group to make sure that you have the tasks completed for the work block tomorrow.
Block C: Bring all materials that you will need for your verbal visual essay - as you will have a work block to put it all together.
Block D: Keep in contact with your group to make sure that you have the tasks completed for the work block tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: The good copy of your short story is due tomorrow! If you didn't finish your sentence variety worksheet - please hand in it first thing tomorrow.
Block C: The last set of journals for your novel are due tomorrow. We will be reviewing Literary Analysis essay writing tomorrow.
Block D: The outline of your descriptive paragraph is due tomorrow. Not the rough draft - just the outline.
Block C: The last set of journals for your novel are due tomorrow. We will be reviewing Literary Analysis essay writing tomorrow.
Block D: The outline of your descriptive paragraph is due tomorrow. Not the rough draft - just the outline.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Turkey left-over Tuesday!
Block A: Good work editing short stories today! The good copy will be due on Thursday. Tomorrow we will be starting essay writing! :)
Block C: Your last set of journals is due on Thursday - so you should be working on your personal responses to get feedback from your group tomorrow.
Block D: We had our last group meeting today - some groups are already working on their final project - for the rest I'll hand it out on Thursday - tomorrow your rough draft of your narrative paragraph is due. We will be starting descriptive paragraphs tomorrow!
Block C: Your last set of journals is due on Thursday - so you should be working on your personal responses to get feedback from your group tomorrow.
Block D: We had our last group meeting today - some groups are already working on their final project - for the rest I'll hand it out on Thursday - tomorrow your rough draft of your narrative paragraph is due. We will be starting descriptive paragraphs tomorrow!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Make sure that you have a double-spaced rough draft of your short story ready to be peer edited on Tuesday!
Block C: For Tuesday, make sure your book is done and that you are starting on your last set of journals - as they will be due on Thursday. You will have some time on Wednesday to work on your group responses. Also you should be thinking about topics for your verbal/visual essay.
Block D: Your novel needs to be finished on Tuesday! For the groups that are done - I will be handing out the options for the final project.
Enjoy the three day weekend! I for one, am thankful to all of you, for making my classes so awesome!
Block C: For Tuesday, make sure your book is done and that you are starting on your last set of journals - as they will be due on Thursday. You will have some time on Wednesday to work on your group responses. Also you should be thinking about topics for your verbal/visual essay.
Block D: Your novel needs to be finished on Tuesday! For the groups that are done - I will be handing out the options for the final project.
Enjoy the three day weekend! I for one, am thankful to all of you, for making my classes so awesome!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Thoughtful Thursday
Block A: Because I am the kindest and most understanding teacher on the planet - you all have an extension on the rough draft of your short story - which will now be due after the long weekend on Tuesday Oct. 11.
Block C: If you need extra time to work on the Archetypes - you will have time in class tomorrow. In addition I'll be handing out and explaining the verbal visual essay component for this unit.
Block D: Homework for tonight is to complete the rough draft of your persuasive paragraph. Some groups are already finished their novels - and others will have one more meeting. For those who still have another meeting make sure you finish your book for Tuesday!
Block C: If you need extra time to work on the Archetypes - you will have time in class tomorrow. In addition I'll be handing out and explaining the verbal visual essay component for this unit.
Block D: Homework for tonight is to complete the rough draft of your persuasive paragraph. Some groups are already finished their novels - and others will have one more meeting. For those who still have another meeting make sure you finish your book for Tuesday!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Work for Wednesday!
Block A: Keep working on your short story drafts - you will get more time tomorrow in class - but remember that the rough draft is due on Friday for peer editing.
Block C: Make sure that you have your reading done for the meeting tomorrow and that you hand in your 4 completed journals.
Block D: Have your reading done for tomorrow. The rough draft of your persuasive paragraph is due on Friday.
Block C: Make sure that you have your reading done for the meeting tomorrow and that you hand in your 4 completed journals.
Block D: Have your reading done for tomorrow. The rough draft of your persuasive paragraph is due on Friday.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Totally Tuesday:
Block A: Keep working on your plot lines for your short story. You will have class time to work on it, but keep in mind that the double-spaced draft is due on Friday - ready to be peer edited.
Block C: You get a bonus day to continue working on your journals. You will have time in class to finish up your group discussions, and also get further feedback on your personal responses. Your second set of 4 journals is due on Thursday.
Block D: Please keep up with your reading. We will continue working on persuasive paragraphs tomorrow in class.
Block C: You get a bonus day to continue working on your journals. You will have time in class to finish up your group discussions, and also get further feedback on your personal responses. Your second set of 4 journals is due on Thursday.
Block D: Please keep up with your reading. We will continue working on persuasive paragraphs tomorrow in class.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Mellow Monday
Block A: If you did not get your short story proposal signed by me in class today - make sure you run it past me first thing tomorrow!
Block C: You should be working on your personal responses for your journals in preparation to share with your group. You will also get some extra time to finish the task of the day if you did not get a chance to finish it in class.
Block D: Make sure you have your reading done for tomorrow's meeting. We will have more class time on Wednesday to finish the persuasive paragraph outline.
Block C: You should be working on your personal responses for your journals in preparation to share with your group. You will also get some extra time to finish the task of the day if you did not get a chance to finish it in class.
Block D: Make sure you have your reading done for tomorrow's meeting. We will have more class time on Wednesday to finish the persuasive paragraph outline.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Fabulous Friday!
Block A: Think about ideas for your short story - your proposal is due sometime before the end of class on Monday.
Block C: Keep up with your reading for the meeting on Monday. You should also be thinking about quotes and personal responses for your journals - as the next set of entries is due on Wednesday.
Block D: If you have not finished the rough draft of your expository paragraph, it is due on Monday. Make sure that you are keeping up with your reading in preparation for Tuesday's meeting.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Block C: Keep up with your reading for the meeting on Monday. You should also be thinking about quotes and personal responses for your journals - as the next set of entries is due on Wednesday.
Block D: If you have not finished the rough draft of your expository paragraph, it is due on Monday. Make sure that you are keeping up with your reading in preparation for Tuesday's meeting.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Fire Drill Thursday!
Block A: The questions for "Boys and Girls" are NOT due tomorrow. However if you would like to complete the questions, you can find full-text versions of the story online.
Block C: You will have time in class to complete your Task of the Day tomorrow.
Block D: Make sure you have your reading done for the meeting tomorrow. In addition, you should have 2 completed journals ready to hand in at the beginning of class.
Block C: You will have time in class to complete your Task of the Day tomorrow.
Block D: Make sure you have your reading done for the meeting tomorrow. In addition, you should have 2 completed journals ready to hand in at the beginning of class.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
No rain = less leaking on this Wednesday!
Block A: Presentations are finished!!! Great job everyone - for tonight complete your reflection on the group project. We will be completing the short story "Boys and Girls" and the questions in class tomorrow. Start thinking about which genre you would like to write your story in as well.
Block C: I am SO pleased with the level of analysis and discussion today! Wonderful work sharing your journal responses. Remember that the first set of 4 journals is due tomorrow. Also have please complete your sticky notes and reading for the meeting tomorrow.
Block D: I will be giving you some time tomorrow to meet in your groups and complete your journal discussions. We will learn about the next sticky note task tomorrow.
Block C: I am SO pleased with the level of analysis and discussion today! Wonderful work sharing your journal responses. Remember that the first set of 4 journals is due tomorrow. Also have please complete your sticky notes and reading for the meeting tomorrow.
Block D: I will be giving you some time tomorrow to meet in your groups and complete your journal discussions. We will learn about the next sticky note task tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
A lot of noise from the roof Tuesday... hopefully that is a good sign!
Block A: Thanks to the two groups who presented today - we have 2 more presentations tomorrow then we will finish up "Boys and Girls" the Alice Munro short story we started today.
Block C: A great first meeting today - you will have time in class tomorrow to work on your first set of journals that are due on Thursday. You will also need to complete the reading for your next meeting on Thursday.
Block D: Continue your reading and sticky notes for the meeting tomorrow.
Block C: A great first meeting today - you will have time in class tomorrow to work on your first set of journals that are due on Thursday. You will also need to complete the reading for your next meeting on Thursday.
Block D: Continue your reading and sticky notes for the meeting tomorrow.
Monday, September 26, 2011
More water is falling from my ceiling Monday...
Block A: Great job to those groups who presented today - we will be continuing on with presentations tomorrow - along with a short story activity.
Block C: In preparation for your first group meeting tomorrow - make sure your reading and sticky notes are done - in addition you should have 2 of your personal responses complete and ready to share.
Block D: You should start your next section of reading. You will need to look for great quotes as your next sticky note task. Please have 2 personal responses done for Wednesday's meeting.
Block C: In preparation for your first group meeting tomorrow - make sure your reading and sticky notes are done - in addition you should have 2 of your personal responses complete and ready to share.
Block D: You should start your next section of reading. You will need to look for great quotes as your next sticky note task. Please have 2 personal responses done for Wednesday's meeting.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Oh no! There is a leak in my ceiling Thursday!
Block A: Now that your terminology check in is over and done with, you can concentrate all of your energies on creating wonderful, informative and entertaining presentations which start on Monday.
Block C: Your response to The Matrix is due on Monday. In addition you should start your reading and use of sticky note reading strategies. I will be reviewing some of the terminology that I expect you to use on a regular basis when discussing and writing about your novels, then you will have time in class to begin working on your first set of dialectical journals.
Block D: You need to complete the reading for Mondays group meeting - remember you are looking for symbolism in your novel. In addition I will be collecting your two journal responses.
Have a great three day weekend everyone! Hopefully the leak will be fixed by Monday!!
Block C: Your response to The Matrix is due on Monday. In addition you should start your reading and use of sticky note reading strategies. I will be reviewing some of the terminology that I expect you to use on a regular basis when discussing and writing about your novels, then you will have time in class to begin working on your first set of dialectical journals.
Block D: You need to complete the reading for Mondays group meeting - remember you are looking for symbolism in your novel. In addition I will be collecting your two journal responses.
Have a great three day weekend everyone! Hopefully the leak will be fixed by Monday!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wonderful Wednesday!
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminology - for the knowledge check in tomorrow.
Block C: The journal response to The Matrix is due on Monday - see your handout for the prompt.
Below are the 8 novel choices for our unit. Read through them all, then email me your top THREE choices to nmatsuzaki@sd38.bc.ca or leave your picks in the comments section below. Please indicate the title only - no need to include the author. You will have until 9:00 tonight to post your preferences, or else I will put you in a group.
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
This novel is about a family struggling for survival during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Beautifully written, this novel takes the reader on a journey across The United States, facing many obstacles as the family seeks work in California. If you enjoy the writing of Steinbeck and his masterful use of language this book is for you.
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Stark and bleak is the world of 1984. Big Brother (a term coined by Orwell) has the ability to control and spy on all citizens. This novel is about one mans struggle for survival in a frightening world controlled by the Big Brother regiem. If you like to read about satire, in distopic settings and with some sci-fi undertones this book is for you.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
A moving and heartbreaking story of survival, friendship and political struggle in Afghanistan. This book spans decades of conflict in a complicated country. If you have ever wanted to learn more about the background to the conflict in Afghanistan this book is for you! This story does contain graphic depictions of violence - so if you feel that you don't want to read about that - then don't choose it!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I LOVE this book! Jane is a poor orphaned girl, left in the care of a neglectful aunt, and a cruel cousin. In order to make a living she becomes the governess for a girl in the mysterious Thornfield Hall, where she meets the equally mysterious and tortured Mr. Rochester. This story is not only a romance, but also the triumph of the individual to overcome obstacles to truly know oneself. A wonderful read.
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Those of you who have read Chaucer will recognize the intertextuality in the title to The Canterbury Tales. This is Atwood's response to Orwell's 1984. Atwood's distopic society is a world where the rights of women have been decimated to the point where they no longer have control over their own bodies and are forced to bare children for the wealthy. This story does contain strong language, and sexual references - so please don't choose it if you are concerned about that. This novel is poetic and political so if that appeals to you then this might be your book.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Love, hate, revenge and intrigue. This novel is set in the 1920s - the age of Jazz. The narrator takes a summer house beside the wealthy, extravagant and mysterious Jay Gatsby. Soon the narrator finds himself caught up in a world where appearances can sometimes be deceiving.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The original monster story. Dr. Frankenstein sets out to create life - but in doing so he breaks the natural order of things, the consequences of which have lasting and damaging effects. There are elements of horror in this story - but not really graphic or bloody - it is poetic in nature, and will push you to understand life and humanity in ways not previously thought.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Set in the future, this distopic novel is about a society where people are classified and ranked at birth. Based upon your rank - you are designated certain jobs and certain partners in life. Freedom is limited, but there are those who don't believe and those who wish to seek a world where these kind of restrictions don't exist. A challenging read - but certainly shares some interesting intertextuality with The Matrix.
Once again, choose 3 titles and write your choices in an email to me or in the comments below by 9:00. No promises that you'll get your top pick but I'll do my best!
Block D: Great second meeting today - I can already tell that you've taken the feedback from the first meeting and continues on. Your next reading task is on symbolism. On your notes make a column for the symbol, and a column for the meaning. These sticky notes will be connected to the next task of the day. Your 2 journal responses are due on Monday.
Block C: The journal response to The Matrix is due on Monday - see your handout for the prompt.
Below are the 8 novel choices for our unit. Read through them all, then email me your top THREE choices to nmatsuzaki@sd38.bc.ca or leave your picks in the comments section below. Please indicate the title only - no need to include the author. You will have until 9:00 tonight to post your preferences, or else I will put you in a group.
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
This novel is about a family struggling for survival during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Beautifully written, this novel takes the reader on a journey across The United States, facing many obstacles as the family seeks work in California. If you enjoy the writing of Steinbeck and his masterful use of language this book is for you.
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Stark and bleak is the world of 1984. Big Brother (a term coined by Orwell) has the ability to control and spy on all citizens. This novel is about one mans struggle for survival in a frightening world controlled by the Big Brother regiem. If you like to read about satire, in distopic settings and with some sci-fi undertones this book is for you.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
A moving and heartbreaking story of survival, friendship and political struggle in Afghanistan. This book spans decades of conflict in a complicated country. If you have ever wanted to learn more about the background to the conflict in Afghanistan this book is for you! This story does contain graphic depictions of violence - so if you feel that you don't want to read about that - then don't choose it!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I LOVE this book! Jane is a poor orphaned girl, left in the care of a neglectful aunt, and a cruel cousin. In order to make a living she becomes the governess for a girl in the mysterious Thornfield Hall, where she meets the equally mysterious and tortured Mr. Rochester. This story is not only a romance, but also the triumph of the individual to overcome obstacles to truly know oneself. A wonderful read.
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Those of you who have read Chaucer will recognize the intertextuality in the title to The Canterbury Tales. This is Atwood's response to Orwell's 1984. Atwood's distopic society is a world where the rights of women have been decimated to the point where they no longer have control over their own bodies and are forced to bare children for the wealthy. This story does contain strong language, and sexual references - so please don't choose it if you are concerned about that. This novel is poetic and political so if that appeals to you then this might be your book.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Love, hate, revenge and intrigue. This novel is set in the 1920s - the age of Jazz. The narrator takes a summer house beside the wealthy, extravagant and mysterious Jay Gatsby. Soon the narrator finds himself caught up in a world where appearances can sometimes be deceiving.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The original monster story. Dr. Frankenstein sets out to create life - but in doing so he breaks the natural order of things, the consequences of which have lasting and damaging effects. There are elements of horror in this story - but not really graphic or bloody - it is poetic in nature, and will push you to understand life and humanity in ways not previously thought.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Set in the future, this distopic novel is about a society where people are classified and ranked at birth. Based upon your rank - you are designated certain jobs and certain partners in life. Freedom is limited, but there are those who don't believe and those who wish to seek a world where these kind of restrictions don't exist. A challenging read - but certainly shares some interesting intertextuality with The Matrix.
Once again, choose 3 titles and write your choices in an email to me or in the comments below by 9:00. No promises that you'll get your top pick but I'll do my best!
Block D: Great second meeting today - I can already tell that you've taken the feedback from the first meeting and continues on. Your next reading task is on symbolism. On your notes make a column for the symbol, and a column for the meaning. These sticky notes will be connected to the next task of the day. Your 2 journal responses are due on Monday.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Terrific Tuesday!
Block A: Continue working on your genre presentations, and study your short story terminology. We will be signing up for our presentation time slots tomorrow.
Block C: The good copy of your transformational narrative is due tomorrow, make sure you hand in: your brainstorm, map, rough draft, blue peer editing sheet, good copy and pink criteria sheet. Also continue your investigation into illusion vs. reality and the intertextuality of The Matrix. We will finish the movie tomorrow - and begin your journal response to the movie as outlined on the handout.
Block D: As I was walking around - I was noticing some GREAT work on your journals! I'm looking forward to our 2nd group meeting tomorrow to see what kind of rich discussions we will have about our novels and the 3 themes of identity, isolation and survival. Please have at least 1 of your personal responses done for the meeting tomorrow, but 2 would be great!
Block C: The good copy of your transformational narrative is due tomorrow, make sure you hand in: your brainstorm, map, rough draft, blue peer editing sheet, good copy and pink criteria sheet. Also continue your investigation into illusion vs. reality and the intertextuality of The Matrix. We will finish the movie tomorrow - and begin your journal response to the movie as outlined on the handout.
Block D: As I was walking around - I was noticing some GREAT work on your journals! I'm looking forward to our 2nd group meeting tomorrow to see what kind of rich discussions we will have about our novels and the 3 themes of identity, isolation and survival. Please have at least 1 of your personal responses done for the meeting tomorrow, but 2 would be great!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Marvellous Monday!
Block A: Continue working on your short story genre project. Bring all necessary materials to class in order to make the most of this time you are being given. There will be some sort of knowledge check in of short story terminology from the blue sheet on Thursday - so please study for that! Presentations will start NEXT Monday!
Block C: The good copy of your transformational narrative is due on Wednesday - make sure you hand in the brainstorm, map, rough draft, peer editing sheet, good copy and pink criteria sheet.
Block D: Great work on your first Lit Circle meetings today! I will be giving you time tomorrow to read in class - but if you think you need a head start, then please do! Today you looked up, and recorded the definitions for the 3 key themes of all of our novels: isolation, identity and survival. Keeping those definitions in mind, you are to record (on your sticky notes) any instances of connections, visuals and/or any of the other reading strategies that we have been practicing for Wednesday's meeting. I will be checking your notes - so please do a diligent job.
Block C: The good copy of your transformational narrative is due on Wednesday - make sure you hand in the brainstorm, map, rough draft, peer editing sheet, good copy and pink criteria sheet.
Block D: Great work on your first Lit Circle meetings today! I will be giving you time tomorrow to read in class - but if you think you need a head start, then please do! Today you looked up, and recorded the definitions for the 3 key themes of all of our novels: isolation, identity and survival. Keeping those definitions in mind, you are to record (on your sticky notes) any instances of connections, visuals and/or any of the other reading strategies that we have been practicing for Wednesday's meeting. I will be checking your notes - so please do a diligent job.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Finally Friday!
Block A: Continue working and gathering information and research to make yourself an expert in your genre. We will continue working on the project on Monday - please bring any material that will enhance your productivity to class.
Block C: The rough draft of your transformational narrative is due on Monday for peer editing. Today we watched this TED talk. Afterwards you were asked to write an informal response to the video. I will be marking for level of insight, thought, analysis and ability to show your understanding. Here are the questions from the overhead:
Block C: The rough draft of your transformational narrative is due on Monday for peer editing. Today we watched this TED talk. Afterwards you were asked to write an informal response to the video. I will be marking for level of insight, thought, analysis and ability to show your understanding. Here are the questions from the overhead:
How can WE change the world?
Write a page or two response to the TED talk by Jane McGonigal. In your response address the following questions:
1. Elaborate on your reaction to the talk
a. Do you agree - explain why you think she might be on to something
b. If you disagree - explain why you have this opinion, try to be specific - avoid speaking in generalizations
c. Would you ever consider playing any of the games she mentions? Why or why not?
2. In what ways do you think that change is possible?
3. What role do video games play in our lives? What are the benefits and the drawbacks of using more and more technology?
4. What can we do today to change the world?
Block D: We have our first lit circle meeting on Monday - make sure you have your reading done and your stickies complete - ready to be a contributing member of the group! I will also be doing a binder check to see that you have all of your dividers with your notes organized!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thoughtful Thursday!
Block A: Finish the 7 questions for the short story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding." I will collect them at the beginning of class. Remember that we are going to be in the library tomorrow - please come to class first to hand in your homework and take attendance.
Block C: There will be some time tomorrow to work on your transformational narrative but not the whole block. The rough draft is due for peer editing on Monday.
Block D: No homework for tomorrow - although we will have a binder check on Monday - along with our first group meeting, so make sure you have your reading and your sticky notes done!
Block C: There will be some time tomorrow to work on your transformational narrative but not the whole block. The rough draft is due for peer editing on Monday.
Block D: No homework for tomorrow - although we will have a binder check on Monday - along with our first group meeting, so make sure you have your reading and your sticky notes done!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Work for Wednesday:
Block A: Study your short story terminology and your plot line handouts from class today - as there will some sort of knowledge detection in class next week. We will be choosing our groups for the short story group project so come prepared to sort yourselves out tomorrow. We are going to be in the library on Friday and Monday.
Block C: I will give a short refresher on how to incorporate dialogue into your transformational narrative at the beginning of class tomorrow - then I will give you the rest of the block to continue working on the first draft of your narrative.
Block D: Finish reading "The Necklace" and make sure to mark up the text using the sticky notes and the reading strategies we learned about in class today.
Block C: I will give a short refresher on how to incorporate dialogue into your transformational narrative at the beginning of class tomorrow - then I will give you the rest of the block to continue working on the first draft of your narrative.
Block D: Finish reading "The Necklace" and make sure to mark up the text using the sticky notes and the reading strategies we learned about in class today.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tasks for Tuesday:
Block A: We will be starting our journey into short stories tomorrow - so I want you to think way back to grade 10 and everything that you learned last year. Plus think about 3-4 people that you would like to work with for your short story project - choose wisely - you will be getting marked both individually and as a group.
Block C: I will be checking the map of your transformational narrative first thing tomorrow - make sure that you have completed all of the sections.
Block D: You will need 5 dividers for your binder this semester in English - organization is the key to success so start off your semester right by getting in the habit of keeping your work organized early. The five sections for your binder are:
- Short Stories
- Writing
- Novel Studies
- Drama
- Poetry
- Notes *
- Homework *
- Returned Assignments *
*These three are optional if you choose to have 8 dividers
Friday, September 9, 2011
Fantastic Friday!
Weekend work for all classes:
- Make sure that the coloured letter is signed and handed in on Monday
- Your collage is due on Monday - please make sure that you hand it in with the criteria sheet attached.
Get out this weekend and enjoy the sunshine while we have it! We have to take advantage of these nice days - because we all know that the rain is coming sometime soon!!!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Thriving Thursday!
Homework for ALL blocks A, C, and D:
- Bring a silent reading novel from home if you have one. If not, you may borrow one for use in class from my classroom library.
- Please have the coloured letter completed and signed by Monday.
- Bring any images, quotes, pictures, drawings or phrases that you would like to use to enhance your collage - it is due along with the criteria sheet on Monday.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Welcome to the 2011/2012 School Year!!!
This is IT! The start to a great first semester. My apologies for the late posting - I was having some Internet issues!!!
Block A: We will have time in class tomorrow to work on your letter to me as we only had a few minutes to work on it.
Block C: Some of you were able to finish your letter - but not all - so we will have some time in class to complete it, while the rest of the class starts the first assignment.
Block D: I got a lot of letters today - but for those of you who didn't finish - here are the questions:
Part A: Explain to me a little bit about you. What kinds of things do you like doing outside of school? Do you belong to clubs or sports teams? Anything that will help to give me a better picture of who you are.
Part B: What do you expect to get out of my class? What makes a good teacher? What expectations do you have of me as your teacher?
Part C: Tell me about the kind of student you are. Do you hate to be called on in front of class? Do you sometimes need extra help? Do you need help keeping your work organized? Extra reminders about homework and due dates?
Part D: Think seriously about who would be a good person for you to sit near in order to benefit your learning. I'll take your reasons into consideration when I make my seating plan tonight. You must provide a good reason - s/he's my bff is not a good reason! You may also tell me who you think you might need some space from - with a good reason, for example: I am easily distracted by......... and I want to do better academically this semester. I'm not making any promises - but I'll do the best I can.
In your letter feel free to include anything else you think might be helpful for me to know about you.
Block A: We will have time in class tomorrow to work on your letter to me as we only had a few minutes to work on it.
Block C: Some of you were able to finish your letter - but not all - so we will have some time in class to complete it, while the rest of the class starts the first assignment.
Block D: I got a lot of letters today - but for those of you who didn't finish - here are the questions:
Part A: Explain to me a little bit about you. What kinds of things do you like doing outside of school? Do you belong to clubs or sports teams? Anything that will help to give me a better picture of who you are.
Part B: What do you expect to get out of my class? What makes a good teacher? What expectations do you have of me as your teacher?
Part C: Tell me about the kind of student you are. Do you hate to be called on in front of class? Do you sometimes need extra help? Do you need help keeping your work organized? Extra reminders about homework and due dates?
Part D: Think seriously about who would be a good person for you to sit near in order to benefit your learning. I'll take your reasons into consideration when I make my seating plan tonight. You must provide a good reason - s/he's my bff is not a good reason! You may also tell me who you think you might need some space from - with a good reason, for example: I am easily distracted by......... and I want to do better academically this semester. I'm not making any promises - but I'll do the best I can.
In your letter feel free to include anything else you think might be helpful for me to know about you.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Last Blog Post of the Year!!!
Block A: We have an optional provincial exam study group on Tuesday June 21st at 1:00
Block B: If you would like to learn your final mark before report cards - stop by my room sometime on June 21st and I should have your Macbeth synthesis essays marked.
Block C: Your provincial exam is on Monday June 27 - make sure you are there early as the exam STARTS at 9:00 that means be there ny 8:45.
Block C: We have an optional provincial exam study group on Monday June 20th at 1:00
It has been a pleasure to teach each and every one of you this semester. If I don't see you in the next couple of weeks have a wonderful and safe summer!!!
Block B: If you would like to learn your final mark before report cards - stop by my room sometime on June 21st and I should have your Macbeth synthesis essays marked.
Block C: Your provincial exam is on Monday June 27 - make sure you are there early as the exam STARTS at 9:00 that means be there ny 8:45.
Block C: We have an optional provincial exam study group on Monday June 20th at 1:00
It has been a pleasure to teach each and every one of you this semester. If I don't see you in the next couple of weeks have a wonderful and safe summer!!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Last Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: We are on to the composition tomorrow!!! Good work on the synthesis today everyone!!!
Block B: In-class essay on Macbeth tomorrow!!! POINT FORM ONLY outline - you may have a complete thesis statement - other than that - it must all be in point form! Please bring your research, your play and your outline.
Block C: Provincial Prep continued!
Block B: In-class essay on Macbeth tomorrow!!! POINT FORM ONLY outline - you may have a complete thesis statement - other than that - it must all be in point form! Please bring your research, your play and your outline.
Block C: Provincial Prep continued!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Last Monday!
Blocks A&D: No official homework tonight. You may wish to work on flashcards or a glossary for terminology you are not familiar with from the Provincially Examinable Terminology handout. We will continue the practice provincial tomorrow.
Block B: You will have one more work block to complete your Macbeth Synthesis essay outline. Make sure that your outline is in POINT FORM ONLY. The only full sentence that you may have is the thesis statement. Everything else must be in point form.
Block C: Provincial Prep continued...
Block B: You will have one more work block to complete your Macbeth Synthesis essay outline. Make sure that your outline is in POINT FORM ONLY. The only full sentence that you may have is the thesis statement. Everything else must be in point form.
Block C: Provincial Prep continued...
Friday, June 10, 2011
Final Friday!
Blocks A&D: We wrote our in-class essays today. A reminder to all that you theme quotation and vocabulary package are due on Monday. Please hand them in with your green criteria sheet.
Block B: Just 1 more presentation on Monday. We will continue our synthesis essay on Monday.
Block C: Provincial Prep continued...
Enjoy the sunshine everyone!
Go Canucks Go!
Block B: Just 1 more presentation on Monday. We will continue our synthesis essay on Monday.
Block C: Provincial Prep continued...
Enjoy the sunshine everyone!
Go Canucks Go!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Thrilling Thursday!
Block A: Your theme quotations and vocabulary are due on Monday. You will be writing your in-class essay on A Midsummer Night's Dream tomorrow. Remember you may bring in your copy of the play and a POINT FORM outline. The only full sentence you can have on the outline is the thesis statement. I will open the class at 1:10 for those who want to start early.
Block D: Same instructions as block A, except that I will open the class at 8:00 for those who want to get started early.
Block B: Presentations start tomorrow!!! I will allow about 5 minutes for groups to get organized before we start. Make sure that you have given me a copy of your synthesis research with an MLA citation list.
Block C: Provincial Exam prep continues!
Block D: Same instructions as block A, except that I will open the class at 8:00 for those who want to get started early.
Block B: Presentations start tomorrow!!! I will allow about 5 minutes for groups to get organized before we start. Make sure that you have given me a copy of your synthesis research with an MLA citation list.
Block C: Provincial Exam prep continues!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Canuck/Athletic Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Today was your last work block for your theme quotation list and vocabulary. The package is due on Monday. Tomorrow we will begin the process of writing our in-class essay. So if you are looking for something to do tonight - then review thesis statements and essay structure.
Block B: Your theme quotation and spine poems are due tomorrow. Also please bring in your research for your synthesis essay. Make sure you have a copy for me, as well as anyone in your group - if you have chosen to collaborate. Presentations start on Friday!
Block C: Provincial Exam review continues!
Block B: Your theme quotation and spine poems are due tomorrow. Also please bring in your research for your synthesis essay. Make sure you have a copy for me, as well as anyone in your group - if you have chosen to collaborate. Presentations start on Friday!
Block C: Provincial Exam review continues!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Totally Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: Continue working on your theme quotation list and vocabulary. I'll be collecting the package on Monday. We will begin the process of writing our in-class essay tomorrow.
Block B: Presentations on Friday. Research for synthesis essays is due on Thursday - if you are in a group - you need 4 sources a copy for each member and one for me! If you are alone then please bring in at least 3 sources. I will be collecting your theme quotation and spine poems on Thursday.
Block C: Provincial Exam review continued...
Block B: Presentations on Friday. Research for synthesis essays is due on Thursday - if you are in a group - you need 4 sources a copy for each member and one for me! If you are alone then please bring in at least 3 sources. I will be collecting your theme quotation and spine poems on Thursday.
Block C: Provincial Exam review continued...
Monday, June 6, 2011
Magical Monday!
Blocks A&D:
1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the play performed by Bottom and his actors.
2. Why does Hippolyta initially seem hesitant to watch the play?
3. Why does Snug, who plays the Lion, make a fuss about proclaiming his true identity?
4. In reading the play-within-a-play, we become the audience for the drama played out by Theseus, in turn, form the audience for the reenactment of Pyramus and Thisbe. How does observing another audience help you understand the relationship between audiences and performers?
5. Modern T.V. shows often create comic effects by having a silly, innocent, or "clueless" character and a sarcastic, knowing, clever character play off of each other. What examples can you think of?
Block B: You have 3 ongoing assignments: The theme quotation package, the group presentation, and your synthesis research. The synthesis research is due on Thursday.
Block C: We will continue reading comprehension work tomorrow.
1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the play performed by Bottom and his actors.
2. Why does Hippolyta initially seem hesitant to watch the play?
3. Why does Snug, who plays the Lion, make a fuss about proclaiming his true identity?
4. In reading the play-within-a-play, we become the audience for the drama played out by Theseus, in turn, form the audience for the reenactment of Pyramus and Thisbe. How does observing another audience help you understand the relationship between audiences and performers?
5. Modern T.V. shows often create comic effects by having a silly, innocent, or "clueless" character and a sarcastic, knowing, clever character play off of each other. What examples can you think of?
Block B: You have 3 ongoing assignments: The theme quotation package, the group presentation, and your synthesis research. The synthesis research is due on Thursday.
Block C: We will continue reading comprehension work tomorrow.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Sunshiny Friday!
Blocks A&D: We read Act IV in class today. Here are the Response Questions you need to complete for Act IV:
1. Compare this act to the previous one. In which act did the majority of the characters enjoy themselves most? Which act did you enjoy more? Explain.
2. How do most of the dreamers respond to the dream experience upon waking? Which character is changed permanently by the dream experience?
3. How does Theseus's current decision regarding Hermia and Lysander contradict his earlier statement?
4. In this act, several characters look back at prior information with disbelief. What do you think Shakespeare is saying about love and infatuation?
Block B: I will not be doing a specific homework check on Monday - but there are some ongoing assignments that need to be done. Keep working on your theme quotation list, and spine poem. As well as the final performance project.
Block C: I will be collecting the Blood Diamond assignments on Monday. Make sure that you are up-to-date with all of your work!! We are so close to the end now!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
1. Compare this act to the previous one. In which act did the majority of the characters enjoy themselves most? Which act did you enjoy more? Explain.
2. How do most of the dreamers respond to the dream experience upon waking? Which character is changed permanently by the dream experience?
3. How does Theseus's current decision regarding Hermia and Lysander contradict his earlier statement?
4. In this act, several characters look back at prior information with disbelief. What do you think Shakespeare is saying about love and infatuation?
Block B: I will not be doing a specific homework check on Monday - but there are some ongoing assignments that need to be done. Keep working on your theme quotation list, and spine poem. As well as the final performance project.
Block C: I will be collecting the Blood Diamond assignments on Monday. Make sure that you are up-to-date with all of your work!! We are so close to the end now!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A Rainy Thursday
Blocks A&D: We have finished reading and watching Act III of our play. We started working on our Theme Quotation List assignment in class today. There are instructions in the green package. Look for poetic devices in III.ii. We will be starting Act IV tomorrow.
Block B: Keep working on your Theme Quotation List and poetic devices for Act V. I will be assigning the final presentation project tomorrow in class.
Block C: We will finish the Blood Diamond assignment package tomorrow. Make sure you have an outline ready and done!
Block B: Keep working on your Theme Quotation List and poetic devices for Act V. I will be assigning the final presentation project tomorrow in class.
Block C: We will finish the Blood Diamond assignment package tomorrow. Make sure you have an outline ready and done!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Stanley Cup Wednesday!!!
Blocks A&D: Here are the questions from Act 3:
1. Some critics see Bottom as a fool. Others think he is wiser than he appears. What is your opinion of Bottom? Make sure to back up your answers with evidence from the text.
2. What causes Helena to become angry with Hermia? In your opinion why does Helena refuse to believe her friend and would-be lover?
3. Find as many examples as you can, of characters confusing illusion for reality. Make sure to note the lines in which you find your examples.
4. Some characters in A Midsummer Night's Dream are round characters. In other words, they undergo psychological growth as a result of their experiences. Other characters move the plot forward but do not undergo any real, inner change. These are flat characters. With a partner, categorize the characters in the play as either round or flat. For each character identify at least two examples from the text that support your analysis of the characterization. What role do you think flat characters play in a comedy?
We will discuss these together as a class tomorrow!
Block B: We finished the play!!!! :) Review the play tonight, we will have about 10 minutes to finish the questions before we finish watching the movie.
Block C: We worked on the business letter and visual design for Blood Diamond today, we will be working on the composition tomorrow in class.
1. Some critics see Bottom as a fool. Others think he is wiser than he appears. What is your opinion of Bottom? Make sure to back up your answers with evidence from the text.
2. What causes Helena to become angry with Hermia? In your opinion why does Helena refuse to believe her friend and would-be lover?
3. Find as many examples as you can, of characters confusing illusion for reality. Make sure to note the lines in which you find your examples.
4. Some characters in A Midsummer Night's Dream are round characters. In other words, they undergo psychological growth as a result of their experiences. Other characters move the plot forward but do not undergo any real, inner change. These are flat characters. With a partner, categorize the characters in the play as either round or flat. For each character identify at least two examples from the text that support your analysis of the characterization. What role do you think flat characters play in a comedy?
We will discuss these together as a class tomorrow!
Block B: We finished the play!!!! :) Review the play tonight, we will have about 10 minutes to finish the questions before we finish watching the movie.
Block C: We worked on the business letter and visual design for Blood Diamond today, we will be working on the composition tomorrow in class.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Terrific Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: We finished reading III.i in class today - make sure to look for examples of poetic devices for homework. We'll discuss them together tomorrow.
Block B: Keep working on your theme quotation list.
Block C: We finished the movie and we will begin the tasks tomorrow. Make sure that you are getting in all of your missing work - we only have a week or so to go!!!
Block B: Keep working on your theme quotation list.
Block C: We finished the movie and we will begin the tasks tomorrow. Make sure that you are getting in all of your missing work - we only have a week or so to go!!!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Work for Monday:
Blocks A&D: Please make sure you are up-to-date with the class reading. We have finished Act II of our play and are moving on to Act III tomorrow.
Block B: Please look for examples of poetic devices in IV.iii of Macbeth.
Block C: There are many people who are missing assignments right now - make sure that you get the work in, if it is not handed in, you will need to spend your lunch hours in my room to complete your missing work.
Block B: Please look for examples of poetic devices in IV.iii of Macbeth.
Block C: There are many people who are missing assignments right now - make sure that you get the work in, if it is not handed in, you will need to spend your lunch hours in my room to complete your missing work.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Fabulous Friday!
Blocks A&D: We finished reading Act II of MSND in class today. We will finish the discussion questions in class on Monday. Please review Act II and look for examples of poetic devices and figurative devices for homework.
Block B: We have almost finished reading reading Act IV of Macbeth. For the weekend answer the following questions for IV.ii:
1. Why is Lady Macduff angry with her husband?
2. What arguments does she use against him?
3. Do you agree with what she tells her son?
4. Is Macduff a coward? A traitor? Explain.
Block C: The good copy of your essay is due on Monday!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Block B: We have almost finished reading reading Act IV of Macbeth. For the weekend answer the following questions for IV.ii:
1. Why is Lady Macduff angry with her husband?
2. What arguments does she use against him?
3. Do you agree with what she tells her son?
4. Is Macduff a coward? A traitor? Explain.
Block C: The good copy of your essay is due on Monday!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Dance, Dance Revol-ursday!
Blocks A&D: Review II.i of what we read so far, if you are struggling with the language then click here: No Fear Shakespeare for A Midsummer Night's Dream . This is the website I was telling you about where there is the original Shakespeare on one side and the Modern English translation on the other. Review what we've read and also look for examples of allusion, metaphor, simile and personification.
Block B: We watched Act III of Macbeth in class, and then we worked on our theme quotation list. We will start reading Act IV tomorrow.
Block C: Please have the rough draft of your essay complete for tomorrow's class so that we can do our peer editing. The good copy of your essay is due on Monday.
Have fun at the dance tonight - for those of you that are going!!!
Block B: We watched Act III of Macbeth in class, and then we worked on our theme quotation list. We will start reading Act IV tomorrow.
Block C: Please have the rough draft of your essay complete for tomorrow's class so that we can do our peer editing. The good copy of your essay is due on Monday.
Have fun at the dance tonight - for those of you that are going!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wednesday Work:
Blocks A&D: We read all of Act 1 today of MSND, we will complete the rest of the discussion questions tomorrow at the beginning of class.
Block B: Look for examples of poetic and figurative devices in Act 3, we will discuss these tomorrow.
Block C: We will start the rough draft of our essays tomorrow in class. Outlines should be complete by now!
Block B: Look for examples of poetic and figurative devices in Act 3, we will discuss these tomorrow.
Block C: We will start the rough draft of our essays tomorrow in class. Outlines should be complete by now!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Terrific Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: No Homework! Well... you could review the blue handout of Who's Who in Athens for MSND if you really want something to do!
Block B: Finish your list of the reasons Macbeth gives the murderers for why they should kill Banquo.
Block C: Do as much of your outline as possible - we will continue our essays tomorrow.
Block B: Finish your list of the reasons Macbeth gives the murderers for why they should kill Banquo.
Block C: Do as much of your outline as possible - we will continue our essays tomorrow.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Thoughts for Thursday
Blocks A&D: Your poetry packages are due on Tuesday May 24th - I will be collecting your 4 charts and 3 tasks. Make sure you indicate which 2 charts you want me to mark.
Block B: No homework!
Block C: If you have not completed visuals 2&3 (the Grad trip and the 30 Hour Famine) they are for homework. I'll be collecting them at the beginning of class on Tuesday. We will be moving on to our second essay starting Tuesday!
Block B: No homework!
Block C: If you have not completed visuals 2&3 (the Grad trip and the 30 Hour Famine) they are for homework. I'll be collecting them at the beginning of class on Tuesday. We will be moving on to our second essay starting Tuesday!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Work for Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: There is no specific homework for tonight, but you should be aware that 4 poetry charts and 3 tasks are all due on Tuesday May 24th.
Block B: Review II.iii and II.iv for poetic devices especially symbolism and pathetic fallacy.
Block C: If you are missing work for me then you should hurry and catch up - as time is ticking until the end!!!
Block B: Review II.iii and II.iv for poetic devices especially symbolism and pathetic fallacy.
Block C: If you are missing work for me then you should hurry and catch up - as time is ticking until the end!!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Terrific Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: If you have finished your presentation, then please complete the self-reflection handout for tomorrow. If you have not yet had the chance to present - be prepared first thing tomorrow!
Block B: Analyze II.i and II.ii of Macbeth for symbolism and pathetic fallacy. If you spot other poetic devices such as metaphor, simile or personification don't hesitate to add those to!
Block C: We will complete the visual for the skateboard park tomorrow in class.
Block B: Analyze II.i and II.ii of Macbeth for symbolism and pathetic fallacy. If you spot other poetic devices such as metaphor, simile or personification don't hesitate to add those to!
Block C: We will complete the visual for the skateboard park tomorrow in class.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Marvellous Monday!
Blocks A&D: PRESENTATIONS tomorrow!!! Be prepared with your speech, and 2 poems to read.
Block B: No homework!
Block C: I need your requesting information letter first thing tomorrow so that we can do our sample provincial task.
Block B: No homework!
Block C: I need your requesting information letter first thing tomorrow so that we can do our sample provincial task.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Friday, Friday!
Sorry that there was no post yesterday, Blogger was down for some reason...
Here is work for the weekend:
Blocks A&D: We are having poetry presentations on Tuesday May 17th. Follow the instructions on the handout provided. You know how much work you need to get done this weekend. I will be giving you a work block on Monday - where we will talk about dramatic poetry reading and prepare for Tuesday's exciting day!
Block B: Review I.iv and I.v of Macbeth. You are looking to find examples of poetic devices, specifically simile and metaphor, but if you find others that is great!
Block C: Hopefully you have all finished your letter of complaint, and are working on your letter requesting information. We will be doing a practice letter provincial to make sure that you have the business letter format memorized!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Here is work for the weekend:
Blocks A&D: We are having poetry presentations on Tuesday May 17th. Follow the instructions on the handout provided. You know how much work you need to get done this weekend. I will be giving you a work block on Monday - where we will talk about dramatic poetry reading and prepare for Tuesday's exciting day!
Block B: Review I.iv and I.v of Macbeth. You are looking to find examples of poetic devices, specifically simile and metaphor, but if you find others that is great!
Block C: Hopefully you have all finished your letter of complaint, and are working on your letter requesting information. We will be doing a practice letter provincial to make sure that you have the business letter format memorized!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Work for Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Your last Dead Poet chart is due tomorrow on "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night". I will be doing a quick homework check before handing out the poetry assignment and then we will be heading down to the library.
Block B: Lucky class - no homework tonight!
Block C: If you have not had your letter to the editor checked off by me - then make sure you have it ready for me tomorrow - we will be doing our letter of complaint in class, so think of something to complain about!!!
Block B: Lucky class - no homework tonight!
Block C: If you have not had your letter to the editor checked off by me - then make sure you have it ready for me tomorrow - we will be doing our letter of complaint in class, so think of something to complain about!!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Tuesday Tasks:
Blocks A&D: I will be doing a homework check on your second poetry chart for "To the Virgins to Make Much of Time".
Block B: No Homework! Enjoy your evening!!! If you want to check out the Macbeth Rap from class today, here is the link: Macbeth Rap
Block C: If I did not get your first business letter then make sure you have it for me tomorrow. I NEED to check it to make sure you are following proper business letter formatting.
Block B: No Homework! Enjoy your evening!!! If you want to check out the Macbeth Rap from class today, here is the link: Macbeth Rap
Block C: If I did not get your first business letter then make sure you have it for me tomorrow. I NEED to check it to make sure you are following proper business letter formatting.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Majestic Monday!
Blocks A&D: Complete the poetry chart for "The Road Not Taken". I will be checking it for completion tomorrow.
Block B: If you did not hand in your 2 pyramids and the journal response please do so first thing tomorrow. The journal prompt was: How does Maslow's Hierarchy connect to the novel Lord of the Flies?
Block C: If you did not hand in your 2 current events, please do so tomorrow!
Block B: If you did not hand in your 2 pyramids and the journal response please do so first thing tomorrow. The journal prompt was: How does Maslow's Hierarchy connect to the novel Lord of the Flies?
Block C: If you did not hand in your 2 current events, please do so tomorrow!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Fun-filled Friday!
Blocks A&D: We finished watching Dead Poet's Society in class. Please complete your journal response for Monday if not finished in class. Here are the instructions from the overhead:
Read the following quote by Professor John Keating from the movie Dead Poets Society:
We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.
Explain what you think the quote means. Provide insight into your answer by fully exploring why you hold that opinion or point of view.
A thoughtful and insightful 200 words please!
In your response you may wish to include ideas or inspiration from life, your past experiences or from the movie as a whole.
Block B: Review Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for Monday's video response activity.
Block C: Please complete your current events for Monday.
Read the following quote by Professor John Keating from the movie Dead Poets Society:
We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.
Explain what you think the quote means. Provide insight into your answer by fully exploring why you hold that opinion or point of view.
A thoughtful and insightful 200 words please!
In your response you may wish to include ideas or inspiration from life, your past experiences or from the movie as a whole.
Block B: Review Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for Monday's video response activity.
Block C: Please complete your current events for Monday.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Tasks for Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: We will continue our in class essay tomorrow!
Block B: Complete your outline for class tomorrow. You may only have a point form outline. The only full sentence you can have is your thesis statement!
Block C: We will continue working on our ads tomorrow in class.
Block B: Complete your outline for class tomorrow. You may only have a point form outline. The only full sentence you can have is your thesis statement!
Block C: We will continue working on our ads tomorrow in class.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Musings for Monday!
Blocks A&D: In-class writing assignment tomorrow. Be prepared! Make sure you have a point-form outline to use as a guide. The only full sentence you may bring in is your thesis/topic sentence.
Block B: Great presentations today! Tomorrow we will continue to prep for our in-class essay which will take place on Wednesday.
Block C: We will continue our advertisement work tomorrow!
Block B: Great presentations today! Tomorrow we will continue to prep for our in-class essay which will take place on Wednesday.
Block C: We will continue our advertisement work tomorrow!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Fantastic Friday!
Blocks A&D: If you did not hand in your "leaf" spine poem on the green construction paper - please do so on Monday. Also due on Monday is your Life Lessons Project. Please hand in your blue marking criteria sheet along with your assignment.
Block B: Your Lord of the Flies final project is due on Monday. I will only be giving you about 15 - 20 minutes to put the finishing touches on your assignment before we get started on the final writing assignment for the unit.
Block C: Please bring in 3 print advertisements for class on Monday. They can be from magazines or newspapers.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Block B: Your Lord of the Flies final project is due on Monday. I will only be giving you about 15 - 20 minutes to put the finishing touches on your assignment before we get started on the final writing assignment for the unit.
Block C: Please bring in 3 print advertisements for class on Monday. They can be from magazines or newspapers.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thrifty Thursday!
Blocks A&D: You will have a work block tomorrow on your Life Lessons project. Please also bring in your draft of your Spine Poem as we will be getting started on the mosaic tomorrow.
Block B: Your Lord of the Flies Final Project is due at the end of class on Monday - so make sure that you bring all of your materials necessary tomorrow!
Block C: We will continue our media unit tomorrow.
Block B: Your Lord of the Flies Final Project is due at the end of class on Monday - so make sure that you bring all of your materials necessary tomorrow!
Block C: We will continue our media unit tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Working Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Please bring all materials necessary to work on your Life Lessons and Spine Poems in class tomorrow.
Block B: I will consult with the rest of the partnerships tomorrow about which activity they would like to complete for their final project. This project is to be shared / presented at the end of class on Monday May 2nd.
Block C: Presentations are a go for tomorrow! Good luck everyone!
Block B: I will consult with the rest of the partnerships tomorrow about which activity they would like to complete for their final project. This project is to be shared / presented at the end of class on Monday May 2nd.
Block C: Presentations are a go for tomorrow! Good luck everyone!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Thoughts on a Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Keep up with your reading! You need to have finished the book and your last set of sticky notes for Tuesday. The Life Lessons Project is due on Friday April 29 - make sure you are not leaving it all to the last minute. The rough draft of your Spine Poem is due on Wednesday - I am thinking of a project for the good copy - so hold off on that part.
Block B: Finish the book! Review your sticky notes for our last Challenge on Tuesday!
Block C: If you handed in your Song Analysis Assignment today in class you are free of homework this weekend - if not - please finish it for Tuesday.
Enjoy your long weekend everyone and see you on Tuesday!
Block B: Finish the book! Review your sticky notes for our last Challenge on Tuesday!
Block C: If you handed in your Song Analysis Assignment today in class you are free of homework this weekend - if not - please finish it for Tuesday.
Enjoy your long weekend everyone and see you on Tuesday!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Report Card Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: No specific homework is due tomorrow - but you should be making progress with your Life Lessons Project, as well as working on reading the rest of the book for next Tuesday (April 26).
Block B: Please read to the end of chapter 11 tonight.
Block C: Your song analysis assignment is due at the end of the block tomorrow.
Block B: Please read to the end of chapter 11 tonight.
Block C: Your song analysis assignment is due at the end of the block tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Tasks for Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: A slight break in the reading for you all - please do keep up with making your sticky notes for your chapters, but we will post-pone our last group meeting until NEXT Tuesday (April 26) after the long weekend. I will be doing a progress check on your Life Lessons Project tomorrow. I am not looking for a specific number of quotes - I just want to see that you have gotten started!!!
Block B: Read chapter 10 tonight and please bring magazines that can be cut up for Survivor Challenge #7 tomorrow!
Block C: We will be continuing our Song Analysis Assignment tomorrow in class. Please bring your 2 sets of lyrics and be prepared to start your compositions.
Block B: Read chapter 10 tonight and please bring magazines that can be cut up for Survivor Challenge #7 tomorrow!
Block C: We will be continuing our Song Analysis Assignment tomorrow in class. Please bring your 2 sets of lyrics and be prepared to start your compositions.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Must-See Monday
Blocks A&D: Make sure that you have your reading done for tomorrow - you need to have read to the end of chapter 24 for our meetings.
Block B: Read chapter 9 tonight
Block C: If you did not finish your questions on Jay-Z, Eminem, and Dylan Thomas those are due tomorrow. In addition please bring lyrics to 2 songs that you would like to analyze for your project.
Block B: Read chapter 9 tonight
Block C: If you did not finish your questions on Jay-Z, Eminem, and Dylan Thomas those are due tomorrow. In addition please bring lyrics to 2 songs that you would like to analyze for your project.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Thunderous Thursday!
Blocks A&D: Please read to the end of chapter 24 for Tuesday. Also you should be gathering your quotes from different sources.
Block B: Read chapter 8 for Monday.
Block C: If you did not hand in your Tupac and Biggie work sheets then, please do so on Monday!
Have a great 3 day weekend everybody, and don't forget that we have block rotation on Monday: DCBA.
Block B: Read chapter 8 for Monday.
Block C: If you did not hand in your Tupac and Biggie work sheets then, please do so on Monday!
Have a great 3 day weekend everybody, and don't forget that we have block rotation on Monday: DCBA.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Wonderful Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Make sure that you have read up the end of chapter 18 for tomorrow's group meeting!
Block B: Read chapter 7 for homework tonight!
Block C: If you did not finish your worksheet on Langston Hughes, Biggie and Tupac then please make sure you hand them in at the beginning of class tomorrow.
Block B: Read chapter 7 for homework tonight!
Block C: If you did not finish your worksheet on Langston Hughes, Biggie and Tupac then please make sure you hand them in at the beginning of class tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Terrific Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: We will have some time to finish the Images TOTD tomorrow in class. Make sure that you do your reading for Thursday's meeting! The end of chapter 18!
Block B: Read chapter 6 - in order to participate in our awesome challenge tomorrow!
Block C: If you did not finish your Run DMC work sheet it is due tomorrow!
Block B: Read chapter 6 - in order to participate in our awesome challenge tomorrow!
Block C: If you did not finish your Run DMC work sheet it is due tomorrow!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Masterful Monday!
Blocks A&D: Make sure that you have completed your reading for tomorrow's group meeting. We will have read up to the end of chapter 14.
Block B: Read chapter 5 for homework.
Block C: If you did not hand in the essay to me today - please have it in for tomorrow!
Block B: Read chapter 5 for homework.
Block C: If you did not hand in the essay to me today - please have it in for tomorrow!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Flowery Friday!
Blocks A&D: Please read to the end of chapter 14 in preparation for our literature circle group meeting on Tuesday. On Monday, groups will have a chance to complete their TOTD on theme.
Block B: Please read chapter 4 and complete your sticky notes in preparation for LOTF Survivor Challenge #4.
Block C: The good copy of your essay is due on Monday - this can be typed or neatly hand-written, but I MUST be able to read it clearly!
Block B: Please read chapter 4 and complete your sticky notes in preparation for LOTF Survivor Challenge #4.
Block C: The good copy of your essay is due on Monday - this can be typed or neatly hand-written, but I MUST be able to read it clearly!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Thoughtful Thursday
Blocks A&D: Please prepare for your group meeting tomorrow - by finishing your reading and sticky notes. You will need to have read to the end of chapter 10 for tomorrow's meeting.
Block B: Please read chapter 3 tonight, and do your 4 sticky notes.
Block C: The rough draft of your "Englishes" essay is due tomorrow.
All classes please be advised that marks cut off is Friday (tomorrow) - that is the LAST day I will accept missing assignments.
Block B: Please read chapter 3 tonight, and do your 4 sticky notes.
Block C: The rough draft of your "Englishes" essay is due tomorrow.
All classes please be advised that marks cut off is Friday (tomorrow) - that is the LAST day I will accept missing assignments.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Wonderful Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Great work in your first groups meetings! For homework tonight - you should start your reading in preparation for Friday's meeting. Although I will give you time in class to read. Tonight, I would like you to research urban legends and urban myths. What are they? and what are some common stories?
Block B: Read chapter 2 and complete your sticky notes.
Block C: Finish your essay outline for homework. I will be checking it at the beginning of class tomorrow.
Block B: Read chapter 2 and complete your sticky notes.
Block C: Finish your essay outline for homework. I will be checking it at the beginning of class tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Back to Blogging!
Sorry for the lack of post yesterday! It was a bit of a rough adjustment back to school - but I'm feeling the rhythm once again!
Blocks A&D: Read, read, read! Finish up to the end of chapter 5 in preparation for your first group meeting tomorrow!
Block B: Read chapter 1 - and get ready to complete Survivor challenge #2... the hint is - setting - physical setting.
Block C: We are continuing our essay tomorrow on English language usage.
Blocks A&D: Read, read, read! Finish up to the end of chapter 5 in preparation for your first group meeting tomorrow!
Block B: Read chapter 1 - and get ready to complete Survivor challenge #2... the hint is - setting - physical setting.
Block C: We are continuing our essay tomorrow on English language usage.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Finally Friday!
It's finally FRIDAY people!!!
No homework for any of my classes - (unless you have missing assignments that you need to hand in when we get back to school).
Have a safe and relaxing Spring Break!
See you all in April!
No homework for any of my classes - (unless you have missing assignments that you need to hand in when we get back to school).
Have a safe and relaxing Spring Break!
See you all in April!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Thoughtful Thursday
Blocks A&D: Don't forget - the good copy of your essay is due tomorrow!!! Make sure you follow the directions on your blue assignment sheet!
Block B: Poetry Books are due tomorrow!!!
Block C: No homework!
One more day until Spring Break people - we can do this!!!
Block B: Poetry Books are due tomorrow!!!
Block C: No homework!
One more day until Spring Break people - we can do this!!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Walkable Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Keep working on the rough drafts of your essays. The good copy will be due on Friday!
Block B: Please bring the draft of your introduction to your poetry book to class tomorrow - so that you can have someone edit your work. The book itself is due on Friday!
Block C: Thank you so much to those of you who completed their Who Am I presentations today - really great stuff from you all.
Block B: Please bring the draft of your introduction to your poetry book to class tomorrow - so that you can have someone edit your work. The book itself is due on Friday!
Block C: Thank you so much to those of you who completed their Who Am I presentations today - really great stuff from you all.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Totally Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: Great work on your essay outlines! Your rough draft is due tomorrow - make sure it is double-spaced for ease of editing!
Block B: Your Poetry Book is due on Friday!
Block C: Presentations start tomorrow!!! Make sure you bring your 5 items and that you have your poem ready and your "speech" prepared!
Block B: Your Poetry Book is due on Friday!
Block C: Presentations start tomorrow!!! Make sure you bring your 5 items and that you have your poem ready and your "speech" prepared!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Manic Monday!
Blocks A&D: We will continue writing our rough drafts of our persuasive essays tomorrow. So please make sure that you bring your outline, draft and information to class tomorrow!
Block B: Continue working on your Poetry Books! They are due on Friday!!!
Block C: We completed Journal #2 for marks today. Choose one of either compare and contrast, or classification journal topics to edit and hand in for good copy. We are doing our Poetry Presentations on Wednesday - so make sure that you are working away on those!
Block B: Continue working on your Poetry Books! They are due on Friday!!!
Block C: We completed Journal #2 for marks today. Choose one of either compare and contrast, or classification journal topics to edit and hand in for good copy. We are doing our Poetry Presentations on Wednesday - so make sure that you are working away on those!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Festive Friday!
Blocks A&D: Keep up the good work on those outlines! I will be doing a homework check on Monday to make sure that you've gotten it all done!
Block B: Your Poetry Book is due NEXT Friday, so gage your time. If you feel that you would like to get a head start this weekend, great - go for it!
Block C: Poetry Presentations will be on Wednesday. If you have not come to see me about the assignment then please make sure that you do on Monday!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!
Block B: Your Poetry Book is due NEXT Friday, so gage your time. If you feel that you would like to get a head start this weekend, great - go for it!
Block C: Poetry Presentations will be on Wednesday. If you have not come to see me about the assignment then please make sure that you do on Monday!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thrifty Thursday!
Blocks A&D: If you noticed any gaps in your research, for your persuasive essay, then please fill them with with more information and bring it to class tomorrow. Make SURE that you write down which websites your got your information from, as you need to include that in your essay.
Block B: Study those 26 terms on the blue sheet - as any and all of them will be on the quiz tomorrow!
Block C: All questions for Last Sam's Cage need to be handed in tomorrow!
Block B: Study those 26 terms on the blue sheet - as any and all of them will be on the quiz tomorrow!
Block C: All questions for Last Sam's Cage need to be handed in tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Wonderful Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Finish up the pink practice sheet on refining your thesis statement. Please come to class tomorrow with notes (with the sources) and or information printed off the Internet on your essay topic. Remember you need to have some evidence to back up your position.
Block B: There will be a quiz on poetic devices this Friday. Make sure you complete the crossword as review.
Block C: All questions for Last Sam's Cage are due by this Friday!!! Also if you haven't completed your character analysis assignment please hand that in ASAP. I assigned the group project / presentation. If you were away it is your responsibility to get into a group.
Block B: There will be a quiz on poetic devices this Friday. Make sure you complete the crossword as review.
Block C: All questions for Last Sam's Cage are due by this Friday!!! Also if you haven't completed your character analysis assignment please hand that in ASAP. I assigned the group project / presentation. If you were away it is your responsibility to get into a group.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Terrific Tuesday!
Blocks A&D: I'm very pleased with the continued good work on thesis statements. I know that writing good thesis statements takes a lot of practice - but you're all heading in the right direction!!! For tomorrow: please bring in 3 possible thesis statements for me to check that you may decide to write on for your persuasive essay.
Block B: The good copy of your essay is due tomorrow!!! Make sure that it is double-spaced! We will be continuing on with our poetry pursuit tomorrow, make sure you study the terminology on your blue sheet, as there will be a quiz on the first 26 terms on Friday.
Block C: ALL Last Sam's Cage questions need to be turned in by THIS Friday! I should also have your character analysis assignment at this point.
Block B: The good copy of your essay is due tomorrow!!! Make sure that it is double-spaced! We will be continuing on with our poetry pursuit tomorrow, make sure you study the terminology on your blue sheet, as there will be a quiz on the first 26 terms on Friday.
Block C: ALL Last Sam's Cage questions need to be turned in by THIS Friday! I should also have your character analysis assignment at this point.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Marvellous Monday!
Blocks A&D: Great work today - starting the wonderful world of essays! A reminder that we will continue our practice of thesis statements tomorrow. Please make sure that you have the good copy of your short story ready to be handed in at the beginning of class tomorrow. The good copy MUST be double-spaced!!!
Block B: The good copy of your essay is due on Wednesday - make sure that it is double-spaced please!
Block C: Finish up your character analysis assignment - I'll be collecting them tomorrow. We will be finishing our novel in class tomorrow - so please bring your book!
Block B: The good copy of your essay is due on Wednesday - make sure that it is double-spaced please!
Block C: Finish up your character analysis assignment - I'll be collecting them tomorrow. We will be finishing our novel in class tomorrow - so please bring your book!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Feels like Friday!
Blocks A&D: Good work with the self and peer editing of your short stories today. Make any changes and adjustments needed over the weekend. Your good copy is due on Tuesday March 8th. Please make sure that it is double-spaced. You need to hand in: good copy, rough draft, peer editing sheet, plot line and the criteria sheet for marking.
Block B: Please complete the rough draft of your essay for Monday. We will be editing drafts on Monday so make sure yours is complete! Please double-space your outline.
Block C: I collected the questions for chapters 16-18 today. If you didn't hand them in today, then please make sure they are done for Monday. I also assigned the Character Analysis Assignment - which will be due at the end of class on Monday.
Only 2 more weeks until spring break!!! It's not too early to start the countdown right?
Have a great weekend everyone!
Block B: Please complete the rough draft of your essay for Monday. We will be editing drafts on Monday so make sure yours is complete! Please double-space your outline.
Block C: I collected the questions for chapters 16-18 today. If you didn't hand them in today, then please make sure they are done for Monday. I also assigned the Character Analysis Assignment - which will be due at the end of class on Monday.
Only 2 more weeks until spring break!!! It's not too early to start the countdown right?
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Get your dance on Thursday!
Blocks A&D: The rough draft for your short story is due tomorrow - no exceptions or excuses!!
Block B: The outline of your essay is due tomorrow - no exceptions or excuses!
Block C: We read up to the end of chapter 18 in Last Sam's Cage today - so you should be working on completing the questions for those chapters.
Block B: The outline of your essay is due tomorrow - no exceptions or excuses!
Block C: We read up to the end of chapter 18 in Last Sam's Cage today - so you should be working on completing the questions for those chapters.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Windy Wednesday!
Blocks A&D: Great work so far on your short stories! Let those ideas percolate overnight and we will continue writing our drafts in class tomorrow!
Block B: Research your essay topic and come to class tomorrow prepared to work on adding evidence to your essay!
Block C: We read to the end of chapter 17 of Last Sam's Cage today in class. Make sure that you are trying to catch up on your questions!
Block B: Research your essay topic and come to class tomorrow prepared to work on adding evidence to your essay!
Block C: We read to the end of chapter 17 of Last Sam's Cage today in class. Make sure that you are trying to catch up on your questions!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Tough Tuesday
Blocks A&D: Keep on thinking of ideas for your short story! I think I checked everyone's short story proposal today, but if not, then make sure it is ready to go for tomorrow!
Block B: I will be checking your essay topic and thesis statements tomorrow!
Block C: Please take the opportunity to catch up on your Last Sam's Cage questions! We are almost finished the novel!!!
Block B: I will be checking your essay topic and thesis statements tomorrow!
Block C: Please take the opportunity to catch up on your Last Sam's Cage questions! We are almost finished the novel!!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday Musings:
Blocks A&D: No required homework tonight. Let those ideas percolate for your short story assignment. I will be collecting your short story proposals tomorrow about half way through class.
Block B: Complete the 1st practice section of the "Thesis Statement" handout.
Block C: Please complete the good copy of your journal paragraph for tomorrow. If you are still behind on your Last Sam's Cage questions, please make sure that you are caught up to the end of chapter 16.
Block B: Complete the 1st practice section of the "Thesis Statement" handout.
Block C: Please complete the good copy of your journal paragraph for tomorrow. If you are still behind on your Last Sam's Cage questions, please make sure that you are caught up to the end of chapter 16.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Fresh Friday!
It was so very good to back to school today! Nothing like being off sick to make you appreciate good health!
Blocks A&D: Work on the good copy of your one paragraph. I will be collecting all 5 rough drafts, the peer editing sheet, and your one good copy on Monday.
Block B: No homework!
Block C: Please catch up with your Last Sam's Cage questions, if you are behind. We are on chapter 15.
Enjoy your weekend!
Blocks A&D: Work on the good copy of your one paragraph. I will be collecting all 5 rough drafts, the peer editing sheet, and your one good copy on Monday.
Block B: No homework!
Block C: Please catch up with your Last Sam's Cage questions, if you are behind. We are on chapter 15.
Enjoy your weekend!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Freezing Friday!
Blocks A&D: Great work so far on the persuasive paragraphs!!! Lots of great discussion today in class - you are all very opinionated which is great! For the weekend - please complete the rough draft of your persuasive paragraph for "The Metaphor". You may also wish to get started on your comic strip plot line - but this is NOT required. We will have a work block on Monday to work on your comic strip - so please come to class with pencil crayons or felts to get started.
Block B: A lot of good stuff so far with the presentations! No homework this weekend - we will get our 256 word stories underway on Monday.
Block C: We read chapters 10, 11 and 12 of Last Sam's Cage in class today, and got started on the questions. We will be taking a brief break from the novel next week to start working on our paragraphs, which we will start on Monday.
Have a lovely sunny weekend everyone!
Block B: A lot of good stuff so far with the presentations! No homework this weekend - we will get our 256 word stories underway on Monday.
Block C: We read chapters 10, 11 and 12 of Last Sam's Cage in class today, and got started on the questions. We will be taking a brief break from the novel next week to start working on our paragraphs, which we will start on Monday.
Have a lovely sunny weekend everyone!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Thoughtful Thursday!
Block A: Please complete the elements chart and vocabulary for "The Metaphor"
Block B: Great work on the presentations so far! Can't wait to see what you come up with for tomorrow!
Block C: We will read chapters 10, 11 and 12 tomorrow.
Block D: If you did not finish the elements chart and vocabulary for "The Metaphor" please do so, tonight!
Block B: Great work on the presentations so far! Can't wait to see what you come up with for tomorrow!
Block C: We will read chapters 10, 11 and 12 tomorrow.
Block D: If you did not finish the elements chart and vocabulary for "The Metaphor" please do so, tonight!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wednesday Work:
Block A: Please finish your rough draft of your "Harrison Bergeron" character paragraph
Block B: Make sure you come to class ready to present your lesson on genre for the class! The 256 word (exactly) story was assigned today. You should be working on your brainstorm of ideas.
Block C: No homework! We will continue working on the questions for Last Sam's Cage chapters 7-9 tomorrow in class.
Block D: Catch up night! We finished reading "The Metaphor" in class today and started the vocabulary. We will continue working on it tomorrow. Please make sure you are on track with all of your assignments!
Block B: Make sure you come to class ready to present your lesson on genre for the class! The 256 word (exactly) story was assigned today. You should be working on your brainstorm of ideas.
Block C: No homework! We will continue working on the questions for Last Sam's Cage chapters 7-9 tomorrow in class.
Block D: Catch up night! We finished reading "The Metaphor" in class today and started the vocabulary. We will continue working on it tomorrow. Please make sure you are on track with all of your assignments!
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Wallowing Wednesday!
Block B: Poetry Stations are done! There will be some time tomorrow to share more poetry if you feel so inclined. There is no homework tonig...
Block B: For the most part - people are starting to get caught up with their novel study work. We will try to get everyone on the same page ...
Blocks A&D: 1. How did you enjoy the play-within-a-play? Did it make you laugh? Make a list of some of the more humourous lines in the...
Block A: Continue working on your group short story projects - presentations start on Monday! Remember to study your blue sheet of terminol...